chapter three

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It was only the second week of the semester, but classes were already picking up. To Iris, it felt like she had been back at college a whole month because of how professors kept on assigning assignments and random tests and quizzes.

Iris was currently a biology major. She was on the Pre-Med track hoping to go to Med School and eventually become a doctor. Well, that was more like her mom's hopes than hers. Sure, Iris had once wanted to be a Doctor. But that was when she was 12. She had since realized the number of years of schooling that it involved and wasn't really down for it.

But alas, she couldn't do anything about it right then. She was already a Junior in college, and it was what her mom always wanted. Iris's mom had not worked two jobs to provide Iris with the best education she could afford as a single mother, just for her to reject everything that her mom had worked for.

Even if being a doctor was not the most exciting thing to Iris, at least she was in good academic standing, so actually had a pretty good chance of making it into Med School.

Iris walked into her first class of the day, her biology lecture, and took a seat right in the middle of the lecture hall. It was close enough to the front of the class, so she could pay attention and wouldn't get distracted during class, but it wasn't too close to the front of the class that she could randomly be cold-called on by the professor.

Being cold-called during class was one thing that Iris completely hated. Her anxiety could not handle it. It had happened to her a few times, and each time, even if she knew the answer to a question, she always fumbled and ended up stuttering and stumbling over her words.

"Good morning class, let's begin," the biology professor announced, appearing at the front of the lecture theatre. He was a short white man with a long greying beard.

The professor began the lecture on enzymes. Luckily for iris, she already knew a great deal about the content being taught and found that she did not have to pay attention as much attention in order to keep up.

It wasn't long before her mind wandered off.

Of course, Iris was thinking of none other than Niki. It seemed that Niki was all that she could think about lately. Iris was meant to have slept over the night before, but had not received a text from Niki telling her to come over. Of course, Iris would not be the one to text first. Her anxiety was holding her back from doing just that.

Despite that, she couldn't help wondering if Niki had regretted the night they shared. After all, she had not hit her up in the slightest and had barely said anything to her the next morning. Iris pushed the feeling down. She knew ‌she was probably just overthinking the whole thing in her usual manner. Niki was probably just busy with school and stuff. It was still the start of the semester, after all, so she was probably just busy.

Iris's mind continued to wander, and the next thing she knew, she was dreaming about what it would be like dating Niki. Sure, she had hooked up and talked to people, but had never actually been in a serious relationship. This was due to the fact that she was barely even out in high school, and had spent her first few years of college making sure she didn't flunk out of school. But Iris could finally say she had gotten the hang of it, and this school year was finally going to be different for Iris.

Biology class ended, and Iris quickly packed up her book bag, making her way outside.

It was still summer, so the weather was warm, but Iris knew this was only temporary. In a couple of months, the green grass all around would mostly likely have died, and possibly be covered in a layer of snow.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Iris found a large unoccupied tree, and sat cross-legged under it.

All around her were college students like herself, meeting up with friends, laughing and just hanging out.

Iris didn't have a large group of friends, but she preferred it this way. Back in freshman year, she had a larger group of friends, but some drama had resulted in a big fight and them breaking up. Since then, Iris had kept a few close friends (mostly Korra), and just a couple of acquaintances she had made from classes and student organizations.

Iris loved this, and much preferred this. However, it didn't prevent the craving for someone that could be something more to her that she often felt. Growing up queer, Iris didn't necessarily get the same high-school, coming of age love story as everyone else, so was used to watching things unfold from the sidelines, while secretly desiring something like that for herself.

For a few moments, Iris zoned out. This was something she did often, where she got lost in her head and was away from reality for a few moments.

That was until a water bottle dropped onto the floor in front of her.


Iris snapped out of her thoughts, looking up as a girl stooped in front of her to retrieve the water bottle that had fallen. The bottle had spilled open and what Iris assumed to be a protein drink had emptied out onto the grass.

"Fuck," the girl mumbled once again. This time, she didn't sound as agitated, just more so annoyed.

Iris took her in. She had a short curly afro that was dyed orange and was dressed in a sports bra and shorts. From the bag slung over her shoulder and her fit physique, Iris could tell that she was headed to the gym.

The girl took no notice of Iris only a few meters from her. Instead, she retrieved her now empty bottle and was on her way again. For a few moments, Iris' eyes lingered on her retreating figure.

Iris didn't think she had seen the girl before, but that wasn't unusual, seeing as she attended a pretty large college. It was normal for Iris to see new faces each day. In a strange way, Iris loved the anonymity that this provided.

Once again, Iris' thoughts were interrupted. This time, by the sound of her phone ringing.


"Hi mom, yes it's me," Iris responded, wondering why her mom always felt the need to question if it was really her whenever she called her number.

"How's school, dear?"

"It's good, classes are going great," Iris said, knowing that this was what her mom wanted to hear. She could imagine her nodding her head in approval from the other side of the phone.

"That's great, darling. You're more than halfway done with Undergrad, so make sure to keep your head in the game so you can get into Med School."

"Yes mom," Iris droned mechanically. She knew how these conversations went. Her mom always felt the need to remind her of her path to Med School, and Iris would nod her head and agree with whatever her mom said.

"Great. Remember, school is your main priority. Don't bother with college girls. You have all the time in the world to find love after you're done with school."

At that point, Iris looked up, coincidentally noticing none other than Niki across the grass. Iris's heart rate picked up in her chest. Niki had on headphones, and her hands were tucked deep into her pocket. She turned a corner, disappearing from view.

"Iris? Are you listening?"

Iris quickly shook her head, bringing her attention back to her mother and the conversation that they were having.

"Yes, mom, I am listening. No girls till after I graduate from Med School." But even as she said this, Iris's mind slipped back to Niki and the night she had spent with her long-time crush. A small smile spread across her face as she thought of it.

"Good, I'm just trying to protect you." Iris's mom sighed from the other end of the phone. "It's important that you focus on yourself and your dreams. Everything else comes after that."

Iris's mom had gotten pregnant with her when she was only 17. Luckily, she had still graduated from high school but could never go to college as she wanted to. Iris's mom always reminded her of this, letting Iris know the importance of education.

Whenever her mom went into one of her lectures, Iris sometimes felt the need to remind her that the chances of her getting pregnant were very low. But she knew ‌her mom was only looking out for her and had her best interests at heart.

Iris's mom had always been there for her, and was extremely supportive. Even when Iris came out to her as a lesbian, she made it known that she loved her no matter what and would never abandon her.

Iris's mom's own family abandoned her when she had gotten pregnant as a teenager, leaving her to fend for herself. Growing up, it had always just been Iris and her mom. It wasn't a typical family dynamic, but it worked, and Iris wouldn't change her mom for anything.

"Alright sweetheart, I've got to get to work now," her mom said from the other end of the line. "I love you. Keep making me proud."

A feeling of guilt passed over Iris. She swallowed hard, pushing it down.

"I love you too, mom. I'll talk to you soon."

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