• Unlocking the ROOM!•

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Next morning. He opened his eyes to witness the scarier scenario. Her blood oozing face. He fumbled and stood up... Just to realize what he was doing on her... He was fucking her? No! He shooked his head but the scenario remained same.
His heart dropped to his stomach. His eyes which were puffy, once again got filled up with tears. His body went numb and mind blank.
He blankly stared her injured and tear stained, Pale face.

Taking a step back he stumbled And fell down, fell on her clothes... Tears rolled down and he gulped down the shock. Realizing everything, seeing the scenario. He rushed to her and covered her with the blanket, with his shaking hands. He untied her with same shaking hands... Pulling his clothes he went back to her. Who was laying lifeless on bed, still. He touched her face and it was cold. His heart ached and tears rolled down... Not understanding anything he rushed to get some ice...

~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I woke up with the heaviest eyes ever... I felt as someone had placed Stones on my eyes... After much difficulty, i opened my eyes... To see the scariest scene of my life... Her swollen and hand print face, with little blood oozing out from her mouth, and rest dried. Being shocked i stood up and my heart... I felt it dropped in my stomach... She was naked... I was naked. Her body covered with teeth marks... Little blood oozing from those marks... I realized that I'm still in her... I pulled my self out... I was fucking her? No! I shooked  my head. I couldn't believe it. My eyes welled up... Sudden shot of pain in my heart. All i did is stared her pale face.

Being shocked and not able to digest it, i moved back and stumbling fell down...
Her clothes were on floor. I fell on them... I realized everything. Every fucking thing. I stood up and rushed to her To cover her.
My hands shaked as i covered her. My hands shaked even more as i united her... With same hands last night i... I... Tied her up. I pulled up my clothes and rushed to her again... She was unconscious, no! She was laying lifeless, just because of me. I touched her face with my shaking hands, my heart ached feeling the coldness of her face. Tears didn't stopped. I don't know what to do? Ice!!! I rushed toward the door... It was locked.
I remember...I fucking remember, i locked it. The sound proof ON! I damn switched it ON!!
I rushed down with my messed up state and entered kitchen side. Where jessie was busy taking out things from fridge for breakfast. She went pale seeing me. I could sense her fear. She stepped back as i moved. Vegetables dropped from her hand and i see her observing the state of mine. I immediately picked up the ice pack and rushed back... Locking the door i moved to her. No! Before that i need to clean it.

I walked to bathroom... My heartbeats faster again. Hands shaking, mind numb with non stop tears.

'I hate myself' i picked up the small tub filled with water and walked toward room with towel.
Wetting the half towel i cleaned her face... She didn't responded and it scared me... 'I've done a mistake. no! It's a sin' i cried as i cleaned her body... I've done a thing for which even GOD will never forgive me. I don't deserve to be called a Human... I.. Hate myself...

I wore her clothes and tried waking her... But she didn't responded. She's not at all moving. This hurts...

Dressing her up i picked her and took her to my room... Her whole bed was in blood. She was a V...I...R...G...I...N. I cursed myself, but no cursing will be enough.

Telling jessie to clean the room. I called my doctor. She's life less!

"Hello uncle" my voice stutter as i spoke looking at her.

"yes shivaay?"

"uncle can you please come home"  the lump formed in my throat as i held my sobs and tears

"Shivaay i told you. I'm going out of country for a week, I'm not there. But, what happened? Is everything okay? You don't sound okay!"

"Uncle... I... I was drunk" i stammered as i looked at her again "I brutally...Rapedd...My wife, uncle." i lost  the control...and cried.

"Are you mad shivaay?" he shouted at me and i deserve this...

"Uncle Please come back and treat her..." i pleaded

"Give her the phone. I'll ask her where it's paining... I can not come back. But i can treat her like this. Give her phone. Jerk!" he shouted at me

"S...S..She's unconscious since night" i replied with the fear... Fear of hearing something bad.

"You mad man. Are you out of your senses? You idiot.. jerk. What did you do? You knew her condition.. You Dog!" he literally roared and my heart stopped... Tears again made their way out.

'I don't want to lose her.' i hugged her face which was in my lap...

"Please help me. I can't afford losing her." i begged

"I've a doctor  there."


"Yes. Call her after few minutes and then send driver.She'll be there with everything. Listen to all the lectures quietly, you DOG!" he droppd the call shouting at me.

I looked up as i placed her head down on pillow. To see jessie standing at door. As soon as i looked up the tray drops down from her hand and she ran away...

I ruined everything. This time it's me. Not anyone else...😭
She's alive. But her beats are so low. I couldn't hear them properly.

"In fact, I'm  the one to whom she gave her virginity." words of sid echoed in my mind. My blood boiled. I cursed the moment i trusted the video. I cursed the moment i drank with him. I cursed the moment i... I...  forced her.

My mobile pinged and i called the doctor and sent joe to get her. After wait of 20 minutes they came. I locked the door as the doctor entered. She was all red due to anger and i was ready to hear her.

"You're mad man. You're a monster." she yelled as she started checking her i stood their like a statue, a crying statue... I never felt like this. I felt like dying. To kill myself for doing this.

"Are you even human? How can you bite her like a DOG!" She shrieks in anger... I gulped down and sobs escaped... Tears fell down  on bed Sheet.

"GOD DAMN! She was a virgin you fucking asshole... How could you?" she suddenly slapped me... I shivers as AGAIN i realized she was VIRGIN!
Again those fucking words of Sid echoed.

"She needs  rest! Complete bed rest! She needs stress free environment. She needs happy place where she'll not think about all that torture of yours shivaay singh oberoi. She needs full care and love. She needs healthy food. If not healthy atleast FOOD!!!" She spoke literally shooking me.

She's elder from me and like a mother...

"I'm sorry. I was drunk.." i dropped myself near lifeless soul annie...

"You better be. But i wish she never forgives you. I've written everything in it" she placed a notepad "Call me if she doesn't get fine..." she injected her, attached oxygen and then left...

I sat beside her and stroked her hair... I felt like jumping off this mansion and kill myself.

How can i slap her? How can i force her? I never forced myself on anyone like this... Never, even in drunken state.. Why then?

"bring the doctor back" i called Joe...

I doubt, there's something fishy!

"Rajeev..." i called him

On few rings he picked up the call...

"Shivaay? Where the hell did you go man? I stopped you but... Are you fine?"  he shouted

"I'm not fine at all... Rajeev there's something fishy in all that... You've to meet me here... In my mansion. I'm not leaving her alone..." i told him and he agreed immediately...

"Now what?" Doctor entered and i dropped the call

"Would you please take my blood test?" i looked up at her wiping my tears.

"i know you were drunk. What's there to know more by test?" she is all mad at me

"I've been drunk before too... But, never did something like this.. I think i was drugged. Please test it" i explained her and her face got little calm and she left taking blood...

I caressed her face and left the room calling the pharmacist. And sent him the list.

"Atleast FOOD!" doctor's word ringed and i barged in the kitchen...

"Why you didn't gave her the food?" i shouted at jessie and she looked at me all scared... For the first time...

"S-h-e w-a-n-t-e-d t-o -h-a-v-e w-i-t-h y-o-u..." she stammered and i shut my eyes tightly

"Make something healthy for her" i turned to go

"she was right....Sir...You're a monster..." she spoke making me feel more guilty... I rushed out of there and sat on sofa.

Why i did that? I cried and cried... Nothing more is left.... Why!!

"shivaay..." i heard rajeev and rushed to him.

I need someone on whose shoulder i could cry. I hugged him and cried he tried to comfort me and told me "Everything will get fine..." but i know it's not at all easy to be mended... Nothing will get fine... She'll never... She'll never ever forgive me...

I parted and silently walked to my room... I knew he will follow me...  We entered and he locked the door... He was shocked as he saw her on bed... I'm sure Earth would've slipped under his feets too...

"what happened to her? Who did it?"

Her face was quite swollen.. And injured.

"I...Ra..." i couldn't complete and he slapped me...

"Are you mad shivaay? You know what you're trying to say?"

I cried  again... I deserve all...

"I was drunk. I didn't know why... But... I... " i stopped as he pulled me in a hug again...

"Shivaay... You don't know... You've done a sin. I was angry too... But i never wanted you to do that..." he cupped my face "What we'll do now?"  he asked and i remember why i called him.

I moved back to anika and held her hand "We'll search again." he sat infront of me...

"But why?"

"Rahul... Rahul mentioned they... I mean anika and he crossed limits" i spoke and he nodded... "But she was  Virgin..."i informed and he stood up In shock...

"How this is even possible? Are you sure?" he asked


"Then... Mean... She's koel?"


"Do you believe on it, still?"

"Yes. I was manipulated and it happened..." i dropped my head and he nodded...

"Mean there's some other girl? Or someone is framing her?"

"I don't know. We need to find it out. But..."

"Anyone in doubt?"

"Siddharth... Ragini... And Gauri."

"Gauri? Ain't she her friend?"

"I don't know... Who's friend and who's enemy. Friends are not friends but enemies in cover  of friends..." i gulped and he nodded...

I looked at her as her hand moved... She is conscious. She looked at me and tears rolled down her eyes... Her hand moved away...

"Annie..." i spoke and she cried... She tried spoking something but stopped seeing neil there... She looked at him and then at me... Her hand moved to her oxygen mask and she removed it...

"Hello" she said to him...

She never fails to shock me... She never...
She greeted him as always she do To all.. She's a precious gem...

"Hello bhabhi" he replied with a smile but i can see the shock behind it which seeing her lips he got.

She smiled in return... "Take care of her. I'll call you later." he left and the smile of her face vanished... She turned her face to other side and cried.

"Annie..." i called her out and she cried more... "Leave me alone..." she spoke in her broken low voice...

I couldn't say more and i didn't wanted to hurt her anymore... I left the room and sent jessie in... "Be her friend... Don't call her mam... Call her koel" i left the area and went to library  where Neil was...

I entered and he looked at me all tensed... "You Loved her man! How could you behave like that? And don't tell me you were drunk. You are the only person in our gang, who never do any weird thing, even in drunk and over drunk state, shivaay" he shooked me...

I know. Among all i was the only sober person. Alcohol never made me so mad... Don't know why... But whatever happened last night was something Never happened....

"neil... I think i was drugged..." i spoke and he shooked his head.

"No shivaay. No excuse can justify your actions... Did you see her lips? You smashed them! Only GOD Knows what else you did with her rest body." he spoke...

I remember the marks and tears rolled down... I've never been so guilty before...I always justified my all actions and all even agreed. But this time it's not at all simple... And can never be justified. I don't even want to justify them...

" I'm not justifying neil. I'm just telling you why i did...  I'm guilty and i even know there's no forgiveness of it... I can never get that." i cried

"For that you need to ask it. I don't know what kind of person she's... I don't know her soul. But one thing i got to know. And that's... She's a person one dies to get. Did you notice how she greeted me with a smile being in pain!" he explained me and i agree... She's a person... A wife people Dies to get... And here i killed her soul...

"I'll... Ask. I'll go with the decision she'll take..." i wiped my tears

"good...  Now tell me what to do? From where to start?"


~~~Annika's POV~~~

I opened my eyes... And tears rolled down seeing him... The pain and all hurt me... I took Back my hand from disgusting hands of him... I wanted to shout and what not at him.... But i didn't as i saw the person... Another person standing... He smiled and i greeted him... He smiled back again and greeting so left... Did he know? As he told him to take mine care...

As soon as he left i turned my face other side... I couldn't control more and cried... He called me out and i told him to leave me...
To my surprise he left... From when he started listening me?

I cried more remembering all the torture he did on me... My body is paining... I'm feeling weak... My body is shaking and tears aren't stopping... I heard the door  been locked... My heart stopped and mind went back to last night... I clenched the sheet and prayed for my death, again.

"Koel" a voice reached my ear as soon as i freaked out because of the hand on my shoulder...

I looked at the person and it's jessie... I slowly sat up and she looked at me... "I'm sorry, i couldn't do anything for  you" she spoke and i felt... And i did... I hugged her... She reciprocated... I cried a lot hugging her... The hug i found genuine...Of love!

"Shh.. Now stop crying. It's not good for you darling " she cupped my face and wiped tears... "Have this" she forwarded the spoon but I'm not feeling like having anything...

"I don't want to".

"I'm not asking you... I'm giving you. Have it." she forcefully fed me...

"Koel... I didn't know he will do this... Whatever he did...
" she paused "Is a sin. I tell you not to forgive him soon." she completed

"How do you know all?"

"I heard him telling this to doctor... He did all in some sort of drug effect. He's guilty too... But don't forgive him. He shouldn't have done this..." she explained and i felt happy... Happy as he's feeling guilty. Being guilty hurts the most...

"I'll never forgive him." i wiped my tears... "Rest now... I'm here only." she moved "Get me some warm clothes" i spoke and she went out and i stepped off the bed...

I always wanted to be in this room... But not like this... Tears again stream down... I hate him...
Why am even alive?

I crying walked to washroom... I had a wish to explore his room... To match my rooms thing with his but today my mind is all stuck to that time... When he did all that to me... I always feared to face this... All this by my sir and dad. But here my husband did it.

I removed my clothes which were blood stained... Seeing myself naked i felt like ripping my body... Skin off... Remove my skin...

Touching the marks i could live the torture again... I cried seeing myself... That's not me.. Bloodd hissing out of the marks... I could feel my skin burning... I could see the veins of my body damaged too...

I'm not able to even walk... My parts are paining...
standing under the warm shower i felt relaxed as the water dropped down from head to toe... Soothing my wounds... I cleaned myself rubbing everything... I don't want to feel any of his scent on me... No way!!!

I laid in the tub...  All the scenes flashed in my mind... Tears made their way out... I laid deep in tub... Water started suffocating me... I wanted to die and i can die with my wish!...

I almost died... When she pulled me out...
I breathed heavily... I gasped as she slapped me... And turned to other side... I felt guilty. I wore my clothes and she held me by my shoulders

"Koel you're mad? Why the hell you were trying to do suicide? In fact you almost killed yourself. I know... I know you're hurt... You're in a pain which is constantly hurting you more and more... But it doesn't mean you'll finish your life... You've a beautiful life ahead. Not with him then independent. But don't just take decision in haste... What'll your dear ones do? You've a friend... Me and gauri, now two. Would you go leaving us? Why? Just because a drunk mad man raped you? Why you should die? He should die..." she shouted at me... All the while shooking me...

I agreed with her all the while. But listening to last word i covered her  mouth... I couldn't hear it...

"I'm sorry" i apologize and we walked out... This is painful... to walk... I walked with her support and as we stepped out we saw him coming... Running...

"What happened why you're shouting?" he asked jess and i walked little more and laid on bed...

"She tried to suicide" she left and he looked at me all numb... I couldn't stop myself and started crying... Seeing his face i remember the beast of last night.

"Annie... please..." i didn't let him complete "Leave me alone" i covered my face and i heard the door locking and peeped out from blanket, it was jessie...
She sat on the couch and i again started crying covering my face...

Everything was going fine. Why the hell he did that...Why? He trusted me and even promised me, but still he broke me. Why it had to happen with me only?

I felt so safe in his embrace and he...

I cried loud not coming out of blanket...

"Yes who's there?" i heard a voice... Another voice.

I stopped and looked out.

"It's jessie here..." she acted like crying.

"Yes jessie how can i help you?" i have heard this voice... It's... It's of maya...

"actually love angel..." she cried " i want to be advised... My boyfriend ditched me." she cried more looking at me "He left me after having Sex. I don't know what to do... I'm so mad... I have no idea what should i do... I've just locked up myself... Please help... I need your advise..." she wiped  her fake tears and glared me

"First of all, Jessie... Stop crying! You shouldn't cry. Be strong. You've to act strong. He should be the one to cry, not you. You should take legal action against him. If you want to... And if not, then try to be strong. Crying isn't the solution sweetheart. Locking up yourself isn't the solution, You should fight back..." she advised. And jessie dropped the call....

I knew, it was for me. She did it for me...

"Koel, i know you're hurt and feel like crying again and again. But It's not done. You're still hurting yourself. You should fight back. My duty was to make you  realise the situation  and i did it. Now, decision will be yours..." she spoke and turned to other side...

She's right. I shouldn't stay like this... It's really high time... High time I'm  bearing all this. I should now stand up and fight back... With all! Everyone will pay!!!
I wiped my tears and sat up.

"Call shivaay." i looked at her and she smiled, and ran out.

After sometime he came running... And stopped in front of me... My heart beats raised and everything flashes... Deciding is easy, not spoking.

"Annie..." he gasped

"I've decided something... You've no choice, you've to agree... I'm going to..."

To Be Continued...

Precap: Telling the PAST!

Thank you everyone for votes and comments...

It's  not annie herself. She is  ill and gave me the stuff to proof read and update.
I'm sorry on her behalf for the delay. But she said "You all understand"
Enjoy reading as I've another one on it's way.

Take care bye. ❤

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