36. The Trust

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"If you feel this much pain for your father, then can you imagine losing your entire family in one night? Being an orphan from a prince..."

Varun took a deep breath before recalling his memories.

"We had a kingdom..."


"I don't think that I could ever tell my father's story without mentioning his so-called friend, Rajeev Thakur..."
Said Varun.


"I said, so-called friend... They were classmates since their college life. My father also was a scientist like yours, graduated in pharmaceutical chemistry... And of course, he was the second always... Because who could beat the brilliant Rajeev Thakur in studies?"

Agasthya had heard about his father's excellent academic records. He was a gold medalist and the brightest one in his field. Among his three sons, Aaryan was the same. Brainy and hardworking. Exceptionally talented in his field... Sometimes Anirudh calls him a bookworm.

"But who cares?" Chuckled Varun.
"My father was very confident about his achievements. His earlier life was never a smooth going one like your father's. Coming from a financially lower-class family, it was hard for him to achieve something in life... But he did it... All alone..."

"Within two years after passing out from the college he became one of the best young entrepreneurs in India. Married his love, my mother, destroying all obstacles. Everything was perfect... Until that day when your father invited my dada to be a part of his company... 'F4 MEDICARE'."

Agasthya was listening to him without blinking his eyes. He heard the name of that company, multiple times from his brothers but what Varun told was new for him.

"I never expected that our lives would have a terrible turn after that. I was with my friends in a campaign for a week but when I returned... My entire family was killed in a bomb blast that happened in my house and my dada's body found in their laboratory. I lost my siblings and... My little brother died in front of my eyes... He was just 6 years old... I still remember how he struggled to breathe lying on the hospital bed..."

Varun closed his eyes and sighed.
"His last word was 'bhaiya...'. Maybe he had thought that I could save him but... But I couldn't... No God answered my prayers... He left me like everyone else..."

For a moment, Agasthya forgot his conditions and felt pity for Varun.

But Varun smirked again.

"I have died thousand times at that moment, Agasthya... And now, I am excited to give the same experience to your brothers, I mean stepbrothers also..."

"But... What was my father's fault for this? And I wasn't even born at that time... So why are you..."

Varun stopped him by raising his hand.

"Then why did your father run away to London that night? He was responsible for an explanation but what made him escape like a coward?"

"He is a good man... Don't call my papa 'Coward'..." Agasthya murmured.

"Of course he is..." Varun laughed sarcastically.

"He left his beloved wife and children for another woman and his illegitimate son... Of course, he is a very good person..."

Agasthya bowed his head in agony. He never knew who was his biological mother, neither he wanted to. Actually he hated her for coming in between his papa and Maithili maa. It was a wound that always bothered his heart. Maybe he successfully covered it, but couldn't cure it... Never...

Varun understood that he touched on Agasthya's weakest point and the same he wanted to do.

"I can't even guess what the hell is going on in your brother's mind... How could someone love a person who has been the root cause of their mother's sorrow... Or do they love you truly?"

"Stop it... You are lying..."

"Think it by yourself... Can Anirudh ever love you the way he loves Aaryan? Is it possible for him to choose you over his real blood brother?"

"It's not true... You are a liar..."

"Do you think they will save you risking their own lives?"

"Yes, I do... They will save me... I believe that, with my whole heart..." Replied Agasthya in a calm yet firm voice.

"You are replaceable for them, Agasthya... They will forget you... Your memories would be faded away from their minds, just like a bad dream..."

"I am their brother." Said Agasthya looking direct into Varun's eyes.
"I don't care what you think... I am their brother. It's a promise."

Varun was a bit disturbed inside. He felt Agasthya is touchy and weak and it was true in all other cases. But here he failed to light up his insecurity.

'Anirudh did a good job in making this boy confident over their bond.' He murmured in his mind.

Agasthya gathered all his beautiful memories with his brothers and revised them in his mind infinite times. It was bringing tears to his eyes but he wasn't ready to surrender. It was the only solace he has.

"Ani bhaiya promised me that he will never leave me for anyone and anything in the world... Pinky promises are a deal of love... They can't be broken... Even by death..."

"What if is he say that you are no one to him?"
Asked Varun and closed the door leaving Agasthya in complete darkness.

"You wish..."


Aaryan never thought that he would ever miss a person in his life the way he missed Agasthya.

His whole world became a vacant space, as well as their house. In that situation only, four of them understood that how Agasthya became the link that connects them each other.

Meghna tried to act as strong initially but all in vain. Agasthya was more than a brother for her, he was her first child. But she suffered it all silently and bravely, without making others weak. And Aaryan loved her more for that.

Anirudh and Simran both already have the ability to handle tough situations. They were fully involved in the search for any clue, mainly focusing on mobile tower locations.

Anirudh raised his eyebrows in confusion when Aaryan silently enters his room.
"What's the matter?"

"Nothing... Can I sit here for some time?"

"Why not..." Replied Anirudh closing his laptop but Aaryan stopped him.

"Continue your work Ani... I am alright..."

"Are you sure?"


Even though Agasthya had his room he spent most of his time in Anirudh's room and half of his stuff were there making it messy and lively at the same time. Anirudh always keeps everything untouched for his little brother's favour.

Aaryan smiled at his favourite collection of shoes, Most of them were still on the cover.

"I miss you badly..." He said in his mind looking at Agasthya's photos.
"I want you back..."

Aaryan was pessimistic by nature and that habit of expecting the worst always left him in tears and heartbreak. He believed that it was his fault that caused Agasthya's kidnapping. But more than it, their last conversation was the worst in his life. Aaryan was trapped in the sharpness of his own words and they pierced him like anything.

"I should have apologised to you for that, August... I didn't mean anything... Forgive your bhaiya..."

"It's not your fault Aaryan..."
Anirudh whispered.

Aaryan looked at Anirudh who was sitting opposite him. He was sure that Anirudh could neither see his face nor hear his words but he replied correctly. Maybe it would be a special ability that elder siblings have to read their younger ones mind effortlessly. Actually, it worked inside Aaryan also... For his little brother, Agasthya.

Aaryan silent tears started to flow down with a pace when he felt Anirudh's warm touch on his shoulder.

Aaryan hugged him tightly hiding his face on Anirudh's lap and crying out of his heart.

Anirudh rubbed his back with out saying a word. Aaryan never cried like this except the day when they lost their mother.

"It's his birthday today..." said Aaryan wiping his tears. "Do you remember that Ani?"

"How could I forget that Aary? My baby officially became an adult today..."
Anirudh chuckled softly.

Aaryan exhaled looking at Anirudh's face. He wasn't crying. Why he always hide his pain and suffer alone...

"I know that it's you who is burning inside the most... How could you avoid crying Ani..."

"Sometimes tears fail to put out the fire in your mind..." Replied Anirudh.
"And... August doesn't like when I cry... He thinks that I am his Superman and Superman never cries..."

"Not that he thinks... But you are..."

"Yes. I am..."

"I want him back Anirudh..." Sniffed Aaryan.
"We already missed his childhood, not anymore... Minutes are being years for me in his absence. I can't handle this..."

"I will save him Aaryan..."

"I can't lose him..." Aaryan repeated.
"I am afraid that I am gonna..."

"Never..." Anirudh cut him immediately.

"He is our brother..."



"What is your name?"
Agasthya asked to her in a very low voice.

"I am Diya..."
She replied.

"Diya... Diya means?"

"Diya... The light..."


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