3 ~ 6-ish

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Later on, Scarlett and Ava were lying on the sofa, eating crisps and watching some reality TV show.

Then the 10pm alarm went off.

Ava wiggled her eyebrows and looked towards Scarlett who rolled her eyes as she turned off the alarm.

"Why did I wait this long?" she said. "He'll know I deliberately put off calling him, he'll think I'm making him wait!" Scarlett continued to ramble on excuses until Ava interrupted.

"Did he, or did he not, give you his number?"

"He did." Scarlett frowned.

"Doesn't that mean that he wants you to call him?"


"Do you think he cares about when you call him?"

"No." Scarlett could not argue. "But--" she started, but was promptly silenced by a glare from Ava.

"Call. Him."

Scarlett picked up the phone - it was now 10:13pm. She dialed the number as Ava paused the TV and mouthed something to her.
Speakerphone! Speakerphone!

Scarlett laughed nervously and put the mobile on loudspeaker. It rang twice before Richard picked up.

"Hello?" his deep voice boomed through the speaker.

"Hi, it's --" Scarlett began,

"Scarlett?" He interrupted, and Ava grinned - clapping her hands quietly.

"Yeah it's Scarlett," Scarlett said, glaring at her roommate.

"Listen, I'm so sorry I had to cut our meeting short today - I was having a really great time getting to know you - but my manager called, and, well --"

"No, no, it's fine! I understand,"

"Well, here's the thing. I didn't like how our meeting was cut short, and I was wondering if we could continue it sometime soon?" He asked, and Ava let out a small squeal - luckily, Richard didn't hear.

"Yeah, that would be great!" Scarlett replied, trying to sound calm.

"Brilliant! How's tomorrow night sound?" Richard asked, and Scarlett looked towards Ava, who just nodded - grinning.

"Yes, tomorrow night sounds great,"

"Cool, so if I come meet you around 6-ish?" he questioned.

"That sounds about right," Scarlett said, smiling into the phone. She gave him her address before saying goodbye, and as she hung up the phone, Ava and herself simultaneously squealed and jumped up and down.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" Scarlett screamed and Ava just continued to jump.

"I. Cannot. Believe. It." Scarlett laughed, finally slumping back down into the sofa. Ava copied her, and sank into the armchair opposite.

"He sounds as beautiful as he looks." she said, and Scarlett laughed. "I think this calls for a cup of tea," Ava grinned, standing up. "Would you like a cup of tea, Mrs Armitage?" she said, and Scarlett launched a cushion at her - which she dodged.

"Yes please. But I would much prefer it if you called me Scarlett." she laughed as Ava walked into the kitchen.

"Very well," she laughed, and Scarlett un-paused the TV - sinking further into the sofa, and mentally sifting through tonnes of clothing in an attempt to decide what to wear for her dinner with Richard.

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