•Telling the PAST!•

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~~~Anika's POV~~~

"I've decided something... you've no choice, you've to agree... I'm going to..." i couldn't complete as he interupted

"Annie... I know you're hurt and want to kill me. i'm ready for everything. but please don't tell me that you're going to leave me..." his voice cracking and hands shivering. tears are same there 'Non- Stop' 

How can i leave him? I've no one here to whom i'll go... where i can stay... I too saw the guilt about which jessie was talking... it hurts to see the one in pain whom you loved, but he deserves this. he had no fucking right to do that all with me... even if i was anika. no one had that right... not even my husband...

"I'm not done yet. Don't dare to interrupt again" i said in cold tone. which I've learnt from him only... he nodded...

"Mr. oberoi..." i looked at him... his face went pale and he dropped his head. 'Good' i want to see you like this only huh!

"I Don't want to live with you anymore..." i spoke clearing my throat. it's also paining me not only him. it's meant to be like that... Every step toward my revenge is meant to hurt him and it'll never hurt only him but, also me. It's the side effect of LOVE!

"Annie please don't do this... I'm sorry..." he moved toward me and was about to hold my hand...

"Stop" i showed him my hand and he stopped "I'm shifting to last floor" i spoke and a sigh of relief escaped from his mouth... "I don't want to see your face ever again..." i added and the difference is here... Dull face AGAIN! "The Moment i shift, you'll never come there... we'll never meet again. we'll not have any kind of talk from that time, own-wards..." i paused and he nodded "We'll not have breakfast, lunch dinner anything, together. I'll go wherever i want to and wherever i want to work. you're no one to say anything..." i stopped

"No. i don't agree... it's not safe anika" he spoke and i chuckled "In that case, i'm not safe even at home. right?" he looked down "Agree? as you've no other choice"

"I don't agree... the last floor is literally the roof, only... you want to shift? then shift on second one. rest are for my brothers..." he spoke looking down on nothing so important. i know how much he loves his brother, and i don't want to argue on the matter where his brothers are involved. I'll be okay with second floor too as far as he doesn't come there...


"I'll not show you my face, i'll use mask?" is he mad or what? we're talking about such a serious topic and here he's saying childish stuff "I can't stay without seeing you" he pouted... As usual, he looks cute in this pout but i hate him now. everything of his and him! I Didn't said anything...

"I promise, i'll not visit that floor. but, you'll never stop exploring the house. i'll stay on this floor and mostly in my room only. whole house will be yours... don't limit yourself till the second floor. we'll meet ...please... and even will have lunch breakfast dinner everything together...Please... you can go anywhere you want to, but with driver and guard. you don't need to work anika" he looked at me and i just shake my head in disagreement.

"No...No...! we'll not meet nor have anything." i paused  "Anika please... don't do this... i want to rectify and if you'll not let me then how i'll do? okay! i know, i can still do like without your permission coming in-front of you and irritating you. but i don't want to do that... i want to repent if you allow me... i don't want to take it forcefully. if you think you can forgive me and for that i've to prove and show the efforts then only..." he stopped and looked down "Please... give me a chance" 

"No! i will never forgive you for what you did with me... but, it's up to you now to change the decision GENUINELY!" i want to see his efforts now...

"Mean, you're agreeing on things i've said?" he smiled broadly. a smile appeared on my face too... but i hid it. 

"NO! If you want me to agree on all that, then... earn the approval. give something to make me agree... what you can give me?" i want to know what he think can make me agree... what his thoughts are...

he sat down with thoughts... and after few minutes looked at me. "I don't know..." he looked down "haha but, you know everything . isn't it?" i laughed little *Note the sarcasm*

"I don't" he whispered

"Okay... you've to give me the SECRET!" I said and he frowning looked at me "NAINA, RAHUL, ANIKA. everything. A~Z" and he went pale... "I want to know everything, what happened, how happened... and most important the reason behind marrying Anika!" i completed and he blankly stared "I'll think..." and he walked out

I don't think he'll agree on things i said. He'll prefer to stay away then, opening up his self...
I laid back with all the thoughts occupying my mind again... I'm still wondering why he behave like that, suddenly. Everything got fine. He was behaving good and we were literally living our life like normal people do. But all of sudden he has to ruin everything.

"I'm ready to tell you all." i heard his voice and turned my gaze toward the voice. There he was standing with a fashed up face. No morw tears and a determination visible.

"Good. It's good for you, only." i turned my face and he locked the door.

Sudden wave of fear rab through my body, it stiffens. My heart clenched but i composed myself... I will not let my fear overtake me.

"No, it's not just good for me, but for us." he came in-front of me... I tried sitting up but he didn't let me

"No. Stay like that only. No need to be so formal. Rest the way you were resting. I have to tell not you've to do something. Stay" he spoke and i laid back.

He pulled the sofa closer and adjusted on it...

I 🤞 crossed my fingers... I'm really scared to listen to anything... It's going to be so emotional to listen to anything... Anything realted to a dead person... Naina is dead and Maybe all...

"Umm... Naina was my sister... Younger sister." he sighed and my full attention was on him...

•Annika's POV Ends...•

Shivaay gulped. Holding his both hand. He looked down.

" we all were friends... More than sibling's we were friends. Anika was part of us. Our gang. Our circle. We were best friends. But anika and i were way more than friends. It wasn't like we were of same age, there was huge difference. Difference of 5 years. She was 5 years younger then me and half year elder than om...."

Anika raichand. Possessiveness in her veins. Only and spoilt child of raichands. She was not of shivaay's age but of om's. But still she chose shivaay and fell for him. While all other childs used to play and what not. She used to watch him. She never let anyother girl touch him it was just naina whom she couldn't stop and it even rages her. Children's usually gets jealous but no one thought that her jealousy could turn up like this. They become friend when raichand merged their business with Oberoies... They all become friend and with passing years bond got stronger and unbreakable. Oberoi's weren't so rich at that time. They still aren't. But much richer then raichands... They weren't the ruling business family ...  When shivaay was ten and anika 5, at that time anika first time told him that she loves shivaay... unlike all others she was serial watcher... "I'll marry him" she used to rant. Everytime. All used to ignore... She also used to rant, how she hates Naina... As she gets more love. But again no one paid any heed.

Time passed and the day come... He was Fourteen years old when he went to New York for wrok shop. His family used to call him daily. It was a month's work shop. Because of naina, his family called him daily at same time. Shivaay told anika to call him as he'll not call her because he doesn't know when she'll be free but she never called him, as she wanted him to call him. He did too... But when he did, she was asleep. Time again passed and one week was left for workshop. As usual, they all (Children's) went to mudh island. On weekend to enjoy.
At the cottage of oberoies... Anika was way more than upset with shivaay, and naina was way more than happpyyy...

Mr. Raichand, went to sleep leaving all to play in swimming area... Naina never loved water much, at least not the pool one. She was afraid of it, she never even went passed it as she thought she'll drown...

There was a special bench made for her where she used to sit and see them swimming and used to talk...

"Naina was afraid of water" he gulped down and blinked his eyes to hold back his tears... Anika too blinked to clear her gaze as she never holds her tears and she was already, silent crying. She wanted to hold his hand and rub it to comfort him but her mind wasn't stopping the reel it was playing... He had hurt her so much that she's not able to even touch him... Just to even console...

"I returned back the next day only..." he looked at anika and pursued his lips to hold the sob, because what he said next... Made her gasp and sob.

"As she died drowning..." he too couldn't hold and sobbed as tears streamed down his eyes... She gripped the bedsheet and shut her eyes tightly. Trying hard to not let that wail reach out to him..
Hearing his words she felt sudden shot of pain in her heart...  The way he spoke and with the difficulty... The thing which hurt her the most was the word ' drowning ' as naina was afraid of water...

"I entered my house to see her laying on plank like thing. Wrapped in the white cloth." he wiped his tears and she looked at him "Omru ran to me and hugged me. I didn't cried as it'll get difficult for me to handle us..." he sighed...

She too wiped her tears and looked at him who again dropped  his head and cried... Her hand automatically moved toward him, to console him, to pacify him, to tell him not to cry as she's here with him... But soon, realizing she pulled her hand back and cleared her throat. He looked up wiping his tears...

"All the final rites were done... But then the storm came. When reaching house omru hugged me and told me that... That... Anika killed naina.... Naina didn't died by drowning... It was murder... Annie...Murder." he sobbed on his hand and looked at Anika...

" I got raged... I...i.. Slapped my Om. He  fell on the floor... All were shocked... Rudra cried moving away... They told me again and i refused to believe. I was blind folded  by love. I didn't trusted anyone... I said that you all never liked her... That's why you're lying. But they all sticked to their words... I felt very angry and Refused saying you're trapping anika. I was mad. Mad. Mad. Naina died in accident and you're blaming anika, so that we get apart? I said this annie... And rudra slapped me with his little   hand. The hand which used to pinch my cheeks... My world shattered... But i was so in the spell of true live and friendship, that... I just didn't believed anyone... The abounded me... Kicked me out. My Family left me... Now i think, they did right but at that time... I hated them for doing that... I went to her... But they also kicked me out... As she was angry because my parents, my whole family accused her. I didn't got to meet her... Her parents didn't let me... They just kicked me out... I went to pari... She was our classmate and anika's best friend. She was mind bestie too but no one knew... Her parents are sweethearts. They supported me when all didn't... They agreed to my every thought... And tried talking with my Family too... But all never agreed.... After all matter was of naina... " he paused and she galred him with anger. Any moment ready to rip him in piece's... But she stayed quite and didn't lose her patience...

"then pari shifted here in dubai. My mom helped me hiding from all and i too came here with them... I started working while i was 14.5... By the time i turned 18 i was very successful..."

"Then how you believed it? Like do you believe them? Of course, you do! But how? And how you got to know all? And how all got settled? Elaborate..." she asked in a go and he nodded...

"I didn't trusted them all those years... I couldn't get in touch with anika even... And my family didn't even know where i am... Except maa..."

"You were selfish!" she rebuked with anger and gritt her teeths

"I was selfish and probably still... I never believe anything without proofs... Maybe it's good somewhere and some where bad... Same thing i told them... As i walked out of mansion the day it happened... I told them that show me proofs... But they had nothing... But when after years i traveled to india. For the inauguration of my office in india... I met omru... They were standing in crowd. But it didn't take  much time to recognise my brothers... Who were still small... Through my guards i get them in cabin. Urge of hugging them raised but i didn't moved even an inch seeing their cold faces... I never saw them like this before... They weren't  my omru who used to hope on me as soon as i come in front. But they were omkara and rudra... Who hates me for not believing them in the matter of our princess... They hated me for supporting anika, whom they believe as the murderer of naina...  They looked at me and spit fire... Their eyes spits fire... I saw the hate clearly... They..." he paused and she bit her  lips in curiosity...

To be continued...
Precap: The GUILT!

Hello dear readers of this book, its your authors friend Sumi  here. I'm sorry for the delay as the chapter she gave me, i couldn't save and it got deleted. She wrote it again. And maybe it'll be not upto mark as she's still on bed and weak; sorry to disappoint you all... But you've to read this update which maybe not as good as you expected, for now as she's still not allowed to use mobile and laptop much. So hope you'll understand and not hate. Pray!!!

Any quires related to this book or update, ask below.
Any questions related to her and book, feel free to ask, as I'll be replying you all on this updated on her behlaf. Sorry for the last update' s comments as she her self will reply to them because it's for her, mostly.

Loads of love to you all from your original author and this part time author of your real authors wattpad... ❤

Thank you for voting and commenting.😊

Bye. Take care.

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