29. A New Side

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At -----------------------

"How was your journey, Diya?"
He asked while helping her to take the luggage out of the car.

"Oh, nice jiju..." She said with her charming smile. She was very happy to be with her brother-in-law again.

"I missed you, Jiju..." said Diya and side hugged him. "It was funny to be with my friends but still I missed you..."

"Do you think I was happy about that? I also felt sad, and I hope you like this new holiday spot..."

Diya looked around with amazed eyes. It was large and a bit old, more looks like a historical mansion more than a holiday spot. But the environment surrounding them was really beautiful.

"Lovely... But where are we now?" She asked with a mischievous grin.

He nodded his head in 'no' with a small smile.
"You know I am not going to tell that..."

"Ok..." Diya sighed with a cute pout.
"Great undercover cop Mr Varun Lewis Brown never tell anything regarding his new mission to anyone until he finishes it..."

Varun exhaled and rolled his eyes at her extra dramatic speech.
"Enough for now... Come on and have something..."

Diya was continuously speaking about her vacation with her best friend and Varun listened to it patiently. He left her in Canada when he came to India months ago because he wasn't confident about her safety at that time. But now, everything had happened as his plan so he couldn't find any point in keeping her away. After all, she was the only one who remembers him that there is something in life which can be called as 'Happiness'.

Just like her elder sister, Neha...

"Jiju... Are you ok?"
Diya asked shaking his hands. She is afraid to see him sitting silent. It always makes her remember the days just after her sister's death.

"Yes... I am Ok..." He said.
"I was just thinking about your sister... I wish if Neha is with us now..."

Diya wiped the tears which started to flow from her eyes. Her didi was the biggest blessing in her life. Her best friend, mother, father, teacher, everything... Neha never let Diya suffer anything as she had. Even though they were orphans, Neha raised her younger sister like a princess.

Diya knows that her sister left them forever, and never come back. But she still loves her more than anyone.
That love gave her the courage to move on... She had seen Varun breaking down a thousand times. It was hard for her to see the tears of the bravest man she ever met.

But it gave a huge relief to Diya when she realised that her brother-in-law again started to concentrate on his work. She was glad to see him as much energetic and lively as he was when she met him for the first time with her sister in his foster parent's house.

Diya thought her sister was telling about some foreigner when she heard the name Mr Lewis Brown but their first meeting proved that she was wrong. Varun was adopted by the childless couple Mr&Mrs Brown, at the age of 15 or 16. That gained him Canadian citizenship along with Indian. When he recruited to the police force of London due to his excellent records he also became a legal citizen of France too.

Diya didn't know anything about his Indian family and past, he was hesitant to share anything about it with anyone. So she decided to leave that topic.

He was very caring and maybe the best brother she could ever have. She was thankful to God for that.

Varun also loved her like his own because she became the light in his darkness. He believed that she won't leave him alone like everyone he had loved.

So he wished to fly back to Canada with his little sister Diya, as soon as possible.

But only after the death of Agasthya Thakur... That is, only after his revenge...


At Thakur's (Mumbai)

It has been one week since that silly fight between Anirudh and August, so that Agasthya almost forgot it all. But Anirudh seemed to be very careful around Agasthya and didn't tell even a single word which hurt him and always allowed whatever he wants, annoying Meghna and Aaryan.

Aaryan was a bit confused because Anirudh was busy and often left their house to meet someone. He always excused from Aaryan's questions about that and strictly warned him to be with Agasthya in his absence.

Agasthya was completely celebrating his freedom. He spent all his daytime with either Aaryan or Simran, Meghna was a little busy because of some online conference. And as usual, spent the night with his Ani bhaiya enjoying being pampered by him.


"Come in"
Said Simran when she heard a knock on the door of her room. She was slightly surprised because of that knock. It's usually either Meghna or Agasthya come to her and they both call her by her name, not a knock.

"Sorry for disturbing you..."

"Aaryan... It's ok..."

Aaryan wasn't much comfort to speak to Simran, not that he hates her but he was guilty.

Simran first waited for him to begin but he didn't utter a word so she asked him.
"How can I help you?"

"Well... Actually... I want to ask you that..."

Simran forward a chair for him and sat in the opposite one.

"Thank you..." said Aaryan taking a long breath and smiled.

"I don't know am I correct or not... But I felt something weird in Anirudh's behaviour. He is not talking with me properly whenever I asked where he is going etc. I feel he is stressing himself due to some reason but deliberately avoiding all of us from that... It even hurts sometimes..."

Simran nodded her head in agreement. She also felt the same.
"But he is being a kind of protective, I guess..."

"Not protective... But possessive..."

"Don't overthink Aaryan... You will also behave in the same way in a situation like this... It's common..."

"Hmm..." Aaryan also tried to believe so even though he wasn't totally convinced.

"So... What do you expect me to do?" Asked Simran being confused.

"Oh yes... I forgot it..." Exclaimed Aaryan. "I hope you remember those questions Anirudh made you ask August..."

"Yes... One was did Agasthya see the murderer and the next was that if there was any kind of sound, other than gunshot ..."

"Exactly... That's confusing me... I couldn't find the motive behind them... And I hope you can do better than me here..."

"Well... I had thought about that. The murder happened within one or two minutes, that is why Agasthya couldn't see the murderer... And I guess Anirudh made that point clear by asking him."

"Ok... Anything more?"

"Yes... If one could finish a crime this much effortlessly leaving no clues behind, then he should be a professional..."

"Professional? You mean a professional killer?"


Aaryan couldn't help but appreciate her intelligence.
"You are very..."

But Simran cut his words in the middle.
"Criminal minded?"

Aaryan shook his head in disbelief.
"Oh... I was about to say that, You are very intelligent..."

"Sorry..." Simran smiled sheepishly. "I got you wrong... And thank you for the compliment..."

"Mention not... And it's me who has to seek an apology for behaving rudely..."

They smiled at each other. It was a new realisation for both of them. A new side, actually...

"But there is another thing which is bothering me..." said Simran.

"What is that?"

"London Police Department is famous for their potency. It's unbelievable that they couldn't find any hind in this case..."

"Yes... That seems..."

But Aaryan couldn't complete his sentence. They heard a loud sound of something falling from Anirudh's room accompanied by Agasthya's scream.

"Agasthya..." Yelled Aaryan running towards the room but couldn't find his brother. There was a shelf lying on the ground and some books shattered.

"Bhaiya... Save me..."

"But where are you?" Aaryan felt Agasthya's sound coming from a distance.

"Aaryan..." Whispered Simran while running towards the fallen shelf.

"He is stuck under the shelf..."



Updating after a long break... Hope it was good enough...

Do vote and long comments guys...
I really need some motivation 😇

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