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I'm sorry everyone. I don't know how to say it, i feel so embarrassed and guilty too. Last chapter i posted wasn't full. I didn't checked for the first time after posting and it's the first time, the chapter i posted isn't full.

I had given the target at the end but in that chapter it's not there. Shivika kiss was also there but it's missing. When i posted, it was full but god knows why it's not full in published one. Well... I'm really very sorry.

~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

Promising myself to never hurt her again, I composed  myself. Looking at her with a smile i wiped her tears which were on the edge of falling down.

"I'm sorry. I'll not repeat this mistake" I held her hand and she looked at me with her questioning eyes. Many questions were there. "I promise annie, I'll not bring up this Topic ever again. I was feeling guilty as... As i just read your message." i paused and she clenched my hand tightly.

"If you'd have read that on that day then maybe this all mess wouldn't have happened." She asks me while looking in my eyes

"Yes. Definitely this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry" I apologize again and she smiled "Maybe that was needed."

Sweetheart she's. Even finding happiness and God's will in that incident.

"You know what anika. I kind of like you" i smiled while pulling her closer to me and her breaths got stuck in her throat only, as she hit on my chest.

"R-Really?" she asked not looking at me but just flushing.

"Yes." i smiled and she bit her lower lip to hide her smile, which she still failed to hide.

"Stop!! Stop biting your lips annie." I whispered in her ear. And she held my coat tightly.

"If you don't mind." i moved little back and she looked at me "Can i - Can i kiss you?" i asked keeping little distance and she smiled looking down. "I'm taking it as a yes. Is it right?" i asked to confirm as i don't want to even kiss her without her permission.

She didn't said anything and just held my hand which was holding her hand. Shy girl!

I Smiled and moved closer  to her again. Her tempting fragrance! Leaning to her face i slowly placed my lips on her forehead and kissed her. This isn't the kiss i took the permission for. This is the kiss she needs. As i kissed her, she smiled. Tracing my lips on her cheek I kissed her earlobes and cheeks.

Finally the time to Claim the lips. I moved little back  and she reddened.

Unexpectedly to her, my hand drifted to her hip. It settled there and pulled her closer. She inhaled sharply. She was against my warm chest.  My breathing quickened as did hers. I began nuzzling her neck with delicate kisses. So faint, they were whispers. She urged herself to push away, but couldn’t. Her limp body began to tremble uncontrollably. My head was angled slightly to the side as my lips came closer and closer to hers. She was surprised to find her own lips parted.
I kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. My other hand rested below her ear, my thumb caressing her cheek as our breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down my spine, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us and she could definitely  feel the beating of my heart against her chest.

Relishing each other' we parted. Before our breaths could get normal. I again claimed her lips and waited for her to respond. She did after fraction of seconds. Exploring each others mouth for  about 5 minutes, we parted.

Breathing were uneven while faces just reddened more and more.

I looked at my watch. Seeing the time i immediately picked up the bag "Annie. We're late already. Let's leave" holding her hand i started walking  out "Shivaay... Let me take my bag too." she said "Okay. Be fast." i said leaving her hand and walked out.

Starting the car, i started waiting for her. 10 minutes, 20.. "annie... Where are you?" i messaged her "Just coming..." she replied. 30 minutes passed... I was about to go in and check on her, if she's fine or not. Just then she walked  out from main door followed by omru and gauri.

She sat in car as they waved from door to us.
"Where were you? 32 minutes!" i looked at her while changing gear

"Actually... Om and gauri were fighting over a small issue. So just resolved it and came." she replied with a smile

"Well... It took you 30 minutes to resolve their issue, then it wasn't small. Tell me the issue." i asked as we started our journey toward my office

"A-actually... It's related to you. Gauri isn't fine and Doctor has asked her to rest, and om wants her to follow what Doctor has said. But she's reluctant to agree and wants to go on work." she paused looking at me "I said..." she again stopped

"Anika. What did you said?" i asked with a smile playing on my lips, seeing which she too brought a smile on her face.

"I said no need to go on work." she smiled more "I'll manage your bhaiya." she completed and then again looked at me.

"Nice. Now tell me, how you'll manage me" i looked at her and she unbuckled her seat belt and started leaning toward me.

"W-What are you doing annie...?" i asked trying my best to focus on driving. At which i was failing. Her fragrance is hard to avoid. I love inhaling it.

"Managing." she blew on my face and i failed to catch my breaths.

"L-let me focus.." i almost whispered and she placed her hand over my cheek, making it burn with her touch.

"What I'm doing?" she asked with such innocence, as if she doesn't know about the thing she's doing.

Gulping hard i tightened my grip on the steering and focused more on driving. I didn't know that she'll manage me like this.

"Shivaay... your sister is sick. She wants a leave and you're giving it to her. It's final. Okay?" she kissed my cheek and i again gulped hard

"S-Sure..." i said and she chuckled. "Thank You!" she  moved back to her place and buckled to seat.

"Don't worry bachu, I'll surely take revenge of it." I smirked thinking

"What's that?" she made me look at her "What?" i asked looking back straight.

"That, which is making you smirk" she raised her brow

"Nothing" i shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay... What I'll do in office?" she asked me while pouting as if realizing that she'll get bored there.

"You can do a lot here." i stopped at my private parking "You can explore the office's. You can stay with me"  I pulled her toward me unbuckling the belt and she inhaled sharply.

"Y-yeah nice idea. But what if you went for some meeting, in board room?" she managed to look at me.

"Then you can come there too. But I've something better for you to not get bored" i smiled and walked out of car. Moved to her side and opened her side of door

"What's that?" she asked unbuckling the seat belt.

"You can visit  the IT department." i leaned to her and she widened her eyes looking at me.

"O-Okay..." she averted her gaze to my lips.

"No. I'm not going to kiss you. This parking is CCTV covered." i winked at her and moved back.

We both walked toward the office building of Construction.

"It's so Beautiful." she ran her gaze all over the office building  "Interior is just WOW!!!" she smiled looking at me.

"Thank You!" i smiled and she narrowed her eye brows. "I've designed all by myself. It's all done by me." I looked at her and she smiled

"Well done PP. I'm impressed!!!"

"Wanna come to my office or explore?" I asked and she looked at me thinking something.

"I'll explore once you're gone for meeting. Till then I'll be with you." she smiling side hugged me and we entered my cabin

"WOW!!!" she was amazed

"Like it?" i asked as i shifted to my chair

"Like? I loved it. How can you be so creative?" She moved to me looking around

"In my Blood. I don't like normal things or trends... I create my own trend and unique." i smiled while logging into laptop

"Proud of you! I had no idea you're so good in designing." she pulled the front chair to my side and sat on it.

"Even after wearing the designer dresses, i bought for you?" i looked at her.

"oh! That's the reason it was so nice" she smiled and i nodded while starting checking the files I had to sign.

I could see her through the corner of my eyes. And till i observed, she's getting bored.

"I feel so bored" she finally whined

"You can roam around" i didn't looked at her on which she rolled her eyes

"Shivaay... What we'll eat tonight?" she asked me while leaning on to my shoulder

"What ever you want to... No way! It's not happening. You're pregnant annie. From now own, you'll follow a strict diet!" i looked at her and she frowning, pouted sadly...

Kiss it!! My heart yelled but i concentrated to be stern.

"Shivaayyyy!!! It's the start... Let me enjoy little. I'll eat pizzas, pasta, lasagna..." she licked her lips while Moaning, enjoying her imaginary foods.

"stop day dreaming " I smiled  and she opened her eyes with a sad pout

"Pretty pleaseee!!!" she made puppy eyes.

"No means no." i stood up and she looked down sadly..

"I just got pregnant and here this monster has started applying his diets on me... Don't pregnant women's have heart? Don't they want to eat yummy food? I haven't eaten anything good since so long..." she murmur to herself but it was audible to me, i smiled and she angrily looked at me.

"Stop smiling at me. see how i change your diet and give you just boiled vegetables." she warned me childishly.

"You're so cute annie" i pinched her cheeks and she smiled little "But I'll not agree" i smiled and she turned her face

"Don't you like to see this cute annie, happy?" she pouted asking and a smile escaped.

"I prefer blushing one" i pulled her to me and she blushed hard. "This one" i trailed my fingers on her face and she reddened more.

"CCTV" she pointed and i shrugged my shoulders "No one can see" i planted a kiss on her earlobe and felt her shivering.

"Would you really change my diet?" I kissed the side of her lip and she closed her eyes

"N-No" she whispered and i chuckled but silent.

"Good..." i moved my hand to her waist and pulled her more closer. "You're sweet and cute anika. I feel lucky to be your husband" i whispered near her lip and she opened her eyes. Which for the first time, i guess. Showed only happiness and love. "Keep them open and kiss me" i smiled and she reddend but... Kissed me.

Unexpected! I thought she'll not give being shy. But here, she kissed me  way more softer then i ever thought. As our lips crushed together, I felt like i was walking on air. It was magic, the way her lips connected with mine. Her mouth was so warm, the caress of her lips softer than I could have imagined.

It's not our first kiss, but still it's magical and feels as if it's first. Breaking the kiss to catch some air, i looked at her trying to breath normally.

She looked down with shyness. I smiled and composed myself.

"I'll be back in an hour anika. Roam and enjoy. Don't hesitate before barging into meeting room, if some problem arrives, or someone hurts you." i kissed her forehead and left to the meeting room.

She needs to get a surprise. She's bored and happiness needs to be there... Should i gift her something or take her on dinner?

I was about to step in the room when my cell rang "Pari" flashed on screen and i happily picked up the call.

"Called on right time." i joyfully spoke.

"Ahan.. How can i help you dmbo." she as usual spoke

"Anika is bored and kind of upset with me as i refused to let her eat pizza etc..." i was cut in mid before i could complete

"Jerk!!! Why you upsets her?"

"Wait. I need a solution not scolding, please!"


"Good, so tell me what should i do? Gift her something or take her on dinner?"

"Idiot. You're rich enough to afford both togather or aren't  you?"


"Then take her on dinner and gift her something there." she yelled making me go deaf for seconds.


"No but wut. Just do as i said. Take her out, feed her whatever she wants to and gift her something to make her super  happy. And tell her you love her!" she smiled i guess

"W-What... What are you saying..." i stutter and she chuckled

"Bye. Do as i said. It's needed."

"Okay... Why you called?"

"Call me tomorrow after the date. We'll meet up. For now, concentrate on the thing i said, bye."


Call dropped and mission start.

Now I've to plan dinner and gift. Huff... Lot's of work!!! Thinking so i stepped in the meeting room.

To Be Continued...

Precap: Gift!

Guys. I've apologized already and will not be setting any target in this chappy!


My book is nominated in ISHQBAAZIANS AWARD. in few categories. Please, if you feel like i deserve to win, then go and vote. Not much time left, i just got to know about being nominated. Go to Annie_nick profile, she has held the awards.

Again Shabana__ has also held the award for best shivika fictional.

My this and other books have been nominated for different categories. If you've read and loved them, then please vote. Only if you think i deserve to be voted!!..

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE. I'll try to post the next update soon as I'm really guilty.

Also, if you've any confusion related to this book. Just ask and I'll try my to  clear it.

Love ~ Annie...

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