Chapter 22: Consequences

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Collins turned on the only form of entertainment in the house; An old dusty radio that uses batteries instead of electricity. Well, that was what his greedy mind could afford.

"Yaaayyy!" the men yelped in the living room as they played a board of chess.

They seemed to be having a nice time together while I was in the kitchen storming on the best way to bake cookies with the only three ingredients left in the kitchen ; butter, sugar and flour. Well, I had to start right away.

Cutting butter into a bowl, I softened it with an amount of  powdered sugar, and belated it lightly before applying two cups of flour. With little ingredients, I had to make sure breakfast was prepared and served. I rolled the soft dough and cut it into shapes before arranging it into the baking tray.

After baking, I allowed the cookies to cool while I served with fresh orange juice.

I loved good music but the noise of their old school band gave me nothing but more pains and headaches.

"You dare not to turn it down!" Felix Rogue, one if the man that works directly under Collins, warned me. "We need no juice! Go get us more beers!" He added as I did as instructed. Opposing any of them was the same as opposing Collins.

Without wasting time, I got the beers and served, preparing to do the laundry. just then, a regurgitated feeling grew through me. A weird taste like that if a spoiled cucumber brushed through my tongue as I held through. An unexpected force went through me. I rushed into the kitchen to puking in the sink.

Another pour of vomit flowed out of my mouth and I wondered why. Maybe it's because I hadn't eaten anything worth while.

"Let's hope you're not pregnant!" Felix blurted.

"Haahahahaaa!" The others roared into laughter as if he just cracked a joke.

'Omg! This is not happening again. My mind clouded with thoughts as shame chewed on my face. Was I really pregnant?' the thought came with a tear, rolling down my eyes.
'No, I don't want to go through that again.'

I wiped out the tears and rushed upstairs into my room. They turned to me with innocence as I banged the door to their ugly faces.

As if that was another joke, the echo of their loud chuckle filled the house. As if I was a joke. My eyes fought back the tears while my hands wrapped against my mouth that clamoured silently. My weak body dropped to the floor as I allowed the tears flow freely.

I remembered when I last got pregnant. Collins took me to a quark doctor of his to terminate the pregnancy. I spent weeks fighting death with so much strength and blood wasted. I don't want to go through that again. An involuntary whimper escaped my lips as I buried my flushed face into my palms and cried harder.

A retch came again. I flew into the toilet cupping my mouth so it won't pour. With all of me disgorging into the sink, ai chocked in the process of vomiting it all out. I hated the smell of puke. It's taste and feel. I turned on the tap and gently wiped my faces. Hoping it's just fever.

Later that day, I took out my clothes along with my uncle's and washed-out every dirt in them. It's Saturday, so I had to do the general cleaning, trying as much as possible to ignore what that nuisance said. I pressed all the clothes and took Collins wears into his wardrobe. About to turn, he grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wooden wardrobe.

"The gang are long gone so we can have our privacy now." he started.

"Leave me alone, please." I begged, already in tears.

"Awwwwnn... You don't need to cry. It's weekend. Kid spends weekends with their family. Perhaps, you're the only family I have."

I pulled away from his stinky beer breath. He held me closer again, wrapping his thick arms around my waist. In the fight for not letting him in, I pushed him away abd his wasted body fell on his bed.

"I can't keep doing thing, Collins! I don't want to! I know you're the only family left for me but... That gives you no right to violate my body!"

His eyes widened to mind as if he wasn't seeing clearly. "What did you just say?"

"I just said no, uncle. I started into his cold blue eyes that hunted mine. I swallowed with scared, shaky breaths but I wanted to face him. I wanted to fight against him fir once in my life. "You have no right to violate my body!"

"Twaack!" He gave me a hot slap and I stumbled to the floor.

"Just in case you know, I hate you with every part of me, uncle Collins! And If you think I'm always going to dance to your tune, then you must be a beast! A sentimental lunatic."

"Do you just called me a lunatic?" He questioned with fury laced in his eyes.

"Isn't that wha-" I haven't completed the word until I got another kick in my stomach.

I whimpered in pain and held myself as he punched my sides till I lost every strength in me.

"You turned up to be just like your father! So stupid and ungrateful! Just in case you don't know, I sacrificed a lot for you, having you live in my house with me and putting you in school. And for insulting me like this, I shouldn't see you in school again! From hence forth, you're banned from attending classes. I would see Tobi and talk things out with him. You'd have to work as his employee and you dare not hide a penny else, I'll make your life miserable than it already is!" he spat at me and banged the door  shut and stormed out to only God knows where.

I held my head abd cried even harder. Things are getting worse for me now, what would I do? I tried to lift up my body. Just then, I noticed the blood dripping out of my mouth. I wiped it off immediately but standing was impossible.

I need to get to Noah. I need to tell him everything. It's no doubt that things were getting out of hand. I can't live in this fear forever.


Monday Morning,

7:45 a.m.

The day dawned crisp and clear. The sun poured through the window, casting a rosy view across the morning sky. Another day, another hope. I told myself as I tore the tip of the pack and brought out the slim-stick like tube. It was PPT, also known as pregnancy test tube. I got it the from the stores, a day before. I need to check if I was carrying my uncle's child or not. Just to clear the horrible thoughts off my mind. I deepened it into my urine and waited for the result. I got prepared for school, of course... Collins would know. Even if he finds out, I'm ready for any punishment that comes afterwards. I combed my hair and backed it up into a ponytail. While I hanged my bag on my shoulder.

Back to the test tube, I noticed two red lines on it meaning, I'm positive. Disappointment plastered my face as I threw it into the litter bin. Not again.

I don't live a good life but I would find a way to get out of all of these. Instead of going to Tobi's, I jumped into the public bus and went to school. Immediately I dropped off, my eyes searched for Noah. I wanted to see him and explain things to him before class or maybe, we could go to his secret place again.

'Maybe I should have told him on Friday. This is terrifying.' I told myself, holding my chest filled with nervousness burning inside of me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Opening it, my heart seized in a beat and my knees went wobbly to what was happening before me.

Noah and Amber where making out right at the entrance of the school hall.

My eyes suddenly went blur. A screeching sound screamed in my head and I closed my eyes again. Shivers run down my spine while I held my head, trying to be strong. To gain consciousness... I felt my heart racing and my stomach jumps repeatedly and I suddenly passed out.

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