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~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I entered the house in mid at 2 completely drained out just to witness the bundle of cuteness Laying in front of me. Tiredness 😫 clearly visible on her face. "Sir should i bring some water for you?" rose came to me as soon as i moved toward annika...

"Yeah and" i stopped as she completed

"and after that an Americano... I know sir" she smiled and left

More than my family my staff knows me after all I've spent most of my life with them...

"annie..." i whispered in her ear and she looked at me with her drowsy eye's

"Hmm?" she hummed and closed her eyes again

"Annika wake up did you had your dinner??" i asked her and she nodded

"Here is your water. I'll bring your Americano in your room sir"  rose handed me water and left. drinking it i looked at annika and picked her up

Such a lazy head she's...

Placing her on her bed i left the room covering her in comforter...

I went to washroom to get freshen up... Laying in the tub full of cool water i got relaxed a lot... finally after a hectic day I'm finally relaxing... Events of whole day are playing in my mind like a reel... I cracked 3 deals in a row... Finally naina project is doing great again after i kicked miss ragini out... I got clue about annika last night but again this  morning came as a shock to me... Annika has already visited dubai before. She also has a friend. Jumping into my 👕 and trouser i walked out drying my hair...

(shivaay's room)

Sitting on the sofa in terrace i started feeling the little hot breeze which was now relaxing me because of the  few water on my body...

"Sir may i come in" i heard rose and gave permission  she enterrd with a mug of americano my life... "Get me the files from the 2nd rack of blue color Raichand construction" i held the mug and looked at the beauty of sky.

The beauty which always gave me company. The loneliness and this starry sky my 2 best friends. Who never left me alone...

"Sir here it is! Anything more?" she looked at me

"Rose your leave is granted. Jessie is back" i handed her the envelope and she left thanking me...

So raichand constructions where i decided to invest just because they let me marry annie...
There's a lot of confusion in this all But not a single solution. Every thing is getting complicated now. It is no more easy the way i thought it's not going in that way... Annie herself became the mystery where i was expecting to crack the mystery by her.
Pari!!! Yes. Only she can help me in that... I dialed her number and she answers it with a sneeze 🤧 "GOD Bless you... You are again in india dammit" i shouted and she again sneezed

"Duffer stop shouting already my head is paining a lot" she sneezed

"Okay sorry. Tell me why the hell you went there? And when?" i calmly asked

"Buddy you were busy with annika when i came here. A project was stucked i needed to visit urgently." she explained not before sneezing

"Hmm... Okay! When are you returning back?" i asked getting sad

"Duffer!!! Don't be sad. I'll be back in a week or 5 days. You know i can't stay here more than this..." she tried cheering me

"i needed to have an important talk pari. But, khair leave  it take care kamini" i smiled little

"i know what you want  to talk About. Shivaay i told you before only nothing is good in a revenge I know you're stuck and confused now. I can sense in your voice the battle you're having." she knows me more than i know my self!

"Pari you were right but not completely. You know rahul was, is and will always be my life. You  know i can never forget what happened with him... I could've forgot everything even naina's revenge but not this... But right now it's more complicated." i explained

"Duffer i know. I know everything but okay leave it all... We'll talk face to face once i come back. Till then you'll not even touch annika. Atleast not to torture" she is sounding stern

"I'll not. Come soon and most important ALIVE!!!" i chuckled

"Hate you" she must've pouted

"Yeah hate you too take care Bye" i smiled and she disconnected the call

Little relief that everything will be sorted out once i talk with pari. She's magic. The only  PERSON who never left me atleast not at the time when i needed her most...!

I finished my coffee and checked the file again. I need to invest lacs in it. But, what if she's really not annika? What's the use to help the one who tortured innocent soul by any chance!


I've called my CEO mishra who handles the oberoi investment in india.

"Yes sir?" i love this thing about all my employees  they always pick the call on the 2-3 rings only!

"Mishra put it on hold. The raichand construction investment Right now! Send notice to them that there's some problem and in a week or two we'll invest not now!" i explained and he hummed

"okay sir. Im doing it" he spoke up "Done. Notice will be sent in morning as soon as they wake up" he completed and i disconnected the call after thanking him.

I know it's his duty and thanks isn't needed but he did it after duty hours...

Feeling more relaxed now. I slipped little down and got easy on couch... I hope everything gets fine. I really wish she's not Annie. But koel only!!!

I closed my eyes and her face appears the innocence the cuteness and the magic in her eyes...


I called him. I'm idiot and i know it for everyone it's night but for me always morning...

"Shiv what happened?" he spoke up all tensed

"nothing is fine. Blunder is confusing. Tell me did you  find anything? More?" I'm all eager

"No! I'm trying my best and putting in all effort's. I shifted rest of my work to other boy's. Just to concentrate on yours. I'll be personally visiting every location. I promise you I'll dig out the truth by hook or crook" he sounded confident to let me feel more relax. "You don't take much stress.  I don't want to see you in that mess ever again" his tone had a fear

"I'm  not same rajveer I'm not weak Anymore. And yeah Find out about a girl named Gauri. She works in a cafe in Oberoi Complex near our house. Just add her in this case only. She's friend of annika i guess so..." i informed

"Okay buddy Im driving now. I'll call you once i get the truth. Bye now" he disconnected the call...

Truth- truth - and truth. What the hell is this truth? Why can't i just get it easily. Once i get it I'll not leave anyone involved in it. I'll kill them all by my own hand's...

I can directly ask her but who  knows she lies or frames I'm at such a point where i can't trust anyone except few. Who're my life... My life would've been my brother's but they never let me be close to them. I want to gain the place again!!! It's not my fault but still I'm bearing punishment. I'll make everyone pay!!! With the thought i closed my eyes...

"we hate you bhaiya." echoed in my ears...

Some memories and words never leave you never ever! Same is with this. Taking a pill. Sleeping pill i went to my bed and laid to sleep but today even this pill isn't working...

I remember I've few file's to read... I called robin. My home staff member who works in night. I can call him whenever i want to but only in night. "Yes sir?" he entered in  my room "Bring the file's from the car." i picked up my cell...
Oh! I've to buy her a mobile.
I opened my twitter account just to check on hot topics in my profile...

Tapping on the bell i checked notifications... 1000+? No! More than that... Hot topic!
Latest trendings...


I scrolled in notification panel and chuckled at people's assumptions and guesses...

A girl had tagged me in a tweet containing heart shattering into piece's GIF. With the caption "Are you really married shivaay?"

Another tweet with the hastag #Annikamistress it was of a girl again "is she really your mistress or all these are rumors?"
Fuck! People's have no other thing then spreading rumors. I'll sue the person who spread this!!!

"Why naina project is so close to you that you even kicked out your best friend?" okay so this tweet seem to be sensible...

"Professional and personal are 2 different things. I've kicked her out as per the contract. Not personal issue with this but just all professionalism." i replied soon the notification bar started flooding with likes and re-tweets with many replies on the comment.

People's are so free to be online 24/7? Like how come so active? Don't they have other works?

Robin was late so i scrolled more

"if sources are to be believed then the Opening of Oberon complex in london is going to happen in next month." okay so news channel's are in my bar too... Tk..Tk..

"meet me once if you visit London" okay this pari I'm going  to kill her. She'll never change...

"Sir here are your file's!" robin entered and i closed this idiot twitter. I must admit this is freaking addictive. Just keep on scrolling and you'll never feel like closing it.

"put it here and search for some good mobile. I wanna gift someone. It'll be better if you just buy that and hand me instead of handing me the name." i said with a smile.

And he left nodding with a smile...

I held a file "Agnihotri Confidential"
I hate ragini. She cheated me in my life my dream and everyone's dream project. It's not only project for me but my life. And she tried harming me and my life naina by cheating in this project.
She ran away somewhere but ragini you'll not stay safe for more time. You don't know you've messed with shivaay singh oberoi.

To Be Continued...💞

Do check out my other books too...

I love you.

Friend's or enemies?


Not first love but, last love.

Vote if you like. Have patience slowly and steadily everything will un-Fold.
And to all those who said they're confused in last chapter then I'm sorry but soon everything will be crystal clear. And every confusion will be cleared too...

Love ~ Annie...💞

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