24. Decisions and Realisations

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"Simran Malhotra..."
Hearing her father's wild yell, Simran raised her head slowly.

"Are you mad?" Akash Malhotra asked to his daughter shaking her by holding her shoulder.
"Why did you meet them? Are you trying to team up with the Thakurs to defeat me..."

Simran didn't utter a word. She just glared him with her red teary eyes.

"Answer me..."

"Because I know I can help them..." Simran replied. The strength in her voice gave a chill to Akash.

"How could you help them? You know nothing..."

Simran smiled. "I know everything about F4 Medicare. I know your past... Your evilness... Your strength and your weakness also..."

Akash couldn't believe what he heard. He never expected that his daughter will become this much clever.

"What did you say?"
Geetha Malhotra screamed.

Simran gave that same bitter smile for her mother also.

"No... Please Simran... Please don't involve in it..." She murmured holding her daughter's hand but Simran stepped back.

"Wow... The great bussiness woman Geetha Malhotra caring about her daughter..." Simran laughed in pain. "Now there is no space left for you in my life, my dear mother... You also broke me along with your husband. You were never with me when I craved for a mother's love..."

Geetha couldn't deny what her daughter said. It was a truth, her own fault.

Akash Malhotra tried his best to control himself and make his daughter stand on his side.
"Simran, my dear... You don't know how dangerous they can be... Don't trust Thakur's. I am your father, obey my words..."

"I won't. I had wasted my life for your love and acceptance already. I know you never wanted a daughter, but a son. But what was my fault in that? You avoided me, humiliated me, hurted me for being a girl..."
Simran took a pause. She won't be silent anymore.

"I never wished to study business... Dancing and music were my passion and love... But I killed my likings and worked as the CEO of your company... I hoped that you would accept me because I proved that no one can increase your profits the way I did... I did a lot of illegal deals for it, I agree... But you proved that you can't change... I am enough now... If you don't want a daughter, then I also don't want a father like you..."

Akash's blood boiled hearing this, but he remained silent. He knew, the ball is in her court currently.

Geetha was familiar with these type of arguments but this time she felt something different.
"Simran... I don't know anything more about your father's relationship with F4 Medicare and Rajeev Thakur. But I swear you... It can destroy our life..."

"Mine is already destroyed..."

Suddenly Simran saw Anirudh calling her but before she could answer Akash picked the phone.

"It's me Akash Malhotra..."

"I want to speak with Simran..." Anirudh said in a stiff voice. He was never afraid of Akash.

Akash put the phone in speaker mode. "Now... She can hear you..."

"Simran Malhotra... I need your help..."

"I will help you..." Simran said glaring at her father.

Akash cut the call with an evil smirk.
"So... You decided your side... Good bye, then..."

"Good bye..."
Keeping her head high, Simran walked out of the Malhotra mansion.

Akash smiled at her daughter. "Poor girl..."

Geetha gasped. She was really afraid of her husband. He can be cruel enough to kill his own daughter, if there is a need.

"Akash... Promise me... Don't harm our daughter... I beg you..."

Akash laughed. "Don't worry Geetha... I won't... I have better targets than my stupid daughter..."


"Aaryan... Please..."

"I am sorry Anirudh, but I will neither help you nor support you... What you did yesterday was really bad... Why can't you think twice before speaking with August... He was jealous, I am not denying that. But we both know the reason behind his behavior... How will you react if me or August suddenly started to care and love someone else?"

Anirudh bowed his head. "It will be painful..."

"The same happened to him also... I saw tears in his eyes when he realised that you slept with Sanjay instead of him..."

"I am sorry... But I thought Sanjay needed my presence more than Agasthya at that time..."

Aaryan sighed. Anirudh's reason wasn't completely wrong.
"I know you can't hurt Agasthya intentionally but you have to apologize... He is not matured enough to have a large heart to be happy with your decision."

"Anyway, I am sending Sanjay back to his home..."

Aaryan couldn't suppress his smile. "For Agasthya, isn't it?"

Anirudh rolled his eyes. "No. I think we should exclude him from the problems which we are facing. What is the need of troubling him too?"

"Really? Then why didn't you remember this yesterday? What was your dialogue..."
Aaryan scratched his forehead recalling Anirudh's words. Then said them dramatically...
"I will love him and care him the same way I did for you... What will you do? He will stay with me in my house..."

"Stop it Aaryan..." Said Anirudh being nervous. It really hurted him. He couldn't believe that he himself spoke to his August this much harshly.

"I know you are guilty that's why I am repeating, say sorry to him... And also make him understand that no one can replace him in your life... Who he has to guide him otherthan we two?"

Anirudh nodded. "I wish that if I was in your place Aary... You always read August's mind better than me..."

"I can read his mind easly... But you know, you are the only one who can feel his heart... And as always, I repeat... Heart is always better than mind..."

Anirudh wiped his tears. "Tell me... Where is he?"

"In his Ani bhaiya's room. Where else!"


Agasthya was sitting in Anirudh's room, leaning towards the wall, alone in the moonlight.

He wished to cry loudly but he couldn't. He felt his heart being frozen, the same pain he always feels just before a panic attack. So he immediately ran towards Anirudh's room. Even though Anirudh wasn't there his warmth was present in his room, it was enough for Agasthya to feel secure.

Anirudh was about to call Agasthya but stopped when he saw Agasthya concentrating and taking deep breaths. It was an easiest method to overcome tension and suffocation, trained by Meghna. But lazy Agasthya always demands an embrace from Anirudh in this type of situations. This was the first time he saw his little brother trying to overcome his problems with out his help.

So Anirudh patiently waited for him.

Agasthya pouted when he saw Anirudh sitting next to him and walked towards the table and sat on the chair.
Anirudh silently followed him and sat on the table.

Agasthya moved towards the bed while his brother again followed his path.

"Why are you following me?" Asked Agasthya with an angry glare.

"I am sorry..." Said Anirudh with puppy eyes holding his ears.

"I don't care..." Agasthya turned his head towards opposite side but his brother hugged him from back.

"Hmm... Leave me Ani bhaiya..."



"Because you are my baby brother... So you have no other choice than suffering me..."

"Me? Go to your Sanjay... Hug him not me..."

Anirudh nodded with a fake sob. "Today I can hug him... But he will go back tomorrow... I don't have anyone to hug after that..."

"Really?" For a moment Agasthya forgot that he was in a quarrel with Anirudh and jumped into his arms.

"Will he go back tomorrow it self?"

Anirudh suppressed his smile looking at Agasthya's twinkling eyes and continued his drama.
"I have no one to hug..."

Agasthya laughed looking at his brother's crocodile tears. "I am here. You can hug me whenever you want... Stop this drama... It's really boring..."

Anirudh also joined with him. He thanked Aaryan in his mind. He was correct, Anirudh was the only one who can feel Agasthya's heart.

"Tell me bhaiya... Will he really go back tomorrow?"
Agasthya repeated his question.

"Yes." Anirudh replied. "But I have a condition..."

"A condition?"

"You have to speak with him and call him bhaiya. And also say sorry for behaving rudely."

Agasthya frowned. "No..."


"Because... I... I don't like him, bhaiya..."

"I know... I am asking you the reason..."

Agasthya sighed. "I don't know actually... But I feel him as my rival otherthan my cousin brother."

"Rival!" Asked Anirudh with a dropped jaw.

"Hmm... Yes..." Agasthya shook his head.
"I don't like he calling you 'Ani bhaiya'. I don't like when you spend time with him... I felt that you were avoiding me for him..."

Agasthya stopped and looked at Anirudh expecting a scold. But Anirudh ruffled his hair affectionately.
"I am listening August... Tell me whatever you felt..."

Agasthya smiled in confidence. "I know I was wrong, I am sure that you won't ignore me but I was scared bhaiya... I am possessive and jealous... I almost had a heart attack when Aary bhaiya told me that Sanjay will stay with us... That's why I argued with you yesterday..."

"You are too innocent August... Aaryan pranked you, idiot!"

"Oh..." Agasthya hit his head with his palm. "I will see him later..."

"Ok ok... I hope you have no other issues with Sanjay..."

"One more..."

"What is it?"

"I don't like he sleeping with you..."

Anirudh couldn't help but smile. His brother was really cute and adorable.

"Alright... Now listen to me..."

Agasthya nodded and moved close towards Anirudh while Anirudh covered him by his one hand and opened Agasthya's palm with other one.

"I know... I know this story..." Agasthya exclaimed before Anirudh could say anything.
"You are going to say that I have five fingers, all are important equally, I can't chose only one from them... The same way both me and Sanjay are important to you... And..."

Anirudh covered Agasthya's mouth to stop his blabbering.
"Very clever... First listen to me... I am not going to tell any cliche stories..."


Before answering Anirudh holded Agasthya's small finger by his.
"You believe in pinky promise, don't you?"

"Yes yes... I do believe..."

"Then... Your Ani bhaiya promising you August... You are my favorite, my baby and my first priority... I won't leave your hand in any circumstances. I won't leave you for anyone... And I know I can't love anyone as much I love you..."

Anirudh saw joy and love clouding in Agasthya's eyes in the form of happy tears and flowing down like a river.

"I love you bhaiya..." Agasthya hugged Anirudh tightly. The wound which was left in his mind is completely soothed now.

His brother promised him. He won't be alone anymore.

"Now... Can I speak about Sanjay?" Asked Anirudh. Agasthya agreed.

"We are familiar with him since his birth, Prakash uncle was our mother's relative. That's why he is close to us, nothing more than it. And he came here to provide some important informations and as an elder brother he wished to shield you from every bad things the same way Aaryan and I do... That's why he demanded to talk with us in your absence. Is it a fault Agasthya?"


"Good... We can't live our life keeping only one relation, we have to play many roles... But that never means you have to change your self... Agasthya is Aaryan's brother, my brother and Sanjay's cousin also... The same can apply in my case too... Then what is the need of being jealous on Sanjay?"

"Your correct bhaiya..."

"That's my boy... Now, are you ready to speak with Sanjay?"

"Yes... I will say sorry... Let's go..."

"Not now... It's midnight... Everyone are not owls like us... He is sleeping..."

Agasthya laughed. "Ok..."

"Agasthya... Can I ask you something?"

"Yes bhaiya..."

Anirudh exhaled to reduce his nervousness. He never told anything about his love relationship with Meghna to both his brothers. He was sure that Aaryan will have no problems with it but Agasthya may can be possessive.

"Will you say something before I sleep?" Murmured Agasthya yawning.

"August... Will you be upset with me if I get married?"

"Marry Meghna didi... I have no problem..." Said Agasthya in half consciousness before falling into a deep and sweet sleep.

Anirudh smiled and kissed on Agasthya's forehead.

"Then be ready to welcome your bhabi..."



+ Longest update till now... More than 2060 words...

+ How was it guys?

+ Few words about Malhotra family?

+ How was Ani - August moment?

Advance happy birthday the handsome Parth Samthaan... (Agasthya )

Next update - only after 60 votes🙃

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