Chapter 6: A Flimsy Alliance

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A heart rate monitor beeps as it shows the stable conditions of the patient it is connected to. Next to it sits a hospital bed with an unconscious Sage resting on it. Her injuries weren't as severe as one might've thought, be it her quick thinking or unnatural luck, Sage Alanna has survived yet another devastating encounter, with much surer to come.

Sitting on a chair by the bed is Agent 13 or as we more commonly know her, Sharon Carter. She had been watching over Sage for a while now, only having rested while Sage was being treated. Now in more comfortable attire, basically a pantsuit, Sharon is on standby for the time being.

The door to the medical room opens and Sharon immediately stands, spotting and ready to formally address her instructor.

Her instructor was a beautiful woman with piercing blue eyes and dark brown hair that had been tied back into a bun. She wore a dark blue skinsuit with patches on her left and right arm that had a black eagle symbol, a black earpiece on her right ear, a black belt tied around her waist, black knee-high combat boots, and a pistol strapped to her right leg. This was one of the highest-ranking agents in their organization, the deputy director, in fact, Maria Hill.

"Deputy director." Sharon greeted formally as Maria made her way over to them.

"You had us worried, agent." Maria stated and her stern gaze softened "You had me worried."

Sharon sighed "I know and I'm sorry, things just got out of hand."

"I can see that." Maria said looking at Sage "This is the girl from your report?"

Sharon nodded "Yeah, this is Sage."

"Sage..." Maria muttered, noticing the distinct features on her face "These lines on her face? Are they scars?"

"I don't know, never got to ask." Sharon said, looking at Sage "But they don't scream scars to me, more like stone cracks."

Maria nodded, involuntarily saying "She's pretty..."

Sharon smiled "I was gonna go with annoying, but you can pick your poison, I guess."

Maria shook her head, turning to look at Sharon "Anyway, please follow me to my office for debriefing."

"But I already gave my report." Sharon said with a confused look.

"I want to hear it from you, face to face." Maria stated and Sharon nodded, looking back to Sage and Maria did the same "She'll be fine."

Sharon nodded once again and followed Maria out of the room. Once the door shut, the two of them left for Maria's office.

Once the coast was clear, Sage suddenly opened her eyes, having heard the entire conversation.


Sharon sat down in front of a desk as Maria shut the door, walked around the desk, and sat down. She took out Sharon's report and paged through it.

"So..." Maria started.

"So..." Sharon responded.

"The person running this, he called himself Raw?" Maria asked and Sharon nodded "Well, based on your description of him and the evidence we found on the boat, we think we got our guy."

"Already?" Sharon asked in surprise.

"Do remember who you work for, agent." Maria reminded "We don't waste time around here."

Sharon nodded as Maria took out a paper from the file and slid it over to her. Sharon looked down at the paper to see that it was a full detail on Raw.

"Seth Verdona. Age 31. Arrested over 15 times on accounts of trespassing, assault, drug abuse, trafficking, prostitution, drug smuggling, robbery, carjacking, street racing, and murder." Maria explained, "He managed to escape 10 of those 15 times."

"He's one slippery bastard, I'll give him that." Sharon stated, reading through the detail.

"True, but you managed to corner him." Maria said as Sharon looked at her "Only 10 GTA's were made. These Death Races would usually include 2-3 GTA's and any damaged or destroyed ones would either be repaired or rebuilt. Last night was the first time all 10 were raced."

"Why?" Sharon asked.

"Seth's birthday was yesterday, must've been his way of celebrating." Maria stated.

"Of course, that's his way of celebrating." Sharon muttered with an eye roll "And the girls?"

"They're fine." Maria responded, "After some checkups and a brief interrogation, we escorted them back to their homes."

Sharon sighed in relief and nodded "Okay, so what now? What do we do?"

"Seth's vulnerable right now. He's laying low which is good for us because we have the resources to find him. He only has one GTA now so it's imperative we capture him before he decides to manufacture more." Maria explained and Sharon nodded.

"Then let's go." Sharon said, standing up.

"Sit down, Agent 13." Maria stated and Sharon slowly sat down with a confused expression "This was your first field mission, and you did well, but that does not excuse most of your consequential actions."

"What do you mean?" Sharon asked.

"Your mission was to simply observe and gather information." Maria stated "You engaged your target, causing us to lose communications with you for over 48 hours and you not only got a civilian involved but you got her injured. This was very sloppy."

"I got the blueprints though! If it wasn't for me and Sage, we wouldn't have the advantage over Raw as we do now. 9 out of the 10 GTA's were destroyed and the leading man for all of this is alone and running. My methods may have been sloppy, but I got results." Sharon stated.

"That may be true, but the fact of the matter remains." Maria said, closing the file and looking at Sharon "You almost died Sharon, both of you did."

"I took that risk when we decided I should be put in the field." Sharon stated.

"A decision I'm thinking of disapproving." Maria stated with a worried look, rendering Sharon shocked.


Sage gets up from her bed and looks down to see she was just in a hospital gown and a white pair of socks, not that she was complaining though, the gown was an improvement from the jeans, and they felt very breathy on the bits.

'So, this is the super-secret organization Sharon works for huh?' Sage thought to herself, looking around the room and seeing people in suits walking around with files in hand. Sage smirked with a devious idea in mind 'One does wonder, how secretive can this organization really be?'

She walked around the room, searching through the drawers and cupboards until she finally found what she was looking for, a jar of laxatives.

She took the jar and made her way to the door, she slowly opened it and peeked to the left and right, seeing the coast was clear. She snuck out of the room and tiptoed through the hallway, seeing multiple shut doors which led her to assume that they were either offices or rooms used for other essential uses.

Sage stopped by a coffee cart that was next to an office with an open door. She peeked inside and saw a man in a suit flirting with a woman that was pouring his coffee. She watched as the woman finished pouring the coffee and hand it to him.

He took a sip, letting out a satisfied moan which made the woman giggle. He put the cup down on his desk and continued to speak to her. Sage had seen enough, so she stepped back and kicked the coffee cart, causing it to roll down the hall and hit a nearby wall.

The cart tipped over and all the coffee, cups, mugs, sugars, and milk spilled over. The sounds of the cart, cups, and mugs shattering drew nearby attention, especially the flirting couple in the open office.

Sage ran and hid behind a corner as the couple ran out of the office and looked around, the woman let out a scream upon seeing her destroyed cart. She ran towards it with the man following her, along with other agents that had come out of their office.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Sage runs into the agent's office and opened the jar of laxatives. She scooped out a handful of the white powder and poured it into the drink, then another scoop, then another, then she just poured as much as she could, almost emptying the jar.

Meanwhile outside, the other agents had gone back to their offices while the couple stood in the hallway, looking down at the cart.

"Keith, you should go. The cleanup crew won't take long." The young woman said to him.

"I'm just here to help, Rosa." The agent, Keith, said.

Rosa smiled "It'll be fine Keith, don't worry about this. Just go back to work before your superiors notice."

"They won't notice anything, especially with all the sneaking around we've been doing." Keith said with a smirk.

Rosa rolled her eyes with a smile "Keith."

"Fine, fine. But are you sure?" Keith asked and Rosa nodded.

"I'm sure. The cleanup crew's already here, see?" Rosa said, pointing behind him to see two janitors approaching them.

"Alright." Keith sighed but then he smirked again "I'll see you later?"

Rosa replied with her own smirk "I'll be waiting by the bathroom after this is all cleaned up."

"And how long will that take?" Keith asked, his voice getting lower as he stepped closer to her.

The cleanup crew finally got to them, and Rosa pushed him away with a small smirk and whispered, "Five minutes."

Keith nodded with a wink, walking back to his office as Rosa flirtatiously waved at him.

Sage heard footsteps approaching the office, so she quickly used the spoon to mix the powder with the laxatives and ran around the desk, hiding under it.

Keith returned and sighed, shutting his door then sitting down behind his desk, his legs almost hitting Sage. He started typing on his computer and took a sip of his coffee, finding the taste strangely sweet but he drank more, nonetheless.

Sage smirked upon hearing him sipping the coffee, knowing the amount she poured was way too much to take long.

Keith's stomach rumbled and he immediately clutched it, letting out a gasp and standing up from behind his desk. He started involuntarily farting as he rushed to the door, slamming it open and running out.

Sage got out from under the table and sat down on the chair, cracking her fingers and getting to work on the computer. Meanwhile, Keith reached the bathroom and saw Rosa waiting for him with a smirk on her face.

"Ready baby-" She was cut off by Keith ignoring and running past her into the bathroom with the farts getting louder and she followed him inside "Keith!? What's wrong!?"

Back at the office, Sage types and clicks on the computer, quickly getting used to it by the second. She looks through the different files that Keith had access to and saw the others were classified and he was restricted from accessing them.

"Oh no, restricted access. Whatever shall I do?" Sage asked sarcastically, figuring out the inner workings of the computer and hacking through the security locks and firewalls.

She finds what she was looking for, which were the blueprints to the GTA's, and memorizes their designs, layout, and information. With each one she memorized, she started deleting off the entire system until all of them were gone, all the information now in her mind.

"Mission accomplished." Sage said, sitting back on the chair with a smirk. But then, curiosity got the best of her, and all those other confidential files were just right in front of her, ready to be hacked into "I did want to learn more about this world..."

Sage grinned, getting back to work as she looked through almost every high level or confidential file she could find.


An alert made itself known on Maria's computer and she looked at it with a confused and surprised expression.

"What? What's wrong?" Sharon asked.

"Someone's hacking through every level of our cyber security." Maria said frantically, typing on the computer.

"Do we know who it is?" Sharon asked.

"Yeah, it's one of our agents." Maria said as her earpiece beeped, and she tapped on it "This is Hill."

"The civilian in the med bay has disappeared ma'am." A man on the other end told her.

Maria widened her eyes "What? Where'd she go?"

"We don't know yet; we're searching for her now." The man on the other end responded.

Maria's computer beeped again, and she looked to see that another level of information had been accessed.

"Son of a bitch." Maria cursed, quickly typing on her computer then tapping on her earpiece "I think I found her. I just sent you her location right now."

"Affirmative, on our way." The man responded and Maria stood up along with Sharon.

"What's going on?" Sharon asked.

"Your friend seems to have woken up." Maria said, walking to the door "Let's go."

Sharon followed Maria out of the office and down the hall towards the other offices. They turned a corner, and she was surprised to see 4 armed agents waiting in front of an agent's door.

"On your orders, ma'am." One of the agents said to Maria.

"Proceed." Maria stated and one of the agents kicked the door open, letting all of them in.

Sage sat on the chair with her feet up on the desk nonchalantly smiling at them. Maria and Sharon stepped forward and Sage's smile widened upon seeing her.

She picked up Keith's coffee mug and shook it "Coffee?"


Sage now sat on a chair with her hands handcuffed to a metal table, Sharon sitting across from her with the usual annoyed look she'd give Sage.

"You'd think she'd be happier to see me alive and well." Sage comments, enjoying the annoyed scowl Sharon was giving her.

"What are you doing Sage?" Sharon asks.

"I'm currently being interrogated by the only friend I have, who also happens to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D." Sage said.

Sharon looked at her with a surprised expression "I never told you the name before."

"Yeah, I found out." Sage said waving it off nonchalantly "The Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement, and Logistics Divisions, aka S.H.I.E.L.D. The mental gymnastics organizations have to do to have a cool name is baffling really."

"Do you realize what you just did, Sage? Hacking into a government system, much less S.H.I.E.L.D.'s system is going to lead to severe consequences." Sharon said worriedly.

"I considered that, but then I remembered..." Sage said leaning closer to her with a smirk "Knowledge is power."

Sharon gave her a confused look as Maria entered the room with an IPad in hand, which she promptly slammed onto the table.

"They're gone. All of them are gone." Maria stated, trying to keep herself calm from the anger that was boiling inside of her "Every single file from level 9 and up has been deleted."

"What!?" Sharon asked in shock "Sage!?"

Sage just shrugged as Maria crossed her arms with a glare "Do you have any idea what you've just done?"

"As you said, I deleted every file from level 9 and up." Sage reiterated "Not before memorizing all of them of course."

"Years upon years of information, codes, locations! You've backtracked S.H.I.E.L.D. in more ways than you could possibly imagine." Maria stated.

"But how could she do all of that? She barely knew how to use a cellphone two days ago." Sharon said.

"Well, she must've been lying to you because she's a computer genius." Maria stated.

Sharon turned to look at her "Sage?"

Sage rolled her eyes "I wasn't lying. I didn't know how to use a cellphone two days ago or drive a car. I'm just a fast learner, that's all."

"So, you're saying you just happened to hack into one of the most secure systems in the world without ever knowing how to use a computer?" Maria asked and Sage nodded, leading to Maria letting out a scoff "That's absolute bull!"

"Believe me or not, that's just the way it is." Sage responded.

"Can we get them back?" Sharon asked, looking at Maria.

Maria sighed "Our technicians are working on that right now, but the process is taking longer than usual."

"They're wasting their time." Sage said with a smirk as both women watched as she pointed at her head "All that information is in here."

"What are you talking about?" Maria asked.

"I know everything now, every single thing S.H.I.E.L.D. has been keeping secret is now mine. I know about Nick Fury, I know about all your high-ranking agents, I know about HYDRA, I know codes and locations that you don't even know about," Sage listed, looking at Maria with a smirk "I even know about Captain Marvel."

"Who?" Sharon asked.

Maria sent Sage an icy glare and turned to Sharon "You're right, she is annoying."

"Why are you doing this, Sage? What do you hope to gain?" Sharon asked.

"I told you, knowledge is power." Sage stated "I'm a curious person and I desire to learn as much as I can about everything. Memorizing and deleting those files not only helped me learn more than I ever could but it also gave me leverage."

"Leverage?" Maria asked and Sage nodded. Maria stepped closer to her and leaned on the table, leaning closer to Sage "Then what do you want?"

Sage moved her arms to the right and started scratching her ear with her pinkie "Tag me in."

"What?" Maria and Sharon asked.

"Let me join Sharon in taking down Raw. You allow me to do that then I'll return the information back to you." Sage explained.

"You want to go after Raw?" Sharon asked.

Sage nodded "A near-death experience is only motivation for me. You managed to get all the blueprints, but I haven't held up my end of the bargain yet. There's still one GTA left out there."

"You just hacked into our systems; do you really think for a second that we'd trust you on the field?" Maria asked.

Sage reached out and grabbed Maria's IPad, easily hacking into it and going to the notebook. She started typing at a rapid pace and only after a minute, she stopped and slid the IPad over to her.

Maria picked it up and widened her eyes in shock "Oh my God..."

"What?" Sharon asked.

"All of the information from level 9, this is all of it." Maria said, swiping up and down to see if all of it was truly there, which it was. She looked at Sage who shrugged and raised her cuffed hands.

"I'm very good with my hands." Sage said, doing some jazz hands.

Maria looked back down at the information and sighed "Fine. You're in."

But before Sage could do any celebrating, Maria continued to speak.

"But it'll just be you and me." Maria stated, "Agent 13, is held off from the field until further notice."

"What? No..." Sharon said in defiance but one look from Maria silenced her.

"No deal." Sage said and they both looked at her "I'm flattered you want to spend time alone with me but if Sharon isn't a part of this then no deal."

"Agent 13 already had her chance to prove herself and her mission ended in a disaster-" Maria tried to explain but Sage cut her off.

"Then she gets another one!" Sage stated sternly, turning to look at Sharon "This is Sharon's mission. Let her finish it."

With a frustrated huff, Maria looked between the two and picked up her IPad, walking out of the room and slamming the door shut.

"Thanks." Sharon said with a small smile.

Sage smirked "What are friends for?"

Maria returned, IPad not in hand this time but instead a pair of keys. She went over to Sage and unlocked the cuffs, freeing Sage from her restraints. Sage rubbed her arms and looked at Maria along with Sharon.

"I'll accept your terms. You, Sharon, and I will go with a team to track down Raw." Maria stated and Sharon smiled as Sage's smirk grew "In exchange for this, the information you stole, we want it back. All of it."

Sage got up made her way over to Maria, whispering in her ear "Maybe~"

Maria involuntarily shivered as Sage walked past her and out of the room while Sharon stood up.

"Sorry for all of this." Sharon apologized.

"Let's just get this done." Maria responded and Sharon nodded, both leaving the room.


In a small auto repair shop within L.A., boxes upon boxes were thrown and tossed to the ground. The owner of the shop was a scraggly man that helplessly watched his 'friend' aggressively search through his shop.

"Hey Raw man, you gotta chill." The owner said.

"Chill? Chill!?" Raw exclaimed walking over to him and grabbing him by the neck, slamming him against a wall "Do you have any idea what the hell is happening, Clancy!? My entire operation went up in flames last night, if I don't find what I'm looking for right now then you might as well give me the death sentence right now!"

"W-What are you even looking for?" Clancy choked out.

Raw let him go and continued to search the office "I made a mistake trusting computers. It's a good thing I had at least one blueprint printed in case I was ever put on the run."

"You're gonna build another car?" Clancy asked.

"They're not cars, they're GTA's." Raw corrected, grinning once he found the red blueprint "Here you are, baby."

He rushed out of the office and took off his jacket, getting the tools ready and lifting his GTA's hood.

"If they want me then they can send the whole army if they want." Raw stated, opening the blueprint and looking through it with a manic grin "After this upgrade, I'm gonna burn it all down."

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