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As Khylen walked off the ship, he gripped Macy's hand tightly but not enough to hurt her. The two of them have been apart for too long in Khylen's mind, he doesn't want to let her out of his sight. "You okay?" Macy asks quietly as the two of them start to follow the group down the alley of Knowhere. "I am, just antsy without my staff." Khylen gulped at the admission, he knew this wouldn't be as bad as it was in Kyln as he could always turn around and go back into the ship.

"It's gonna be fine, we will be in and out," Macy assured Khylen with a soothing rub to his arm, Khylen nodded as he forced a smile onto his face, she was right. "So, how did everything happen?" Vaughn asked the group, Macy opened her mouth to start to explain but Gamora beat her to the punch. "Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. Bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid. All rare resources are highly valued in black markets across the galaxy. It's dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws." Macy scowled when someone bumped into her, Khylen soothed her by pressing a kiss on her head and gently moved her so she was sandwiched in between Warrick and himself, it wasn't for Macy's protection, it was for everyone else's. "Well, I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the Kid, Bonnie & Clyde, John Stamos." Beside her Warrick had to stifle a chuckle with his hand making Macy raise her eyebrow at him, luckily it was drowned out by Drax.

"It sounds like a place, which I would like to visit." Peter nodded in agreement. "Yea, you should." They were stopped by children trying to get passed them, Khylen smiled at the children who were just kindly trying to pass, the little girl looked at Groot in a mix of shock and excitement but she wasn't afraid so he stuck his hand out and made a flower grew. "Watch your wallets," Peter commented making Khylen frown as one of the young boys asked if they could spare any units.

"Here." Khylen dug around in his pocket before he pulled out some units and dropped them in the young boy's hand who looked at Khylen with gratitude before he ran off, the other kids following him, he smiled when he saw the little was still holding the flower that Groot gave her very carefully. "Why'd you do that, you don't know what they will do with that money?" Peter asked as he stepped next to Khylen and looked at him curiously. "I don't but they need the money more than I do." Khylen gently bumped his shoulder with Peter's who sucked his teeth and looked down at the hook that was peeking out from his sleeve, before he could respond, Rocket cut in. "Your buyer's in there?"

Khylen looked up to see a club-type building with loud music coming out of it, next to him he could hear Macy ooh and aah over it. "We are to wait here for his representative," Gamora replied to him as she led them towards the building, Macy inhaled sharply when she watched as the bouncer tossed someone out. "This is no respectable establishment, what do you expect us to do while we wait?" Drax commented as Gamora led them into the building.

As soon as they walked into the building the crew split up, Macy led Khylen towards the bar while Warrick and Vaughn decided to make sure Drax, Rocket, and Groot didn't get into too much trouble once they found out there was a fight tonight. Macy ordered drinks for the two of them and leaned against Khylen when he angled himself in the right spot. "I love you," Khylen murmured as he put his arm around Macy's chest in a way that one would think he was trying to protect her from the world. "I love you too." Macy smiled at Khylen before grabbing the drinks they ordered and they clinked to each other before quickly downing them, both grimacing at the sharp taste in their mouths.

They placed the now empty glasses onto the bar top at the same time and couldn't help but chuckle at each other, Khylen pressed a kiss to her hair before resting his cheek on his head. "When do you think we should talk to Peter?" Macy asked Khylen, she had to stand on her tiptoes to make sure he heard her but he did because when he pulled back he had an amused look on his face. "You are very impatient, luckily that's one of the many things I love about you," Khylen comments as he drags Macy towards a quieter spot. Macy frowned at Khylen mostly because he didn't answer her question, not that he insulted her. "You didn't answer the question."

"I think we will know when we should talk to him, I don't think now is right but I think we will know." Khylen pressed a kiss to Macy's hand, Macy let out a sigh as she leaned her hip against the table that they were standing next to when commotion draws their eyes towards where the table was, Macy gasped as she watched Drax pick up Groot, and launch him onto the table. "Oh my god," Khylen said in an exasperated tone as he raced over to where the fight was happening, Warrick and Vaughn were standing on the side looking frozen. "I thought you were going to make sure they didn't get into trouble," Khylen yelled over the fight. "I tried!"

Khylen shook his head as he walked over towards Drax and firmly pushed him off of Groot, and it was just in time because he watched as Rocket to started to pull his gun out and pointed it towards Drax. "Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?" Peter raced over to Rocket and put his hand out towards Rocket trying to push the gun down. "This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!" Drax yelled at Rocket as he tried to get out of Khylen's hold, for once he was glad that Gamora raced over to hold Drax's other arm so he couldn't escape.

"That is true!" Rocket said instead of trying to deny it. "He has no respect!" Drax yelled out loudly making Khylen wince at the volume. "That is also true!" Even though Macy wasn't near him anymore, Khylen could almost hear the sigh that she let out. "Hold on! Hold on!" Peter placated as Groot started to get up from the floor. "Keep calling me vermin, tough guy! You just wanna laugh at me like everyone else!" Khylen frowned at Rocket when realization popped into his head. "Rocket, you're drunk. All right? No one's laughing at you." Khylen watched as Rocket's shoulders slumped slightly. "He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does! Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart, and put back together, over and over, and turned into some, some little monster!" Rocket inhaled sharply.

"Rocket, no one's calling you a monster," Peter explained to Rocket. "He called me "vermin". She called me "rodent"! Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots to your fuckin' face!" Rocket yelled as he started to lift the gun again, Khylen breath skipped as Peter made his way in between the two of them. "Four billion units! Rocket! If you suck it up for one more lousy night and you can be rich." That made Rocket wavier, he powered down the gun and looked defeated as he spoke. "Fine, but I can't promise, when all this is over I'm not gonna kill every last one of you jerks."

"That's fair," Vaughn commented making Khylen roll his eyes as he carefully took his hand off Drax's arm. "That's exactly why none of you have any friends! Five seconds after you meet somebody, you're already trying to kill them!" Peter yelled out putting his hands up and letting them drop to his side again. "We have traveled, halfway across the quadrant and Ronan is no closer to being dead." Drax's voice rose as he kept talking before he pulled the other shoulder the Gamora was holding out of her grip and walked away.

Khylen was going to call him back when a door opened and caught their attention, a pink lady who Khylen noticed was moving kind of stiffly gazed over each person before her eyes landed on Gamora's. "Milady Gamora, I'm here to fetch you for my master."

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