Chapter 6: Escaping The School's Bad boy

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“Okay... Amber.” I smiled in acceptance. It was actually weird.

Mr Brown went round to collect our works and placing it in the middle of a bigger book.

“Bye for today, class.” He held his books to his chest in the most teacher-like manner and walked out of the class.

Mr Brown has full, brown beards and a mini-sized pot belly that fitted his feature. From what I heard, he’d been working with Evermore High.

I quickly placed my notebook and pencil into my bag, but a sheet of the beauty contest poster dropped out. I had stolen the piece on my way to school that morning. Amber picked it up and gently unfolded it.

“What’s this about? A contest?”

“Yes. It’s going to hold tomorrow night at Eden Prairie Avenue.”

“Wow, Amazingggg! Would you be attending?” She asked, interested.

“I wanted to but... From the look of things. I won’t be able to

“And why?”

“I’m just so different. They are looking for girls with high standards. There is nothing I have. Nothing to offer.” I swallowed hard at the thought.

“You can take part if you really want to. Allow nothing to pull you down, Sylvie. Who knows? You might go home with the crown. You’re no different from any other girl.”

“Stop luring me now because we’re friends. You’ve called me ugly and tiny so many times. Everyone calls me that... I don’t even have a dress.” I looked down at my nails and slowly peeled it off. Nervously.

“She looked at me closely. I know what you feel, Sylvie, but I want to help you. I’m going to help you.”

“No... You don’t need to.” My voice trembled. Knowing it would be a disaster if Collins find out.

“What if I buy you a dress? And probably a shoe that fits.”

“What?” I stared at her, dumbfounded. “You... You can’t do that, right?” The words escaped my mouth in a quick bark of laughter.

“Of course, I would. I have savings. Let’s go today, after school.” She suggested with excitement laced in her green- hazel eyes.

We shared an eye contact as I held my bag against my chest.

With this, I felt a sudden coldness hit my core. Staring at Amber, she wore a cute smile at me. The lioness of the class suddenly turned to a kitten.
'I remember clearly I compared her to a devil yesterday and today, she’s... An angel. Why is she doing this? There’s a motive behind these, right?’ My mind ruminated over the thought. It felt like a bitter pill. I couldn’t swallow.

“So what do you say? Yay or nay?”

“Ugh! I don’t know what to say, Amber." My voice has halted." I think we should just forget it.” Her eyebrows pulled up in unison.

“What? Forget what?” She asked in a low voice. As if she looked flustered by my words.

“I think we should just forget all about the shopping and contest and probably this friendship. I’m sorry but... I’m not worthy to be your friend, Amber. I can’t imagine walking with you.” Before walking away, I let out a disappointed groan.

“Whatever!” I heard Amber hissed as I stepped out of the class.

Somehow, I felt down for letting her down. ‘I should have accepted her offer. Maybe she’s sincere about this friendship, but I might be wrong. Maybe Collins is right, a broken heart is like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe. Maybe the light in my eyes is too dim. I won’t even get noticed. I won’t win.’ Ugh! Thinking about this sent another chilling feeling to my skin. My eyes watered as if I’d break down into tears in anytime until I felt a stronger hand grabbed mine and violently hit me against the wall. My body made a loud thud, causing other students to look at me.

I quivered at the tall figure standing in front of me. He held my jaw, full fist, with anger boiling in his eyes. I couldn’t stare so much. I just closed my eyes to control my rapid heartbeats.

“Please, Noah. Don’t hurt me.” I begged.

He took out his nail cutter out of his picked and pointed the knife-like blade at me.

“You and me.... you thought it was over, right? Where’s your friend now? The Mighty Amber Feldman. The superwoman, where is she?!” He looked around. But other students walked as if nothing was happening. I’m not the only one Noah bullies like this, but. I’m someone he enjoys bullying. Noah is the headteacher’s son. No one wants to get involved with him because of his attitude. He pulled me away as I tried pushing him out of my sight, but he was stronger. Adam and Zayn, his intelligence officers, hailed him excitedly, until they took me towards the entrance of the school’s store room.

“Please, Noah.” I sobbed as tears flowed down my red face.

“Nobody is going to save you today. I just want you to know who I am. And as long as you’re within this school premises, you’re my pet. You’ll always be my tiny pet, Sylvia.” He assured as he suddenly held my hands back in full grip.

“Let go of me!” I begged, trying to pull my hand away from him, but he grabbed it so tight- he won’t let go.

He turned to Adam and Zayn and gave an unusual signal with his eyes. The both if them bought out their phones to take a record.

“What do you want from me, Noah? Haven’t you made my life miserable enough?! Just leave me alone and this madness! I’m going to report you to the head teacher.” I jerked off one more time, but Adam and Zayn stopped me. They blocked me from leaving. Behind me was a stone. I picked the stone and throw it as Adam but he ducked, making it hit the way as it made a slight scratch.

He let out an evil chuckle that made others. With this, Noah stood up and inspected me.

“Read my lips. No one is ever going to believe you. Perhaps, I’m going to upload this on a special site and delete the videos right away.” He quickly grabbed my hair from the back and pushed me to the wall.

Trying to write the pain flowing through me, I stared deep into Noah’s dark eyes. That clouded like that of a devil’s well. Deep. My breath thickened and my whole body trembled to his touch. Noah was staring at me earnestly. As if he was looking for something missing. But with the hatred in my eyes, he forced a kissed onto me. I felt his lips so mine, as he drove more wet kisses. I stood, stagnantly. Not sure of what to do. The anger was still boiling in me, but for no reason; I felt lost. Maybe it was because it was my first. We were still kids. I was just 10 and he and the others were 11.

Before I could withdraw my mind to reality, I noticed how passionate it was about the kiss. As if the anger had vanished. In an instant, I took my lips away from his. It made a soft click and I couldn’t believe that the worthless son of the headteacher has just kissed me.

He stopped with his eyes staring at mine. I felt the rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth stirring my soul. And the next thing, I gave him a hot slap across his face.

“What have you done?...” I felt water creep out of my eyes. “I hate you!”

Bitterness painted my lips black, that I was out of words.

And that instant, my quiet sight blurred and drowned to nothingness.

“Why did you kiss me?” I took his nail-cutter that had fallen in the kissing process. Pointing its knife at him. I’m going to kill you.

Adam stopped the recording as he, and Zayn looked at themselves in bewilderment.

“Stop her, Noah!”

“No, don’t worry about me. I’ll handle her.” Noah replied Adam, still staring at him.

I held the nail-cutter at the edge. With my fingers wrapped in it, full force. Thinking about the punches I’ve gotten from him so far. The lunch he’d always snatched from my hands. The endless harassments and tears he’s brought me. Noah Coleman isn’t worth it.

“Come on, tiny. If you don’t want to get hurt, just drop the knife!” He commanded in his usual aggressive manner

“No, I won’t!” I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and moved closer.

“I know you can’t hurt me.” He smiled with confidence and moved closer, too.

About to stab him with it, he gave me a hard kick and held my wrist. Noah twisted my hand to the back, pinning my face to the wall as I struggled. I struggled with all the strength felt in me, but the nail-cutter dropped. He clicked it away to his friend as they pocket it.

Noah bent his back closer to mine, kissing me from the nape of my neck. I felt disgusted as a great tremor overtook me.

“Please, just leave me alone.” I begged. “I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not, but you will be.” He whispered softly in my ears and the next thing I heard was mysterious footsteps that walked closer to where we were. I struggled and stretched to look back. Looking at who it was, I saw Amber Feldman. She had a huge hockey stick at hand. As if she knew we were there already.

“Game’s over, small devils! Take your hands off my friend right this instant!”

She stood fiercely at the entrance. The sun gave a harsh effect on her perfect features. I could see her clearly in the darkroom that we were.

A sensation of relief blew through me as a small smile lighten up my tomatoes, drippy face. I don’t know if Amber was an angel in human form. All I knew was that my new friend was going to save me.

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