28. The Plan

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Anirudh, who was entirely silent throughout their argument suddenly thanked to Simran for her help.

"What do you think, Ani..." Asked Aaryan. "If the reason wasn't money, then what is it?"

Anirudh smiled. He already decided to know more about Karan Chowdary and Prathap Deshmukh. Information they had now is nothing infront of the riddle they have to solve.

"If it wasn't money then it can be either Family or Honour... Or both!"


"How many times I had told you, don't use my phone with out my permission... Give it back..."

Said Aaryan rolling his eyes but Agasthya being Agasthya shook his head and showed his tongue.

"Agasthya... Give my phone..."


Aaryan sighed in anger. When he came back to his room after their conversation, Agasthya was sitting on the bed scrolling his phone, may be a game.

"Very good..." Anirudh smirked.

"Ani... Seriously?"

"Ofcaurse... Why did you allow him to use it earlier? Then don't blame him now..."

"I will change it's password..." Said Aaryan grabbing the phone from his brother's hand. "You already addicted to it..."

"How cruel!" Pouted Agasthya.

"Yes I am..." Aaryan glared him.
"You are sitting here focusing on a stupid game instead of having breakfast, and expecting me to behave sweet... Impossible August..."

"Games are not stupid..." Exclaimed Agasthya waving his hands.

"I agree..." Nodded Anirudh while Agasthya hugged him and gave a victory smile to Aaryan.

"They are something beyond stupidity... Extremely silly..."

"What?" Agasthya stared Anirudh with a dropped jaw.

Aaryan and Anirudh couldn't help but laugh. They winked each other making Agasthya fume in anger.

"This is too low... Teaming up to tease the youngest one! Very bad..."

"Oh no... My baby got hurt... Sorry sorry... I will feed you the breakfast..." Said Anirudh with a teasing smile.

"Ani bhaiya..." Agasthya groaned in annoyance. "I am not a baby. I can eat by my self..."

"Oh really?" Anirudh widened his eyes and turned towards Aaryan. "Didn't you hear him? Baby August says he is not a baby!"

"What is wrong with you?" Asked Agasthya hitting his Ani bhaiya on shoulder.

"You always have the complaint that I tease you, and your Ani bhaiya is so sweet... Now see..."
Grinned Aaryan hugging Agasthya from back to save Anirudh from his punches.

"Sorry Aary bhaiya..." Exhaled Agasthya. "You are far better than him..."

"You are so cute baby..."

"I am going to complain to Meghna bhabi... Wait and watch..." Hissed Agasthya while Anirudh nodded his head dramatically.

"It's ok Anirudh... Enough... I can't laugh more..." Said Aaryan suppressing his smile and dragged a pout faced Agasthya with him for breakfast.

Anirudh smiled looking at his brothers.

Making Agasthya angry and Aaryan happy are the only way to avoid being caught by them. Anirudh knew them more than anyone.

Aaryan really enjoyed these moments so that he forgot to ask Anirudh about the question he asked to Agasthya through Simran. Anirudh also wanted the same.
He didn't wish to include Aaryan anything related to Akash Malhotra.

Dealing with a person like him can't be easy and more than it never be in a straightway. Even though Aaryan hated Akash Malhotra to the core he would prefer a direct battle more than any nasty game.

But Anirudh was different. He was wise enough to plan something in the same way Akash did.And he already got a partner for it. A paid partner, unfamiliar to others including Simran and Aaryan.

It may feel that being a demonic is not much good but he didn't mind.
Because, for him, his brothers was his world...

War of survival never keeps any rules!


"Their path was filled with darkness. He had only two options left with him... One was to surrender infront of the fate and suffer all the pain... And the next was to fight... He chose the second, because he was unable to experience another loss...That fear made him evil "


"Any problem, Agasthya?" Asked Simran when she saw Agasthya's frown deepening.

Simran and Meghna were waiting the brothers for breakfast. Meghna initially had a belief that Simran is good at heart and now it's proved she was right. Simran also was comfortable with Meghna because she never judged her like Aaryan and Agasthya. They got attached easly.

"Don't you go back? Don't you feel shame to stay in a stranger's house?"
Agasthya asked to her.

Simran smiled back.
"I don't wish to trouble you by my presence but your eldest brother want me to stay here. You can talk with him. I will surely leave your house if he allows me..."

"Oh... I am not a baby to be afraid of you..." Said Agasthya making faces. "And I won't talk with Ani bhaiya, he is insane..."

"Oh my God..." Laughed Meghna. "Someone seems very angry with his favourite person..."

"Yes bhabi..." Said Aaryan.

Agasthya sat near Meghna and rubbed his eyes with a fake sob.
"He teased me bhabi... He called me baby..."

"So sad." Meghna ruffled his hair. "But you like him calling you that, don't you?"

"Yes bhabi... But this time in a sarcastic tone, not with love..."

Meghna tried her best to be serious and avoid smiling.
"I will see him later, ok? Now have your breakfast..."

"Love you bhabi..." Said Agasthya while hugging Meghna.

Simran smiled at them. It was her first experience to see a happy family bonding. She was really thankful to Anirudh for allowing her to enjoy this all.

"Simran Malhotra..." Aaryan started but before he could say anything Simran interrupted.

"If you can, then please avoid my surname. Call me Simran. I am no more interested to be called as a Malhotra..."

"Oh sorry..." Whispered Aaryan with a nod. Once, he also hated when someone call him as Aaryan Thakur because it always remembered him about his father. Or does he still hate him? If not for Agasthya then for leaving his mother, Anirudh and him alone?

"Aaryan..." Meghna slowly tapped on his shoulder to break his chain of thoughts.

"Hmm... Actually I was going to say that... Akash Malhotra hired someone else as the CEO of Malhotra industries. I thought he himself will sit in that chair..."

"I know. He announced an interview for that chair even before I left Malhotra mansion. He can't handle bussiness matters as CEO because he is busy with each and every illegal stuffs, including drugs and black money..."

"Then we should inform the police about his illegal business..." Said Aaryan.

"No use." Murmured Simran.


Simran couldn't help but smile. Aaryan knew nothing about the world of business.

"Money always matters Aaryan. Malhotras keep a strong relationship with higher officers. And my father is really wise, I tried my best to find the root of his illegal business but failed miserably. That's why I always warn you, playing with him won't be easy."

Aaryan sighed. What she said was already clear for him. He never imagined that a father could try to kill his own daughter by sending a goon with a sharp sword. But Akash Malhotra proved, he can. The deep cut on Aaryan's arm will always remember him about it, always...

"Your father is a demon..." Said Agasthya to Simran.

"And I am a monster, right?"

"No. Actually..." Agasthya searched for words. He wanted to say sorry but his ego didn't allow him.

"Say sorry August... All of us makes mistakes. But good people always realize them and apologize." Said Meghna.

"I am sorry for calling you that. I believed that you also were bad like your father..."

"It's alright Agasthya. No issues."

"Then let's be friends..." Agasthya forwarded his hand for a handshake with a sheepish grin.

"Thank you..." Said Simran.

For the first time in his life Aaryan looked at Simran with out hatred in his heart. She was behaving normally and joyful but completely shattered inside.

There was lots of unshed tears behind her each smile. Lots of struggles behind her toughness.

As Aaryan believed, no one born as strong but life makes them so...

At evening

Anirudh was busy with something so that whole day he sat inside his room. That's why Simran asked Aaryan's help to meet him.

Aaryan and Simran were standing infront of the door and knocked twice but Anirudh didn't open.

"Ani... Are you there?" Asked Aaryan loudly and again started to knock.

"I am coming Aary... Just a second..." Said Anirudh.

"Where is August?" Anirudh asked while opening the door.

Aaryan widened his eyes. Anirudh's eyes were all red and his voice was heavy.


"He is with bhabi, Ani... He is safe... Why did you cry?"

Anirudh sighed. Even though he washed his face twice Aaryan sensed it.

"I had a terrible headache. And... I... I teased him badly, poor boy..."

"Then take rest Ani..." Said Aaryan. "August is such a drama queen. He is just acting, he can't be angry with you..."

"But he didn't speak with me..." Tears again started to roll down through Anirudh's face. "Entire day... He refused to look at my face..."

Aaryan smiled wiping Anirudh's tears. "He will definitely call you 'cry baby' if he sees this."

Anirudh embraced Aaryan for a moment and took a deep breath.

"What is the matter, Simran?"

Simran was waiting for Anirudh to compose himself.

"A police officer from London police force started his investigation on Mr. Rajeev Thakur's murder."

"Hmm..." Anirudh nodded his head. "But how could you know this?"

"My surname still works Anirudh. We have spys."

"Well. What is his name? Any other details?"

Simran sighed. "He is an undercover police officer so that we have no other information about him. And I guess he is a foreigner..."


"He has both Canadian and French citizenships. And he is called as Mr. Lewis Brown."


Hope you enjoyed it ❤️

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Next update only after my exams :)


Happy birthday ardmanan123❤️

May your life fill with all happiness and all your wishes come true dear.

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