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Khylen noticed that while they were walking Gamora kept sneaking glances, but Khylen ignored her until he heard it. It was quiet but he heard gunshots coming from behind them. "Gunshots, they're gonna go into lockdown soon." As soon as Khylen said that a drone came from around the corner. "Jump!" Gamora yelled as the drone coming towards them.

The two of them jump just in time for the drone to be shoved down by their feet. It was no time for Khylen to recover because a guard came running towards them, Khylen grabbed his gun and tossed it over the railing.

Khylen grabbed the arm that was holding the gun and twisted it until he heard a pop, he looked further and saw that Gamora was fighting two guys. One of them had a shield. "Little help," Gamora yells to Khylen.

This would be a lot easier Khylen thinks as he grabs the guy closest to him and brings his foot down on his knee shattering it. "I need this," Khylen says looking at the guy's arm that he's holding. "Good luck." The guard says through gritted teeth of the pain.

"It's internally wired." The guard adds when Khylen looks at him confused. Khylen smirks, he squeezes his wrist until the guard is forced to drop the baton he's holding. "I'll figure something out." Khylen looks behind him to Gamora who nods, Khylen raises his foot and brings it down on the arm shattering it. The guard's eyes roll back to his head before Khylen feels him go slack.

"He's passed out, help me get it out. He said it was wired into him." Khylen drops the arm-waving Gamora over towards him. "What do you want me to do?" Gamora asks crossing her arms. "Hold his arm out while I pull, I'm stronger than you." Khylen huffs and grabs the armband and pries his fingers under it huffing and wincing as he digs his fingers trying to separate the band from the skin. "You know I got the drop on you both times," Gamora says as she tightens her grip on the arm.

"Yea, but who got the drop on you 5 minutes ago. I could've killed you but I didn't." Khylen growls out giving another big yank, he groaned in disgust as he held the armband far away from him, the wires were hanging down loosely. "Come on, stop being a baby." Gamora drops the man's arm and grabs the armband out of Khylen's hand and starts running towards the end of the hallway. They stop at the railing, Khylen looks over and can see Vaughn, Warrick along with Rocket, and Groot all fighting.

Khylen looked towards Gamora and saw she was about to throw it, Khylen cupped his hands around his mouth to get better volume. "ROCKET!" Khylen yelled, the raccoon who was perched on Groot's back turned towards them. "Catch!" Gamora yelled as she tossed the armband to Rocket, he leaned down and said something to Groot, and then Groot started to walk towards the tower.

"Come on." Gamora carefully stood on the edge of the railing and jumped across grabbing the other bridge. Khylen gulped, he wiped his hands off of his pants before climbing onto the railing, he breathed out slowly before jumping across. He felt the bridge grace his fingertips but it was out of his grip before he could grab on, Khylen opened his eyes wide convinced he would be falling to his death but he saw Gamora's green face smirking. "I could drop you here but what a waste that would be." Gamora tightened her grip that Khylen was convinced her nails drew blood. "Thanks for not letting me die." Gamora rolled her eyes at Khylen but nodded.

Khylen took a step back letting his back hit the railing as the arms of Groot started to grow and latch themselves onto the railing so it would be easier for everyone to climb on. Gamora grabbed Rocket's hand, Khylen rushed towards the edge when he saw Vaughn's hand gripping the railing. "Here, let me help." Khylen grabbed the back of Vaughn's shirt and pulled him up quickly. "I hate when you do that." Vaughn groaned stretching out his shirt.

Khylen chuckled, he reached out to grab Warrick but he quickly brushed away his help. "I don't want your help," Warrick said huffing when he pulled himself up onto the bridge. Shaking his head Khylen looked down, he was worried that Macy wouldn't make it but he wasn't going to let that show on his face. "Hey, she's going to make it," Warrick said placing his hand on Khylen's arm and squeezing tightly in comfort. "I know she is, she always does." Khylen glances behind him at the tower, he could feel the itch of his staff calling out to him, trying to find him. He lowered his finger out of sight and the itch slowly went away, it was Khylen's way of saying he'll be with it soon. Khylen was brought out by his thoughts because he saw a drone pointed right on Peter and Macy, his throat got caught.

He let a sigh of relief when Drax jumped on the drone and tore it in half, he knew Drax they all did but he didn't have a preference for Drax but he was glad he was there. "Here, grab my hand." Khylen reached out and grabbed Macy's hand, he gently placed her on the bridge before grabbing the back of Peter's shirt as he did with Vaughn and pulling him up. "I'm not a cat," Peter grumbles. "Let's go," Vaughn said stopping whatever Khylen was going to say next.

"Hey, are you okay?" Khylen asked Macy, holding onto her hand, assuring himself that she's okay. "Yes, Peter saved my life many times down there. Go easy on him." Macy patted him on the bicep. Khylen shook his head confused before they stopped in front of the sliding doors, he could feel his staff reaching out and soon he would be back to being able to control water again.

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