2 ~ Call Him

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Scarlett arrived at her apartment in record time. She breathed heavily as she unlocked the door and walked in to find her roommate sitting on the sofa with a mug of tea in hand, watching yet another repeat of The Big Bang Theory on television.

She hopped onto the sofa and landed with her legs sprawled over her roommates - who hadn't once taken her eyes of the TV.

"Avaaa..." Scarlett laughed as Ava rolled her eyes and paused the TV, turning to face her.

"Spill." she grinned, as she looked into Scarlett's eyes.

"What?" Scarlett laughed and raised an eyebrow.

"I know you." Ava replied, pointing a finger towards Scarlett. "And you don't run in all 'happy chappy' like that unless you met Benedict Cumberbatch and simultaneously got engaged to him within the hour and a half you were out - which I highly doubt is what happened." she grinned, shoving Scarlett's legs off hers.

"Okay Sherlock," she laughed and Ava raised an eyebrow, before laughing too.

"Well, it's kind of a long story," Scarlett began, and Ava mimed checking her watch.

"We've got time," she grinned, and Scarlett told her the whole story of her meeting with Richard Armitage.

There was a long pause after she'd finished before Ava finally spoke.

"Are you completely sure it was him?" she asked slowly.

"100% positive." Scarlett nodded, and Ava looked deep in thought.

"I'm going to need some proof," she said, holding her hand out. Scarlett handed the serviette to her, and she examined it before nodding slowly.

"Jesus Christ on a bike." she continued to nod. "Well?" she said, grinning and looking back at Scarlett as she handed back the note.

"Well what?" Scarlett asked.

"Well firstly, we are going to frame this, and well secondly, you have to call him!" She grinned and Scarlett shook her head.

"No, no, no, not now. It's too soon!" she said, still shaking her head.

"Ugh fine. But you have to call him at some point." Ava laughed, grabbing Scarlett's mobile and entering the number as a new contact. She then set an alarm for 10pm that night.

"This is when you'll call him. He should be done with all his important famous actor meetings and stuff then." she grinned, pointing at the alarm she'd set, and handing Scarlett back her phone. "Okay?" she tilted her head.

"Okay." Scarlett laughed as she took her phone back.

"Okay." Ava laughed and Scarlett raised an eyebrow in question. "We've gone all Fault In Our Stars-y. Okay? Okay." Ava continued to laugh as Scarlett rolled her eyes and put the kettle on.

"Tea?" she asked.

"Yes please - just try not to spill it everywhere!" Ava laughed and Scarlett rolled her eyes again as she pulled a couple of mugs out of the cupboard.

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