Do A Little Research...

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We love a good drama on the television and have been watching a fictional tale called 'Beacham House,' which is set in India. India holds lots of fascination for us not least because my in-law's were all born there and only left because of the partition between India and Pakistan. We watch all programmes and films about India and can't get enough!

In one of the opening scenes of 'Beacham House' there is a beautiful elephant being led along. I absolutely love elephants and I had never seen such a lovely elephant before, it had a pink trunk with freckles. I was mesmerised!

Wanting to know more, I Googled 'Elephant with a Pink Trunk' and found several sites. One of them told me that these are female Asian elephants of a certain age, who get a pink trunk after 30 years (or more), so I believed it.

Some weeks later, we were watching another programme about India where the Indian caste of men who look after elephants were talking about them. One of the men said 'This is Aisha, she is a female elephant and she is 16 years old.' She had a pink trunk and freckles.

So there you are, false information given out on a web site. I am inclined to believe the man who cares for the elephants, they get pink trunks and freckles at a much younger age than stated. So you must always do research and not believe anything until you look further into it.


We moved into our ground floor flat 6 years ago, how time flies! We have spent quite a lot of money getting the flat up to date finishing last year with a lovely french door which gives us access to our small garden/outside space.

Above two of the doors, the bathroom door and the bedroom door, were ugly fan lights made of horrible squares of wire and lumpy clear glass. They bring light into the hallway so we didn't want to block them up so when a glazing professional came to do some work for us we asked him if there was anything else we could put there as replacements. He said 'No, there is nothing else, this is fireproof glass and has to stay.' I didn't think this was right, as we had been on a holiday in a new apartment, down by the sea, and it has chunky glass fanlights above the doors, much more attractive than our ugly ones. And what's more, the glass everyone in the UK uses now is fireproof safety glass, so it didn't make sense to me.

When our very lovely handy man came to do some jobs for us (we are not D.I.Y at all!) we asked him about this. 'Oh, yes. I've done this for someone before, I'll let you know what company we used to cut the glass' he said. I got excited, I was desperate to choose some new glass.

We found out the name of the company, went one Saturday morning, chose the glass, (there was about 15 different patterns to chose from) had the glass cut to size and carried it carefully home! It only cost us £18 for the two pieces, we were well pleased! It is now frosted glass with an oak leaf pattern.

So our lovely handy man came and beautifully fitted the new glass which is so, so, so much more attractive than the other old stuff, which was probably in vogue 60 years ago! So there you go... don't believe everything you are told.

Do a little research....

October 2019

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