•😭I Love You Anika ❤•

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~~~Gauri's POV~~~

After nearly a week i got to cry on someone's shoulder. No one can even think of the pain I've gone through in this week.

That someone is noone other than my ex boyfriend, Om. I never thought I'll get his support in this situation. I couldn't meet his eyes as somewhere i felt guilty.

I left him and never looked back and he, he still consoled me and that too with same love.

"Gauri speak up" he shooked me. I've a lot to tell him but saying all that isn't that easy...

I looked at him and tears formed in my eyes again. I missed him so much!

"Gauri where's bhabhi???" he shooked me and i looked at him shocked.

"Bhabhi?" i asked as i couldn't understand anything

"Yes gauri, bhabhi, anika bhabhi" he said.

I felt a strong shiver running down my spine. It wasn't less then any 440 voltage current.
Anika is his bhabhi, mean shivaay is his brother. Om is an oberoi....

"Tell me, did she came here?" he asked.

Loosing my control i burst into fits of tears...

"She.. She came here bu..But she le..Left" i replied with my trembling voice...

"Whyyy?" he asked holding me tightly in his embrace...


I was waiting for anika since 2 days but she didn't came. I even called her but she wasn't picking up.
Yesterday she came when i was getting ready for work. But she wasn't that anika which i know.

She was a crying mess, a life less soul. I gave her water and she cried more hugging Me. Somewhere it's all because of me...

"Gauri... I don't know where shivaay is.. I'm really worried for him." she sobbed

"What happened?" i asked consoling her. I know she's in all this mess because of me but i don't know what the mess is.

"Gaurii everything is gone... Shivaay isn't reachable. His family ki...Kicked me out... You know..." she said me all that what happened since i last met her.

I couldn't handle all that. She got so much pain just because of me... I'm guilty!

"I'm sorry anika... I.. It's me... it's all because of me." i looked at her as she stopped crying and looked at me withdrawing herself.

"g..Gauri y..You?" she asked moving back

"I'm sorry anika i was helpless... I.. I " she cut me in mid "No gauri! You just thought about yourself? Your helplessness? You never thought once, about me? You knew your one word lie could destroy my life dammit" she shouted and didn't let me speak

She was right, but not completely.

"I was a fool to trust you and tell you everything. I'm idiot. Sorry" she said and rushed out. I couldn't say or do anything. She also left me... She... Didn't even listened to me...

~~~Flashback ends...~~~

He immediately bring out his cell and called shivaay " shivaay bhabhi came here but left from here as soon as gauri told her..." he paused and then the call dropped

"Ishu. I.. I mean Gauri. Why you said it's all because of you? What did you do? And who is that person because of whom you lost everything.?" he bombarded questions on me and I'm not able to answer it. Atleast not so easily.

How can it be even easy? That was the worst time of whole life. That one week!

"ishu" he shooked me as i just stared him

"Om, it's not easy to tell..." i breathed out

"but you've to tell me. You need to tell me." he slolwy rubbed my back.

I missed this touch, this warmness.
I looked at him and he blinked his eyes to assure me... I smiled little and sniffed.

"Siddharth" bastard i don't even want to take his name. The beast, bastard and whatt not. He didn't just ruined my life but also everyone related to me. How the hell i failed to judge him? I regret, very much! I never thought he'll do this but it's the phrase, who's close hurts the most in totally unexpected way! He hadn't just hurt me he just killed my soul.

Remembering everything i felt sudden suffocation, which i felt at those times.

"Who's he? How do you know him? What did he do? tell me ishu." i can sense the possessiveness still alive in him. He held my hand and kissed it.

"He..." i started hitching for breathes. For moments i felt as I'll die due to loss of oxygen... But I'm happy as even if this is the sign that I'm dying, then I'm dying in my love's arms. Slowly everything blacked out...


~~~Rudra's POV~~~

I never felt so low and guilty before. I've done a lot wrong with shivaay bhaiya some times intentionally sometimes unintentionally and sometimes for his goodness.

But i never ever felt this much guilty before. I have done so wrong with bhabhi who wasn't even at fault. She didn't even said anything to me, to us and we held no limits while telling her crap!

I wish i could go back to the time and undo all my mistakes i did till date which made them suffer.

Leaving my thoughts behind for now, i stepped out of car reaching the sea point.

It's all empty. How can i find bhabhi here?

I start walking toward the benches but there is nothing... Not even a single person.

I move to other sides and found a hut. A cottage type thing.

"Maybe someone have seen her?" i walk toward the cottage and knock on the door.

After few minutes someone opened the door.

"Sou..Maya" I'm shocked seeing her here, in dubai

"Rudra. You here?" she happily embrace me in a bome crushing hug "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too" i reciprocated and after few minutes i withdrew.

I've a lot to ask and tell her but right now I'm here for bhabhi.

"Maya.. Have you seen any girl here? I mean I'm looking for my bhabhi." i ask and she looks at me in confusion.

"...Any girl who was crying or in pain?" i explain and she nodded

"Oh. She was your bhabhi. I was thinking I've seen her somewhere..." her expressions change from smiling to serious and tensed.

I didn't wait much and call bhaiya. I should listen complete but I'm in hurry.

I walk away And she follows me.

"Bhaiya maya has seen bhabhi here, come fast." i tell and the call got dropped.

"Rudra listen to me..." she say and i hugged her.

"I missed you so much." i say and smile "How come you here" she ask and my heart aches thinking about yesterday's cruelness we showed to bhabhi.

"Btw, i was going to come back next month baby" she cups my mouth and i smile.

"I'm listening this since last year." i whine and she chuckle

"I'm sorry actually there's problem in property dealing. Once it gets clear I'll be back." she explains and i nod.


Soon the car stopped and bhaiya rush to us.

"Where's anika?" he ask and i looks at maya.

"She's in hospital." she say and bhaiya fell on his knee's.

Why i didn't listen to her before only? I mentally slapped myself and rush to bhaiya.

"What happened to her?" he ask in lowest trembling voice of his.

"I don't know... Maybe she ate poison, priyanka mam has admitted her" she explain and bhaiya gets shocked.

I tried consoling him but he didn't let me touch him. I deserve it!

~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I reach the sea point where rudra and maya were waiting for me. I believe it now, she's my angel. First she saved me and now, she is going to help me by telling where my annie is.

I rush to them and ask "Where's anika?" i don't want to waste time.

The answer she gave shook me "She's in hospital" i couldn't handle myself and fell on knee's. My anika is in hospital?

"What happened to her?" i ask very difficultly.

"I don't know... Maybe she ate poison, priyanka mam has admitted her" this is shock. Nothing more nothing less. Just a complete shock.

"Pari malhotra?" i ask to confirm and she nods.

Dammit! She didn't even informed me? Why she...?

I don't want to waste more time and rush to my car. Michael started it and we were back on road.

I gathered my courage and dialled pari's number. After whatever happened that night...I can't even meet her eyes. She hates me.

"Pari. Please listen don't cut the call" i speak as soon as she answered the call.


"Pari please tell me where anika is and how she is?... Please i beg you." i cried not able to control anymore.

"she's fine now. Btw, Why should i tell you? So that you can hurt and torture her more? See shivaay forget her and move on. As I'm not going to give her to you" she says with hate in her voice.

"Pari last time. Please let me meet her. I haven't seen her since that night... Please. Pari" i cry more and she sighed

"Shivaayyy... Stop crying!"

"Please..." i say sniffling.

"Okay. Come to XYZ hospital"... She drops the call and i sigh.

It's not so far but also not so close... Michael changed the routes and we were on our way to hospital.

I close my eyes as i feel little relax now. Because she is fine... My anika is fine... Once again she suffered because of me.. I'm bad! Very bad.

Now even pari hates me!

I starts getting the flashes of that night when pari called me...


I was standing with anika when i got her call. She was getting bored and as usual she called me to meet her... Even i wanted to meet her and share everything with her so i agreed. I didn't tell anyone and thought to message anika but my cell wasn't charged and switches off...

I reached pari's house and she hugged me...

"Gadheee... I missed you so much" she said squeezing me in her hug. I reciprocated with same excitement "i missed you too..."

We settled on sofa with beers... I had to tell her a lot. And she also wanted to share her, this time experience of India.

"I'll tell first as mine is just little" she excitedly said and i nodded...

She as usual explained each and every thing of her stay in India... and it took more than 4 hours. I almost fell asleep 5 times.

Then my turn came...

"I want to start a new life with annie, pari." i said in low voice and she smiled

" shivaay you gotta tell her everything if you want to start new life." she held my hand and i nodded...

"There's a lot to tell you pari... I've so much to tell you... but please assure me, you'll not hate me after i say everything." i asked holding her hands and she smiled weakly and moved her hands back

"Umm...mm shivaay... tell me first"


As soon as i finished she moved back and brushed off her tears. She's hurt.

"Shivaay" she gasped "I told you before only, not to cross your limits... I...I warned you many times... didn't i?"

"You did pari, but.." she interuppted

"No. shivaay no! i don't want to hear any crap from you now. It's your fault wholly, you can't blame anyone for this. Not to sid or ragini neither to drugs. it's you who ra...raped her, not the drugs. You would have stopped if you didn't had desire of that thing. you wanted to and you did it. You can not escape from the reality by shifting blames to something else." she first time shouted at me.

"Pari please don't shout... listen to me... i can't bear your anger." she shushed me by a slap. hardest slap.

"Shut up shivaay. Do you even realize what you've done? You didn't just raped her body but also her soul. She trusted you and you broke it on the basis of fake stuff? how could you do it shivaay? you were never like this? who the hell you're, you can't be our shivaay." she cried dropping her head "You're changed and that too for bad. just leave" she moved away

I was afraid of it and still the same is happening...

"Pari don't do this... it hurts."

"Do you have any idea how much i'm hurt right now? no! how would you? because if you'd have then you'd have never raped her..." she walked to me.

"Shivaaay" she held my collar and looked in my eyes "How can your forget everything? You know... it hurts more when someone calls you... calls you Bastard... we had guts to shut everyone's mouth as you were clean and pure... but now? can we do it? no! We love you shivaay. You're the most important person of our little circle cum family. You killed our shivaay..." she pushed me and her words are ringing in my mind... "Rape isn't a small thing shivaay... you've broke our trust" she cried and held my hand

"Pari give me a chance yar. you know i can never live without you people... don't leave me like this... when anika can give me a chance then why not you?" i said in hurry and she stopped at the door

"She's great. but she doesn't know that you don't deserve this chance... you need to repent, and then you can get a chance, stay away and suffer. Your punishment." she opened the door

"She is ready to forgive me... please pari you can do it too..."

"Get lost shivaay i don't even want to see your fucking face" she pushed me out of her house and slammed the door on my face...

Flashback Ends~

I open my eyes as Michael applied break reaching hospital. Taking a deep breath i step out of car and reached the reception area...

"How can i help you sir?" she ask and i gulped

oh shit! i forgot to ask which name she has wrote for her... I looked at the nurse and she is looking at me as if analyzing something.

"Are you mr. oberoi?" she asked and i nodded while confusion stayed!

"Your wife is in Ward no 40 on 4th floor. left from lift and then right after 3 wards." she told me and i just rushed toward her ward. I had to ask her many things but right now, anika is priority!

Reaching outside her ward i breathed in and out before entering. Closing my eyes i step in. My heart crumbles in my chest seeing her on bed lying lifelessly. Many machines attached to her and many IV attached on her hands.

What you've done to yourself anika. i walked to her and firmly held her hand. I cursed myself seeing her palest face and for not being there when she needed me the most... I don't deserve this GEM. what I've made you anika, you were way much happy there, isn't it?

I kissed her hand and tears rolled down my cheeks. She's so weak.

"I'm sorry anika. Where i was going to give you a surprise that night and where you got the worst gift one could ever get, I never thought my family will behave such with you... If i had any idea i wouldn't have left you with them alone, never ever. I'm sorry again everything went wrong, i promised you but i couldn't keep it. I'm sorry anika" I cried holding her hand but she didn't listen to anything ...She's still not conscious. "I wanted to tell you this on party's night ... that ...that I love you anika"

"Shivaay" i turned toward the voice to see doctor uncle standing there...

"Uncle" I immediately wiped my tears and walk to him...

I thought he's going to console me but what he did shooked me . He slapped me hard!

"Uncle" i gasped holding the cheek and he then hugged me...

"Slap for your mistakes son. and this hug to console you...I'm really sad about your loss" he rubbed my back but i didn't understand what did he mean?

"Loss?" i asked and he moved back

"Didn't pari told you?"


"I'm sorry shivaay...

To Be Continued...

Precap: Further Revelations ... i.e: (maya and rudra, Gauri and om, about shivaay when he was missing for 3 days.. many more.)

Holaaaa sweethearts... I'm sorry for not giving the update on promised time, but i told this to few that my written work didn't saved and i had to re-write and i was really pissed off.. 3 times wattpad did this thing with me and 4th time i've to use WORD.

I'm not sure when will be the next update as I'm going to be busy little but I promise if it gets late more than it should be. Then the update will be longest till date...

Thank you everyone for votes and comments... Silent reader do vote and comment.

love you all.

Sorry i'm not able to reply to comments as my internet connection sucks and i've to comment 3 times to get it updated once. But i've read everyone's comments... Khotani, Aliya, Kavya, username... , hanna, girly, shabana, shivikalover, sagthiya, and many mores sorry I don't have time to write everyone's name. But I do read your comments and i love each and every comment.

Love ~ Annie...

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