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It's been 48 hours since Khylen last saw anyone he knew, as he laid his head against the cell walls he could only hope that Macy was alright, he held out hope that Vaughn and Warrick were roommates but Khylen knew that was a small chance.

They hosed Khylen down in some weird orange liquid before tossing him some yellow clothes, that was 48 hours and Khylen hasn't seen anyone but guards since then. He's asked a couple of guards about his girlfriend and friends but they never tell him anything. He also is disturbed by the fact that he doesn't have a cellmate, everyone in the cells around him had cellmates, but he isn't one of them.

Khylen sighed as he turned towards the wall and used his nail to scratch a tally in the wall, this wasn't his first in a prison. Considering they were tossed in jail for helping people he knew this wouldn't be the last. He looked down at his fingers that were still stained orange at his fingertips, he was surprised that after reading his file they would spray him with the watery substance as he can control water.

He can control water better with his staff, which they confiscated, but even without the staff, he can control a small amount that would feel like a bullet if it hit someone. A buzz breaks Khylen out his thoughts, he looks up to see a guard standing outside his door. "Finally get a roommate?" Khylen asks, smirking, he brings his foot towards his chest and lets his head lay on his knee.

"Not exactly." The guard looks around before stepping into the cell, Khylen tightens his fist ready to throw a punch if he needs to. "I've been hearing about you." Khylen tenses but nods.

"Can I sit?" The guard asks nodding towards the other bed that has since been unoccupied. "Sure." Khylen let himself slowly relax but he didn't relax his hand just in incase. "I think you being locked up is wrong, I think what your crew is doing is very admirable."

Khylen's eyebrows furrow, he swings towards the other bed putting his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together in between. "Why are you telling me this?" The guard looks hurt for a second before hardening his face. "Look, you saved my sister. I've been hearing through the guards that you're trying to reach your crew. I was wondering if I would offer you my help in passing messages or something." The guard stands up and dusts off his pants before crossing his arms.

"Yes. That would be good, how can I trust you though? How do I know you didn't make up this story to get close to me so you can report me to the warden and I'll get locked down?" The guard huffs and shakes his head. "Here." The guard pulls something out of his pocket before handing it to Khylen, it was a notepad. "Write your notes on this and I'll come back in an hour to get them. You'll find out if you can trust me or." The guard walked towards the door, he tapped a code and the door swung up. "Hey, thank you," Khylen said before the guard walked out of the cell.

"You're welcome."

Khylen looks at the notepad before tossing it on his bed, he looked at the pen that the guard left with the paper. Khylen brought the pen up to his ear before jiggling it, satisfied that nothing was tampered with he began writing the note to Macy. He wasn't taking this for granted, he just wrote a general question that only she would know and an I love you before asking how she was doing.

Khylen would wait for confirmation to start planning a break out of Kyln. He did the same to Vaughn and Warrick, asking a question only they would know before asking if they were safe. He folded the two letters up before laying on his back on the bed, he clasped his hands on his chest and he closed his eyes.

He didn't realize he was asleep until he was woken up by a beep on the cell doors, he raised himself with one arm to see the same guard as before. As he promised he was back, but that didn't mean Khylen fully trusted him yet. The guard could be a spy by the warden, it could've been a trap for Khylen, and for that, he didn't let his guard down once.

"See I'm back, did you write the notes?" The guard asks once he steps into the cell. "I did, did I get the right information when I was told that Vaughn and Warrick share a cell?" The guard nodded and held his hand out for the notes which Khylen handed to him. "Yes, I pulled some strings for that. They are ten cells down from you, Macy is on the other side." Khylen knew what that side was, the women's side.

"Thanks for this, been worried about them." Khylen gulps as he watches the guard walk towards the door."No problem, I'll be back when I get a response." Khylen nodded, he turned around a noticed the pad and pen. He turned around to ask if he wanted them back but the guard was gone. He gathered the pen and paper, he lifted his bed one-handed with ease before stuffing the paper and pen under it.

Out of sight out of mind, Khylen thinks before sitting on top of his bed. He's thinking about taking a nap when the cell doors open again, he looks up to see another guard holding a shocker along with someone new, another prisoner Khylen. "This is your new cellmate, Peter Quill." The guard pushes Peter into the cell before stepping towards the keypad and locking the door again.

"Peter Quill, aren't you a cutie?" The man says looking at Khylen up and down, Khylen frowns before nodding towards the vacated bed. "Khylen, that's your bed. Stay on your side or you'll regret it."

It was an empty threat, but Peter Quill didn't know that.

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