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The couple was just resting their eyes as they told their crew, Macy was cuddled up against Khylen's side while he had an arm over his eyes blocking out the light, with 8 people in one ship it could get pretty noisy so Khylen and Macy both liked to rest when they could. Khylen shuffled and tightened his arm around Macy's in his sleep, he twitched when he felt something on his shoulder before he heard a voice make him come back from dreamland. "Hey, It's Peter. We made it." Khylen heard the voice say before he felt another soft touch on his bare shoulder. "Hey, I wouldn't do that if I were you, Khylen doesn't like to be woken up." Khylen heard Warrick warn making him softly smile before he made a show of stretching out before he cracked his eyes open.

"You said we made it?" Khylen's voice was scratchy from his nap and Peter was surprised if the raise of his brow was any proof. "Uh yea, Rocket said we made it." Peter studdered out before he quickly made his way back up to the cockpit. "If we want to try and ask him out you need to stop making him stutter like that," Macy commented as she opened her eyes and stared at Khylen who pouted. "It's fun, it's cute to see him stutter over his words because he doesn't know how to act." Macy rolled her eyes at Khylen before she raised herself into a sitting position, Khylen hummed as he helped her up and off his lap into a standing position before he raised himself with a huff.

Khylen grabbed Macy's hand as they walked towards the cockpit with Warrick following them, Vaughn wasn't in the cockpit like the others but Khylen and Macy couldn't worry about that right now. "Whoa," Macy muttered as she looked out the window and saw Knowhere. "What is it?" Drax asked from behind them.

Macy licked her lips before explaining. "It's called Knowhere. The severed head of an ancient celestial being." Macy let go of Khylen's arm in favor of crossing her arms, behind her she heard Gamora huff before stepping back. "Be wary, headed in, rodent," Gamora commented at Rocket before Macy frowned and tilted her head. "We all have to be wary, there are no regulations whatsoever here. Khylen, I think you should leave your staff on the ship." Macy looked at Khylen with concern before looking back at his staff that was propped up next to their quarters, he pursued his lips together before nodding reluctantly, he knew she was right but it's been a while since he's seen the staff so he didn't want to go without it any longer but if he took it to Knowhere with them it could be stolen and Khylen didn't want that to happen.

"You're right, I know you are. Warrick, where's Vaughn?" Khylen looked behind him to look at Warrick who was leaning against the ship's siding. "His quarters, I'll go get him." Warrick mock-saluted Khylen before he turned around and started to walk to where he knew Vaughn was. They all watched in amazement as they entered the skull opening, Macy, Khylen, Vaughn, and Warrick have all been to Knowhere before but that didn't mean they weren't shocked every time they saw it.

Rocket started the descent so Khylen stepped away from the cockpit and started to walk towards where his staff was, he put his hand on the cold metal running his fingertips over the runes that were etched in the metal. "Hey, it's gonna be here when we back." Macy gently said as she came up from behind him to stand next to him, Khylen let out a sigh before sitting on the bench. He scrubbed a hand across his face, he could feel the water in the air wanting to react to him but he resisted. "Can you get me some water?" Khylen asked Macy who quickly nodded before going to the small kitchen and filling a random can with water before handing it to Khylen which he quickly guzzled down.

"Thanks." He muttered ignoring the fact that he felt water drip off the side of his mouth, he watched as Macy smiled at him before she lifted her finger and softly swiped at the clear liquid before kissing him. She pulled back and looked at him with a soft look in her eyes before lifting her hand and caressing his cheek, she opened her mouth to say something when they were interrupted by a cough. Khylen raised his eyebrow amused as he turned to see Peter standing in front of the two of them with his cheeks pink before he spoke. "Uh, I just wanted to tell you guys we landed." Peter chuckled awkwardly before he licked his lips and quickly turned around to run away, the act made Khylen let out a loud laugh that Macy had to try and smoother with her hand. "Shh, the poor guy is already embarrassed. Don't want to embarrass him more." Macy took her hand off Khylen's mouth and gripped his shirt gently. "It's clear he wants us, but it seems like we're gonna have to make our move first." Khylen pressed a kiss to Macy's cheek before standing up and holding his hand out for Macy to take which she took and stood up next to him before they started to walk where the rest of the crew was waiting for them.

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