Chapter 23: Making Out With The Bad Boy

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The blurry vision of the ward formed in my eyes with invisible doodling. I managed to open my eyes wider but a sharp pain lingered through my head. I closed my eyes due to the sudden brightness of the room. Gently opening it, trying to get a clearer vision.

Just then, I felt a hand holding my wrist. I think the nurse was checking my pulse or so. I placed my hand on mu forehead trying to remember what had happened last.

"Just relax." The nurse muttered with as calm tone.

My chest movement was exaggerated for a while.

"Where am I? How did I get here?"

"You're in the school clinic, Miss Morrison. You passed out about an hour ago." She said gently. Brightening her round face with a little smile.

She brought a try of and handed me some tablets if paracetamol and a cup of water. I gulped it down my throat while she watched.

You're a bit feverish but everything would go with time. You really need to take time off school and rest. From the look of things, I confirmed that you're already pregnant but don't worry. I'll keep it private." Her smile widened as she turned her back at me and left.

It was the first time coming in contact with the school nurse. I've never been to the school clinic either. I pulled my weak body up and all I could think about was Amber and Noah sharing a kiss. That shouldn't have surprised me. I was stupid to think he'd care about me.

I crawled out of the bed and put on my sneakers. Walking through the door, I noticed that lessons were still holding on in class. I didn't want to go in. Perhaps, he deserves better.

I walked out of the school feeling so guilty. I shouldn't have come anyway. It was just a waste of time. I walked out of the school gate without saying a word to anyone. I walked straight home and got into my bed. Stressed from everything, all I could do was to cry. Noah gave me high hopes, well, I've given up. Happiness wasn't meant for me anyway.


A Week Later...

I applied a mild lip balm on my cracked lips and robbed it evenly all over my lips.

I put on my old denim jacket in a bike sleeveless dress and a my black flats to fit. Well, these were one of the bests dressings I could ever have. Putting on makeup isn't my thing but, I do that once in a while to cover up anything obvious on my face. Scratches, bruises, scars, fever and some times, cold. Today wasn't one of those days. Thankfully, it it was spring. Getting outside, Northie wagged her tail at me and my eyes caught up with Collins. His legs were crossed while he focused on a newspaper.

"There was a huge loss in my business this month." He told me without being asked. I waited to hear whatever he had to say. "Benjamin requested you visit him immediately after work."

"Why would he do that?" fear clouded my voice.

"I don't know. Just meet him at oxygen club immediately after closing hour. I don't care how you do it, make sure to be nice. " he instructed and opened the newspaper to his face again.

Without any argument, I stepped out of the house and gently closed the door. Noticing how cold the weather is, I gazed at the dark clouds above. It looked as if the heaps of gloomy shadows would drop to the earth. Walking outside to the gate, moist drips of rain dribbled gently down my cheek and I sigh.
"It's spring; rainfall could be undecided. I won't be going back inside. I have to go to work today... I'm getting late already!"

With positive vibes, I took the first bus my eyes set upon and sat right next to the window. I usually love seating at the edge of the bus by the windows, to be able to feel every moment. I couldn't help but to wonder why Ben asked me to come over. He does this before but it's been a while. Sometimes, he asks me to work overnight, serving guests in his club. Other times, he forces me to take drugs while he spends the night with me. And once in a blue moon, he'd hand be bag if drugs or cash to give Collins. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid tonight.

With lots of hope in my heart, I felt like today was a good day. It was a bit dark and gloomy as I stared at the empty seats. The bus stopped and I claimed down. Just then, a sudden downpour that fell from the gray sky. Thank goodness I got to Toni's before the rain started. I unlocked the door and went to the reception desk, where I seat.

6:00 p.m,

Tobi was around with me so I had to leave. He enjoyed chatting with me but I grabbed my beg anyway. Off to oxygen club house, I took another public bus and then, my eyes fell on someone whom I'd mistaken for Noah. He has a book glued to his face so I couldn't see him properly. I think he had this exact type of jacket. 'No, I shouldn't be thinking about that dumb-head!' I nodded it off and took a seat by the window side.


45 Minutes Later,

I got to the club. The sound of music booming from every corner of the building was thrilling. Mostly men from different gangs and secret mafia groups were present. Many where smoking, drinking, drug dealing and having fun. A stinky drunk man held himself to me and I pushed my away. He dropped to the floor with a bottled of brewed alcohol in his hands.

I looked forwards and walked into one of the rooms, where Ben usually stays with his girls. By the entrance, his body guards stopped me as if I was intruding.

The seriousness in their eyes felt like I was setting a trap, and they were the prey. Meanwhile, it was the other way round. Their uniformed stare could instantly kill a cat.

"Collins Morrison sent me here." I explained and they gave way immediately.

Taking another step, my eyes met with Ben. He's known to be the king of drug dealing business within the city. Even rich billionaires talk business with him.

"You called for me."

"Yes, but I'm having some guests now. Wait for me in the VIP lounge. You'd be spending the night here." He said before walking away. Two other guys passed another route, taking me to his room.

In a blink of an eye, somehow grabbed my arm into the corner. It was dark so I couldn't see his face clearly but his touch felt familiar. Careful yet, demanding but we were close enough.

"Why did you stop coming to school?"

"Huh? Noah?!" My poor heart sank like titanic with my eyes flew open in dismay. As if being caught in the midst of a heist, his presence gave a sensation of shortness if breath. Not wanting to talk to him, I just walked away.

I walked as fast as possible into the crowd, sear hing for the bodyguards but I count see them. Only the neon light danced through the darkness. I knew it was wrong to go back but I had to do it. There was no escape for me, Collins would know. Taking another turn, Noah snatched my hand and pulled me away.

"Let go off me, Noah!" I jerked off, really pissed. "What brings you here?!"

"No, you answer me first! Why are you here? Don't you hate this kind of place? Did you come to see him?" he questioned in the same manner.

"I came here for my uncle! What's wrong about that?! His boss wanted to see me! What about you? Why are you here?!"

"I had to follow you here, Sylvie! Because I care! Why haven't you come to school?! Aren't you going to write the finals? Why have you been avoiding and ignoring me?! Why can't we talk?! Why are you blocking me out if your life?!"

"Because I don't want to get you involved, Noah! My life is so messed up, I don't want you involved than you already are! Don't you know it's risky? Now tell me why you followed me here?!"

"I know you now work at Tobi's. I cone to peep without seeing you, sometimes. I can't help but to wonder what exactly you're hiding from me! Did I offend you?! That's why I came here tonight because I'm concerned!"

"You don't need to know okay?! And please, stop following me!" I warned, shouting at the top of my lungs to his hearing.

"I couldn't stop thinking about us, Sylvia! I just wanted to ask... Will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him surprisingly. I couldn't believe he risked his life just to ask me this. Being in oxygen club house wasn't safe at all. I closed my eyes to assimilate his last words. But it startled me.

"I already told you No! I can't, okay?"
I looked away feeling the burning sensation in my chest.

Next, I felt his hand on my chin as he moved closer. But took a step and pulled away.

"Look at me in the eyes! Tell me you never loved me! Tell me I meant nothing to you! Tell me that this was all a lie! Sylvia, would you be my girlfriend, please?" His eyes glittered with intense emotions.

"No, I won't! " I replied with my eyes staring into his. "We can only be friends." I felt my eye lashes holding back the pains. I sniffed abd laughed bitterly. "You didn't just betrayed my trust, Noah! You betrayed my heart. You don't deserve any explanations, just leave me alone!"

He pulled closer to me, tilting his face right to mine, till our nose were touching.
"You can push me out of your life all you want but, I'm not going anywhere. I don't know what you're saving me from, but I'm already involved than you already know and by the end of the day, you would still be my girl."

"Why are you doing this?! Do you want to see me die before you understand?! I don't feel comfortable with you at home, in school or anywhere! You keep hurting me, why?! Why can't you leave me alone!!!!" I slapped his face.

"Get away from me, please!" I kicked him harder and harder with all of me. All I felt was pain and pity for myself. More words of hate for Noah wanted to pour but I chocked in the tears that overwhelmed me.

Unaware, he pulled me into a very tight hug. I tried to pull way but he held me tighter.

"I can't help myself too, Sylvie. All I think about is you. I know this is also difficult for you but, I believe we can fight this together."

"I caught you, Noah. I saw you two making out in front of the school! So, just go back to your girlfriend and leave me the hell alone!"

"What are you talking about? Amber and I are no longer together. And that day, she only came to apologize. She said that she wanted to be friends.... That kiss was unexpected. I pushed her away when I realized that she was just fiddling with my emotions. No matter how hard she try, I'd never accept her back... You have to believe me!"

I gently pulled out from the hug and looked up at him. More tears lingering down my chin.

"The only girl for me is you. I'm not with you just to spite her. It's because I find true peace with you. I don't love you out of pity, Slyvie... You bring the better part of me. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at his glittering eyes and I saw sincerity. His hands cupped my chin as Noah gently placed his lips on mine. I opened up and kissed him back, but I wasn't quite sure if I was doing it right. I closed my eyes in a couple of seconds and secretly open one to see if he was staring at me. His eyes were closed, too. Noah was really a charmer. I felt his cold hand touch my back and pull me a little closer, holding me tighter and deepening the kiss as if he'd never let me go. Shivers ran down my spine yet, I felt loved and totally gave in. Lost in the feeling, he gently pulled away with a killer smile on his face.
"Now, I can't stop loving you."

"You're so annoying!" I hissed at him and hit him once more.

"I know." His smile spread from cheek to cheek and he held me in another hug again. "Thank you."

I wasn't sure of what he was thanking me about but I just smiled.
"Come, let's go! I need to take you out of here."

"B.. But. I can't go home now. What would I tell my uncle." I panicked at the thought.

"Don't worry about anything tonight sylvie. We're spending the night together."

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