She Who Must Be Obeyed!

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Our best man, (another Dave) was a policeman in London and the surrounding area for several years. One day he was on duty out in the rain. He was so wet, his shoes were squelching as he walked. He had to wait around for the Queen Mother as police protection and she was late, but only by five minutes. When the Royal car arrived, it drew up beside him and the window rolled down and the Queen Mother popped her head out and said, "I'm so sorry I'm late, you look very wet." or words to that effect. Dave was quite impressed that she would take the trouble to say sorry to him and didn't quite know what to say to her, but he saluted her.

The Queen Mother went in to her function and ten minutes later, the car arrived back. The chauffeur (who was Scottish and Dave could hardly understand a word he said!) told him the Queen Mother had asked him (Dave) to wait in the car out of the rain for a while and have a drink! Of course, policemen are not allowed to drink on duty, but what could he say? She was the Queen Mother, for goodness sake! Dave is not a lover of whisky, but he chose to have one which did warm him up a little!

When she returned, the Queen Mother thanked him for being so patient! What a very lovely, gracious lady she was and much loved in our country!

The Queen Mother died at the age of 101 on 30 March 2002.

January 2019

P.S.  I do hope she didn't have to drive all the way home sitting in a wet patch, where Dave had dripped rain all over the seat!  Ha, ha.

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