Chapter 19: *HAIR INSULT*

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Koichi: GUYS !!

"I... I've been careless !"

Rohan: Good. Your Stand is by far the most dangerous one, and even Koichi didn't knew the full extent of its abilities.

Koichi: Th- That'll be your downfall !! Quick Y/n, activate -

"It won't work. All I can do right now is preventing anything else from happening..."

Koichi: But, your "Act II"...

"Yes, it would make me turn back. But I'd prefer if I was in one piece when that happens. I like my limbs where they are, and my skin attached to my flesh, thank you very much."

Rohan: I did say I had no interest in you, but I'm rather curious... Even reading Koichi's memories didn't tell me so much about you... Y/n L/n, teacher at highschool, wielder of "Dark Void", close friend of Jotaro Kujo, a calm and collected person, but very quiet about his past... That's all there is to read about you.

Rohan: So let's see...

"Don't you dare read that !"

Rohan: Nothing worth mentioning... 1987... Huh... ? G- Give me the next page !!

Rohan: Impossible... This... This is all I could ever dream off !! THIS IS PERFECT !! THE PEAK !! EVERY MANGA ARTIST'S WET DREAM COMING TRUE !!! Koichi !! Your memories were excellent materials, but this... This is beyond anything else !!

"I said... STOP READING THIS !!!"

Rohan: Perfect... !! Higashikata Josuke ! I know you're there. Well, if that's the case, I have a question for you. Why do you suppose Josuke Higashikata is hiding behind that door ? Well ? What do you think ? Koichi ?

Koichi: Josuke is... Trying to avoid looking at your artwork.

"The artwork ?"

Rohan: yes, that must be it. You are smart. You two, not knowing about my Heaven's Door, fell right into my trap. Unfortunately, because of that I tipped my hand to Josuke Higashikata. That is definitely bad. No, worse... I get the feeling that i'm heavily disadvantaged at this point. Therefore, Josuke Higashikata must have some other reason why he hasn't yet come out. Just what do you suppose that is ? In order to counter that, I really should chase him from behind that door, but...

Okuyasu: H- He's just figuring out how best to beat you to a pulp !!

Rohan: Hehe... Yes, I suppose that's true. However, that's not the answer I wanted. The correct answer is... Josuke Higashikata is currently thinking, "Should I cut my losses and escape from the mansion by myself ?"

"Escape ? No way he'd do something like that."

Rohan: Yes, according to Koichi's file, Josuke Higashikata wouldn't abandon his friends like that. It's not in his nature. However, any mangaka worth his salt quickly develops the habit of exploring all sorts of possibilities... "What would the protagonist of my manga do in this kind of situation ?" and the like. In this situation, with Josuke clearly aware of the nature of my Stand, it would be rather inconvenient for me should he escape.

Okuyasu: Escape... I got it ! That's great !

"Should he go and get Jotaro, and I give you ten minutes before you burst out the window. Let him get Yukako... And I give you two before you die once she know what you did to Koichi."

Koichi: Oh ! With her hair it would be a snap ! I don't really want to see her again, though...

Okuyasu: Let's do it ! We gotta tell Josuke !

Rohan: You idiot ! I told you all that so he wouldn't do it ! Okuyasu ! I've already written on your body !!

"Huh ? You've got to be kidding, not only can he read us, he can even overwrite ?!"

Rohan: Well, why don't you both read what I've written there ? I'll allow you to explain, Koichi.

Koichi: AAAAAH ! Oh, no !!

"Uhhh, what's written there ?"

Koichi: Y- You can't ! There's no way he can possibly escape now ! Not with this written here !!

Okuyasu: What the hell does it say, dammit !!

Okuyasu: W- What's up with that ?!

"Even if Josuke tries to rescue us... You'll just commit suicide !

Okuyasu: Oh, come on. Me, burn myself to death ? Hahahaha You're just talking crap ! Ain't no way I'd die in some lame way like...

Okuyasu: WHOOOOOOOA !! Wh- Why did I just take out my lighter and light it ?

Koichi: You'll really do it. He's unstoppable... We can't even disobey what he says !

Rohan: Oh ! So you finally came out !

"It feels more like he was chased out if you ask me..."

Rohan: Oh ? So, to avoid seeing my manuscript you'll fight with your eyes closed. It's childishly simple but it just might be effective. In such a small room, I can't easily retreat, so if you defeat me in a single strike... You'll break heaven's Door and free Okuyasu from committing suicide.

Okuyasu: WHOOOOOOA !!

"Closing your eyes... It's indeed simple, but it could just works ! As long as he doesn't see the manuscript, his Stand is powerless ! Josuke, just go straight ahead and punch him into next week !!"

Rohan: Of course, if you do that, all I need to do is find a way to open those eyes of yours...

Josuke: G- Guh... !

Rohan: Wow ! What amazing persistence. Normally, because of lingering fear, you'd hesitate, and when you felt something flying towards you you'd inadvertently look. This is bad... At this rate, you'll counterattack and I'll be finished just like that. If I were a character in a manga, what would I do ? How do I force him to open his eyes ?! Do I have any other ideas ? I wonder...

Koichi: Go for it ! Josuke !!

Rohan: That's it ! A method for opening his eyes must be written in Koichi's file ! Hmm, where it is ? I'm pretty sure I saw it... Umm...

Okuyasu: Josuke... Hurry up... !!

Rohan: Found it ! "I'm going to laugh at your hairstyle, Josuke ! That's from, like, twenty or thirty years ago ! You actually think that's cool ?" How's that ?

Koichi: WHAT ?!!

Okuyasu: WHAT DID HE JUST SAY ?!!!

'Crawl away, crawl away, crawl away...'

Rohan: If I say that, he'll kill me, right ? That kind of personality quirk is hard to believe, but the file cannot lie. It's 100% true.

Josuke: ... ... What... Did you just say ?!!

Okuyasu: Josuke, calm down !!

Josuke: Just try and say that one more time ! Asshole !!

Rohan: You opened them... You want me to say it again, hm ? Sure ! I'll whisper it in your ear as many times as you like.

Rohan: It appears that you think that hairstyle is cool, but it doesn't look good on you at all ! It sucks ! Though a dirty little bird might like to make your head its nest. that's just a maybe, though.

Koichi: Aaah ! So fast !

Okuyasu: Rohan got his manuscript out even faster than Crazy Diamond could attack !

"Now's not the time to be amazed ! Hurry up and take cover !"

Rohan: You thought that was quick ? I've already won... [HEAVEN'S DOOR] !!

Rohan: B- Buguh... ?


Rohan: Wh- What the hell ?! You had to... You had to have seen the manuscript... Even thought you definitely saw it... ? Why ? Why... ? Why didn't you fall to Heaven's Door ?


"No... I don't think he can actually see anything... His eyes are wide open, but he's blind..."


Koichi: You mean... he's so angry he doesn't even know what's going on ?

Okuyasu: ... make fun of his hair and he's so mad he can't see shit for beans, much less a manuscript...

Koichi: I... I can't believe it... I didn't think... he'd get anywhere near this mad... I never would have guessed...

"I think it happened to me before... Can't remember a thing, though..."

Rohan: What... Did you say... ! A part of Josuke's personality even Koichi didn't know... In other words, information the file didn't contain ! But why... ? Why get so pissed off about your hairstyle ? there's got to be a deeper reason...

Josuke: I'll never forgive anyone... Anyone who'd diss my hair !!

Koichi: A deeper reason... Now that you mention it, I once overheard something. I wonder if that's why ?

"Hey, he just grabbed a pen !"

Okuyasu: You bitch ! Still want to fight ?!

Rohan: N- No !! Before I forget, I wanted to take notes and sketches of that story. It's a good story... truly an incredible experience. i'm so happy... It's not the kind of thing you hear every day. If I made it into a manga... heh heh heh... I came out on top today... I'm so glad I moved to Morioh...

Okuyasu: What the hell's with this guy ?! he's about to die, but he's just drawing manga !

Koichi: Whether it's good or evil notwithstanding, you kind of have to admire that attitude, and how far he's going... he's like a super-mangaka !


Rohan: EEEEEK !!

"Him, too... Nothing but admiration."

*from then on, Rohan Kishibe's "Pink Dark Boy"... Went on a hiatus for about a month.*

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