Chapter 20: Noah At The Doorstep

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The brittle and branches of thick tall trees chattering the warm breeze as I finally opened my eyes. I tried to simply concentrate on what I heard–the motorbike halted against the thick earth.

"So... Why are you here?" My eyebrows pulled up in unison, my hands held his shoulders as I climbed down. I gent took off the helmet and handed it back to Noah.

"We aren't there yet. We'd have to walk a little farther." He smiled at me.

"Omg! Where are we going?"

"Don't worry, just chill out." He cooed. "It's my detour."

"The forest is your detour? It really scares me you know? It makes me think of horror and paranormal." I admitted.

"Don't worry, Sylvie. You'll love it... Just trust me." He held my hand into his and pulled me along. Just then, the sound of water splash caught my attention.

"Is that what I think it is?" I jerked off and ran forward, towards where the sound was coming from.

Lo and behold! I startled at the open space, unexpectedly. It was a beautiful view of  waterfall and spring flowing in a garden beautiful flowers. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Whoa!" I murmured as my lips fell apart. Out of words to say, I turned back at Noah that joined me.

"I told you you'll like it."

"Wow! So this is your detour?"

"Yeah, I love nature. There's something about here that reminds that I also deserve freedom and happiness. Well, I think everybody do. Even you."

"It's beautiful... I'm totally speechless. I ran to one of the flowers." And where on earth is this

"It's just fifty meters away from school. He pointed out our tall school building with a red flag on it that served as the landmark."

"Look at these... I love being around flowers. They remind me of my dad. He along side my mum used to plant colorful flowers during weekends at the backyard. I used to join them sometimes only when they allow me." A memory blew through me and I chuckled."They prevented me from touching dirt."

"Wow, that's nice."

"Yeah, it used to be beautiful just like this." I explained, noticing I haven't talked about them in a long time. I looked towards the flowing spring and sat on the bed rock. I folded up my baggy jeans with my legs in the water and I looked up at him. "You want to join me?"

"Yes, sure." He replied and did the same without hesitation. "You sure had a happy family. Sometimes, I wonder what it feels like."

Looking into the clear water, I saw tiny fishes dancing through. 'How lucky they must be.' I pondered.

"It feels good. Having whatever you want, whenever you want it. Being loved and cared for, being celebrated every single day gives a sense of belonging." I looked at him and blushed. "It used to be the best. It was."

"So now you stay with your uncle? What does it feels like?" Noah deepened his hands into the flowing water, fondling with it.

"Good...  I guess." I faked a smile to distract him.

Anything about Collins makes me guilty and gives me goosebumps. I'm scared I'd get more punishments if he somehow knows. Exposing him means exposing me so, I would have to keep it a secret as long as possible. "So how did you get this place?"

"It was about six months ago. My parents got into this crazy bear fight. It went on throughout the night. The next morning, I wanted to get to school but de ides not to. I just wanted to leave everything... Home, school, family and friends. I drove into the woods, finding something that was missing... Peace. I just wanted to be alone. Even when I beat up kids in school, that never satisfied me. I feel guilty by the day, I still blame myself for everything. Even my parents argument." he explained.

"Why do they fight anyway? You also deserve a happy family."

"It's been like that since my birth. Sometimes, I wonder if they never fell in love or they married the wrong person. Dad is always busy with school work and finds every reason to stay away from mum and I. Sometimes, he ends up drunk and comes home causing trouble. My mum on the other hand is fed up. She used to be a nurse but she stopped working, going out with her socialite friends and hooking up with other men, sometimes. But that never stopped her from coming back. Sometimes they leave for weeks without coming home or saying hi. I think they're trying hard not to get divorced because of me. I can't help but to wonder what it feels like if I wasn't born. Maybe they'd have solve their differences or probably divorced without having any guilt. I have both parents but I feel like an orphan. Dad hates me, I remind him of mum. Mum tries her best to make me happy. At least, I'm her son. But happiness. That word happiness, I can't find at home. I feel lost in between all their chaos. But I find peace here. Isn't it relaxing?" he tried to smile but hearing this from him was really saddening.

"How often do you usually come here?" I laid back on the cold rock and folded my hands to support my head with my legs

"Very often. I was going to leave this world beholden to nothing and nobody.

"To Kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee?" I turned to him and smiled. "That's actually page 148."

"How possible you know her lines? Your intelligence astounds me."

"Come on, you shouldn't be surprised. I can't believe you actually read that. It's one of my favorite part of that novel. That was when Atticus and Jem realize Ms. Dubose's true determination to no longer be a morphine addict, and it’s in this way that they both truly understand her. Even though she was dying, Atticus still sends Jem to read to her everyday to help her become sober. Even when she is dying, Ms. Dubose is still trying to conquer her addiction, and it’s for that reason Atticus says, 'She was the bravest person I ever knew'. Wow! Home must be really boring for you. I never thought I'd see this side of you."

"What side are you talking about?" He raised an eyebrow.

"The friendly side. It feels good." I confessed without even realizing it. The sounds of birds chattering in the trees and waterfall splattering and bubbling in the background gave an amiable feeling.

"We all have hidden sides. Just like a days." I must be night because I close my true feelings from others yet, I try to  show the ugly part of me, somehow. Unlike the day, like you.

"Are you saying I'm the day?"

"I watched him nod in agreement. You really don't know me, Noah. I might have dark secrets you haven't heard of."

Turning to him, I caught him smiling from ear to ear. "Are you blushing? This is weird."

"Come on, I'm human. I'd consider it rare." He moved his gaze from the sky focused his lens on me. "You're the reason I smile, Sylvie. Bringing you here and sharing my happiness with you is like a dream come true. Being with you feels so right, I don't want to leave."

For no reason, I turned to him and blushed. He sounded ridiculous saying that.

"Since it is this beautiful, I'm sure you must have brought every girl here."

He raised an eyebrow at me as if being offended, his smile dropped. "That's a cruel thing to say you know?"

"I don't know a lot about you but you're known to be the naughty playboy of Evermore High. Plus, I know you've dated other girls apart from my friend. So... How many girls have you brought here exactly?"

I watched him blushed and I joined him too.

"Okay, let me guess. At least, ten?" I assumed, wanting to hear from him.

"I don't know, I can't remember but... You're the last."
He faced me completely with his gray eyes fixed on mine. A sudden coldness touched my chin as I felt my heart racing inside my ribcage. I gently swallowed down the hysteria, lost in his eyes.

The sheer softness of hands running through my hair like water running my legs. The feel of his hands on mine made me wonder what would happen next. Slow and passionate, Noah pulled closer to me. I wasn't sure if this was right, my unsettled eyes focused on Noah's that gave me comfort.

With this, he raised his head a little tilted his head getting a better angle of my lips. I shivered, feeling his hiss without even being kissed. About to place his lips on mine, I gently pulled back. Unexpectedly.

He looked away, flushed.
he took in my gray eyes when i pulled back

her lips on mine is just like before. Just like the way she didn’t want to do this or the way that she passionately kisses. I push against her lips and I can sense this is what she wanted, no needed. I feel the pressure of her lips pushing me very slowly towards the edge of the couch.

“What’s wrong? Do you still hate me?” Noah asked in a flat tone.

“No... It's not like that. I mean...I can't.” I stammered incoherently and pulled myself up. Unsettled.

"Would you like to take a shower before leaving?" I looked at him and he was already shirtless.

I looked away immediately. "Umm..."

"Are you saying something or I should come and get you?!" he voiced with sudden ecstasy.

I turned to him with one eyes open, then I finally let on with the second. "What's the time now?"

"Probably 4:00 p.m, why?"

"I really need to get home." I took my gaze away from his rippled abs.

"Too bad we couldn't stay longer." He stepped out of the water and put on his shirt. I could see the disappointment in his eyes but I couldn't say a word. We walked to this motorbike before he put on his shirt and jacket. I watched him climb his motorbike and start the engines.

Just then, Noah noticed the silence reigning between us. In an instant, he stretched and reached for my hand and pulled me in. My lungs burned with fear, I thought he was going to kiss me but it was a hug.

A tight, intense hug.

"I like you and I want us to be more than just friends. Would you go on a date with me?"

Speechless, I slowly pulled away from his grip.

"I am sorry but I think it is better if we stay as friends. I'm typically not the kind of girl you should hang out with." I explained. "I don't feel like I am ready."

As if he was offended about my last words, he started his motorbike. I avoided his gaze with an apologetic look, knowing I was the reason. He handed his helmet to me and I put it on. Just then, I realized that Noah was going to take me home.

"Stop here." I requested, immediately we got to the street before mine.

Noah packed his motorbike by the side of the road before looking around.
"Are you sure you live here?" he asked out of curiosity.

"Y.. Yes, sure." I climbed down and handed him his helmet. He gave a worried look at me as he he was trying you say, you aren't being fair, Sylvie.

"Is anything the problem?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

I know you're trying hard to push me away but just in case, I wouldn't give up on you.

"How can you say that?" I felt shock with his words. You can go now, I'll be fine.

"Okay then. See you on Monday." He smiled and put on his shiny black, helmet before turning away. I glanced at him, making sure he'd left before I took another step out of the street. Noah dear not know where I stay. I can't let him ruin my secret reputation already.

An heavy sigh heaved out if me as my lazy eyes caught up with our cottage that stood sideways on to the lane. I gently pushed the wicket gate open and walked to the old-fashioned door with it's round brass knob and a great knocker. I pushed it slightly and I noticed it was locked.

Probably, Collins isn't home. I realized and went to get the keys by the window side.

Thank goodness. I heaved out in relief again while closing the door behind me. Thank goodness I didn't let that iron-head Noah into this house. He might be claiming to be a perfect boyfriend by paying me visits. As if I care.. " I claimed upstairs into my room.

About to take off my sweater, I heard three quick knocks on the door. Huh? Who could it be? Collins don't knock. Could it be Amber or Ben? I wondered. Those two are the only odd people that have visited in the last eight years.

I tried to listen again, making sure it wasn't Northie playing a prank.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

It sounded more aggressive than earlier. I rushed downstairs with a stick in hand.

"Yes, who is it?!" my voice echoed in a nervous holler.

"Just open up already!" the familiar voice ordered but I wasn't sure.

I opened the door in an instant and my Jaws dropped wide open.

"Noah!" I jerked out in fear.

"Awwwwnn... Don't be so surprised. I won't stay long, okay?" He assured, looking as if he planned to enter.

"Why are you here?!" My face burned without me noticing. I just tried hard to calm my temper.

"Wow! I just got here and you're driving me away? Okay, no problem. I get that you want to keep a low profile but isn't this out of it? I mean.... He paused for a while and the burst into coughs of laughter. I just wore a stern look at him, wondering when he would actually leave. Collins or Ben or anyone else mustn't find him here.

About to shut the door to his face, his stronger hand held the door wide open.
"Here, take this." He handled me his helmet.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Bring it along with you on Monday. I notice you skip school these days." He placed a fast kiss on my lips and took a step away.

"Okay now. Bye!" A satisfying smirk spread on his lips before he finally turned away.


I felt dead already.

Now he knows my house.

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