23. Betrayer

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"Good morning Agasthya..."
Sanjay greeted Agasthya with a warm smile entering in his room with Aaryan.

"Morning? It's afternoon now... We usually treat him by good afternoon never by good morning..." Chuckled Aaryan while Agasthya sighed.

"Always this same joke Aary bhaiya... You are impossible..."

Sanjay couldn't help but laugh looking at Aaryan's pouted face.

Agasthya turned his head into both sides in search of Anirudh but couldn't find his brother near him. It was unusual. Actually now Anirudh also follows Agasthya's same schedule of late night sleep. So Agasthya always wakes up in his hold.

"Where is Ani bhaiya?"

"Well... I don't know..." Aaryan replied. He didn't see him since morning.

"Ani bhaiya is in my room bhaiya... He was with me last night..."
Said Sanjay.

"With you?" Agasthya frowned. His tone was a bit rude.

"Yes Agasthya... "

Aaryan, who already noticed Agasthya's changed behaviour interrupted their conversation by sending Agasthya for breakfast.

'I don't like you... I don't like you calling my bhaiya as 'Ani bhaiya'...' Murmured Agasthya sitting in front of his plate, alone. His irritation towards Sanjay  now slowly transformed into anger.

Sanjay was a very good boy, in every means. A topper LLB student, cute and obedient brother, well mannered and soft speaking. But Agasthya never mind any of these. Only thing bothered him was Sanjay's bond with his brothers.
They were really close and their chats never lead to arguments, but Agasthya felt it happens in his case.

Simply, Agasthya was jealous... He never wanted to share his brothers with anyone so he felt Sanjay as his opponent not his cousin.

'I don't like you...' He repeated being off minded.

"Did you say anything, August?"

Agasthya startled by Anirudh's sound. Anirudh was sitting opposite to him raising his eyebrows.

"No... I was just..." Agasthya searched for words. He cursed his mind. It always does the same, makes him completely immerse in thoughts and forget to see the world around.

"Why are you playing with the food instead of eating it?"

Asked Anirudh while Agasthya started to eat his breakfast.

"Let's join with Aaryan and Sanju... They are planning to watch some movies I guess..." Exclaimed Anirudh. He knew that Agasthya loves movies.

"Ok..." Agasthya agreed even though he wasn't ready to spend time with Sanjay.


"What is the matter Sanju?"
Asked Anirudh entering in Sanjay's room in hurry.

"Did he agree to stay away from you for a moment?" Exclaimed Aaryan.

"Some how..." Anirudh sighed. Agasthya was tagging himself with Anirudh since morning, not allowing him to speak with Sanjay. So he had to scold him lightly for his rude behavior with Sanjay.

Sanjay silently hand overed a file to Anirudh.

Both Anirudh and Aaryan glared Sanjay in shock after opening it.

"How did you get this?"
Whispered Aaryan in a frozen tone. He couldn't believe it. It had the same photographs which had shown in the news channels a day before.

Sanjay sighed. He was thinking about the moment when he found it in his father's table, making all his doubts stronger.

"He betrayed you for money bhaiya... I am sorry I couldn't sense it earlier..."

Taking deep breaths Anirudh looked at Sanjay's teary eyes.
"I can't believe this... Prakash uncle... How could he..."

With shivering voice Sanjay narrated everything to them. He had noticed once or twice his father speaking about Agasthya in phone with someone, but at that time he didn't feel anything unusual in it. But after his father's death Sanjay decided to find the culprit, who defeated the police easly. Being an LLB student he read Prakash's case records to find some clues and saw the photographs which clearly indicating Rajeev Thakur's death as a murder.

"I was really confused at that time bhaiya... It gave me a tragic shock when I saw the same evidence in news channels... I won't say me father was innocent but there is someone more in this game... He had spent large amount of money for gathering all informations about your brother Agasthya... My father's suddenly increased bank balance will provide us evidence..."

"Do you have any idea about that person?"

"No Ani bhaiya..." Sanjay sobbed.
"I know I am not worthy for your forgiveness but I am sorry bhaiya... I failed to track my father's deeds. Please don't hate me for that... I..."

Anirudh side hugged Sanjay. "It's not your fault Sanjay... Actually we are blessed to have a brother like you... You are so selfless, that's why you helped us...  I am proud of you..."

Aaryan also smiled at Sanjay. "Anirudh is correct Sanju..."

Sanjay sighed in relief. This secret was killing him, but now he got some peace of mind.

"Anyway... Let's leave that topic now..." Said Anirudh wiping Sanjay's tears. "If not Agasthya will become more suspicious... He is already upset with us."


"When will he go back?"
Agasthya whispered to Aaryan glaring at Sanjay.


"That Sanjay..."

Aaryan gave Agasthya a stern look.
"Sanjay? He is elder than you."

Agasthya pouted. "Ok ok... But when will he go back?"

"He won't go back. He will stay with us."

"What?" Agasthya almost screamed.

Aaryan suppressed his smile and decided to prank Agasthya.

"Yes August... Do you have any problem?"



"No... I mean yes..." Agasthya huffed. He was unable to think about it.

Aaryan turned towards Agasthya.
"What is your problem?"

Agasthya bowed his head. He knew there were no exact reason for him to hate Sanjay. Sanjay always treated him lovingly. Agasthya couldn't find any complaints about him.

"Nothing... But..."

Aaryan was actually enjoying Agasthya's possessiveness for him and Anirudh.
"You see Agasthya... Sanjay is such a good boy... He is cute, smart, caring, loving and wise also... More than it..."

But Agasthya cut him in middle. "Enough. I know, I am better than him..."

Aaryan couldn't control his laugh.
"You... Cute... Oh my God..."

Agasthya hit his brother on his hand.
"Stop laughing..."

"You are better than him in one case... That is you are an expert in troubling me... No one can beat you there..."

"You are so annoying Aary bhaiya..." Said Agasthya continuously kicking him but Aaryan laughed louder.

Anirudh, who was repeatedly checking the papers and photographs sitting in next room got terribly irritated by his brother's disturbance.

"Will you guys keep quiet for some time?"
He asked wide opening the door of their room.

"No." Agasthya said. He was already upset with Anirudh because of two reasons. First, he slept with Sanjay instead of him last night and secondly he scolded Agasthya for behaving rudely with Sanjay.

"Shut up Agasthya..." Anirudh murmured in fury.

"You don't care me now..." Agasthya sighed. "Go and sit with your Sanjay... You are not sending him back, are you?"

Aaryan bit his tongue. He didn't think that Agasthya will fall for his prank this much easly.

Anirudh was never a hot headed person but this time he really lost his temper.

"What is wrong with you Agasthya Thakur? Why are you being this much possessive on me? I have noticed your reaction to Sanjay's friendly words. I know you are jealous but that is your fault not Sanjay's... I will love him and care him the same way I did for you... What will you do? He will stay with me in my house..."

Agasthya gasped looking at Anirudh's blood shot eyes. It remainded him that dark days of his life before his brothers accepting him.

"So please try to understand and stop behaving like a kid... You, Aaryan and Sanjay... All are same for me, all are my brothers... Don't expect anything more than it..."

"I am sorry..." Agasthya said. His heart was so heavy that he couldn't cry.

Anirudh exhaled deeply and walked out of the room.

Aaryan tightly embraced Agasthya, who was sitting there numb.
"He is out of his mind August... His anger was speaking not him..."

Agasthya's eyes followed his brother's path. May be Aaryan's words were true.
His mind wished to believe so.

"But Ani bhaiya... You are special to me..."


"Are you mad Anirudh? How could you tell these all to Agasthya?"
Meghna shouted in phone while Anirudh remained silent.

"I can't understand you... Why are you behaving like this? I won't blame him for being afraid of you... You don't deserve his love... Learn something from Aaryan. He also faces same problems but never let them to affect Agasthya. But you..."

"I regret... But I can't change what happened... "

Meghna sighed. She felt really sad for him. He loved Agasthya but failed to touch his heart. Or did he?

"It's ok Anirudh... Say sorry to him..."

"I will... But before that I want you here... With me..."

Meghna smiled. She was waiting for this call.

"I promised you... I will be there for you... Always..."

"I know my love... "

"What is your next plan Anirudh? How can we find the partner of Adv.Prakash Srinivas? "

"Well... Actually I am going to meet Simran Malhotra..."

"What? Is it her?"

"No... But she is the only person who can help me now..."

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