~02~ Broken

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  And time
Is all I ask for
I just need one more day
And time
You've been crying too long
And your tears wrote this song

In the moonlight
Your face it glows

Is it broken?
Can we work it out?  

~Secondhand Serenade "Broken"

Jimford Pepperman sat comfortably in deep thought. His sleek and minimal office looked glossy in its current state. He'd promised to call on his not so supportive wife today and he was sure that the promise was already broken since he had a date with Sophie Thurman, his hot client. Who had time for family, anyway?

His desk phone rang, and he answered, hoping it was Sophie. "Sir, Mrs Cecil is on the other line, should I connect her to you?" His secretary asked cheerfully,

"No, tell her I'm in a meeting."

"She said it's urgent she speaks to you Sir,"

"I said tell her I'm in a meeting!" He snapped.

"Okay." She mumbled quietly ending the rather unpleasant conversation. Jim glanced at his desk eyeing the large number of paperwork he had to do. He groaned when his phone rang again. "What again?" He asked impatiently waiting for his secretary to speak up.

"She left a message. She said... No I can't do this." His secretary hesitated.

"If you knew you couldn't deliver whatever the heck she told you why did you call back? I've work to and so do you."

"But, Sir..."

"Just shut up and go back to work, Liza." He said calmly.

"Alicia is dead, Sir." She blurted.

"What did you just say?" He asked not quite believing what he had just heard.

"She called to let you know Alicia is dead, and she apologized for not taking care of her like she promised she would," She repeated hesitantly. "Sir..." There was no answer. "Oh God what have I done she shrieked rushing to his office right across her desk.


"How are you feeling now?" Bill Trunkett asked handing a cup of coffee to Cecil.

"Don't worry about me Bill, I'm okay. I'm not sure how to break the news to Court and Kris. You know how much they loved Ali." She said heaving a sigh. She had kept the fact that Ali was dead hidden from the kids because if she couldn't control herself then she was sure the kids would be devastated.

Breaking the news to her husband was too much work for her so imagine how glad she was when she was told he was in a meeting. "Cecil," She looked up to see Bill standing right before her.

"Bill," She said looking into his eyes which had a tint of sadness in them.

"You know I'm always here for you, right?" He asked wiping the tears on her face with his thumb. She didn't even realized she was crying.

"Yes I know. You've already done enough and for that I'll always be grateful," Bill pulled her into a bear hug and kissed her cheeks."

"Cecil I just received your message. I'm very—"

Cecil turned to see the intruder who stood gaping at the entrance of her apartment. "Jim?" She asked thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her.

Jim scowled at what he barged in on. "I received your message," He said quietly after a few minutes of awkward silence. He glared at Bill when he saw his arms were still around Cecil.

Bill quickly dropped his hands and took a step forward to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Bill Trunkett." He said stretching out his hands. Jim continued glaring at him and completely ignored him turning his attention to his wife. "Cecil what happened?" His voice shook with unshed tears.

Cecil looked at Bill for a while before she asked him to excuse them. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat when he stood up with confusion clearly drawn on his face."Okay, sure." He replied briefly exiting the scene.

"What happened to your meeting?" She asked suspiciously.

"I cancelled it when I received your message. Tell me you were joking when you reported Ali's death," He said looking very tensed and torn.

"Why would I joke about something like that? If you were always there for us, none of this would have happened. All you do is work. Why did we marry when you are clearly not ready to have a family? You are probably the reason that drove Ali to her sudden death." She shouted furiously while hitting his chest.

"I know, I know," He soothed pulling her into his arms.

"You bastard! You know nothing of how much pain I have gone through since you left. I tried everything I could for you to move back in with us. And to think that what made you return is Ali's death is fathomless. I hate you Jim." She cried out, leaning against him.

"I'm very sorry Cecil, believe me, I am." He soothed hugging her tightly. "I'm not leaving you and Court ever again." He said fighting back the tears which struggled to break free.

"Is that your conscience speaking?" Cecil asked still pressed into him.

He winced, "I've realized how much of a jerk I was and still am. I'm sorry I hurt you," He sobbed. Cecil eyed him wondering if this was the husband who'd left her alone with their kids some months ago. Of course she still loved him, they'd been married for as long as she could remember. They were very happy in the early years of their marriage until Jim went haywire. She almost forgot she was supposedly in love with Bill. She pulled out of his embrace when Bill's smile flashed in her mind. "I think it's a little too late for that now," She said calmly.

"I know. I'll still make it up to you. I can't afford to loose you and Court. Ali's death is already too much for me to take." He stated smoothing her disheveled hair with his calloused palm. "Where is Court?" He asked after taking a deep breath.

"She is at Nana's house," She replied curtly. Cecil had taken Courtney to her grandmother's house before dropping Alicia off at Mitchie's house. Courtney had grown close to her Nana and Cecil was sure the girl loved her Nana more than she loved her. "She'll be coming home tomorrow," She added.

"Good! I can't wait to see her," He smiled so brightly that Cecil wondered if the tears she had seen were even real.

"You're staying over?" She asked clearly dumbfounded.

"Yes, I'm not leaving you alone in this state." He drawled, forcing out a smile which showed how broken and vulnerable he was. Something about that smile made Cecil break down into tears again. A few minutes later they were no longer the adults people looked up to, they were just two broken people crying their hearts out because of their great loss.


Bill Trunkett was sitting quietly on his faux leather chair pondering over Ali's death when his phone beeped. He had just finished tucking Kristen into bed and was currently downplaying the turnout of events the day had brought. This was by far the worst day he had ever experienced and he knew nothing else could go wrong. He stood abruptly taking out his phone from his pocket.

~Hey -Cecil

He looked at the message tentatively wondering why Cecil hadn't called instead. He left her alone with Jimford and he felt bad enough. What if something bad had happened to her in his absence? He knew how inconsiderate and conceited Jimford was and he vowed never to leave him alone with Cecil.

~Hey -Bill

He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for her reply.

~Can we meet up -Cecil

~Yeah sure, I'm heading over to your house -Bill

~Can we meet somewhere else? Is the cafe downtown okay with you? -Cecil

~I just put Kristen to bed, I can't leave her alone. I only suggested your place because it's much closer to mine -Bill

~Okay, I'll head over to yours -Cecil

Bill dashed into his room shrugging off his wife beater. He pulled out a more presentable shirt from his closet and strutted to his door when he heard the bell ring.

Cecil stood there as beautiful as ever, a sigh escaped her lips when she saw Bill. He invited her in but Cecil made no attempt to accept his invite.

"What is wrong?" He asked, looking into her hazel eyes which gleamed brightly with unshed tears.

"Jim is moving back in. After our conversation and everything that went on today we decided it was best we got back together." Her eyes watered.

"You can't be serious. " Bill searched her eyes with his.

"Oh Bill," Cecil whispered, reaching out to hug him.

"Please get your hands off me," Bill pushed her away.

Tears slowly leaked out of Cecil's eyes. "I'm so sorry Bill,"

"It's not your fault. I understand, I'll do the same if I were in your shoes. Do what's best for your family."

"Do you have to be so good all the time?" Cecil sniffed.

He chuckled bitterly, "I learned to let go the hard way," He smiled briefly, pulling her into a bone crashing hug. "No matter what happens I want you to know I loved you because I chose to. I don't regret doing so, even if you chose Jim at the end." He breathed into her ears. Taking a step away from her, pain evident on his face. "Good bye Cecil." He slammed the door shut.

After a minute or two he heard a loud wail from outside. Knowing who it was from, his heart shattered into a million pieces. First Ali's death, now this. Scratch that phrase 'Nothing else could go wrong.' Life could get pretty shitty if it wanted to.

"Is she going to be my mummy?" Kristen asked excitedly as soon as Cecil was out of earshot. "No Kris she's just our neighbor!" Bill screeched. "Chill Bill she was just asking an innocent question," Alicia giggled as she lifted Kristen up.

"Yes she is, and we're going to sisters." Courtney barged in wiggling her eyebrows playfully. "This is the last time I'm inviting you guys over for dinner," Bill fumed combing his jet black hair with his left hand in frustration. "Oh come on Bill, you know you can't leave without us and we know how much you love our mum. Don't worry your secret is safe with us," Alicia snickered. "Ali did I tell you I heard mum mention his name in her sleep?" Courtney's sighed dreamily. "You guys are so in love, get married already!" Alicia winked, placing Kristen on the couch. "So we're going to be sisters?" Kristen asked grinning from ear to ear. "Yes Krissy, we're already sisters," Courtney answered.

"Really?" Kristen asked eagerly trying to contain her happiness. "Yes, we became sisters the very minute Mr Bill Trunkett here, laid eyes on my beautiful mum." Alicia said cheerfully as she cuddled Kristen." Love at first sight!" Courtney added.

"More like love at the first sound of a bell. I remember how Bill rushed to open the door when mum and I first visited." Alicia laughed. "I rushed to the door because you were continuously ringing my doorbell and I thought it was the pizza delivery guy. Instead I found you standing there with Cecil carrying a plate filled with cupcakes." Bill defended, he had had enough of their teasing.

"Whatever Bill, we all know you were expecting someone special." Alicia said frantically. "I'm gonna get a new mummy! I can't wait to tell my friends." Kristen clapped her dainty hands.

"What did I miss?" Cecil asked as she came into view. "Um nothing." Bill stuttered and glared at Alicia who was trying to suppress her laughter. "Okay, dinner is served." Cecil announced. "What's wrong?" She asked when she realized everyone had broken out laughing except Bill. He blushed furiously, his face turning scarlet.

"Everything is fine mum, everything is just fine." Alicia said, kissing her cheeks.

Now not only did he have to tell Kristen Ali was dead, he also had to tell her it would be awhile before she got a new mum.

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