22. Their Cousin

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Aaryan pointed the gun towards her face. Only thing he wished was her death. Now God gave him a chance to do it by his own hands.

But she smirked making him numb. Her next movement was that much swift that Aaryan couldn't do anything. She forcefully slapped on his hand by her upper arm making the gun fly from his hold and fell on the floor, two or three meters away from them.

"You can't defeat me by a gun, Mr.Aaryan Thakur... It may be a weapon for you but just a toy for me..."


Anirudh forcefully seperated himself from Agasthya's hold while the latter groaned in sleep.

"Agasthya... I am here..." He whispered patting on Agasthya's shoulder slowly.

After making sure that Agasthya went back to his sleep comfortably, Anirudh ran towards the main door.

Because, He was familiar with that voice... It was Simran's.

Anirudh glared at Aaryan and Simran. They both were silent.

"I won't allow you..." Aaryan yelled at Simran after a moment. His bloodshot eyes were filled with anger and hate.

But Simran avoided him and looked at Anirudh.

"Mr. Anirudh Thakur... I hope you have more sense than your brother..."

Anirudh couldn't understand anything from their puzzled talk.

"Aaryan, what is the matter?"
He asked.

Aaryan sighed in fury.
"She wants to meet August...Alone..."

"What?" Anirudh shocked.

"Because... I want to talk with him..."

"Simran Malhotra, I already told you that I won't allow you... So leave my house before I lose my patience..."
Said Aaryan.

Simran sighed. She knew that they won't allow her to see Agasthya but she had no second option.
"It will be better if you are ready to co operate with me. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise... What will you do? Will you kill us? " Aaryan shouted and moved towards her with clunched arms.

But Anirudh pulled Aaryan back.
"About what do you want to speak with him?" He asked to Simran.

Simran bowed her head in guilt. Even though she didn't do anything to hurt Agasthya intentionally, a mistake from her side made him suffer a lot.

She wished to apologize, but she couldn't.

"About... About your father's murder..."

Anirudh held Aaryan's hand which was raising towards her face and replied calmly.
"Get out..."


"My brother told you to get out from our house gently but I won't be calm like him... How dare you to stand in front of us after doing this all? You attacked Agasthya in Delhi and tried to threaten him by sending messages... Then..."

But Simran cut Aaryan's words in middle.

"Excuse me Aaryan Thakur... About which messages and attack are you speaking?"

Aaryan laughed loudly.
"You are not only a bussiness witch but an actress also... I know you are shameless but don't hope that we will believe you..."

"Mind your words..." Simran murmured under her breath. But she couldn't understand anything about the messages and attack.

It left her more confused.

"I know that you are the one behind this all... And you also killed Prakash Uncle. So just get out..."
Anirudh said.

Simran gave them a bitter smile before leaving.

"I feel pity on you... You still call him uncle!"

Aaryan closed the door with a bang. He hated to see her face and hear her voice.
So he moved to Agasthya's room.

"You will regret for this!" She said loudly.

"You can't defeat us this time, Simran Malhotra..." Said Anirudh.

Simran wiped the tears which started to flow from her eyes, standing outside of the door. She never had the freedom to cry like others, she was cursed to live suppressing every emotions.

"I know I can't... But my father, Mr. Akash Malhotra can..." She whispered to herself.


"What shall I make for you August? Or shall we order your favourite chicken burger for dinner?"
Aaryan asked to Agasthya.

Agasthya didn't reply but just shook his head in disagreement.

Aaryan sighed. He was continuously trying to make Agasthya happy but all in vain. He was sitting silent resting head on Anirudh's shoulder.

Anirudh slowly ran his fingers through Agasthya's hair. He knew that it is a really hard time for him. Agasthya was never familiar with society and it's different shadows. He lived an isolated life, away from people. Even now he is not completely comfortable with anyone other than Anirudh, Aaryan and Meghna.

"I already told you to forget that news August..."

"Ani bhaiya... Will they arrest me?"


"But they told..."

Anirudh cupped Agasthya's face.
"Believe me... No one will separate you from us... No need of being tensed, ok?"

Agasthya nodded. But his mind was still cloudy.

Aaryan smiled and tightly hugged Agasthya from back making him laugh.

"We have a guest today..." He said to both Anirudh and Agasthya.

"A guest?" Anirudh frowned.

"Yes... Sanjay called me 5 minutes ago... He will be here with in an hour..."

"Really? That's nice..." Anirudh smiled. "Actually I wished to visit him after Prakash Uncle's death but that accident forced me to change my plan... Poor boy...  We forgot to be with him in his tough times..."

"It's ok Ani... I am sure, he won't have any complaints about it... He can't be upset on us..."


"But... Who is Sanjay?"
Agasthya asked while glaring his brothers with wide eyes.

"Oh... I forgot to introduce him to you... He is our cousin brother Agasthya." Aaryan replied.


"Yes... Prakash uncle's son... Sanjay..."


Agasthya looked at Sanjay standing behind Aaryan. He was expecting someone who is in the same age of Anirudh and Aaryan but Sanjay was younger than them and elder than Agasthya, 22 years old.

"How are you Sanju?" Asked Anirudh hugging him while Sanjay smiled back.

"Fine Anirudh bhaiya..."

"How many times I had told you... You can call me Ani bhaiya... Why this long name 'Anirudh bhaiya' ?"

"Ok Ani bhaiya..."
Sanjay laughed while embracing Aaryan.

Agasthya silently watched them. He never thought that Sanjay was this much close to his brothers.

At that time only Sanjay noticed Agasthya.

"Agasthya... Right?"
He asked.

Agasthya smiled and nodded his head as yes. But didn't speak anything.

"How do you know him?" Exclaimed Aaryan in surprise.

"Papa told me about him after reading Rajeev uncle's documents."

Mention of Rajeev and Prakash made all of them be silent for a moment.

"Ok. Let's have something Sanju... I know you are tired by a long journey..." Said Anirudh to change the topic.

"Sure Ani bhaiya... But before that I want to talk with both of you..."

"Then do it..." Said Aaryan.

"But bhaiya..." Sanjay stammered looking at Agasthya. "I want to talk with you and Ani bhaiya alone..."

That words made Agasthya hate Sanjay. He was already irritated by Sanjay's presence. His brothers have another one whom they consider like him. It felt extremely bitter to Agasthya.

Anirudh looked at Agasthya's face which was being more gloomy. It was clear that he wasn't comfortable with Sanjay.

But, for Anirudh both of them were his brothers. So he couldn't deny Sanjay for Agasthya.

"It's all right. Let's talk it later..."

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