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It hasn't been that long but Khylen already hates his roommate, he talks non stop and he hasn't shut up since. He breathes a sigh of relief when a guard taps on the bars. "Hey, it's lunchtime. You both of been released to go into gen-pop, so get up." The guard says harshly as he opens the door. Khylen rolls his eyes but he brings his hands up when the guard was going to touch him to get him moving. When the guard moves to grab his electric baton at Peter, he loudly protests. "Hey you took my hook so what am I gonna do?" Peter says, Khylen didn't notice it before but now that Peter drew his attention towards the now obvious missing appendage.

The guard rolls his gestures and nods towards the hall, Khylen huffs but starts walking. "Do you have anyone here with you?" Khylen asks Peter lowly. Peter shrugs. "Kinda, I don't like them but we were caught together, what about you?" Khylen nods, he straightens the bottom of his shirt that was still rumpled when he had to rush to put it on before the guards shoved him out of the cell. "My crew, which includes my girlfriend. For some reason, they just released me to be allowed in gen-pop." Peter nods, for some reason for a second his face looked sad when Khylen said he had a girlfriend but Khylen had no time to worry about it because they arrived.

"Hey, that's them." Peter pointed to the raccoon, a tree, and Gamora. "You didn't tell me you were friends with Gamora." Khylen hissed out before he was led along with Peter over towards them. Khylen growled when he was hit with a can from nearby, just for being close to Gamora.

The guards had released them before they went into gen-pop but Khylen couldn't find his crew. "It's like I said, she's got a rep." The raccoon said looking at Peter. "A lot of prisoners here have lost their families to Ronan and his goons." The raccoon kept talking. "Look, as cool as this conversation is I can't be near her." Khylen pointed at Gamora who frowned, but she didn't matter to Khylen. "I'll see you back at the cell. Hopefully, you find your crew and girlfriend." Peter gave Khylen a tight smile and nodded.

Khylen walked through the people, he bit his lip as he thought they weren't here but he found them. His heart settled and he walked towards his crew who were sitting at a table talking to each other. "Thank god you are okay," Khylen said as he approached the table, Macy got up once he was close and hugged him tightly before kissing him on the lips. "I missed you but not enough to kiss you." Warrick jokes before standing up and hugging Khylen followed by Vaughn. "Did you get my letters?" Khylen questions the three of them after glancing behind him back at Peter Quill where he was standing with Gamora, the tree, and the raccoon. "We did, why were you hanging out with Gamora? Do you not remember when she tried to kill us?" Warrick nods towards where Khylen was staring. "Of course I remember." Khylen barked slapping his hand on the table, Macy gently put her hand on Khylen's arm squeezing lightly.

Khylen sighed before rolling his shoulders back. "Sorry, just been stressed. Trust me I can't forget how Gamora tried to kill us. Somehow I got stuck with Peter Quill who seems to have been working with Gamora. He's the most annoying cellmate ever, won't stop talking." When Khylen finished talking the crew stared at Vaughn who blushed before scrubbing his hair. "Look, I was in shock by you guys alright. Not my fault you all were considered legends." Vaughn playfully pouted, crossing his arms.

"So, do we have a plan to get out of here?" Macy changes the subject easily placing her arms together on top of the table looking at the men beside her. "I don't know, gonna be hard to keep anything quiet with my cellmate," Khylen explained glancing behind him again looking at Peter Quill who was now sitting down with Gamora and the others.

Warrick sucked on his teeth which told Khylen that Warrick wanted to say something that they weren't going to like. "What is it, Warrick?" Khylen leaned back putting his arms across his chest. "What if we team up with them?" Both Macy and Vaughn started to protest but one look from Khylen made their mouths snap shut.

"Why?" Khylen asks carefully. "You're his cellmate, right? This means it would be very hard for you to hide it which you said but we could use the help. This is a very big prison and we're only a four people crew, if we can add 4 other people we might actually have a shot at getting out." Warrick kept his voice low in case any other prisoner was listening, if this got out it would ruin the plans and they would be caught, then who would know what would happen.

Khylen puts his finger on his lip, it's a good idea he can't deny it but after Gamora tried to kill them they can't trust her but if they get Peter on his side then at least they would have back up if anything went south. "I won't lie, it's a good idea but we have to be careful. If they don't agree to help us we would be hated, targeted because we were talking to Gamora. You know what she did and who she works for, we have to be careful." Khylen stands up and leans towards Macy kissing her on her hair which was pulled up with a piece of fabric. "Is this wise Khy?" Macy asks worriedly, but she does stand up so she doesn't have to stretch to look into Khylen's eyes. "I don't know, but we have to try."

Khylen sighs before stepping away from the table and he hears his crew get up as well so he knows that they're following him as he walks towards where Peter is sitting.

"Can we sit?"

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