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I can feel my palms sweating now
Pacing back and forward with nothing to say
I can see my mind racing now
The feeling won't go away
It's like a clock ticking slow in the waiting room
It's like a doctor coming but he's got no news
My heart keeps racing, I don't know what to do
You're giving me anxiety
Like a message in a bottle that nobody read
The famous last words that nobody said
Tell me what is wrong tonight
You're giving me anxiety
Anxiety, anxiety

~Good Charlotte "Anxiety"

 Cecil Pepperman paced on the soft tiles which adorned the beautiful floors of St Andrews, the largest and only efficient hospital in Woodwave. She was accompanied by Bill, who knew the insides of the hospital like the back of his palms since he worked there as a surgeon.

He led her from the emergency rooms through a pair of steady oak doors into a waiting area. Cecil came off as a strong character but only she knew her heart was in shambles. She looked at Bill and thought of what a mess she could have been if it weren't for his constant appearance in her life.

She spotted the man she'd seen Bill talking to at the crime scene earlier that day. What was his name again? Greysley? Kingsley? Wesley? She stood in a trance as the man in question approached her.

"Mrs Pepperman, we are trying our best to figure out who killed your daughter. Her body is undergoing series of medical examinations as we speak." He said.

"Thanks detective," She replied as a tear slipped down her chin. She felt bulky muscles surround her, and she immediately knew it was Bill. She nestled into his arms and sighed. "I only have a few questions for you Mrs Pepperman," The detective said and her heart thumped in response.


A lone mansion stood in a park which was literally empty save for the birds chirping loudly like their lives depended on it and a man dressed in black apparel. Detective Casely Grey, adjusted his tie and smoothed the wrinkles on his shirt. His silvery gray hair shone effortlessly with the late afternoon sun. Heaving a sigh, he pressed the bell and waited for its occupant to make an appearance.

His new assignment was more complicated than he had thought. After questioning Mrs Cecil Pepperman this morning he realized there was no way this cross puzzle would be solved easily. The only lead he had on this investigation was the sleep over Mrs Pepperman had told him about.

That explained why he stood waiting at the doorstep of Mitchie Graham. He hoped he would figure out more once the autopsy results were released otherwise this case was a hopeless cause, Mitchie Graham was his last shot.

All the neighbors of the dead girl had been clueless as a tick and it was quite frustrating. Her mom had been no help either. She only knew her daughter had a sleep over at Mitchie Graham's house the previous night. Interrogating her had been one of the painful experiences he had ever gone through in his years spent as a metro homicide detective. He felt her pain that was one reason he vowed to do his best in cracking this case.

He tapped his right foot, which was fitted in his usual shiny black combat boots, on the wooden floor when he heard some shuffling sounds. The door finally opened revealing the petite frame of a dark haired girl.

"You must be Mitchie Graham," He said casually, stretching his hand to shake that of the girl's. "I'm Detective Casely Grey."


Mitchie Graham gulped. What was a detective doing standing in front of her house? She knew she had a clean record as far as she was concerned. She eyed him nervously, resisting the urge to slam the door shut in his face.

"Um, yes I am her," She stuttered, taking the hand he had offered. She reluctantly shook his hand and pulled out hers almost as quickly.

"Come in," she said, moving aside to pave way for him to enter the house. Her mum had gone grocery shopping and her dad was going around trying to expand his businesses as usual. This meant that she was the only one at home. 'Bad move, what if he kills you and stuffs your closet with your body parts? He can be a psychopath for all you know.' Her subconsciousness taunted.


Mitchie Graham gulped. What was a detective doing standing in front of her house? She knew she had a clean record as far as she was concerned. She eyed him nervously, resisting the urge to slam the door shut in his face.

"Um, yes I am her," She stuttered, taking the hand he had offered. She shook his hand and pulled out hers almost as quickly.

"Come in," she said, moving aside to pave way for him to enter the house. Her mum had gone grocery shopping and her dad was going around trying to expand his businesses as usual. This meant that she was the only one at home. 'Bad move, what if he kills you and stuffs your closet with your body parts? He can be a psychopath for all you know.' Her subconsciousness taunted.

"What can I do for you Sir?" She asked as she consciously curled a strand of her hair on her finger.

"I heard you had a slumber party here last night. Funny thing there are no girls here at this time of the day," The detective scowled and Mitchie silently prayed for the ground to swallow her up.

"It was a sleep over Sir," She squirmed.

"If you continue calling me that I will feel older than I already am." The detective grinned.

Mitchie was stunned, he didn't seem like someone who ever smiled. "Sorry detective," She managed to say before slipping into utter silence.

"Sleepover, you say?"

"Um yes." She stuttered.

"With Alicia Pepperman?" He asked chewing the insides of his mouth.

"Yes. She left earlier this morning because she didn't want to keep her mum waiting and worrying," Mitchie blinked slumping her body further into the couch she was sitting on. "Is she in trouble or something?"

"Or something?" Replied the detective.

"I don't really get you," Her lips were set into a thin line.

"Why do you think she's in trouble? What actually went on yesterday? Miss Graham is there something you are hiding from me?"

Mitchie blinked as the detective unloaded the series of questions which turned out to be the reason he was at her house on a day like this.

"Of course not," She replied unabashedly. "We had a peaceful sleepover. Why do you think otherwise?" Her eye twitched, a bad habit of hers. This made it impossible for her to lie to Ali. Her eye twitched anytime she lied and she couldn't help but feel the detective's hardened face and thinned lips was because he had also figured it out.

"Do you want to know why I think otherwise?" Without waiting for her reply the Detective continued. "Alicia Pepperman's body was found earlier this morning lying in front of her house. And series of tests have proven that she died yesterday. If I'm correct, she was with you yesterday and that means two things, either you killed her or you know who killed her. And I'm not leaving till you tell me what happened."

Mitchie gaped at the detective taking in what he had just said. "Did you just say Ali is dead?" She asked as tears trickled down her face.

"Yes Miss Graham," The detective looked unsure of what to do next since Mitchie had broken down into tears. He didn't look like the hugging type and a hug was what Mitchie needed now.

"Alicia can't be dead. No! No! No!" She sobbed as tiny hiccups erupted from her lips. Alicia was very much alive when she caught a glimpse of her at Marlon's party last night. If Alicia was dead, then she was the only one to blame. She sobbed louder when she thought of how she had talked Ali into going to the party with her. She was tired of being the girl everyone ignored so she jumped at the opportunity when she got invited to Marlon's party. Alicia being her wing lady had to go with her. She pleaded fervently and even promised to share her famous fortune cookies with her before she agreed to go with her. They'd to lie to Mrs Pepperman since she was overly protective of Alicia and the sleepover had been their only way out.

She had no problem convincing her own mum since she was party crazed just like her. She smiled bitterly when she relived how much she struggled with Alicia trying to get her to wear a strapless knee length dress she had found in her closet.

No she wasn't dead. 'Of course she is you dimwit. You lost sight of her once you arrived at Marlon's house.'' No I didn't, you know I looked for her everywhere. I thought she headed back home considering the fact that she was probably bored. 'Looks like the joke is on you now.' She was crazy arguing with her subconsciousness, she couldn't help it.

"Alicia you really really really have to come to the party with me. Zach will also be there, you can't afford to miss this," She pleaded. "I'm not so sure, I've homework and a ton of things to do. And Zach is the least of my worries, family first, school second. Sadly boys do not have a slot on my timetable now," Alicia said. "A ton of things like babysitting Kristen and Court? Come on Lissy we both know you love Zachary Dunst," She pressed on.

"I'll choose babysitting over partying any day. I like him but I'm most certainly not in love with him. What's the point in partying, anyway? Just a bunch of sweaty horny teenagers trying to find more reasons to be irresponsible," Alicia said shyly, tucking her pale blonde hair behind her ear.

Mitchie rolled her eyes "Always the ever good girl. Please do this for me, I need my best friend on a day like this. And since it's Friday, your homework can wait. Please Lissy, I'll give you two boxes of my fortune cookies," She pouted. Alicia smirked playfully, "That's a rather tempting offer, okay I'll think about it," She said as she dumped her books into her locker. "Now let's go get some food before I die a lass." She said faking an English accent as she pulled Mitchie into the cafeteria which was crowded by visibly hungry students. "Aye Aye Milady." Mitchie replied in an even faker English accent which caused both girls to laugh hysterically.

Mitchie shook her head subtly. She couldn't believe that had happened only yesterday. Alicia her only true friend was gone and there was nothing she could do about it. The worst part was, she couldn't help but feel like she'd played a part in her death. "I need sometime alone detective," She blurted out not making any effort to wipe the tears which blinded her eyes.

The detective stood up contemplating his next move. "Here," He muttered forcing out a smile. "Call me when you are ready to tell me what happened that night." He said handing his contact details to her.

"Sure." She said still battling with her emotions. She didn't even see the sympathizing look the detective gave her as he strutted out of the house.


Detective Casely fumed as he tromped to his black station wagon. He opened the door and slammed it shut as he settled on the soft leather seats. The engine revved to life causing a loud noise to vent out of the exhaust. "That went well." He said as he drove on the smoothly tarred road.

His phone rang, making him loose his initial concentration. Connecting the receiver to his car, he answered. "This better be good Cole,"

"Cas the autopsy results have been released and you will be surprised to find out what's in there," His partner briefed. Detective Casley sighed in relief. 'I guess the case wasn't that difficult to crack.' He thought to himself. Cole was great at solving puzzles so he was very elated when he got partnered with him.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Hold on I'm getting another call." He said switching the receiver to the other caller. "Hello," He said ardently.

"I think I might know who killed Alicia Pepperman," The voice said.

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