Chapter 7: Noah's Punishment

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“Is that you, Feldman?” They asked, trying to get a better view.

“Huh!” She let out a heavy sigh. “Stop asking stupid questions, guys! I don’t have the time.” A hateful hiss escaped her lips.

“Oh, it’s you again.” Realising that she’s the one, Noah released me from his hurtful grip. I quickly rushed to Amber and hide behind her.

“Save me please... they we’re trying to post all of this on a site.” I wept softly while complaining.

“Don’t worry, bestie. Just watch.” She replied without looking at me and walked closer to them. Adam and Zayn faced her first while Noah watch patiently with pride.

Amber watched both of them closely as she approached. Without wasting time, she’s slapped the hockey stick against Zayn’s sweaty face as if she was playing badminton. He dropped immediately. Noah’s eyes popped with disbelief. Adam swallowed down the fear as he faced Amber with the knife in the nail-cutter.

She dropped the hockey stick without thinking twice. As if she had super powers or something, Amber took a handful of sand and wrenched it to his face.

“Ouch! My eyes!” He cried out in terror.

With a grunt, Amber gave him a fast kick as Adam tumbled with his face on the floor. I watched him struggle to get up, but couldn’t.

Noah, instead of waiting, tried to run, but before he could leave the storeroom, Amber could get a full grip of him, making him fall to the floor in a loud thud. She sat on his body, as he pant heavily. Struggling to let go, Noah threw a hard punch to her jaw, making her fall off him. Amber threw back the punch, making him yelp at the pain. About to give him another hard blow, Noah clenched. Blocking his face from another hit. He sat on the floor, looking so dirty, as he swallowed hard on his breath. Panting hard.

“You’re the idiot acting like the king of the school, right?” Amber asked, her eyes flashing angrily.

“I’m no king, bitch! Just leave me the fuck alone!” He warned and heaved heavily on his breath.

“You wanted to share the video into what app?” She picked up the phones and scrolled through them.

“Go to hell!” He spat at her.

Just then, a drip of blood lingered down his left nostril. Noticing the metal taste on his tongue and, in his breath, he touched his nose with the top of his fingers and was surprised to see bloodstains.

Scared and lots of what to say or do next, Noah burst into laughter. He laughter hard and choked on it crazily.

He ended up staring into Amber’s eyes in annoyance.

“You’re dead, Amber Feldman. I’ll make sure of that.” He muttered and wiped off the blood with the edge of his jean jacket.

“Dead men live to tell no tales, Noah. You're dead already... You’re in no position to make empty threats. Maybe to others, but not to me.” She took out the bubble gum in her mouth and stick it on his forehead.

She stopped the videos and brought out a mobile phone from her pocket. She sent it into her phone and deleted it from their phones.

“Good thing I’ll be the one to post these videos. Apologize to my bestie and I might think twice before posting it.” A smirk that denies every form of innocence spread across her lips as she rolled her eyes at him like a disgusting slug.

“Come on, girl. Let’s go for shopping.” She said to me as we walked out of the storeroom. Nobody noticed but... Everything happened so quickly. What I witnessed was unbelievable. A girl beat three guys to a pulp. She’d just received a blow, which was unnoticed.

I ran after Amber to meet up with her. I held her hand as she turned to me. Confused about what to say... I looked at the ground as if it would swallow me. A feeling of hysteria grew inside my head.

“I’m- I’m sorry for acting rude earlier. Friends?” I slowly stretched my hands at her.

In reply, Amber gave a silent look of threat. As if she would hit me the next minute and end it all. She grabbed my hand into hers and gave me a tight hug.

“Don’t leave me again, Sylvie. We need each other.” She confessed with a warm smile.

“But... You don’t need me.” I pulled from the hug, staring at her in confusion. “I need you.”

“I need you too, uh. Maybe not now. You’ll understand later.”

“Come on, tell me.” I pressed as we took a taxi to a boutique down town.

Getting to the boutique, the attendant welcomed us in.

“Good evening.” Amber started. “I want a beautiful gown for my friend. Nothing too expensive.”

“Okay... Follow me.” The attendance smiled at us as she lead us through the stands of amazing gowns and dresses of original designs, colours and shades. They all looked stunning. It did not prepare me for this. If not for Amber, I wouldn’t be here today.

“What type of gown would you like? A-line gown, ball gown, sheath, mermaid or a trumpet gown?” She smiled at us interestedly.

“Umm... We’re not really sure.” I answered her, facing at Amber with a puzzled look.

“What’s the occasion?” The attendant asked with a little seriousness.

“It’s actually for an upcoming beauty competition in town. It’s holding up tomorrow and I want my friend to slay it.” Amber explained.

The attendant, who was a lady in her early twenties, couldn’t help but to chuckle at her words.

“Okay, I’ll advise. You choose a red gown. A-line gown would do. Come on, follow me.” She took us to another line and excitedly picked out a gown.

It had red lace and stone embroidered on the upper part. “Try this out. I’m sure it would fit.” She explained to me.

Amber and I walked into the dressing room to put it on. I felt excited indeed. I haven’t had new clothes for a while now. I put on the A-line gown and adjusted it’s off-shoulder neckline. It fitted me perfectly.

Walking to the waiting room, Amber and the attendant gave an eye-popping look at me. As if my new look astonished them.

“Omg! You look like a princess.” The attendant admitted.

“No, she looks like a queen.” Amber corrected. The both of them looked at themselves and burst into laughter.

“Awwwwn...” Thank you guys. I said to both of them with tears in my eyes.

Amber walked towards me and held my hand in hers. “Come on, you deserve more than this. Make sure you win the crown tomorrow. She begged. Ummm.. let’s see the price.” She checked the price tag hanging at the edge of the zip.

“Fifty Dollars. Wow! It’s the exact money in my savings but...” She stopped in between. As if she was lost or something. She closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

“What’s it, Amber? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Not really.” She confessed. “I wish I had enough left to get you a pair of shoes.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’d find something for tomorrow. You’ve done a lot for me already. I can’t thank you enough.” I told her with appreciation.

“Awwwwn... You two are cute together. You make me remember school days when I had friends and all. It was so lovely.” Her excited voice went shaky and broke with an emotional sniff. Amber and I turned to look at her.

“But you still have friends now, right?” Amber asked.

“Yeah, not really.” She faked a smile as she uttered. “Some friends end up betraying me. Families do that, so why not friends?”

A customer passed, and she grabbed our attention with the noise sound of her pointy heels.

“Umm, let me pack up your gown.” She told me.

I went back into the dressing room to take it off. An awful silence reigned between us after the attendant’s last words. Not because there was nothing to say, but because it held a lot of weight.

‘Yes, thinking about it. I can relate to it very well. Family. Yes, family.’ Thinking about that word made me remember Collins. The only family I had left.

The attendant wrapped it carefully in a shopping bag as Amber and I walked out.

“Thanks a lot for today. You’re really kind.” I told her.

“No, don’t thank me. Don’t forget that you also helped in our assignment. Really, you make me see a reflection of myself in you. Hearing Amber say this was weird. I bet it was weird admitting it as well.

“If I may ask... What’s your shoe size?”

“Number 3.”

“Oh, we’re using the same shoe size. I’d get a shoe for you. It’s my last year’s Christmas show. It’s colour black... I hope it would fit.”

“You don’t have to do that, Amber. Please...” I begged.

“Stop refusing me else, I’ll spank you.” She joked as we walked down the street, side by side.

“I look at you, Amber, and I’m surprised. We just started our friendship today and you make me feel like I finally got in. Like a princess, like I belong somewhere. Why are you so kind to me? I know who you are, Amber Feldman. Why are you being so... Nice?”


Is Noah's punishment really worth it? Do you think he'll be able to apologise?

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