Too Upsetting For Words

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Recently, my grand daughter asked her dad (my son) to order her a pizza. However, he didn't, but she thought he had so when a pizza was delivered to their door, she took it and ate it! As a house around the corner has a similar address they had delivered it to the wrong house. When the people in that house rang up to complain they hadn't received their pizza, the pizza deliverer came back to get payment for the pizza my grand daughter had eaten and rightly so!

My son was out at the time and upon spotting a large van outside of his house, he pulled up in his car nearby and waited. As he waited, a man with a dog passed by him and was looking at the van as well. My son pulled up outside of his house when the van left and went inside.

A few minutes later the man with the dog knocked on his door. Being a man who lived nearby although my son did not know him, he must have seen my son's two dogs sitting in the window, which they often do. (The dogs are called Bella and Kevin. Kevin is black and is bigger than Bella). This is how the conversation went:-

"Did you know the people in that van?" asked the man.

"No, but there was a mix up with a pizza delivery." replied my son.

"I thought I'd better warn you to be very careful with your dogs," the man continued "As men are going round with a van stealing dogs for dog fighting."

"Thank you for warning me." said my son.

I was horrified when my son told me.

"What do you mean?" I cried.

"Well, they would probably put our Bella in with a Rottweiler." my son said.

I teared up when he said that, it really upset me. Bella is a little dog, a Cavapoo (Australians call them Cavoodles), a cross between King Charles Spaniels and Poodles. She is only small, but very pretty honey coloured. Her coat is curly and so soft and she has large soft ears and the most beautiful eyes. I love her to bits!

So that is what some people call 'sport' is it? Watching a mad dog tear a little dog to pieces? How very cruel and bloodthirsty some people are! What hateful people there are in this world. I HATE them, they're despicable!

It is against the law of this country (UK) to be cruel to animals and thankfully, we are a nation of animal lovers and as such MOST of us are kind and caring to animals. We have an organisation called the RSPCA which prosecutes people who are cruel.

It goes to show we have to be very careful these days in every regard. I found this out simply because I said to my son perhaps the children could take the dogs for a little walk every day, but obviously not, as it isn't safe.

This left me speechless (and that doesn't happen often). Ha, ha. Not that it is a laughing matter! It is too upsetting for words!

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