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Today was the day, they were going to make the move and Khylen would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He usually wasn't but this time was different, he was working with new people and he had the job of watching and protecting Gamora but Khylen couldn't tell anyone which Khylen figured was implied. Khylen didn't know how this was going to go, he just hoped everyone made it out in one piece.

"Get up you two, time for gen-pop." Officer Scottsman said tapping his foot impatiently. "When can I have my hook back? It's very inconvenient for only one hand." Peter groaned out as he got up from his bed, before the guards came Khylen told Peter to act as naturally as possible which Khylen guesses Peter groaning about only having one hand is going to be as natural as they can get. "No sharp objects, you know that now get up before we have to drag you out." Officer Scottsman smirked and looked at the other Officer who Khylen didn't recognize chuckling a little bit, if Khylen had to guess they would like that to drag two prisoners out of their cell, maybe a little beat down in the process. "Fine, we're coming." Khylen rolled his eyes as he stood up from his bed, he had to bend down to get outside of the cell.

"Hands out." That's all the warning Scottsman gave before forcefully grabbing Khylen's hands and cuffing them, Khylen noticed that unlike last time he was given cuffs on his legs and Peter wasn't given cuffs at all just the officer grabbed him firmly by the upper arm. "Can you loosen your grip? Jeez, I already lost my hand don't want to lose my arm too from no circulation." Peter jokes but Khylen can see the officer holding his arm loosen his grip slightly, so at least they had one guard that cares.

Before Khylen can walk any further into gen-pop he gets pulled back by his shirt collar, Officer Scottsman makes a face at Khylen before forceable unlocking his handcuffs and pushing him into gen-pop, the door clangs behind him. "You okay? I couldn't help but notice that Officer Scottsman was a little bit rougher than usual." Peter asks glancing at Khylen's hands worriedly, Khylen stuffs his hands into the yellow pants after Peter got a second glance at them. "I'm fine, you know what the officers are like. Jealous, stupid who knows what his problem is." Khylen gives a smile at Peter but he knows it looks more like a grimace, Khylen ignores Peter and looks around the room trying to find Macy, he smiles when he can see Macy talking to Groot. "I see them, come on." Thar's all the warning that Peter got before Khylen started to weave himself through the prisoners trying to get to Macy.

Once he got closer who could see that Rocket was talking with Vaughn while Warrick was actually eating food, he quickly noticed that Gamora was alone staring at the area where the Warden's office was. Gamora must know who the Warden is Khylen thinks to himself, he's tempted to go over and offer a small bit of comfort when he gets seen by Macy who instantly puts her arms around him squeezing tightly. "I missed you, are you okay?" Khylen nods quickly kissing Macy on the cheek, much more reserved than he usually was but he felt sadness for Gamora. "Just ready to get out of here," Khylen whispered close to Macy's ear so no one else can hear them. Instead of answering Macy squeezed Khylen on the bicep as a way for him to know that she understands.

"So did you guys continue talking about the plan after I left the other day? Peter said you guys did." Khylen asks the group lowly, none of them noticed when Groot stood up and started to walk towards the tower in the middle. "Yea, we did. I think what you missed is Rocket saying once the battery is removed everything is gonna slam into emergency mode." Rocket nodded at Vaughn. "Once we have it we need to move quickly so that has to be the last thing we get." The lights went out.

Khylen stood up and looked around, he saw Groot by the tower holding the battery they needed. The alarms started to blare, Macy growled standing up. She stretched her neck and cracked her knuckles. "Improvise time." Rocket said hopping up on the table and shaking his head. "I'll get the armband," Gamora said, Khylen internally groaned which means he would have to go with her to get the armband. "Leg," Peter said standing up, Khylen nudged Macy and pointed to Peter. "You go with Peter and I'll go with Gamora." Vaughn opened his mouth to protest but Khylen gave him a look which made him quiet down, Warrick just looked at him puzzled and stood up.

Gamora glanced at Khylen and took off, Khylen groaned and took off after her. He didn't know if she was running from him for fear or if she was trying to make a break for it or if she was actually following the plan but Khylen had to watch her back. Khylen turned a corner when Gamora jumped him, she held a makeshift knife against his lower back before putting her green arm over his neck making him face the wall. "Why are you following me? You hate him, are you trying to kill me?" Khylen chuckled. "It seems like out of the two of us only you are trying to kill me, again." Gamora pressed her knife further into Khylen's back, if he flexed even a little bit the knife would start cutting through the thin shirt easily. "Okay, fine."

Khylen put his hands up or tried to, the pressure slowly loosened enough for Khylen to overpower Gamora. Khylen made them switch positions so it was Gamora who was now facing the wall. "I'm only saying this once, we are on the same side. If it comes down to you or Macy it will be Macy." Khylen said letting the pressure off of Gamora, who rubbed the back of her neck and nodded with a tiny bit of fear in her eyes.

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