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Thank you all for the votes and comments...❤

Sorry for delay and for not replying to any comments but i don't have working internet i just opened data package to post it... I'm sorry hope you'll understand... And yeah do drop your guesses you'll make reading the below part...

Enjoy Reading!!!!


Annika's POV~

I woke up and found myself in shivaay's lap and he was even hugging me... He wasn't in comfortable position. He was sitting while i was in his lap and his head was little bent toward me. I didn't wanted to disturb him or this moment which i was loving... But seeing him not comfortable i moved little and he woke up... "you woke up?" he left me and rubbed his eyes and then held his neck with one hand. "yeah" i nodded and got off his lap "I'm  sorry i didn't know when i came in your  lap" i muttered and he smiled "no need to be sorry." he stepped off the bed and winced while moving his neck "are you fine?" i moved to him but he stopped showing his hand... "I'm fine. Go get ready will see you on table..." he moved toward door "i will not have soup today" i walked toward my luggage he smiling turned to me "Bad luck. You're having that only" he turned to go "I'll  not" i was little rude i think so "I said you'll have that only so you'll have that... No arguments" he was cold and serious not wanting to see the beast again i nodded and he left with a nod... I went to washroom and had a hot bath... It feels so good. No work nothing. Just resr and comfortable life? Ahh no! It's not happening... I know! It's all temporary... Well! I'm gonna enjoy this little phase to fullest...
I wore my new dress which shivaay bought for me. Yeah. Shivaay! Because  my choice isn't good at all... This crop top of  dark blue and phew! Tight jeans. I'm not gonna fit in it.
Getting ready i walked down slowly with my long open hair swaying... I'm gonna kill it. Hah... I know I'm cute. I muttered "You're hot " shivaay snaked his hand on my waist. Well bare waist. It's  navel shown kinda dress... "what" i looked at him and he was smirking. Hell! That smirk again. What he's upto? I wondered and he stepped down so does i... We reached the table where our breakfast was placed... Soon we were having it and as usual he was relishing his yummy breakfast and i was making faces drinking my soup "yeah sweet heart" i looked at him and he was talking on call...
Another sweetheart? I felt something pricking my heart and tears well up.
These idiot tears na... I wiped off without him noticing "Done we'll meet after dinner... Yeah no problem. Yeah sure" he disconnected and stood up while  i was still having the soup "here is my card" he placed a card of black colour on table "i don't want your card"i looked at him and he smirked "I'm not giving it to you. Just go and do some shopping. Buy whatever you want to. Make sure to fill up your dressing room. Yeah! Buy some warm clothes too. Who knows when you need them." he started to go "Why so?" i stood  up "Here you've to attend lots of parties with me" he moved his hands "Okay" i nodded and turned to go "finish your soup. And try to buy warm clothes larger then your actual size and maybe of Gents! You know you look Cute..." he completed and walked out... "Idiot" i mumbled and sat to finish my soup...

After sometime i got ready to go for shopping. Hell shopping? I don't even know S of shopping. I never went outside and bought some thing... Well now I've to. I held the card and walked out of mansion. "shit i wanted to roam in this mansion" i thought as i looked at the outside beauty "Mam lets go" i heard Michael i think so. "Michael?" i asked and he nodded "Okay" i moved behind him as i didn't know where we have to go. Soon he stopped in front of a car. beautiful car. I haven't seen such cars before. I'm falling for these all... I stepped in and we drove off... "Mam sir is on call he want to talk with you" he handed me a mobile. A MOBILE. god damn such a beautiful mobile it is. I never held any before. "Hello?" i spoke hesitantly  "Yeah annie... do Buy a mobile too" he spoke from the otherside. "Uhh i don't know how to" i almost whispered just to receive a chuckle "Okay leave  it you need not to" he laughed and cut the call...
I'm almost on the verge of crying. I first time felt hurt for not being compatible of doing anything. "We reached" Michael opened the door and i stepped out. woah? Such a huge mall it is. I don't know what I'm  going to buy or do in it... "where's cafeteria ?" i asked him and he moved. I've heard from maa that she used to  wait in cafeteria for her friend's. She used to tell this to  her mother...
We reached cafeteria and i sat on one of table while he stood behind  me "Please sit down" i said and he refused "I'm okay"...
I wasn't getting what to do how to do.... I never visited such places alone... First time and that too alone... I don't know what will happen... I covered my face with my hands and tears rolled down.. "Mam what you'll like to have?" a lady worker came wearing uniform of cafe staff with a cap "Gauri" was written on her batch "Water" i replied wiping my tears off... I saw her shocked seeing me crying... "Annika?" she said and i was shocked but managed to nod "Miss raichand. You forgot your friend so soon?" she crossed her arms and i just looked on... "I'll bring water" she left happily...

Okay? I'm annika raichand but what the hell? How does she even  know me? I never came here or met her before?
"Yeh le tera pani (Here your water)" she grabbed the other  chair and looked at me while i drank water "It's been year where were you?" she held my hand
Oh god what's happening?
"Umm i was in mumbai" i stammered and she chuckled "You in India? Don't lie babes. You never wanted to go there for wherever reason" she laughed.
Where am i stuck?

"See i think you're mistaken. I never met you before..." i told her and she looked at me in shock "look  stop your dramma. Btw why you were crying?" she asked and concern and worries were clearly visible...

"umm I'm here for shopping on my husband's insistence... But, i never did shopping before so little bit confuse and tensed." i don't know why but i just said her the reason without any hesitant...
Shock was visible on her face "Husband? Fear of shopping? 1st time? Take a break babes... Why you're lying?" she was shocked and literally shouted "see listen I'm telling you I'm not annika raichand. But, annika shivaay singh Oberoi." i had to say this... I don't know how she knows me and all but right now it was the best way to escape... "you finally married him? can't believe... You didn't even invited me... You said you'll give me my money back when you'll marry your shivaay" now tears were brimming in her eyes as her tone went low... "Listen miss gauri..." i held her hand and she looked at me managing a smile. "I'll help you" she wiped her tears and stood  up "Michael i don't think you'll enjoy the shopping. Stay here I'll come here only." i stood up and went with her... "btw annika what's the reason behind this different behaviour " she asked and i had no answer " it's natural " i said and she giggled "Yeah, it's natural to forget the one who helped you when  you had nothing after getting rich" i could sense hurt and taunt in her tone... She was definitely victim of someone's fraud. Someone my looke alike? Shut up annie... No one can look like you. I held her hand back and she looked at me "Gauri... I'm really not the one you think me to be. Maybe someone my look alike is your friend." i tried convincing her but she laughed  "Anu do you really think so? C'mon be practical. Your look alike? Okay! What about annika raichand? Love for shivaay the great Oberoi? The one in whose mall you're standing!" she was angry.
God it's really difficult... "please trust me. I don't know anything" i stopped her and she looked at me with tears "Look anu if you don't want to return me my money. It's completely fine. But, stop acting. I'm not greedy I'll earn them back. Yeah. It'll take much time again but I'll earn them again." she jerked my hand and starts  walking  "Sorry... But please help me" i requested. She was nice but victim of someone's fraud... "Okay I'm helping you" she walked in a shop and i walked behind her. After a lot of trying we bought 20 dresses from 30 shops. It was last shop from where i was going to buy some party wears of her choice. Completely her choice... She choosed one and i went  to try it. It was backless and sleeveless... But beautiful... I walked out of trial room and she smiled broadly but soon stopped and moved near me "Anu where did your tatto gone and what's all these marks?" she asked being shocked..
Shit i haven't hidden properly? I cursed myself but soon reality hit me "Tattoo?" i muttered and she nodded "i never had any tattoo" i said and she nodded... I changed the dress and threw it in trolley... I had to buy a lot things to fill the dressing room... After few hours i was done but gauri didn't uttered a word after the tattoo question... Soon we reached the 3rd floor and sat down in restaurant  of that floor... "Anu... I mean annika I'm sorry i really misunderstood you" she was guilty...
"It's not only you" i smiled and she looked on " i mean see my friend had a tattoo on her right side breast just a little above it... Annika ❤ shivaay~... But you don't have it..." she explained "Hmm... Someone is doing frauds" i muttered and she nodded "Sir is on call " i heard Michael and turned he was right behind me... I held the phone and here he was shouting "Right now i want you to complete it now!" he was shouting at someone... "Shivaay" i said in low  tone "Annie... I heard you found a friend?" he was calm now i excused myself and walked to a corner "Yeah shivaay she's so nice she helped me in shopping..." i said with a joy in my voice "Okay... What's the plan? How much more time you'll take with her? Seems like you're enjoying?" he sounded happy "Yeah first time..." i muttered and he hummed "Do you want to say something?" he asked

How does he know? Well it's the time...
"shivaay the one I'm roaming with is in need. I mean someone did a fraud with her by saying she's mrs shivaay singh oberoi... I mean to be..." i said clear. "Sad. What you want me to do annie...?" he sounded sad and curious...
"help her. She need money." i stammered... "Hmm... Michael will give you a card use it. and help her. Be careful. One more thing...Buy a mobile." he chuckled and disconnected the call... I walked back and getting the card and information walked away with gauri while Michael took away all the bags... "Anu i don't need it" she refused "tell me how much amount did that chepdi stole?" i asked in anger...

I asked and asked but she kept on refusing... "Please. Tell me." i made her swear and she said all "2 lac Durham..." she wasn't loud but i heard... After giving her and having few more talks i left the mall and she went back to her Shop giving me her number...

I was tried 😫 as hell. I dropped myself on the sofa in hall only...A girl came and gave me water... Drinking it i dozed off on
Sofa it self...

To Be Continued...

I know many of you'll find this part boring or a filler but it's not. You don't know there's much more than you think there's... it's not as easy as you thought it is... 😉😈

Have patience the more I'll make it cruel the more you enjoy the sweet shivaay and Heartless annika!!! You heard it right!!!!🤑
Not before the Cruel shivaay and victim annika... I promise I'll not stretch much but little  delay!!!😇

And please do check out my other books 📚 too...

Friend's or enemies?

I Love You

We were meant to be to gather for ever.

And the new book

Not first love but last love...


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