35. The Killer

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It was the same kind of messages which he and Agasthya used to get.

One-liner... Written in dark blood red... Containing the cursed logo of F4 MEDICARE...

But the difference was... It was the one which came after that last one...
And... It was a statement, not a warning...



Varun glared at the fire once again before throwing his Police ID card into it.  It's not essential for him anymore.

It was like finding himself, which he lost 18 years ago...

Recalling 'Varun Prathap Deshmukh' who was forcefully suppressed inside  'Varun Lewis Brown'.

With a smile, he walked into the woods.

"Still I have a few minutes..." He said to himself. His calculations were never wrong.

"I wish if I was near you, Anirudh... I would love to see your tears... Your pain... And your guilt, of course..."

He dialled Anirudh's number and his smile widened when he heard his broken lifeless voice on the other side.

"How does it feel? How does it feel when you lose your brother like this?"

Anirudh felt words being dead in his throat. But still, he couldn't believe that he lost his August...
"Who are you?"

"According to you, I am dead... But no, I am living a life that is not less than death..."

"What does that mean?"

"It's a riddle..." Varun laughed loudly.  "You will find it soon but before that..."

Sitting on his knees, Varun moved close to him. He could hear the loud but irregular heartbeats of that boy. The fear in his eyes boosted Varun's euphoria...

"Look at my face..."

Varun's hold was soo powerful that Agasthya felt his neck being crumbled. Every time he hit on Agasthya's wounds intentionally, he felt that...

"Your brothers think that you are no more..."

Agasthya's tears started to mix up with his blood and flow down slowly... He wished to cry aloud but failed miserably...

Anirudh could hear the gasping sound and that gave him a chill. It was Agasthya... He can realise that even from a million, no doubt...

"He is not dead, Anirudh..." Murmured Varun. "Not yet..."

With a heartbreaking sob, Anirudh fell on his knees. It was a rebirth for him.

"Please don't hurt him... August is not well... I beg you..."

"Your pleadings do no work Anirudh..."

"If you have any problem with me then sort it out directly... Why are you torturing my brother?"

"Nothing but it's the best way to torture you... No one knows that better than me..."

Anirudh sighed.
"Please leave him alone... I will give you anything you want... Please..."

"Will you?" Whispered Varun.
"Then give me back my family... My father, my mother, my siblings... Give me back my happiness, ruined by your father Rajeev Thakur..."

"No... It can't be true..." Gasped Anirudh.

"But it is... Me, Varun Prathap Deshmukh,  eldest son of Prathap and Aditi still alive..." Varun roared. "And it's the time for my revenge... You have to pay for each and everything your father had done for us..."

Anirudh shook his head in disbelief. He never thought that destiny will strike back in this way. They are going to suffer for something they never did.

"It's wasn't my father's fault Varun... I know your loss was terrible... But he didn't do anything... He was betrayed..."

"Not he was but he did... He betrayed my father for money... He destroyed everything we had... And..." A lone tear escaped from Varun's eyes.
"And he murdered my mother, sister and brother... What was their fault?"

"Your father was wrong, Varun... Both of us know that..."

"But he is my father..." Said Varun and hit Agasthya making him fall on the ground with a loud cry.
"Think twice before speaking a word bad about him... Your brother is lying under my feet..."

Anirudh felt himself being weak than anything. He could hear Agasthya crying calling his name.

"Kill me if you want... Leave him alone..."

"Death is an escape, Anirudh... And I don't want you to have that... I am kind to your baby brother, that's why I chose him... Let him escape first... It will be better..."

"Please don't do that..."

"Let's play then..." Smirked Varun. He was waiting for years and wasn't ready to end it this much early and easily.

"I will give you 10 days... 240 hours... Find me if you can... Save your brother if you can..."

"I will... I will do anything for him..."

"Good... But remember one thing that Agasthya will be begging for death, every minute... I am not sure will he survive or not..."

"He will..." Anirudh cut him in middle. "He is a fighter..."

"Then... Your time starts right now..."


"We have 10 days... just 10 days..." Whispered Simran without raising her face.

Meghna looked at Aaryan, who was sitting at a distance from them. She never saw him this much hopeless and tired.

"You have to speak with Aaryan..." She told to Anirudh. "He is burning inside..."

Anirudh nodded his head and sat next to Aaryan, holding his hand.

Aaryan hated the silence, surrounding them. He missed Agasthya's laugh, his tantrums... Everything...
"If I was a little careful... If I didn't go out at that time..." He whispered in grief.

Anirudh sighed. He couldn't find any words to console his brother, because he also was broken.

Anirudh cursed himself for following Akash Malhotra blindly. He failed to know that Varun is alive. But fate played its game.

There is nothing that can be worse than this.

"Forgive me if I am forcing you... But..." Said Simran facing Anirudh.
"Can you tell us about Varun, I mean his story... I think we are late already and it will be like pushing Agasthya more towards the danger if we sit like this anymore... We have to find him... As soon as possible..."

Anirudh had no choice but to agree with her. It was out of his hands now.

"I will tell you..."


Agasthya slowly opened his eyes. He wished to get up from the cold floor where he was lying but it wasn't easy. He could feel a sharp pain on the backside of his head and his whole body was injured.

"Where am I now?"
He couldn't recall anything after Varun hitting him by his leg.

That room was a perfect combination of everything which Agasthya is afraid of. Silence, Darkness and emptiness.

Suddenly a deep yellow light caught his attention.

"Do you know what is this?" Asked Varun pointing towards the light stand.

Agasthya gasped in fear at the very next moment he realised Varun's voice. He glared at the floor without looking at him.

"Answer me, Agasthya Thakur..." Varun repeated in his cold voice.

"No... I... I don't know..."

"Well, I will tell you... Have you ever heard about 'Sensory overload'?"


"It's a method used to punish criminals and bad people..." said Varun while changing the intensity variant of that light-producing machine.

"Do you want to experience it?"

Agasthya gulped and moved back in fear. But the wall blocked his path. He closed his eyes tightly but the sharp light penetrated his brain like a sword. He felt nausea.

"Please stop..." Agasthya wailed at the top of his voice. It was causing extreme physical and mental pain, which he never experienced before.

"Stop it... Please..."

With a smirk, Varun turned off the light and sat on a chair in front of him.
"I won't say that you are much weak... You resist it for a minute, great job..."

"It helped you to recall your worst memories, Isn't it?"

Agasthya covered his face with his shivering hands. His mind was literarily reproducing everything he was trying to get rid of... His childhood, loneliness and his father's death.

"It's just a warning Agasthya..."

"But why? Why are you torturing me like this? What did I do?"

"If children are worthy to inherit their parent's properties then they are responsible to suffer for their sin also... I told this to your father too, before killing him..."

Agasthya stared at him in shock.
"You... You killed my Papa..."

"Yes, of course, I did... And it's funny you know... My department wants me to lead the investigation of the same case."

"You killed my Papa..."
Tears started to flow down through Agasthya's face without a break.
"But... But why?"

"If you feel this much pain for your father, then can you imagine losing your entire family in one night? Being an orphan from a prince..."

Varun took a deep breath before recalling his memories.

"We had a kingdom..."


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