A Happy Covid Tale

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 A Happy Covid Tale

Amidst all the anxiety we are all feeling with this awful Coronavirus devastating our countries, here is a story which will warm your heart.

Back in March, which was lambing time for farmers, a farmer fell ill with Covid 19 and was so ill he had to be hospitalised. His wife also had Covid 19, but was able to stay at home. The farmer and his wife had brought up a young man who himself became a farmer and moved 200 miles away to farm land himself. This young man was married with children and when he heard of the dilemma of the farmer, he wondered how the older man could care for his sheep if he was in hospital? Thinking on his feet, he decided there and then that he would bring those sheep to his farm and look after them himself. No mean fete, as many of these sheep were pregnant ewes and were soon to give birth.

Local farmers and friends gathered the flock together put them into a lorry (or other transport) and drove them, 200 miles to the younger man where he looked after them and within a couple of days of this mammoth journey many of the ewes gave birth.

Fortunately, the older farmer survived Covid 19 and was surprised that his flock had been so well looked after. In fact, the younger farmer is to get an award from the farming community for his work, although he was very modest and said that it was a team effort.

It is said that love can move mountains, and it seems that it can also move a lorry load of sheep! Ha,ha.

Isn't it lovely to know that people can care so much for one another in these scary times?

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