•Real anika's Truth!•

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Walking out of shivaay's room om held gauri's hand and she looked at him with pain and hurt in her eyes. 

"I'm such an idiot to hurt her and blame her." Cursing Himself he took her to His room in which he's  staying.

All the while she was silently sobbing... Entering the room he locked the door.

"Please sit down, gauri"  he requested and she quietly went toward the couch and sat down.

Pouring some water in a glass he walked to her with that...

"Have it and stop crying. Please it's not good for you ishu" he said and she looked at him and held the glass. He sat beside her and looked at her closely.

"She has lost a lot weight.  Skinny and weak.  I somewhere lost my happy go lucky ishu. The girl who used to smile, all the time. The girl who used to make everyone laugh and hate tears. The girl who made me live the life. But she's not same as before. She's not my ishu anymore, my ishu is lost." he thought looking at her

"I'm sorry om. I never thought that, those pictures could be someone's plan or conspiracy against us. I just believed them and left you blaming you." she sobbed and om gulped down the pain he's going through seeing her and remembering the past.

"I - it's not your fault ishana. I should've told you before only, about myself openly. If I'd have told you everything before. Then maybe all these wouldn't have happened." he said in low and guilt filled voice, holding her hand.

It was his fault from starting. If he would've told her about everything openly, beforehand, then nothing would've happened.

"But it was my fault too. How can i doubt the one whom i claimed to love? How?" she questioning looked at him and he smiled "Maybe there was some mistake from my side, that i couldn't make that place in your hurt or gain that trust of yours. Whatever it is, it's past now. We can't sit and ruin our future life holding onto it ishu." he calmly said and she too nodded in agreement.

"Enough of separation om. I can't live without you. Only i know how I've lived all these years, without you. There was no such day, when i didn't cried." she leaned onto his shoulder and was about to cry again when he made her look at him

"Ssshhh! You're supposed to smile and not cry. I'm with you, once again. Please bid bye to these tears of yours Ishu. We will take a new start and I want you to smile on the start so that the future is happy and good too..." he kissed her forehead and she smiled

"Let's go and abo..." he didn't let her complete and covered her mouth.

"No ishu!. You will not even think of it. I know what ever happened with you wasn't right. But, what's the fault of this Child? He or she doesn't even know about it And will never know. It's my and yours child, from now own-word. Did you get that?" he lovingly said and later asked sternly

"Om..." she crying said and he hugged her "Please you gotta be strong. It's our rohan,returning." he kissed her forehead again...

"Maybe naina" she finally smiled and om nodded...

"Ishu, why didn't you complained to police about rohan's murder? And how come he here? Wasn't he in india?" he asked with curiosity increasing. He wanted to ask it, since she revealed everything but didn't get any chance At that time.

"A-actually i had no proof about his murder. According to records he was with me only. Also i didn't made any report in police about him being kidnapped, being afraid of sid. He wasn't here but sid got him here. He was supposed to come here after week from today. But sid deliberately brought him here, before..." she sniffling replied

"How do you know him? Sid?" he asked

"Om... Let me rest little. I know you've many more questions to ask but right now. I'm feeling sleepy and tired. Please let me sleep in your arms." she said while snuggling into him and he too started stroking her hair slowly while smiling.

Soon she dozed off in his arms being in peace. After all after ages of separation and pain, she got peace and warmth.


(There's no secrets of maya and rudy so no clarifications.)

~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

Finally I'm with her, my wife. Seeing her in my arms and feeling her by inhaling her scent, makes me feel good. I'm lucky to be her husband. Luckiest!

Ages of wait to get this kind of happiness and peace. I've waited a lot and struggled enough. I feel so tired now. Enough of everything, i need some rest and she's my only pain killer. Which will help me feel more good and relaxed.

She snuggles more into me as i stroke her hair, after coming out of thoughts. Watching her face so closely. A smile crepts on my lips. Angel. She's an angel who came into my life, no! She never came. I forcefully brought her here in my life, in my hell.

But Thank to GOD. She changed everything, hell to heaven. I tried my best to make every heaven of hers into hell, but everytime, i failed. I'm happy much happy for the first time because i failed, i failed for something good, though unknowingly.

I kissed on her forehead and a smile crept on her face.

She never showed it but she always wanted such love. I've seen in her eyes.

Looking at her sleep overtook me And i went into my dreamland to see the beautiful future of us!

I opened my eyes as i felt something wet and cold on my face. Opening my eyes i found my pretty wife being kiddish!

"Anikaaa" i whined as she again jerks her hair, wet hair on my face.

She giggled and moved back. I sat up on the bed and looked at her as she combed her hair.

"Good morning wifey" i wished and she smiled broadly "Good morning to you too hubby" she wished back and clips her hair.

"Espresso is ready, go get freshen up." she said while walking toward the balcony where a tray was placed.

I smiled and stepped off the bed. Not wanting to delay anything i quickly took shower and pulling on the casuals i walked to her, toward balcony.

I was about to sit on opposite couch when she called me "Shivaay" i looked at her and she smiled "Sit with me" she said tapping the side beside her.

I smiled and walked to her and sat beside her. Without exchanging further words we started having our breakfast. But this silence is more irritating. Sipping the espresso i looked at her, who was in deep thoughts.

"Anika what you're thinking?" i asked and she looked at me with thoughtful face

"Shivaay... I don't understand what forced rahul to do suicide? I mean... Only ditching?" she asked me but I've no answer of it. Even i don't know why he did that. Even i don't understand what exactly is the reason.

"Anika, that's still a question." i simply replied and she nodded.

"You know what shivaay i have a strong feeling. That he never did suicide. Or maybe that ditching, isn't the reason. I guess it was a murder and that's the reason his body is missing..." she told me what her thoughts are. I think she's right. How come these things never came in my mind?

"I think you're right anika." i said feeling the goosebumps, only with the thought that my rahul was killed?

"See... I think you should find the girl with my face.  The one who was his GF." she said and i looked at her And then nodded

"Shivaay" she tapped my shoulder as i looked down. I looked up and she bit her lower lip 'Need a kiss?' My heart asked but i kept quite 😁

"There's a thing i want to tell you" she said holding my hand

Finallyyyy!!! She also wants to share her things.

"Sure. Tell me?" i said holding her hand back


"About what anika?"

"About anika" she said and i felt sudden goosebumps again.

"What's that? I mean..." i paused and looked at her "Is she real anika? The one with your face?" i asked and she nodded in NO.



"She's Dead." she said shocking me. Anika is dead??? Anika raichand??? How??? And how she knows?

"How?" i asked with my head started hurting.

"You know she ran away after killing naina. After that her parents found her..." she paused

I could sense uneasiness in her as she came on this topic. Definitely, she wasn't feeling comfortable while telling all this. There must be something which is making her feel uneasy?

"Be easy anika. If you're okay and comfortable, then only tell. Otherwise, I'm not interested in knowing and will not force you" i said smiling and cupping her face.

Her behavior changed and she smiled getting comfortable. Seeing her comfortable then before i smiled again and held her hands.

"You know anika better then me shivaay. You must've known her very welly, even her wishes." she said holding on to my hands quietly.

I just nodded and she gulped down

"I think it's your right to know, that's why I'm telling  this. When she ran away she was just 10 like me... Naina's murder was her just first one. The beginning." she said and i could feel how much fearful she was.

"Beginning? Do you mean..." i stopped as she nodded.

"It wasn't her first and last, it was first. She was found by an old couple living near some valley kind. I don't know exact place. I just know the truth. The truth of anika raichand. When that couple found her. She was a kid. I still remember how much her parents, i mean mr and Mrs raichand used to curse that couple who gave her love and took care of her. About 3 years later, when she was most likely of 13 and something... She... She" she paused all sweating. I gave her water and she gulped it down in one go. After getting comfortable again she held my hand

"It's not easy for me, as some of the bitter memories of mine are related with it. But now I'm telling about anika.
When she was of that age, her wishes and demands increased. She wanted them to spend more on her then before. But they were living there on pension and they also had no child. But... Anika, anika wanted money to fulfill her own dreams and wishes...
So... She, she killed the couple and ran away with all their savings of money and Jewelry. It was an old couple." she stopped crying.

I can understand her situation right now. I know what she's thinking and going through now. Some where she must be blaming herself for all the happenings...

"Anika it's not your fault anywhere." i made her look at me and she sobbed

"No shivaay. Saying is easy but not believing and living with it. You know I'm a coward who couldn't fight for myself. Leave others, i couldn't even fight for my own self. If i would've gone to police and complained About everything. Then maybe... That couple would've been alive now? It's completely my fault. I stayed quite." she cried

I slowly pulled her in a hug and her sobs got more. How can i console her? When she's not ready to...Understand?

"Anika stop crying or I'll leave." i said and she parted. Sniffing twice she wiped her tears "I'm not crying."

I smiled and hugged her.

"Listen anika. Quitely, don't interrupt me nor dare to cry." i moved my hand on her back and she nodded.

"Your thinking is right somewhere, but just somewhere. You think it's your fault. Okay. That's your thoughts but it's my duty to tell you wrong and right when you're not able to get it.
When all that happened with you, you were a child. A small kid unlike anika. You were like a kid who was shy, innocent. You weren't bold or manner less.
You were a pure soul,  an innocent kid.  The age when you were supposed to teach facts of life and more things, at that age you were tortured and molested. Your mind got numb and you were afraid of everything! You were left with nothing, no power to think anything. You were scared of everything. You never thought about complains at that time as your mind was never drived towards these things. You were afraid and scared.
So it's not your fault. It's fault of your parents, your fake parents and many other persons... Even that old couple. You're no where at fault.
You'd have been at fault if you were bold and became coward when the real matter came. But you're not at fault as you grew up in an environment which never let you grow up like a bold girl and not some scared soul." i stopped as she was blankly staring me

"what happened???" i asked and she leaned her head on my chest again "You know everything very welly"

I smiled and stroked her hair "I never knew till i saw your pain and struggles in your eyes."

She looked at me with tears and then hugged me, i reciprocated.

"How she died???" i asked and she sighed

"A-after killing the couple she ran away with money and jewelry, she didn't knew but her parents had kept an eye on her. Her money finished soon as she was drived toward drugs. Her fate Maybe... She wasted that whole money on fancy clothes and drugs. After money  finished she started working as their supplier  to get money and drugs. She used to become courier girl to supply drugs as no one could even guess she's supplying drugs, being a kid. Soon her wishes increased and so does the level of cheapri. She went into pro... Prostitution..." she paused looking down while i wasn't even able to blink or sigh...

Prostitution??? She was a kid.

"What you're saying? She was just 13." i asked shocked

"I know. But when she entered in that line. She was 14 and also she went there as per her own wish. She was matured on early age. She knew everything  and did everything with her own wish. Her parent's also knew about it. But no one else.
Oh, even i knew.
You'll be shocked knowing. Her parents have also lived on her money for one month, when the business was real down." she said shocking me more.

Such shameless parents.

"She died last year. When she was caught killing her own customer and died in an encounter." she said and for few seconds i was numb.

"Whyyy???" i looked at anika and she gulped hard.

To Be Continued...

Precap: Same!

Definitely it's not compensation as i was ill and not busy. I would've compensated, if it was delayed due to other things. Health is priority, as you all said. I took complete leave from everything as it wasn't just sickness but some virus and also allergic. My hands are still not fine. Holding mobile heats them up. Itchy witchy bitchy... 🤦🤦🤦😢

I'll try to update next one by night, maybe short.

I typed the chapter after taking the anti-allergic pills, which have some sort of alcoholism and i was falling asleep again and again. Pleade ignore the mistakes.

Sorry and Thank you.💞❤💞💞❤😟💞😟💞😟💞😟💞

I may not be able to reply everyone now as i said in messahe  but promise by evening.Olay!

Love ~ Annie...

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