Chapter 19: Do You Trust Me?

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I wiped my tears away immediately, I don't enjoy crying in front of people. Especially Noah. He's going to think I'm weaker. I held the bleeding pain and looked up at him.


"Why are you here?" My eyes pierced at him.

He kept quiet, looking at me with an interested or rather, a confused face.

"Don't tell me you are following me everywhere now because we are seat mates." My voice trembled to the words as he sat right next to me.

I stood up immediately, unable to stand his presence.

"Good bye then." I wanted to leave but his hand held me back. I glared an angry look at him right away.

"You don't need to doubt about your strength and weakness. I saw you earlier. You did the right thing, Sylvie." I look at him and there was earnestly in his eyes.

He pulled me back to the seat, I looked trying to hold the tears that were begging to pour.

"How long have you been w..atching me?"

"That is not important, Sylvie. Perhaps, I feel guilty as well but I want you to know that you deserve happiness too. I never knew you were an orphan. I never knew you were going through so much." His words were so touchy that, I allow the tears flow down my face.

"Please don't cry. Maybe Amber isn't as good as we think. She's human after all and have faults. We all have faults. The ability to accept each other's mistakes is what makes someone a friend."

I glanced at his eyes and saw sincerity. My mind went puzzled, knowing it's Noah sitting right next to me. I looked into his eyes, that felt soothing.

"You don't need to comfort me. I'm Sylvia Morrison." I smiled at him, being proud of myself. "The girl who isn't good enough. I might be able to answer every question in class but the truth is, I suck! Junior student keeps making fun of me. No one would ever look up to me. No one wants to seat with me, no one wants to talk to me. I have no chance with having friends in this damn school! And no matter how hard I try, I'll still fail. And maybe it's true, I'm a nightmare!" My chuckled laughter suddenly turned to tears. I couldn't hold back. I cried hard into my palms.

A great tremor overtook me as tears raced down my cheeks. I could no longer hold the heartbreak.

"A... Amber was a great friend to me. I've lost her now, how do I survive now?" I tried to explain but chocked on the words.

Noah held me close as I buried my face into his jacket. He placed my head on his chest and I could feel him whimpering with pain as well.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this, Sylvie. But just in case you know... You're someone I look up to. My dream. I want to be your friend." His words troubled my heart and calmed my mind but I knew he was just saying those words to calm me.


Minutes Later,

I wiped the last drop of tears from my hand and grabbed my bag.

"I feel better now, shall we go?"

"Yes, sure." He smiled looking at my sore eyes. I guess they're now red and probably swollen.

"You really cried a lot."

"You dare not tell anyone about this, else?!" I warned, making horizontal wrinkles appear on his forehead.

"You remind me so much of my younger cousin in New York. She cries at every single thing... I call her cry baby!" He joked.

"Whatever!" I hissed at him. "I'm not your cousin."

"Tears isn't something to be so ashamed of." He explained. "Sometimes, tears isn't a symbol of one's weakness but instead, strength. You just showed me how strong you are. I'm not disappointed." He smirked and walked away while I stumbled on the thought.

"Wait for me!" I followed him right way...

Getting outside, it looked as if I'd lost Noah. I glanced around and he was nowhere to be found.
'Good, I won't have to see him till tomorrow.' I told myself and walked through the gate.

Just then, a motorbike zoomed and stopped behind me. It was Noah on his motorbike.

"You're ready? C'mon, let's go!" He said to me.

I looked at him wondering if I could ever ride on it with his. Watching him hold the gears gave him more masculinity and I felt attracted but truth is, I've never rode on one before.

"What?! Your motorbike?" my eyebrows pulled up in unison.

"Is this the first time you're seeing me on this? " He smiled at my reaction and gave me the helmet on his head. I didn't collect.

"What? Where are you going?"

"To drop you at your house, obviously..."

"No, I can't do that."

"Really? Or are you just shy. "

"I'm not shy okay... See you tomorrow." I rolled my eyes at him without saying goodbye. The last thing I would want right now is to tell him my home address. Everything in school should remain in school... I don't know how Collins would react if he sees me with Noah.

"Okay then... Don't miss school tomorrow!" he placed the helmet on his head and turned on his motorbike while I watched.

"Bye now my dream!" he yelled at me in excitement before driving away.

I couldn't resist the smile that blossomed on my lips. I know Noah is a hard head, stubborn and very difficult to understand but somehow, I feel something I haven't felt for a while.



The Following Day At School...

My dream!" I head a voice called in the crowd. I looked back and saw Noah blushing at the my direction.

"Come off it, Noah! You're my nightmare!" I walked swiftly out of the hall so he won't catch up with me.

He fastened his steps to hold my swinging hands but I pulled away.

"What's it, Noah?! Stop following me like this, please." I looked around, hoping the mean girls weren't watching. I can't go through any drama again.

"When you and Amber become friends, both of you went everywhere together. I don't understand... Why are you still avoiding me?"

"I don't want people to think we're friends! Huh! You're so annoying! " I scoffed.

He smile at me and tilted his head forward, closer to mine.
"But we're friends right?"

I frowned and looked away without replying him. I don't just want people to know. They might think I'm dating the headmaster's son.

He held my hand firmly into his. I tried to pull away but he held still. "Stop being melodramatic now, Sylvie!"

"Where are we going? I told you, you can't take me home!" I begged.

"And who said we're going home?" a satisfying smirk spread across his lips as he pulled me to where his motorbike was parked.

Meanwhile, Amber and her new gang were in a yellow painted Volkswagen beetle owned by Kylie.

My eyes turned to them and they were murmuring something within themselves. I was concerned though but I didn't care. Noah pulled me closer and placed his helmet on my head. It fitted perfectly.

"I still don't get where we're going." I cried to him while he stared into my eyes.

"Do you trust me?"

"I stared back at him as we shared an eye contact. His once torturing grey eyes were filled with comfort. I could see it right through him, I just adjusted my hair and climb.

Seating on it felt like I was seating on top of a slim wall. I might fall very soon but I don't want to.

"Hold on tight." Noah muttered watching me through the mirror.

Okay... I mumbled as my hands wrapped him up. I gently placed my head on his back, hoping I won't fall.

Noah turned on the engine and held onto the handle bars before driving out of the school compound. Some students glanced at me with weird looks but all I could feel is my sweaty hands holding Noah's muscled skin, as tight as possible. Even though I wasn't sure of where we were going, I wanted to go through this.

As Noah zoomed through the tiled road, a frightening yell escaped me. I closed my eyes tight to the magical sensation that engulfed me. As if I was flying. Yet, I could still my heart pounding faster than I thought the wind that blew through. As if it was pulling me away and I was holding up to Noah.

"Whooooaaa!!!! " I screamed out in excitement.

"Are you okay?!" he chuckled as he took another turn.

"Yeeeah! Surrreeee!!!" I replied in shallow breaths. I know he wouldn't kidnap me. And for once in forever, I felt Free.

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