•Further Revelations •

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~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

"I'm sorry shivaay..." He paused to give me more tension...

"please uncle, tell me anika is fine?" I asked while trembling with fear.
Many thought's started running in my mind with his word 'Loss' i don't want to lose anything anymore. And definitely not ANIKA. She's my life... How can i even afford loosing her?

"Calm Down shivaay. She's perfectly fine. But... Your child is no more..." He patted my shoulder and I'm Out of senses...

My child??... M..My? I stumbled and everything went black... I couldn't see anything just uncles word's were ringing in my mind "Your child is no more?"

I had a child and i didn't know it? My child died?

These words were enough for me to go mad at myself and my family. It's all because of me and my family that she tried suicide...

"shivaay" i heard few voices and slowly i could see everyone... Tears rolled down my eyes ...

"shivaay" pari shooked me and i looked at her blankly...

"my..M...My c...Child pari..?" I cried holding her hands but i wasn't getting peace and comfort...

What'll happen when anika will know about it? She won't be able to forgive herself everr..

"Handle yourself shivaay" pari hugged me and i nodded but my mind isn't working still.
All I'm thinking is about my child. My anika... She'll break down such that i won't be able to mend her back...

"How can i tell her about this?" I sobbed hugging pari and she withdrew "She's already hurt. You aren't going to tell her. She doesn't know about it" she jerked me and i looked at her with shock.

How can she not know? How?

"But..." I was cut in mid as uncle came and sat beside me..

"shivaayyy... She was almost one week pregnant. She most likely wasn't aware about it, that's the reason she ate posion... " he explained me and i nodded...

I'll never tell her about this. I decided and wiped my tears...

"S..Shivaay" anika muttered and i rushed to her. She wasn't fully conscious... I held her hand and swallowed all the pain to not let her know any thing...

"Anika" i called her and she slowly opened her puffy eyes... My heart clenched seeing her swollen and red eyes. She cried so much... For me? Do i even deserve this much love?

"Shivaayy" she moved her hand and slowly touched my face with tears brimming in her eyes... I immediately brushed off her tears and nodded in negative... She smiled slowly and i locked my hand with hers.

It feels so good to be near her holding her hand... I can never thank GOD enough for this much precious gift... She's not just a girl but a GEM. I can neve get tired of praising her and her goodness. She doesn't know what she means to me... But she means to world to me.

"you're fine now?" She slowly asked in her sour and heavy voice...

What I've done to get her? Laying on literally death bed, and still caring about me??? Why she's so good?

"You're sick. Not me" i smiled and she smiled lightly...

"I know where you were since 3 days shivaay. Are you fine now?" She asked slowly and lowly.... I gulped and looked at pari and uncle standind by my side's...

"I'm here from last night. I know everything shivaay." She looked at me after looking at the figure's beside me "She told me everything she did and what you did" her tone changed and i sensed anger and sadness in her voice...

"I'm sorry... Anika... I couldn't control... I never wanted it to happen but it just happened... I'm sorry" i apologised but she turned her face to other side...

"Your broke the 3rd condition shivaay. You didn't cared about your self and just... I don't want to see your face now... What iff.." She looked at me "What if uncle hadn't returned? What then shivaay? I would've lost you in real!!!" She cried and I'm feeling more guilty now...

"I'm sorry anika... I never wanted to hurt you by hurting myself... I just couldn't bear the pain of breakup with my bestie... You know naw they are my life.. I failed to control, this time. Please last time forgive me..." I cried asking for apology. She slowly touched my face and wiped off the tears...

"stop crying shiv... Please don't ever leave me like this... You don't know how much it Hurt's... Promise me?" she looked at me and i nodded...

"I promise annie... I'll never ever leave you... Never again... I promise" i placed my hand on hers and she smiled with tears... 

Enough of my patience... I embraced her in a tight hug and she reciprocated...

Finally!!! I hugged her after like ages...

The feel is real, i so wanted to feel her and here i did. Uncle and pari walked out and anika smiled as our lips automatically met and we were in a passionate kiss...

The kiss for which we both longed a lot. The kiss full of feeling's and love. Happiest... And loveliest kiss... Wanted kiss!.

After nearly 5 minute's we broke the kiss as she went out of oxygen but seeing her i forgot to take the breath. The face which was pale few minute's ago was now glowing and reddened with the blush...

I never saw this much beautiful lady before!!!

She shyly looked down and that smile... I can die to see it.

"Shall we go?" I asked her and she nodded...

Uncle and pari entered... But pari wasn't talking with me... Still!

"pari.." I called her but she didn't replied...

Everything was known by everyone...

"Pari. Please don't be angry with him... I know it's the matter of two friend's but shivaay isn't bad and you know it  more then me. It was all circumstances... Please!" Anika requested and pari looked at me with tears...

"Anika. I know he's not bad, not at all... And even it was circumstances which made him do that sin but when i asked him not to do anything without me being there, then why he did that? I know him that's why i asked him to stay away from you and never do anything about which you regret later on. I knew he'll lose his senses in anger and that's what, happened! It's all his fault." Pari crying explained everything to anika.

"I never wanted to see him guilty anika" she finished and i dropped my head for hurting her and everyone' who loves me!

"It's gone pari. I know how much it had hurt you, but holding on to something which will just hurt you and your loved ones isn't a good decision... Please let It all be... Let's just take a new starts. A new life?" Anika hopefully looked at pari and she nodded with Tear's and smile...

"Sorry." We both said to each other and then shared a hug...

After few tests and documents work we both left toward home...

"Oh. I forgot to tell you something..." She held my hand excitedly... I smiled and she smiled back...

"Didn't they informed you? Well.. I'll tell you, no worries, you know shivaay...umm.. We.. You know we are expecting a child..." She completed leaving me in shock...

How come she knows about it??? My body started shivering as i went pale... what I'll tell her, now? How she knows???

~~~Anika's POV~~~

I told him about the biggest upcoming happiness... About the blessing of GOD. But he didn't seem to be happy??? Why? Instead he went pale. Why?

"You don't need him/her?" I asked and he looked at me in double shock.

"Anika. Why not?" He said out of shock and i calmed little as his this question made one thing clear 'He wants this child'

"Then.. Why you're not happy? You aren't happy as it wasn't planned?" I asked and he smiled lightly... "I'm happy... Just little tensed as you're too weak to carry a baby..." He explained and i chuckled

"I'll be healthy once you make something for me" i side hugged him and he smiled hugging back.

In no more time the car stopped in front of the gate of my husband's dream mansion... From where I was kicked out!!!

I smiled not letting bad past effect me...

I slowly stepped out of car and shivaay immediately rushed to me , coming out from other side.

Holding his hand i walked toward the main gate and as we entered, what i witnessed shocked me... Everyone was there, standing, folding their hands...

Gauri was also there and also the girl whom pari introduced me as my saviour...

But why maya was folding hands? What did, she do?

"We're sorry anika" they said in unity...

"Ghalti ho gayi😭."  Om suddenly moved to me and fell on his knees

I couldn't understand their so much changed behaviour... I mean. Why would they cry just because the kicked me out? No... Something is fishy!

Then mom slowly walked to me and slowly fell down and held my knees. Before i could bent and hold her  "Forgive me... I killled him/her" her word's shocked me. Whom did she killed? Suddenly my mind caught on the links, randomly. 'Is she talking about my child?' No. This can't happen. Uncle him self told me that my child is fine...

I looked up and badi maa cried  "we're not even worth  to get your apology..." she dropped her head
... No my thoughts are wrong!!! I shouted in my heart...

Dadi "Fault is mine. I should've  stopped everything instead of watching"  she cried

"Stopp!!!" I shouted getting suffocated due to so much of stress but before i could get proper breaths everything started blurring out... Last thing i seen is rudra holding me while shouting my name...


I slowly opened my eyes and looked at shivaay who was sitting by my side. All the scenes came back to my mind but right now they were not suffocating me...

But, did i really lose my child?...

I was about to say something when shivaay stopped me...

"no. Please don't say anything. Rest and I'll bring something for you to eat, Please" he pecked on my forehead and i smiled...

He left leaving me in thought's... All those thoughts which are scaring me... But thankfully i know, my child is safe... I still remember... How i got saved on time and child too...


After knowing the truth about gauri, i was so heartbroken that i didn't wanted to live. In my whole life i got nothing but pain. Shivaay too left me... And his family kicked me out. And gauri, she also betrayed me...
It was my mistake to tell her about this... I did mistake by telling her about my truth. She back stabbed me.

I walked toward the sea point with the the bottle of poison which i steals from gauri's house. I don't know why she had it, but never mind it's useful for me.

I sat down on bench all devastated... Not hydrated and hungry i stated feeling dizzy, but it's good. Poison will definitely work faster.

Crying over some good and bad memories of mine with everyone i opened the cap of little bottle...

I never thought of doing suicide but this time I've no hopes and strength left. Shivaay who become my life left me... Definitely, he didn't trusted me yet, again. There would be some misunderstanding again, but this time I've no strength to face anyone's cruelness...

I gulped down the whole bottle but soon the vision turned blurry and then black out...

I opened my eyes in hospital... It was all white around me. For fraction of seconds i thought I'm dead and it's HEAVEN!!

Then pari appeared in front of me "You also died? To give me company?" I asked in confusion and she chuckled...

"you're not dead anika" she giggled and sat on the nearby stool...

Then i realised I'm saved and in hospital...

"why you saved me?" I angrily asked her and she smiled

"why you want to die? Such a beautiful life is ahead for you!" She said and i didn't understand anything... Giving same look i closed my eyes... To let the tears roll down. He left me!!!

"You're pregnant anika" she told me and my happiness has no boundaries...

"I'm going to be a MOM????" I asked excitedly and she nodded with same...

But soon shivaay who's nowhere seen came to my mind... All the happiness finished as my husband isn't with me... His/her father...

"He left me..." I muttered and she smiling held my hand...

"He never holds on to some one, to leave him/her later. He didn't left you anika. He was in Observation for 2 days... Today morning he got in senses and was discharged!" She told me, for second's i felt as my heart stopped...

"What happened to him?" I asked, my voice literally died...

"Some where it's my fault......." She explained me how she kicked him out and why...

"but what happened to him?" I asked again and she looked at me..

"When he left from my house, he went to hotel room , where we used to meet up and have drinks...with YUVRAJ he drank and cried... But due to excessive of drinking and crying he fainted and coincidentally... Uncle returned just before on day. Michale and yuvi brought him here. His condition was no good. Kidney wasn't fine again, and stress affected his brain too much. So uncle kept him on ICU 2 days and under his observation..." She explained me all and i cursed myself for doubting him though for little time.

I was feeling right that he wasn't fine or not safe...

"Who saved me?" I asked and a girl entered... Chubby and cute!

"she's soumaya, maya... My employee and  LOVE ANGEL! I mean radio jockey. She saved you." Pari introduced us and I'm happy to meet this cutie as she's really and angel to help me a lot... She got a call and left before i could thank her...

I so wanted to go after him and hug him... But suddenly my breathings went abnormal and uncle injected me something , again a black out!!!


I came out of thoughts as shivaay came back to room with a trolly and bundle of people's!!!

Pari, Omru, gauri and Maya!

I didn't wanted to talk with gauri but i stayed quite as everyone was there and i would never insult her in front of many...

All silently sat beside me on bed... And in front!

Back to soup? 🤦🤦🤦

"No please" i made a puppy face but guess what? Yeah! It didn't worked... But I'm anika Shivaay singh oberoi.
"did you had your lunch?" i asked and he nodded in no while blowing the soup in spoon.

"Great now, we both will have this soup!" i smiled and he smiled shaking his head in disbelief at my Clever mind...

"Anika... Please" gauri said but i didn't looked up at her... "I was helpless anika" she again said and i finally looked at her... I'm not a heartless person. Her voice was so painful.

"Pari... Why did you lied to me about us losing our child?" shivaay suddenly asked shocking me and everyone...

"It was needed, you decided to keep anika away from your family, after i lied about child's death" pari said and it shocked me more... How can she even think of separating him from his family?

"Hm.." but he just hummed? Why?

Bundles of question's gathering up again, but this time I'll get my answers, once they get finished with theirs...

"But... How you all got to know about it?" shivaay looked at om and questioned...

"I was passing by bhabhi's ward..." om answered...

I looked at everyone quietly...

"What happened to you?" shivaay asked hiding his concern...

He's angry with them. But it'll go once i reveal about truth!!

"Nothing. I took ishu there" he replied shocking us.. Now who's this ishu?

"Where did you find her?" shivaay asked him "Is she fine now? What happened to her???" he added and om sighed.

"She's ishu, your gauri is, mine ishu. Nothing happened to her. Just...J...She's pregnant." om's voice was low and painful.

Gauri is pregnant? By whom?

I looked at her and she was silently crying... Silence prevailed in room.

"Gauri" i called her and she looked at me... "come to me" i said in low voice and she immediately came to me. Not wasting any time she hugged me tightly...

I never  saw her crying this much... What happened to her????

"Did he said something?" i asked and she nodded... I looked at om and he looked at me with hurt face.

"Bhabhi, she cheated me... How can she do this? She's pregnant from someone else, and wants me to understand? What's there to understand???? I asked her to go back to him and never meet me again, I'll live my life as i was living." om said controlling his tears which were falling stealthily.

"You're not even listening me... No one is listening me..." suddenly gauri spoke the pain in her voice shooked everyone there...

"What ever the reason is, ishu, it had hurt me. Don't you see that?" om replied her and she with drew herself from me and wiped her tears.

"Yours pain. Anika's pain, everyone's pain? What about mine? No one sees mine pain. Why? What's my fault? Whyyyyy you all are doing this with me? It's not about you always!!! Why don't you listen to me" she shouted with all her strength making everyone silent...

Guilty!!! I felt guilt. I did wrong, i should've listened to her once at least. But at that time i wasn't in state to understand anything.

I had no words to calm her, i simply hugged her and let her cry... Till she stopped by herself.

"...Please tell us everything gauri." i caressed her head which was in my lap and she lightly sobbed...

"Do you remember when i left your house after topic of my love came up?" she asked me and shivaay and we both nodded.

"That's when all started, i passed out at my apartment due to excessive crying And when i woke up i wasn't in my apartment but in some one's else house. I...I.. I was tied up, my legs and hands both!!! My mouth was taped. But soon i got to know who kidnapped me. it...It was sid... Sid kidnapped me...." she cried remembering everything and i just tired  my best to console her. Fearing worst to listen...  I don't want my thoughts to be true...

"He wanted me to tell shivaay about you being real anika and not koel. He wanted me to lie. But i refused. He slapped me hard and i again lost my consciousness... And when i woke again, he was entering in room in his bo...Bo..Boxers" she hitched for breaths and held my hand tightly...

"He asked me what I've decided, i struggled to free myself but failed. I shouted at him but it never reached him as my mouth was taped... He apologized but then I realised her apologized for asking me questions while my mouth is taped... I cursed him abused him and refused him because  i can never ruin your life's... But he shut me kis...Kiss..Kissing me forcefully..." i squeezed her hand to support her...

"Hurting me badly by k...Kiss... H...He...T..T..Tore my c..C..Clothes and forc..Forcefully..." she lost her control and broke  down. Crying vigorously...

I feared and it was the only truth... She was r...Raped because of us??? How many more will suffer??

I too cried hugging her. I could feel her pain as even... I... I was ra..Raped. It's the worst phase a girl could ever go through...

Om who was angry with her for cheating him was now guilty!!!

Shivaay gave her water and she composed herself...

"He asked me to do as he says but i didn't agreed as what worse he could do with me? But i was so wrong, i got it in next few hours. He took me  back to my apartment and warned me not to tell anything to shivaay or police when i refused he threatened me by showing the video of that... I tried to be strong... And asked him to leave but he still wanted me to do his work. And i was also adamant to not do. But he... He used my brother... He kidnapped my brother...my rohan, he was in 8th standard living in india. I never thought he'll kidnap him...He said he'll kill him if i don't do as he say... I had no options Left. He said... He'll not...Not ra..Rape me again, as I'm not worth...Worth his pleasures... Who get pleasure when being raped???" she asked looking at me and crying...

She suffered so much!!!! All because of me!!! Me and me!!! She had so much pain in her heart and she still didn't said anything to me... While I'm responsible for everything!!

"i lost it because it was about my bhai" she sighed... "If yourl remember i messaged you and apologized you, it's because i was going to ruin everything because of my bhai..." she cried hugging me...

"Is..Is he fine? Rohan?." om asked with his trembling voice and she looked up at him and went numb...

All got scared including me... The way she suddenly went numb... I jerked her but she didn't responded...

Suddenly she started muttering his name "Ro..Ro..Rohan" while looking blankly at nothing particular...

"Gauriii" i shooked her and she looked at me...

"Anu..A...Anu" she screamed while crying loudlyyy without any tears "He...He.... My...My rohan anu... My rohan ny brother..." she kept on repeating that shedding no tears.

"Gauri" i slapped her tightly as her condition started getting worse...

She stopped as i slapped her and then cried hard with TEARS!!!

"They killed himmm... Mere rohan ko maar diaaa... Such a small kid he was. Just this much" she crying raised her hand upto her forearm "He was this much... They still k..Killed him... What was his fault??? They didn't gave him anything to eat till their work was done,anu... And later the strangled him... They killed my rohan... My...My rohan" she cried but this time i looked at om, as only he can support her in this time... He means more to her then me...

Getting my sign om immediately stood up and coming near her pulled her in a hug. She dropped herself completely on him while om held her in his embrace as if carrying her...

She cried till she wanted to... Giving few pecks om calmed her down and sat down hugging her...

I looked at maya and one more question is remaining...

"Why you were apologizing?" i asked and she held rudra's hand.

" I'm his fiance... And i should also apologize on his behalf." she smiled and we all looked at them shocked....

"Fiance???" shivaay literally shouted and rest just followed the expressions...

"yes bhaiya" rudy blushed and i smiled "Blush ha?" i said and he dropped his head.

"We met in college and fell in love. Exchanging rings, we got engaged." maya smiled i looked at rudy he was little sad.

"What happened?" i asked and he looked at maya

"Bhabhi, i would've married her by now but she's not returning to india. You know it's been one and half year she came here... As her mother died, she had to wrap up everything from here but it's getting delayed, so does our marriage..." rudy completed and i chuckled

"No worries... I will help you wrap up things sweetie " shivaay spoke and i looked at him.

"She saved me" he whispered in my ear and i smiled.

"Why did you left O?" i looked up as rudra asked gauri.

Gauri looked at om and then sniffed...

"I got to know that he had a sister whom he killed... A picture and letter was sent to me by courier. Picture was of om and a girl...  Whom om was stabbing... I never knew that he was an oberoi. And also i  believed on the pictures..." gauri explained and om smiled...

"Now you both rest, tomorrow we will meet" pari stood up and all followed her.

Soon everyone was gone...

Shivaay stood up and dropped the trolly out... I laid down completely...

"Medicine's anika." he came to me and showed the medicines...

I don't want to take them!!!

"No...!!!!" i refused and he smiled looking at my stomach.

"It's for baby's goodness, not yours!! Huh." he looked at me and then again averted his gaze.

"Okayyyy... Then." i smiled and took the medicines... "No you'll sleep" he strokes my hair and sleep started coming   "I need to have a talk with you..."  i mutterd as sleep Overtook me...

To Be Continued...

Precap: Ishq wala Love. (Some romance, along with revelations continuation...)

Hola everyone here's your update enjoy!!!!

Thanks for the votes and comments! ❤❤❤💞💞❤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Silent readers you also do it.

Love ~ Annie...

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