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The conversation Khylen had with the Warden kept playing over and over again in his head, sighing he kept throwing his ball into the air and catching it with his hand. "So, what happened while I was busy with the Warden?" Khylen grabs the ball but instead of throwing it in the air again he lets it rest on his chest, he turns his head to look at Peter who was rubbing the place where he said he would usually have his hook.

"Well, we figured out how to get and we decided when to do it. We were going to do it then but Macy told us to wait for you which was a good choice anyway because a fight broke out so we all got banished to our cells. Macy was worried about you, you know? I told her I would make sure you came back." Peter moved and set himself against the wall, he was starring outside the cell looking out at the guards passing by. "Well isn't that nice of you." Khylen batted his eyelashes at Peter teasingly.

Khylen figured that someone would want to know what happened with the Warden and he isn't sure how long the excuse that she wanted to make sure no trouble was going would hold up. Khylen certainly knew that excuse wouldn't hold up with Macy because she would see right through him and that was a problem. "I was fine, Warden was nice." Khylen put his cheek in between his teeth and hoped that Peter wouldn't want to elaborate on what Khylen said.

"It doesn't take a genius to know that you are hiding something Khylen," Peter said rolling his eyes as he let his headrest on the wall of the cell. Khylen furrowed his brows and sat upon the edge of his bed. "Why do you think I'm hiding something?" If Peter caught on this quickly to Khylen lying, he needed to come up with something else. "Well for one you keep skirting around what happened, meeting the Warden is never fine. It means something bad happened." For a split second, Khylen thought he saw concern in Peter's eyes but he squinted and the concern went away. "I'm not hiding anything."

For the first time since Khylen came back in the cell, Peter turned to look at him. "You may be good at everything else but you are a terrible liar, I know that Macy won't give it up though. She just seems like the type of person to do that." Khylen rolled his eyes, he thought about defending her but he knew that Peter was right.

Khylen huffed like a little child and flopped back onto the bed which creaked under his weight, he put his arm over his head. "I will say, I'm surprised you didn't take your shirt off as soon as you got in here." Khylen chuckled at what Peter said. "Do you like the view? Is that why you want me to take my shirt off?" Khylen rolls his eyes playfully.

"No no, you can keep it on. I don't like to objectify people." Peter grins wide, Khylen shakes his head fondly, having Peter as a cellmate wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

Sure Peter was annoying at times but so were Vaughn and Warrick, and it doesn't hurt that Peter is easy on the eyes either. "So, why are you in Kyln? You never told me that." Khylen squinted but took a deep breath. "My crew and I are bounty hunters mixed with P.I's." Khylen knew that word from Warrick.

"We take jobs from people mainly it's about shutting down things that aren't legal, so this time someone gave us a job for a trafficking ring in Knowhere. It turns that the leader of the ring fled but before that tipped the Nova Corps off saying that I and my crew were the traffickers not whoever the leader was so the Nova Corps, dumbasses they are." Khylen said the last part loud enough that he knew some of the guards would've heard it. "Took us in without even questioning us or the people we saved. They tried but the Nova Corps wouldn't budge, they took us away and locked us up."

"I'm sorry, the justice system sucks. Even on Earth so it's not much better." Peter frowns. "How long did you live on Earth? Warrick lived on Earth for about 15 years until he left. Macy, Vaughn, and I have always been floaters, we all met on Xandar started the crew then never looked back." Peter's eyes look said for a second before sitting up and kicking his booted foot against the floor of the cell.

Sighing Peter looks down at his hand. "I was only on earth for 8 years before I was taken by Yondu, he's an asshole but he's kind of a good person. Well, that's debatable but he's all I've had." Khylen knew there was more there but he could tell that Peter didn't want to talk about it, and Khylen didn't plan on pushing that.

"Yondu, I've heard of him." Khylen face moves in disgust, of course, he knew the man who was the leader of the Ravagers. More often than not Khylen and his Crew were called to stop the Ravagers from doing something bad. "Not a great person honestly."

Peter nodded and the two of them went into a comfortable silence, neither of them felt like talking. Both of them felt drained from sharing something personal with each other.

"When do we plan on trying to escape?" Khylen asks suddenly keeping his voice low so no one would be able to hear them, the Warden said she wouldn't be able to keep them quiet and off of the floor so they can escape safely which still meant they couldn't talk about this freely. "Tomorrow, when we go to Gen-pop. That's when we make our move."

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