chapter two

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Much to Iris's delight, Niki didn't wait a moment to respond. She kissed back.

It was soft at first, then Niki turned her head slightly, and instantly deepened the kiss.

Iris took hold of Niki's face gently as they kissed. Niki responded by grabbing hold of Iris's waist, instantly moving her hips so they were grinding against each other.

Moans escaped from both of the girls' mouths, growing heavier by the minute.

Iris's mind was spinning. She could still hear the music from the party going on beyond the closed door, but all she could really concentrate on was that she was kissing Niki and Niki was kissing her back. It wasn't long before she felt the moisture begin to increase between her thighs.

Iris broke apart from Niki's lips, latching her lips unto Niki's neck instead and sucking softly.

Niki groaned, reaching her hand up she reached for the zipper of the zip-up shirt that Iris had on. In a swift moment, she had zipped down her shirt and taken it off.

Iris was shocked slightly at how easily Niki discarded her shirt, tossing it aside so Iris was now seated in her bra and pants.

"Can I?" Niki asked.

Iris nodded and that was all Niki needed to unclasp her bra, revealing Iris' full breasts. Iris bit her lips as Niki took hold of her right breast, massaging it in her hand. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling.

With the alcohol in her system, every touch seemed to drive her to the edge.

Iris reached down, taking off Niki's shirt, and revealing her black sports bra.

Niki suddenly flipped Iris over so she was lying beneath her, kissing her deeply. Their chests were fused against each other, and Iris grabbed a hold of Niki's locs to steady herself as she felt Niki's fingers wander down.

In a brief moment, Iris's pants and underwear were off. She was lying completely naked beneath Niki whose eyes were roaming all over her body. Her locs were falling into Iris's eyes. Iris reached up, grasping onto Niki and pulling her lips back to hers.

At the same time, Iris felt Niki's fingers rub her entrance lightly and let out a moan as they went in.

"Shhh," Niki whispered, covering Iris's mouth with her free hand while continuing to move her fingers inside Iris.

Iris clenched onto the covers in an attempt to keep her moans at bay. Honestly, she didn't understand why it mattered, it wasn't as if anyone was going to hear them above the music blaring.

Her thoughts were soon distracted by the feeling building up in her stomach. Her moans were increasing and Niki clasped her hand against Iris's mouth tightly.

"Come for me," she whispered into Iris's ear, causing the hairs on her neck to stand up at alert. Iris felt embarrassed at how easily she was turned on by Niki. She felt weak in her hands, under her control, under her body.

Niki pressed her body into Iris as her hands moved aggressively beneath her. Iris took hold of Niki's shoulders as she felt herself come undone. Her breathing was heavy and her head was spinning so fast.

Iris was left in a panting, sweating heap. Niki slowly took her hand away from Iris's mouth, replacing it instead with her fingers so Iris could taste herself.

Iris sucked on Niki's fingers like she knew she wanted before Niki got up from above her, heading into the bathroom without another word.

For a few moments, Iris just lay there breathing deeply. She ran through the events that had just occurred in her head. Then Iris pulled on her underwear which was laying idly on the corner of Niki's bed before finding her phone.


i just had sex with niki. this night is taking a way better turn than i expected.



Iris put her phone away as Niki walked out of the bathroom, laying on top of her once again and kissing her deeply, biting down on Iris's lips before inserting her tongue in her mouth.

Iris sucked on it gently before Niki broke apart, her face less than an inch from Iris's.

"Are you going to stay the night?" Niki asked.

"I will if you want me to," Iris responded.

"Stay the night." Niki said, "I want you to stay the night tomorrow as well."

"Okay," Iris said, feeling a bit breathless, as she looked into Niki's dark eyes.

"Good." Niki reconnected their lips once again.

Waking up the next morning was surreal for Iris. If not for the fact that she was still in Niki's bed, she would have wondered if the whole thing had actually happened or if it was just a dream. She had really had sex with Niki.

Freshman-year-Iris would not believe this at all.

No doubt, Iris's head was pounding from all the drinking from the night before. But Iris didn't really care about it right then. Niki was asleep next to her and nerves had overcome Iris.

Iris lay still in bed for a while, trying to replay the events of last night in her mind. God knew it was something that she didn't want to forget anytime soon.

She wanted to touch Niki again. To hold her, and be in her arms.

For a moment, Iris contemplated reaching over and wrapping her arms around Niki. She hesitated for only a moment before doing just that.

Almost as soon as she had, Niki readjusted in her sleep causing Iris's arms to fall from around her. Iris felt awkward, borderline embarrassed. She told herself that Niki hadn't meant to do so purposely, she was only readjusting in her sleep.

Instead, Iris rose from the bed. Quietly, so as to not disturb Niki she headed into her bathroom which was thankfully connected to her bedroom.

Once in the bathroom, Iris checked her phone. Just as she had expected, she had a multitude of texts from Korra last night, asking her about Niki, and how the hell she had managed to have sex with her. Iris figured there was no point responding to the texts right then. 

Placing her phone into her back pocket, Iris looked at her reflection in Niki's bathroom mirror.

Her long black dark braids fell past her waist, lying smoothly against her caramel skin. Iris' nose ring was at an odd angle and she was in the process of readjusting it, when her phone pinged, indicating a new text.

Iris took it out to see it was from Korra:

I'm assuming you slept over at Niki's, so lmk if that's the case otherwise I will think you have been kidnapped and murdered, and in that case, I get to have your room.

Iris smiled to herself before responding:

i'm alive. I did sleep over at niki's but i'm coming back to our apartment now.



Iris put her phone away in her back pocket once more, before stepping out of the bathroom, and back into Niki's bedroom.

Iris walked up to Niki who was still lying in bed, with her right arm draped over her head.

"Hey, Niki," Iris whispered, in an attempt not to startle the sleeping girl.

"Hmmm," Niki murmured after a few moments. She didn't bother opening her eyes.

"Um, I'm leaving now. Gotta head back to mine."

"Alright, later bro," was Niki's response.

Later bro.

Iris thought about Niki's word choices for only a few seconds before turning on her heels and quietly making her way out of her bedroom. Niki was half asleep, and probably had no idea what she had said. At least, that's what Iris told herself as she silently walked out of the apartment.

It was 10 on a Sunday morning, which for college students meant sleeping in the hangovers from the adventures of the night before.

Iris was thankful for this, as the last thing she needed was for anyone she knew or was even remotely acquainted with to witness her on her "walk of shame".

Except, it wasn't really a walk of shame as Iris didn't feel ashamed in the slightest. Despite the pounding headache that was steadily growing in her head, Iris had a huge smile plastered across her features.

Junior Year of college was up to a great start.

The moment Iris arrived back in the apartment that she shared with Korra, Korra appeared with a sly smile on her face.

"Hello, hello, care to tell me about last night and how the hell you managed to sleep with Niki? I need details!"

Iris smiled but at that moment the pounding in her head seemed to multiply. Now that she was no longer in Niki's presence it seemed that the hangover had finally caught up to her.

"Korra," Iris groaned, clutching her head slightly, "my hangover is killing me. I'll tell you all about it later. But for now, I think I need to sleep this off."

"Fine fine," Korra sighed, giving in, "but don't think I'll forget."

Iris managed to let out a little laugh before grabbing a bottle of water and Gatorade from the kitchen fridge and heading into her bedroom.

Her bed was still neatly made as Iris hadn't slept in it all night. After a few gulps of water, Iris collapsed onto her bed.

The room seemed to spin slightly and the pounding in her head only intensified, sending a wave of nausea over her. Iris laid still for a few moments until it calmed down a little.

Despite the steady pounding in her head, Iris drifted off to sleep with a small smile on her face and the image of Niki floating in her head.


i hope you all are enjoying this story! i will be posting new chapters every friday.

the song for this chapter has been updated to the spotify playlist (:


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