Chapter 7: Dr. Stone

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"Our target's name is Seth Verdona, more commonly known as Raw." Maria spoke, debriefing the group of agents in front of her while projecting images of Raw, "We tracked him down and found his current location to be a small auto repair shop at the lower end of Los Angeles."

Meanwhile, Sage and Sharon stood at the back behind the group of agents, watching as Maria debriefed them.

"Does she do this often?" Sage asked.

"Do what?" Sharon asked quietly.

"This." Sage said, motioning to the group "Command with such confidence?"

"Well, she's basically the head honcho of S.H.I.E.L.D. after Director Fury." Sharon said.

"She seems like an all work, no play, type of person." Sage said.

"That's eerily accurate. Maria is always busy with something; I'm surprised she keeps it all together with the amount of shit she has to deal with." Sharon said with a light chuckle, then she turned to look at Sage, "Why the sudden interest?"

Sage continued to stare at Maria and when Maria made eye contact with her, she narrowed her eyes and looked away, continuing to debrief the team.

Sage smirked "I find her intriguing."

"Gear up and stand by in the jeeps, understood?" Maria asked.

"Yes, ma'am." The group of agents responded.

"Good." Maria said, turning the projector off "I'll meet you guys there."

The group of agents left the room as Sharon and Sage moved from the wall they were standing by and approached Maria.

"Do me a favor and don't start talking during my debriefs." Maria stated "It's really undermining."

"I'm sorry, but Sage was the one that started talking to me." Sharon said.

"I was simply curious and enquired to Sharon about you. It's not my fault she started singing your praises." Sage said.

"I was?" Sharon asked in surprise.

"She was?" Maria asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, she was." Sage responded.

"No, that's a lie." Sharon said with a nervous smile to Maria, "All I said was that you're always busy with something, that's all."

"And that was all I needed to know to get a gauge on you." Sage added.

"A gauge on me huh?" Maria asked and Sage nodded, she folded her arms with a stern expression, "Then let's hear it, I'm sure you're not afraid to say what you think about me to my face."

Sage sighed "Well, you seem to be very hardworking, you not only have the position of being Nick Fury's second in command, but you garnered enough respect amongst your fellow agents to earn it, you hold up this cold and intimidating exterior, but judging by how Sharon spoke so highly of you, I can tell you're a kinder person than you'd like to admit and you're attractive, not in a conventional sense, because you don't seem to care for it, which only speaks volumes on your character and adds to your attractiveness."

Sage's whole spiel left them dumfounded, Sharon even having her jaw dropped. Sage looked between the two women and smiled in amusement at their surprised faces, wondering if her whole analysis was that far off.

"I'm assuming I got a few things right at least?" Sage asked, snapping them out of their surprise and Maria cleared her throat, straightening herself up.

"A few." Maria agreed, but in fact, Sage was right on the money. This complete stranger had managed to analyze and correctly determine a lot about her through mere observations and a single interaction between each other.

"You get that all in her file?" Sharon asked.

"The files of agents only gave me statistics and general information. Personality and mannerisms can only be gained through observations." Sage said.

"So, you just observe and analyze everyone?" Sharon asked.

"It's not like I do it on purpose." Sage said with a shrug.

"Well, uh, I think we should gear up as well and meet everyone downstairs." Maria said, avoiding any eye contact with Sage.

Sage smiled and sighed in relief "Finally. Walking around in just a hospital gown is definitely not fun, not fun at all."

"I actually have a surprise for you," Sharon said, nodding over to the door "Follow me."

"Will I like the surprise?" Sage asked.

Sharon rolled her eyes "Who doesn't like surprises?"

"You'd be surprised." Sage joked and Sharon chuckled with an eye roll.

Both Sharon and Sage walked away from Maria, talking and laughing as good friends would. Maria watched them leave, and even though she didn't want to, she found herself staring at Sage with a deepened interest and some strange new feelings.

Sage followed Sharon through the hallway towards the armory. They walked past the bathrooms, seeing a crowd had gathered with medical aids and doctors standing outside as a man screamed inside. Sharon wondered what that was all about, but Sage hurriedly moved her along, reminding her that they still had a job to do.

They arrived at the armory, a seemingly small room with iron doors that had a keypad scanner right next to the doors. Sage watched as Sharon used her badge to scan then she typed in a 6-digit code, causing the doors to open.

"That's it? All your gadgets and weapons are accessible through a simple scan and password?" Sage asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There's also the fact that every agent gets an individual code of their own and the keypad scans the agent's fingerprints while they type in the code." Sharon said, giving her a smile and Sage chuckled, moving over to the keypad and rubbing her chin in wonder.

"Fascinating." Sage comments.

"Study it later, weirdo. Your surprise is waiting." Sharon said.

"And what is this surprise exactly?" Sage asked as they entered the armory and Sharon turned on the lights, "I mean it—wow..."

Sage had her eyes wide and jaw agape at the large room. The walls were lined with guns of every and all kinds, tables had gadgets ranging from walkie-talkie's to grappling hooks, stands with skinsuits and body armor stood in the corners of the room and cases, boxes and crates were stacked up in the middle of the room.

"Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Vault and my personal favorite room in the whole building." Sharon announced.

"I thought S.H.I.E.L.D. only planned to build this room during the construction of their Helicarrier." Sage said, looking around in awe.

"They're what?" Sharon asked.

"Oh right, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s building something super confidential." Sage said, waving it off, "Forget I said anything."

"Uh...okay." Sharon said, taking a case that was on top of a crate and putting it on an empty desk, "Check it out."

Sage looked away from the guns and approached the table just as Sharon opened the case to reveal a surprising sight.

"Impossible..." Sage said with a smile as she reached into the case and picked up her tunic. She examined it and saw that the same E=mc² she had etched onto it was still there, which confirmed that it was actually hers, "How though? I left it in the trunk, so I assumed it must've been burned to ash during the crash."

"We thought so too, but after we recovered what was left of your GTA, we found that the trunk was relatively undamaged. A few cuts and scratches here and there, but it was fine overall." Sharon explained, "Took the liberty of washing it while you were asleep too."

Sage smiled at Sharon and approached her, raising her arms awkwardly and gave Sharon one of the most awkward hugs ever.

"Thank you..." Sage muttered.

Sharon chuckled and moved Sage's arm from the back of her neck and down to her back, where her other arm had rested.

"This is how you do a hug." Sharon said after correcting Sage then hugging her back, "And you're welcome, weirdo."

"Alright, enough human interaction. It's time I start looking good." Sage said, pulling away and looking at her tunic with an excited smile as she walked to the changing room.

"You really love that thing huh?" Sharon asked with an amused smile.

"Of course," Sage said as she looked at her with a smirk "It's the only thing that came with me from my time, there's absolutely no reason as to why I wouldn't be attached to it."

'Your time?' Sharon asked herself as Sage entered the changing room, she decided not to pry and picked up a pistol "Let's hurry up then. The quicker we get to Raw, the better."

"Don't worry too much, we'll win." Sage stated.

"You sure?" Sharon asked.

Sage exited the changing room, now adorned in her tunic as she smirked "I'm ten billion percent sure."


Sage and Sharon exited the elevator into the garage where they found Maria waiting for them in front of a jeep that was in front of four other jeeps. Sage wore her tunic with a belt of pouches around her waist, a pistol strapped to her right hip and her hammer hanging off the left side of her belt. Sharon wore a skinsuit similar to Maria's along with tactical vest over it, a pistol strapped to her right leg and her hair tied into a ponytail.

"Good, you made it." Maria said, but then she raised a perplexed eyebrow at Sage's tunic, "What's with the outfit?"

"A hallmark of mine." Sage replied, pulling out her pistol and twirling it nonchalantly.

Maria grabbed Sage's arm to stop her from twirling the pistol, "Do you even know how to use this thing?"

"Of course," Sage said, pulling her arm back and pointing the gun at Maria, "You just point and shoot, right?"

"Right..." Maria said, pushing the gun away from her face and giving Sharon a look.

"What? She learned how to drive in a few hours, I was pretty sure gun safety wasn't going to be an issue with her either." Sharon said with a shrug.

"I mean; I haven't loaded it yet." Sage said with a bashful smile and shrug.

Maria rolled her eyes "Let's just go already. The longer we stand idly by; the more time we give Raw opportunities to escape."

"I call shotgun." Sharon said, opening the passenger side door.

"You told me not to take the shotgun, now you want it? Make up your mind woman!" Sage exclaimed, getting in the back seat.

"You and I both know what I meant by that." Sharon said.

"Can you two try and act like adults for five minutes at least?" Maria asked, getting into the driver's side.

"And what would be the fun in that, deputy director?" Sage asked, leaning in between the driver's and passenger's seat and looking smirking at Maria.

"Are you always like this?" Maria asked.

"You'll grow to love it." Sage said as she leaned back.

Maria rolled her eyes and activated her coms "Come in, team. We all set?"

"Yes, ma'am." Everyone on the coms responded.

The garage started to open and Maria started the car, the other agents following her lead and doing so as well.

"Our target is about 30 minutes away. Once we get there, I want you to hit him hard and fast, no casualties, no property damage and no unnecessary risks, understood?" Maria asked.

"Yes, ma'am." One of the agents responded.

"Roger that." Another one of the agents responded.

"Alright, let's go." Maria stated, turning off the coms and driving out of the garage with her team.

The drive wasn't as lively as expected. All three women were left to their own devices for the time being, Maria focused on the road, Sharon just staring out the window and taking in the sights, and Sage had taken out all the gadgets and devices in her pouches, disassembled them and started reinventing a new device.

Sharon heard the tinkering in the back and she turned to look at Sage, confused on what she was doing.

"Do I even need to ask?" Sharon asked.

"All you have to know is that this may be important." Sage responded.

"Important how?" Sharon asked.

"It'll be highly beneficial later... maybe." Sage said, hoping the device would work as intended and Sharon decided not to pry and left her to her devices.

They went back into a moment of silence, although this time Maria was taking glances at Sage through the rear-view mirror. After what Sage had said back at the debriefing room, Maria found it quite difficult to get the girl out of her mind. This developing interest was just growing and she felt the strong urge to just get to know more about Sage, rather than just creepily keep watching her from afar.

Maria coughed awkwardly as she thought of a topic, her eyes drifting to the equation etched onto Sage's collar "So, you're a fan of Einstein, Sage?"

Sage stopped tinkering and looked up at the rear-view mirror to meet Maria's eyes as she asked "Who?"

"Albert Einstein? The man who came up with the equation on your outfit." Maria explained.

"I've never heard of that man in my entire life." Sage stated, continuing her tinkering.

"How can you not know Einstein? He's literally known for being one of the smartest people in the world." Sharon said.

"Oh, really? Well, good for him. I'd love to meet him someday." Sage said.

"Very funny." Sharon said with an eye roll, but then she was surprised to see Sage keeping a straight face, "You do know Einstein's dead, right?"

"Oh, well, my condolences." Sage said and Maria and Sharon looked at each other with perplexed looks.

"Sage, if you've never heard of Einstein then how did you get that equation on your shirt?" Maria asked.

"I figured out that energy and mass are the same, so I wrote down this equation on my shirt to remind myself that anything and everything can be explained through science." Sage explained.

"You figured out Einstein's formula before Einstein?" Sharon asked.

"I guess so." Sage said and Sharon scoffed with a laugh while Maria shook her head in amusement.

"Since you speak so highly of it, does that mean you're a scientist, Sage?" Maria asked.

"I'd like to think of myself as one, but I'm still learning." Sage answered.

"You're a student?" Maria asked and Sage nodded, "What are you studying?"

"Life." Sage replied.

Maria smiled "Aren't we all?"

Sharon looked at Sage "Life Science? Social Science? Biology? What's your major?"

"I want to understand anything and everything I can about anything and everything." Sage stated.

"Really now? And how's that working out for you?" Maria asked, looking at her through the rear-view mirror.

Sage smirked and pushed a strand of her away from her face, "It's a slow, but steady effort. I'm going to beat fantasy with science."

Maria stared at Sage for a moment and looked away while cursing herself. There was no denying it now, Sage brought on feelings she had only felt back when she was in her teenage years. The nerves, the butterflies, the fluttering heart, all of them. She was attracted to Sage and she hated it.


They soon arrive at their destination, a small auto repair shop that looked abandoned. Maria's and two other jeeps surrounded the front of the auto repair shop while the other two covered the back, boxing anyone inside in.

Sharon was about to leave the jeep, but Maria stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Wait," Maria told her and she picked up her coms "Come in, team."

"Hearing you loud and clear, ma'am." One of the agents responded.

"I want the two teams at the back to remain in their vehicles in case anything happens, the other two in front with me can move in and proceed with apprehending the target." Maria ordered and the two jeeps behind her had their doors open with heavily armed agents exiting and approaching the building.

"What about us?" Sharon asked, a little irritated by being forced to stay back.

"Raw's a racer right?" Maria asked and both Sage and Sharon nodded, "Well, if push comes to shove, I want the two people who had firsthand experience with him to help me if he manages to escape with his car."

Sage understood her reasoning and she leaned in between their seats, giving Sharon's shoulder a squeeze and sending her a reassuring smile.

Sharon sighed and leaned back in her seat, "Fine."

The agents worked in tandem as they surrounded the building, five of them standing by the front door and three standing in front of the garage as the others went around to look for any other entrances or exits.

The five agents by the front door count down from three then one of them kicks the door open, letting everyone else enter the darkened shop.

"Freeze!" One of the agents shouted.

"Don't move!" Another shouted.

Clancy, Raw's friend, cried with his hands raised as all the agents aimed their flashlights and guns at him.

"It ain't me you're looking for! I promise it ain't me!" Clancy shouted.

Suddenly the sound of an engine could be heard turning on and the screeching of tires followed soon after. Two of the agents ran past Clancy and burst through the doors leading to the garage, seeing Raw inside his GTA and smirking at them while giving them the middle finger.

He let go of the handbrake and the car crashed through the garage doors, plowing through the poor agents that were stationed outside and ignoring the bullets pelted at it by the other agents.

"Go! Go! Go!" Sharon shouted as Raw turned left and sped away from them.

Maria started the car and led chase as she activated her coms again, "On me! The target is turning west between Baker and Jeffrey's!"

The agents stationed behind the shop caught up with them and joined the chase, but Raw's GTA was far out speeding their jeeps.

"Anything special about this one?" Maria asked, referring to Raw's GTA.

"Sage?" Sharon asked, turning to look at her.

"We're in a bad position by staying behind him. His vehicle is equipped with miniature mines that he drops to destroy anyone behind him." Sage explained, just as Raw's GTA started dropping the tiles "Precisely like those ones."

"Oh shit..." Sharon said with fearful eyes.

Maria did a sharp turn into another street and one of the jeeps managed to follow her just in time, but the other jeep was sadly caught in the explosion of the mines. She kept glancing to her left while narrowly avoiding any traffic, catching glimpses Raw's car as it sped past the buildings.

"Anything else we gotta know?" Maria asked.

"The titanium plates he uses as an indestructible ram." Sage stated and Maria and Sharon widened their eyes.

Raw activated the titanium plates and his car was set ablaze as he took a sudden turn to the right, aiming to hit them. Maria swerved the car to the left and used the handbrake to drift out of the way. While that did work and saved their lives, the lives of their fellow agents were not so fortunate, because Raw had rammed into them instead.

They all watched with wide eyes as the agent's jeep was torn to shreds and exploded in a plume of flames, with Raw driving away as if he just did a small and inconvenient bump. Maria glared at Raw's GTA and she continued to chase after him, now determined to take him down.

They heard sirens and were greeted by the inconvenient interference of multiple police cruisers chasing after them and Raw. Speaking of which, Raw didn't seem all that worried about the chase, in fact, he seemed to welcome the chaos he was bringing and he seemed to be enjoying himself with the rock music blasting through his radio as he rammed through any car in his way.

He raised an eyebrow at the police barricade that was up ahead and he couldn't help, but laugh at the sight.

"Let's burn it all down, baby." Raw stated, pushing a button and pulling down a lever to his right.

Sage, Sharon, Maria, the cops, the news outlets reporting on the chase were all shocked to see Raw's GTA start to transform.

The passenger seat was shifted to the back and Raw was shifted to the middle of the car as the hood split into two. The wheels were extended forward to hold the transforming hood stable. The two hoods themselves were transformed into two large mechanical arms, one of the arms had a mechanical hand and the other had a large spinning razor blade.

"What the hell?" Maria muttered with her eyes wide.

"Oh my god..." Sharon muttered in shock.

"That wasn't in the blueprints..." Sage muttered in complete awe of the arms.

"Try stopping me now!" Raw shouted as he let go of the wheel and started using the handles at his side to control the arms.

The GTA raced towards the barricade and the arms were brought down on the police trucks blocking the road. The arm with the hand formed it into a fist and brought it down onto one of the trucks, pummeling it and crushing it into flattened iron while the other arm sliced and diced the other truck into pieces with relative ease.

Raw stopped his decimation and turned the car to face Maria's jeep along with the police cruisers behind them.

"What do we do?" Sharon asked.

Sage slowly turned to her with fearful eyes, "We run."

Maria immediately put the jeep in reverse and started backing away from the imminent danger, narrowly avoiding the police cruisers behind her. Raw saw this and smirked, aiming his sights at them. He activated the titanium plates and hit the NOS, shooting forward towards them while using the arms to plow everything in his path.

"He's headed right for us!" Sharon exclaimed.

"I can't get out of the way! He's too fast!" Maria exclaimed.

"Then don't!" Sage exclaimed, grabbing onto the wheel and turning it.

This turned the jeep enough to narrowly avoid any direct collision with Raw, but the arm with the hand had gotten to them instead. Their jeep was knocked to the side with multiple other cars, crashing through the glass doors of the mall and rolling through the large building.

The jeep luckily wasn't flipped over and it landed on its wheels by skidding to a halt by a wall, but that didn't mean it wasn't damaged beyond repair. People were running and screaming, both inside the mall and outside of it, because of all of the destruction Raw was causing.

Sage's eyes shot open and she sat up from her seat, feeling dizzy from the sudden movements along with some ringing in her ears. She cringed in pain as she felt her head ache and when she touched the side of her head, she saw that blood was running down the side of it.

The dizziness started to fade and she saw that Sharon was leaning back in her seat unconscious, a few scrapes here and there, but she got out of the crash relatively unscathed. Maria on the other hand was lying face down on the airbag and it was covered in blood.

Sage collected herself and exited the jeep, coughing from all the smoke coming from the engine. She opened the driver's side door and unbuckled Maria's seatbelt, gently sitting her up. She felt bad seeing her in this state, a bloody nose, blood running down the side of her head, a cut lip, bruises and scratches, and the worst of them all was the large piece of glass lodge in her left shoulder.

Sharon coughed and gasped, looking around deliriously, "Sage?"

"Sharon, good, you're awake. Help me get her out of here, she's in bad shape." Sage said and Sharon widened her eyes upon seeing the state Maria was in.

Sharon got out of the car and walked around, helping Sage carry Maria out of the jeep. They carried her to a nearby bench and gently put her down. Sharon took out her phone and started going through it just as Maria gasped awake, coughing and groaning in pain.

"Easy, easy, you'll be okay." Sage urged, pushing Maria back down when she tried to sit up "You aren't at your best right now, deputy director."

"W-What happened?" Maria asked.

"Raw happened." Sage replied, holding onto Maria's hand, "You're going to be okay, alright?"

Maria slowly nodded as she looked around at the damaged shops and scared people running around, "This is one hell of a mess..."

"This is starting to seem like a recurring thing with all of Sharon's missions." Sage joked and Maria chuckled, but then she groaned in pain, clutching her stomach.

"I resent that." Sharon said, putting away her phone.

"Reinforcements?" Maria asked and Sharon nodded.

"They'll be here in 10-20 minutes." Sharon said.

"That's too long," Maria said as she shook her head "If we don't move now, we'll lose Raw and all of this will be for nothing."

"You're not in any shape to move, much less go after a psycho and his robot car." Sharon said.

"That's why I'm not going." Maria stated, looking at the both of them "You were right. This Sharon's mission and the both of you are going to finish it. I'll stay here and wait for reinforcements, you just focus on taking down that son of a bitch."

"You really think we can do this?" Sharon asked.

"Not at all," Maria responded and Sharon frowned "But, I'm hoping to be proven wrong."

"How are we going to catch up with him though?" Sharon asked.

Sage smirked as she spotted a familiar sight, "I know a way."

She ran away from them and towards the Peterbilt truck that was being showcased within the mall. She opened the driver's side door and climbed inside, searching inside for the keys, but with no luck to come from it.

"Excuse me, young lady." An old voice called out to her and Sage looked out of the truck's window to see an old security guard smiling at her.

He was short old man with a frail build, Caucasian skin, short black hair that was graying at the sides, a grey moustache and black eyes. He wore the mall's standard issue security uniform along with a pair of rose tinted sunglasses on his face.

"I couldn't help, but overhear you and your friends talking and something within me just believes that you can save the day." The old man stated as he took out the truck's keys from his pocket, "I'm in charge of this truck 24/7, so I know you're gonna need one of these to take it out for a spin."

The old man tosses the keys to her and she smiles.

"Thank you." Sage says gratefully.

The old man smiles, "Go forth, true believer."

Sage started the truck and drove it off its stage and towards Sharon and Maria, stopping right next to them.

"Get in." Sage stated and Sharon was surprised to see her driving the truck for a moment, but she got in regardless.

"Okay, I'm not gonna ask how you got this thing." Sharon stated as Sage started driving.

"Good, blissful ignorance is good." Sage said with a nod.

"Although, I gotta ask how you plan on getting it out of the mall?" Sharon asked.

Sage changed gears and sped up the truck, crashing through the entrance and flying off the small hill onto the road.

"That's how." Sage stated with a smirk and Sharon rolled her eyes.

Sage turns the truck and drives it down the road, following the carnage Raw had left on his path. This method of tracking him down eventually led them to him, spotting his mechanical mayhem of a vehicle up ahead.

"Well, we found him. Now what?" Sharon asked.

"These next string of events may seem impossible, utter fantasy even, but remember what I told you earlier about such things?" Sage asked.

"Y-Yeah, something about science right?" Sharon asked.

Sage nodded with a smirk "I'm ten billion percent sure that with the power of science on my side, I will always triumph."

She stopped the truck and picked up the microphone radio of the truck which switched on the horns outside of the truck.

"Seth Verdona." Sage stated through the loud horns and she knew she had gotten his attention when he suddenly stopped the car, "Or should I call you Raw?"

Raw sat in his car confused on who this person was and how she knew his name. He found her voice familiar, but he couldn't place his finger on who exactly it was.

"It's me Raw, it's Burnout." Sage stated and Raw widened his eyes "Back from the dead to show you how much of a loser you are. Even when you try to kill me, I'm still winning. I'm still better than you."

Raw grit his teeth in anger and turned his car around, glaring and growling in anger upon confirming that it was really her.

"You may think you're the best Seth, but that's far from the truth. There will always be someone better than you, and that someone is me." Sage stated and Raw seethed in anger "If you don't agree then show me what you're made of. You and me, right here, right now. Should be easy, right?"

Raw grit his teeth and let his engine roar, accepting her challenge "I'm gonna burn you alive..."

Sage smirked as she put down the microphone radio then dug into her pouches, taking out the small device she was tinkering with earlier and handed it to Sharon. It was a small device that was shaped as metal cube with a cylinder dial sticking out of the top.

"What exactly is the plan?" Sharon asked, scared of what Sage was about to do.

"When I say the word, twist the dial and slam it down into the cube." Sage ordered "Make sure you're quick about it, one mistake and we're dead."

"No pressure." Sharon said with a nervous sigh.

Sage started up the truck and kept her hand on the handbrake as Raw coated his GTA in titanium plates once more. He revved the car up and positioned the arms to the left and right, so that Sage wasn't capable of any turns or swerves to avoid a direct collision with him.

For a moment, the both of them were in a standstill. The air was thick with tension as the sounds of the truck and GTA's engines roared. Sharon gulped nervously as Sage glared forward, eyes set on Raw, who had his eyes set on her.

Then it happened. Raw let go of the brakes and activated his last remaining NOS, shooting the GTA forward as the arms were tearing through buildings on the left and right. Sage let go of the handbrake and shot forward as well, counting down the seconds to her plan in her head.

"Now!" Sage exclaimed and Sharon twisted the dial and slammed it down into the cube.

The cube sparked to life and a green ring of electricity exploded out of the cube, destroying it in the process, and passed through the entire city. Sharon dropped the cube the now damaged cube to avoid getting zapped by the sparks.

Raw widened his eyes when his car started slowing down and everything within it shut down and turned off. The GTA came to a halt and the arms fell limp to the ground, the entire vehicle had been shut down.

"What!? No, no, no, what the hell is this!?" Raw shouted, trying to turn the car on, but everything was unresponsive.

He heard the sounds of a vehicle approaching and realized that Sage's truck was still headed towards him. He tried to get out, but then he realized that the arms were positioned in a place where both the front doors were inaccessible.

Sage did a hard turn with the wheel and the truck swerved to the right, not hitting Raw's GTA. He smiled, thinking he was spared, but Sage wasn't aiming to collide with him with the front of the truck. He realized this when he saw the back of the truck swerving towards his stationery vehicle.

"Oh..." Raw muttered as the back of the truck collided with his GTA.

The hit sent his car flying into a nearby building, crashing through the windows and walls then landing on the ground with the rubble from the top of the building collapsing on him.

Sage brought the truck to a halt and both her and Sharon sat there with shocked looks on their faces, looking at each other to confirm if all of that just happened.

Sage started to laugh in relief, bringing her head down on the steering wheel tiredly. Sharon didn't smile or laugh though, she was still in a state of shock, asking herself the how's and what's of the situation.

"!? How did you do that!?" Sharon exclaimed as she picked up the damaged cube "What even is this!?"

"A simple electromagnetic pulse device." Sage responded.

"You built an EMP!?" Sharon exclaimed in shock.

Sage nodded, "I studied all the GTA blueprints remember? Raw's GTA was one of them, so I designed an EMP specifically catered to just his GTA. It was a long shot, but I felt the 30-minute drive was ample time to come up with at least one contingency."

Sharon stared at her with her jaw dropped, in complete and utter shock at what Sage just told her.

"What?" Sage asked, weirded out by her staring.

"Who are you!?" Sharon exclaimed.

Sage spotted something behind her and stopped smiling "Ask me later. You're up."

Sharon turned around to see Raw crawling out of the rubble, bloodied and battered with a disorientated look on his face. Sharon got out of the truck and Sage followed as Raw spotted them approaching him, he wiped the blood from his lips and glared at them, barely managing to stand up.

"You're dead! You hear me!? Dead!" Raw shouted, stumbling over to them.

"You know how to fight?" Sharon asked.

"Not particularly." Sage responded.

"Then stay back, I'll handle this." Sharon stated.

"We have guns though; we can just end it now." Sage reminded.

"Oh no," Sharon said shaking her head and cracking her knuckles, "I want to do this personally."

Raw reached them and sluggishly swung as Sharon who easily dodged it and hit him with two quick jabs. He stumbled backwards, almost falling over, but he managed to steady himself. He let out an angry roar and charged at Sharon, aiming to tackle her. She dodged once again and grabbed his hair, pulling him backwards as she kicked his hind legs in.

Raw fell to the ground on his back and Sharon walked around him, letting him turn over and try to get up. While he was getting and still on his knees, Sharon ran towards him and placed her leg on his neck, stomping him down to the ground and knocking him out.

"Burn that down." Sharon stated and Sage clapped in awe of the display and holding a newfound fear of Sharon in her heart from then on.

"Mission accomplished?" Sage asked with a smile and Sharon smiled tiredly at her.

"Mission accomplished." Sharon stated.


Later on that day, S.H.I.E.L.D. reinforcements had arrived. Black jeeps littered the streets with agents patrolling the area, keeping civilians at bay, helping with the cleanup of all the property damage, and providing some much needed support to the agents that survived the day's events.

Sage and Sharon either sat or leaned on the Peterbilt truck, Sharon watching the cleanup of everything and Sage fiddling with her phone.

"I don't know which one caused the most damage. This or the Death Race." Sharon said.

"Definitely the race." Sage stated.

"Good to see I was proven wrong." A familiar voice stated and they turned to see a patched up Maria approaching them.

"Maria." Sharon said, standing up straight.

"You're alive," Sage stated and smiled "Good."

"You almost sound glad that I am." Maria teased.

"As if a car crash was going to stop you from tracking me down." Sage stated with an amused shake of her head.

"True." Maria agreed.

"Shouldn't you be in a hospital bed? Or at least lying down?" Sharon asked.

"And miss the fun of doing my job? As if." Maria said with a smirk.

"Speaking of jobs." Sage stated, watching as the medics wheeled a handcuffed Raw into a van "Sharon did hers successfully."

"With your help." Sharon said and turned back to look at Maria "Did you know that this woman created an EMP with just spare parts in under 30 minutes?"

"What?" Maria asked and Sharon nodded, starting to explain.

"Tell her about it later, will you?" Sage interrupted and they both looked at her "I have to go."

"Go? Go where?" Sharon asked.

"Somewhere, I don't know yet." Sage stated.

"You know we can't just let you leave, right? You still have to give us the info-" Maria was cut off by Sage tossing her phone over to her.

She caught it and scrolled through it, surprised to see all of the lost information written down on the phone's notepad.

"I knew you were going to bring that up, so there you go. All the information that had been deleted, minus the GTA blueprints of course, I have plans for those and I'd rather they remain only knowledgeable to me." Sage explained.

"You aren't planning on becoming the next Raw, are you?" Sharon asked, suspicious on what Sage planned to do with the GTA's.

"While they are fun, I have bigger things to strive for than just Death Races." Sage stated, opening the truck door and hopping in "I'll be seeing you, alright?"

"Do you have to go? I really couldn't ask for a better partner to work with." Sharon told her.

Sage smiled "I really did enjoy working with you as well, but I have to go and continue learning about this world."

"You can do it through S.H.I.E.L.D., you saw how much info and advanced tech we have. Wouldn't that be a great place to learn?" Sharon insisted.

"Sorry, but I want to learn through firsthand experience and I'm not one for taking orders." Sage stated and Sharon sadly nodded "Hey, this isn't goodbye. I'll see you again and I bet I'll be needing your help with another crazy problem to deal with."

"We'll be keeping an eye on you." Maria stated.

Sage smirked "Deputy Director Maria Hill will be keeping a close eye on little old me? Well, my day just got even better."

Maria narrowed her eyes at her with a red tint forming on her cheeks "I meant S.H.I.E.L.D. will be keeping an eye on you."

"Looking forward to it." Sage replied, starting the truck.

"Are you blushing?" Sharon asked in amusement and Maria silenced her with a glare.

"See you later then." Sage stated.

"Bye, weirdo." Sharon said and Sage smirked with a wink as she drove away.

Sage continued to drive down the street and turned a corner, heading back to the army base with millions of thoughts and ideas racing through her mind. She smirked, glad to have learned so much and ready to implement them with the power of science.


It had been 2 days since Sage parted with S.H.I.E.L.D. and recent developments had led to quite the stir within the agency. Sharon knocked on the door to Maria's office and it was opened by Maria, letting her in and shutting it behind her.

"You wanted to see me?" Sharon asked.

"Yeah, it's about our strange new friend." Maria stated.

"You mean your strange new crush?" Sharon asked with a teasing smirk and Maria gave her an unamused look "Sorry."

"Sage Alanna, right?" Maria asked, sitting down behind her desk and typing on her keyboard.

Sharon nodded in confirmation, "Yeah."

"Well, Sage Alanna never existed." Maria stated, surprising Sharon "No medical records, no police records, no school records, no country of origin, not even a library card. Sage is a ghost that just popped out of nowhere."

"But, that's impossible." Sharon said.

"Oh, we're not done. Our doctors sent me her medical report from her crash, and things get much stranger." Maria stated, taking out a file from her desk's cupboard.

"Weirdo is much weirder that we thought, who knew?" Sharon said sarcastically "Alright, hit me. What have we got on her?"

"The lines on her face were not scars or tattoos. They were actually rocks embedded into her skin." Maria explained and Sharon widened her eyes in shock "I know, and, get this, these rocks date back to the prehistoric era."

"I know I said this before, but that's impossible." Sharon stated.

"We ran through every test we possibly could and we found that these things weren't embedded artificially or from any other outside source. They are organically embedded into her." Maria explained.

"You don't actually think Sage is a living breathing cave woman, do you?" Sharon asked.

"I'm starting to lean towards that." Maria said, surprising Sharon, "The fact that she has no accessible records, the organic rocks that date back 66,000,000 million years ago, the leather tunic that would fit that time period, the urge to learn more about the world. All these signs are pointing to something and the living cave woman theory is surprisingly the most viable option. I mean, you must've noticed some hints when you were around her?"

Sharon widened her eyes in realization as she thought back to her time with Sage.


Sage leaned back and reached into her backpack, pulling out Kevin's gun. Sharon widened her eyes in fear once she saw the gun but was surprised once Sage tossed it in front of her.

"I have a basic understanding of things so far but I know what a gun is." Sage said, getting up and moving behind the girl and starting to untie her "I am not your enemy, just simply curious."


"Well. The proper way of saying it is that I clean up well-" Sage said trying to walk but she started to fall over and let out a shout but Sharon had luckily caught her.

"Can't act like you have the high ground when you can easily fall off it." Sharon says to her and Sage just gives her a glare as Sharon helps her sit down; Sage beginning to take off the heels "And what's with the abs? You're the last person I'd expect with a toned body."

"Side effects of where I grew up, having a strong body and mind is key for survival." Sage states, tossing away the heels.


Sage rolled her eyes "I wasn't lying. I didn't know how to use a cellphone two days ago, or drive a car. I'm just a fast learner, that's all."

"So you're saying you just happened to hack into one of the most secure systems in the world without ever knowing how to use a computer?" Maria asked and Sage nodded, leading to Maria letting out a scoff "That's absolute bull!"

"Believe me or not, that's just the way it is." Sage responded.


"Of course," Sage said as she looked at her with a smirk "It's the only thing that came with me from my time, there's absolutely no reason as to why I wouldn't be attached to it."


"Sage, if you've never heard of Einstein then how did you get that equation on your shirt?" Maria asked.

"I figured out that energy and mass are the same, so I wrote down this equation on my shirt to remind myself that anything and everything can be explained through science." Sage explained.

"You figured out Einstein's formula before Einstein?" Sharon asked.

"I guess so." Sage said and Sharon scoffed with a laugh while Maria shook her head in amusement.


"Okay, there were a few hints here and there, but I never would've jumped to living cave woman." Sharon said, freaking out while trying to process all of this.

"Look, all of this is just a theory and we'll be running more tests on her DNA and the rock fragments to make sense out of all of this, so don't worry too much." Maria told her, "And even if she was a cave woman, what kind of cave woman would know how to drive, use a cellphone, hack a computer and create an EMP?"

Sharon sighed, calming herself down and deciding not to dwell on it too much at the moment. Maria smiled, seeing that she had calmed down and she gestured for her to come closer.

"What is it?" Sharon asked, walking around the table as Maria pointed to the computer monitor.

"I'm almost done with her bio; thought I'd bring you here to finish it off since you two are so close." Maria explained.

"A codename?" Sharon asked in amusement.

"We give them to everybody in our system, but Sage's one was a bit of a struggle to come up with." Maria said.

"Hmm, how about..." Sharon said, leaning over and typing on the keyboard "This?"

"Really? You think she'd like it if she found out?" Maria asked.

"It'd boost her gigantic ego." Sharon joked and Maria chuckled.

"Alright," Maria said pressing enter to finish the bio "Done."



AGE: 66,000,000



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