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~Annika's POV~

I opened my eyes as driver applied break. I wasn't really used to travel in these kind of cars not even cars a lot. At least not so much... Shivaay too opened his eyes... It was really shocking for me to see him and myself hugging eachother.

What the hell we were sleeping in eachother's arms? I looked totally shocked at him and he smiled? What's happening i wondered and sat up...

"Even last night you were hugging me annie... Don't be so shocked!" He smiled and I shivered...

"Where we are?" I stammered and he again smiled "i guess we reached our house" he yawned stretching his arms and stood up

I was wondering did he really said OUR house? I couldn't digest his changed behaviour... I felt like I'm on seventh cloud...

"Let's go" he forwarded his hand and i placed my hand happily on his...

We both walked toward a Mansion... Word Big will be an understatement... It was much more than the word BIG. It wasn't the full view i just managed to look at little there were many things by the sides but i managed to look at just mansion where we were going to enter...

(a sample pic 🔝)

I wasn't able to walk fast compared to shivaay but still managed i walked just drooling over mansion and soon we reached the main door... I was going to look at the hanging Name board but shivaay grabbed my hand "let's go" he pushed the door and it opened with a bang...

Omg! It wasn't expected that I'll ever get to see and live in such a huge mansion... 😀

I stepped it not looking at my step but at mansion's interior...
It didn't looked Royal or old like it looked from out as if some palace... But it was real mansion...

Such a cozy and mordern living room it was...

The sitting arrangement was just 😍 i liked the color and lighting... The stair case wasn't like typical indian choice but something different from usual indian mansions...

Is that a piano? My gaze fell on the piano placed by the side of stair case "omg I'll play" i jumped in happiness forgetting for a moment that it's not my house... "you play piano?" he held me while i was about to fall due to sudden jump "hmm" i nodded and he smiled "even i do"

Gosh I'm imagining only. Since morning 😩
I slowly walked more and in front was a place for mini kitchen? His kaali coffee machine and lots of other things were placed there... I moved to other side when he held my hand and dragged to the sitting place "sit here it's time for dinner... We slept a lot that forgot to do lunch" he sat and i too sat down "Mariah bring the dinner fast" he called out and soon 3 girls in uniform came...

(these will be the uniform of his staff in house) ⬇️

They were having a trolley with them

(This trolley. Food is changed)

They started placing things on table... Water bottle and glass then a bowl of soup then a bowl of paneer butter masala and salt & black pepper... Spoon and plates...

"you can leave and remember to boil water with Cardamon only..." he ordered and they left passing a smile
We both started having our respective things and after sometime we finished it and again a girl came and took away things...
"shivaay where is storeroom?" i asked looking everywhere as i couldn't find the one... "why?" he asked looking at his mobile "i thought to see it and arrange things" i asked almost shivering "you'll not live there anymore... I'll show you your room come with me" he looked up and stood up "okay" i followed him... We both walked upstairs and he guided me to a room... Room? Nah that's not a room... That's someone's house buddy... No? It's mine room? I can't believe... "here annie... this is your room now" he swayed his arm and showed the room "you wait here Michel will bring your luggage. I'll come after changing..." he called someone and walked out...

I couldn't do anything but just drooled over the new happiness. happiness of new room... I never ever imagined that I'll get such a huge and beautiful room...

I turned to other side to find a beautiful yet simple dressing table with small almirah... On the corner not full to corner but near corner...

(match the colors... I didn't find with similar colors.😂)

I so wish to decorate it with different perfumes... Deodorants and Cold creams Etc... But it's okay finally i got one to place my comb and little jewelry... I smiled at my own thoughts and moved toward the door and opening it i just gasped...😮 Is it really a washroom or a room?

(again manage with colors🤣)

Such a huge washroom it is... Roaming in it i giggled... 'just i need to use it not everyone why so big as if it's of 100 people to use at once?' i laughed hard imagining it... I'm mad...

Idiot people forgot to place almirah? Where I'll put my clothes? I know i can let them in luggage only but still there should've been an almirah... Spoiled the beauty of such a modern room huh!
I stomped and stopped by side of a room. Another door mean another huge room? For what? Huh? Let's check... I slowly pushed the door and again gasped...

(manage the color)

It's a almirah? No damn! It's a room. No! It's a dressing room? I thought and smiled... Though it was empty but i loved it... I'm for sure dreaming... I'm such a bad omen that i cannot get such happiness never ever... At least not from the one who married me without my wish. Made me an Unwilling wife. I can never get these all it's a bloody dream...
I shooked my head stopping my tears and walked back to the room where a man came and handed me the luggage... "mam sir said don't change... Just rest he's coming" he walked away i placed the luggage... My kidnapped luggage which i gor back without any ransom😂 by the side of dressing and sat on the bed... And that was when my eye's caughed the thing hung on wall right front of bed...

LED tv... Okay now i even got the TV? I'm 101% dreaming...

I'm just imagining since morning... I even slept and woke in my imagination..
Woah? Isn't it great?
Why u think you're dreaming? My heart asked and i smiled...

'Because i know these things aren't meant for me. My fate is such a worst fate. I know i can never get anything because even after known a Raichand i just got life of maid. And then though unwilling but I'm wife of shivaay The oberoi... But still gor life of a slave and maid. A thing he has bought to fulfill his lust... I know this isn't possible... None will give such luxuries to his slut... Yeah... I'm his...' i cried out loud hugging my knees... Not wanting to remember but i still remember all those tortures by everyone... I can never get over to all these... Nevee ever... No one can heal me... I was crying when i felt a pair of hand holding my shoulders... I looked up to find shivaay standing with shocked expression... "why you're crying annie?" he cupped my face... First time i felt real concern in his voice... I couldn't control and hugged him and cried out loud "tell me this all is dream shivaay... I don't want to imagine more... Dream more... I just don't want..." i sobbed and he smiled and sit beside me "it's not any dream neither imagination annie... It's all true... Stop crying now..." he smiling cupped my face and again called a servant who came with a tray in which water and medicines 💊 were placed... "have them and sleep..." he gave me those 💊 and i quietly gulped them "why you're doing this?" i held his hand as he was leaving "I don't have an answer annie... I know you're hurt but let me sort out everything" he smiled faintly and walked out "Sleep in these clothes" he came and handed me his one more warm suit "you look cute in these" he smiled and walked out... Soon after changing i laid on bed and tossing for a while i dozed off...

~Shivaay's POV~

I can't tell her anything at least not till i clear it out... It'll be hard to get apology if she's someone other... her little sobs prick my heart... And above that the thought of torturing wrong person make me hate myself...
After consoling her little and giving her medicines i came to my room... I need to read the diary... Tonight... With the thought i grabbed my mug of espresso and walked to the couch with diary... Placing the mug on table i adjusted myself on couch and opened her diary...


Page 1
Eighth September 2004

Dear diary
My name is koel. I live in mumbai and you're going to be my new friend. I'm 10 year's old. No, i mean I'll turn 10 on 1st January... I love to write and i just got you so I'll daily write in you from now own... Okay bye I'll come in night... Love you ❤
(it means she was right... She's not annika but koel😮 i need to read further to know how she became annika)


Dear diary I'm back but I'm so sad my dad is saying we have to go to raichand mansion that too now only. I hate that mansion... Everyone there hates us As we're middle class... Oh sorry i forgot to tell you my dad and mom works for them... Dad is driver and mom is cleaner. I really don't want to go but they said bring koel. Why? I don't know😭 annika will again hurt me...
Dad is calling...

(what? 😲 annika i mean koel is driver's daughter? But why she became annika? Let me read further...)

Page 2

9th September 2004:

I hate my parents 😭 they have decided to give me to them? How could they? Uncle said annika is dead and they see annika in me? They want to adopt me? My dad gave me to them! In few minutes I'll go there my dad took money too 😭 mom said I'll live like a princess there... I don't want to😭 i love to live here with them but they didn't listened...

(they sold her? And why the hell mr raichand lied? Annika never died she just killed...😡)

Page 3

10th September 2004

I'm in mansion but not like Princess. They locked me in storeroom. They said i have to wash dishes...? They said I'll clean house? They slapped me as i tried to go home. They took away all my stuff. I manged to hide you. They even did my naamkaran again and named me annika... I asked them why they made me annika when they wanted me to clean house. But they slapped me. I hate them😭😭😭

Bye she came...

(what the fuck? They bought her to clean house? What's wrong with them?)

Page 4

3 march 2005

I'm sorry... I couldn't write for so much time... I wasn't free... I'm so small to do all this 😭 I've to make food. I've to wash clothes... I've to wash dishes... I've to clean house. I've to passage mom's legs... I've to learn from sir. You know i hate that sir. He touch me where he shouldn't... It feels dirty... You know i burnt food at first. And they burnt me😭 i wish i can go back to mh parents but they never let me go out...
Bye bye maa is calling me...

(what the hell... How could they do this with a child? How can they force her to do this? It's a crime 😡 how can i forget that they are born to be criminals only. Like parents like daughter😡 I'll sue you all and that sir too)

Page 5

7 july 2005

I'm sorry again... But you know na they never let me roam free... I'm trying to get time but they neber let me free and gave much work. Last night i was having fever but still they didn't leave me And gave so much clothes to wash. I don't know from where they get them... You know i told dad about sir but he didn't said anything to sir instead did same😭 i don't want to live here. I'll be running away tomorrow. Okay bye now...

(why? Why they did this with this innocent soul😭 i hate myself for doing same😭)

Page 6

7 August 2006

They didn't let me run away. It's been one year my hand isn't fine yet. I tried running away after i got to know that annika isn't dead but she just ran away killing someone... On 8 july 2005 in morning i ran back to my house. I told them all i told my parents and they said they know? 😭 They said they've sold me to them. They said if i don't go back to them then they'll harm my parent's? I asked why and they said because they're paying them for me... I cried that i don't want to go but they didn't listened and sent me back... On that day they bet me so much with Wood stick. My hand broke down😭 it still pains... It's been year and instead of getting fine it broke 2 more time because they again beat me with rod...😭 I'll meet with you tomorrow...

(how in human how can they do this with her? I'll sue each one of you ...)

Page 6

9 August 2006

I'm so scared... There's blood all over my legs it's coming from my that thing where... I'm so scared i don't know what to do... I cleaned it but it's not stopping. My body is paining and my back too... No one is at home and door is locked too... I don't know what should i do. I'm dying😭😭😭😭 I'll miss you. Remember i love you😭

(Such innocence...😢)


I stopped reading diary... As there were no more writing...i just couldn't control more tears were rolling down without my concern... Her pain since childhood i regret making her suffer... I could feel her pain... Thsoe dried tears on pages... I was feeling guilty... I made my mind not to hurt her more... I stepped off the couch and wiped my tears and walked to her room... She wasn't sleeping peace fully... She was tossing her head while sweating... I dropped the diary in her bag and turned to her... "Leave me no... Don't dad please it's not good" she was mumbling and soon she woke up screaming... "maaa" and she started crying... "annie..." i held her hand and she looked at me... "s...s...s...hi...va...ay" she stammered and soon hugged me... Literally getting in my lap... I know she wasn't completely in her senses... As the medicines i gave her contain high alcohol dosage to relieve her pain... "Don't leave me alone here... They'll touch me again... They'll beat me" she stammered hugging and cuddling in me... "I'm not going anywhere..." i hugged her back and she gasped "thank you for bringing me out from there" she stammered and closed her eyes...

Such an innocent soul she is... Thanking ME FOR TAKING HER AWAY FROM HELL. But i just changed the hell...? I've punished the wrong person... I'm sorry annika😭

"i hate you" she was murmuring i couldn't bear her words and hugged her tightly...

To Be Continued...

Happy new year once again ❤❤❤❤❤


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