•Surprise for Anika?~•

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~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I sar on my chair in board room and the thoughts surrounded me. "What should i gift her? And where should i take her?" but this didn't go for long as the delegates entered the board room.

Meeting went smoothly with me in other thoughts. Finally after 2 long hours the meeting got finished and i got the deal. Sighing, i sat on my chair as they left.

"Confess your love" pari's words ringed  in my ear and i felt shy and confused.

This pari is idiot. She never know what she's speaking. Taking a deep breath i sat up and marched toward my cabin.

"Annie..." i called out but she wasn't  here to listen to it.

I smiled and walked to the IT section where i expected her to be. On reaching i found her busy in laughing with the staff.

"G-Good morning sir." one of the employee stood up and his greeting averted others direction.

"Good morning" i smiled and walked to my annie.

All looked at me as if I'm alien!
Well for them i could be some alien. As i never smiled much in front of my employees and never in such situation where lots of work is pending and they're laughing like maniacs, leaving behind everything.

"Shivaay..." anika tried speaking something but i stopped her "Leave all. Let's go home you must be Hungry" i held her hand and all grinned.

"Stop giggling and start working" i stared all and left the place with anika beside me.

"I'll not go home shivaay. I want to eat outside!" she freezed on her place  in  the center  hall of office.

"Don't be so stubborn anika." i faked anger and she pout sadly.

"You also, don't be so stubborn. What's wrong in having pizza? Like what's the problem.????" she asked crossing her arms and slowly the staff started looking at our direction.

"What's not wrong? See it's not good for baby. Let's not argue on it" i hid my smile and looked at her angry face.

'Awww cutie pie.' my heart spoke but i kept the cold face intact.

"Why not. Baby also want to have that pizza. Okay!" she angrily looked at me.

"Anika... Let's move to cabin." i smiled and she turned her face.

I must admit it, she doesn't just look cute in anger but also looks sexshhyyy!!!

"Stop checking me out." she whispered  "Wese I'm not coming to your cabin till you agree to my demands." and then glared me.

"Think again." a smirk appeared on my face and she arched her eyebrow in suspicion.

"You can't do this." she freaked out as i bent down little.

"You don't know   what i can do" i smirked as i lifted her.

"Shiv... Everyone is watching. Put me down" she struggled under my hold..

"Who cares? You're my Wife, and nobody should've problem with it." i smirked and walked to my cabin.

As soon as i entered, she bit me on my neck and ran to the chair. "I hate you. You never fulfill my any wish." she head downs and started fake crying.

I was about to walk to her and talk but got a call and left excusing. I wouldn't have left her if she wouldn't have allowed me. But she literally pushed me out of the cabin so that i don't face any loss because of her. But she doesn't know what that call was about.

After finishing  all the work  i walked back to my cabin at 8:00 Pm but to my surprise and shock. It was locked!

Thankfully i had a spare key. Unlocking the door i tip toed inside and found her sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"Anika" i slowly whispered in her ear and a small smile appeared on her face... My hands automatically traveled to her face and started rubbing her glowing cheeks.

"Shivaay" she murmurs in her sleep. "Annie..." i again called her out and she opened her eyes little.

"What?" she sat up and glared me

"Let's go, it's too late." i Smiled and she smiled but weakly.

"Okay." she stepped down and started collecting her stuff from the table.

"Wear it." i gave her a dress, Wrapped in a gift   wrap.

"Why?" she rolled her eyes

"Surprise." i mouthed and a genuine smile played on her lips. Excitedly she snatched the box from me and rushed to washroom. Mad girl!!!

I know how much time she'll take to adjust that dress. I walked to the private room of mine and changed into my dress.

I was busy setting my bow when i heard the door unlocking sound. I immediately rushed out to see my angel coming out of washroom, slaying the dress. It suits her more then i thought It'll.

I liked it as my gaze fell over it. I knew my girl will make it special. She'll add charm in this dress.

I forgot to breathe seeing her in this red gown. I felt my throat dry seeing her hotness.

"Am i looking good?" she asked shyly and looked down not meeting my eyes.

"More then that..." i gulping moved to her raised her face holding her Chin. She still kept her eyes lower while her face started matching with the dres color.

"You know... You're the only girl in this whole world, who never needs makeup." i husked in her ear and she reddened.

"Thank you for the com..." I didn't let her complete it.

"We're late. Stop looking so hot!" i moved back and she flushed more.

I immediately picked up the required things and left the office holding her hand.

"Where we're going?" she asked as we entered the car.

"Surprise." i winked at her and she got more excited.

"Dinner outside?" she hopefully looked at me with her twinkling eyes and i smiled nodding in a NO!!! I saw her getting upset.

"Have trust on me. The surprise is way more better than dinner outside." i caressed her cheek and she smiled.

Soon, i parked my car at hotel and shifted to other car...

"Why we Changed it?" she looked at me and i smiled

"you'll know. Turn to otherside." i asked her and she turned. Blindfolding her i started the engine.

"Whatt?" she asked not seeing anything.

"Surprise!!!" i giggled and she sighed.

"It's suffocating." she whined.

"Baby... Just some more time and we'll be at our place."

"Shivaaayyy..." she whined makig me giggle.

"Anika..." i whined like her and she stomped her feet.

"It should be worth all the wait and struggle. Otherwise..." she yelled.

"You'll decide that... If it's worth it or not." i chuckled and she got quite while thinking something...

To Be Continued..

Precap: Maybe confession!

I'm sorry as it's late and short. But i didn't wanted to delay more to make it long.

As you all know it's not my one and only book, I've other books to update too. But Its first in priority list. I try my best to update but I've job and other works to handle too... Sorry as i update late now.

But from now own the next update will depend on you guys.

Target: 400 votes.

I know you guys can achieve it. Silent readers, it's all in your hands now.

Thanks much for the love and appreciation. I read all!!!

Love ~ Annie...

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