More Covid Kindness

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This story is dedicated to AquarianUnicorn

Covid Kindness - again

I was talking with my Wattpad friend from India the other day. I mentioned how awful if must be to be in lockdown due to the Coronavirus and have no food.

At the moment in my country, (the UK) there are 14 million people living on the breadline, which is an utter disgrace for a country which is the fifth richest in the world. My friend replied:-

"Oh my, being in Lockdown without food is the worst ever! Our own house tenants are really poor and they have an infant daughter to feed, and they can barely afford it. We make sure to give them a portion of whatever we cook every day! And did buy new clothes for the baby too.

It feels good to be able to help people really in need, but thinking about the others who aren't getting help makes my heart ache  :( "

Surely, as I've said before, it is love and kindness like this which makes the world go round and a better place for all of us.

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