45. Regret Me

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Diya called out one more time but the phone call was disconnected.

"Maybe I should try one more time..."
She thought before redialing Anirudh's number with shivering fingers but it went to the voice mail. The next time, it was switched off.

Diya panicked. She sneaked into Varun's control room, found his old phone, searched for Agasthya's brother's contact and called him risking everything she has. For what...

Diya knew the day was near. Varun will kill Agasthya before the next sunset and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't alter his decision. Diya cried, argued, begged... But her brother-in-law was waiting for this his entire life and he wants her to stay out of his business.

Anirudh was her last ray of hope. And not even in her wildest dreams she expected such a response from him...

He cut the phone even before she could tell him where his little brother was... He cut the phone before she could plead for Varun's life...

Yes... That was the only condition she has to put forward. She wants neither Agasthya nor Varun to get hurt. She is aware that Varun is wrong here. He haunted Agasthya for something his father may have done. He sucked the life out of that boy inch by inch. He tortured the innocent hoping that it would set him free...

But still, Varun was family. He was her only family, and she wasn't yet ready to be alone in this world. Not like this... Not again...

And Anirudh wouldn't spare Varun if he get a chance. That's why she wanted to talk with him. The Anirudh she knows through Agasthya is noble and compassionate. So she believed he would understand. But people can change...

Diya pressed her lips into a thin line try not to weep. She was confused, hopeless, and terrified at the same time. All this time, even though it felt like backstabbing her brother-in-law, she believed she was doing the right thing because it would save Agasthya.

But nothing was ever that simple...


(warning: mention of blood, violence.)


Agasrhya watched Varun walk into the room with a camcorder in his hand. He set it up on the pedestal while making sure it was working.

"What are you doing?"
Agasthya asked but as expected there was no reply.

Varun sat on his chair, towering over the boy on the floor as always. Agasthya's raging breath and shaky heartbeats resonated in the room, louder than usual.

"Agasthya, look into my eyes..."

Agasthya refused. He stared at the floor instead.

"I said look into my eyes..."

Agasthya closed his eyes. The darkness felt so familiar.

Varun grabbed the boy's neck, his rough arms hurting the wounded skin, and gave it an upward push sliding along the rock wall. Effective... Agasthya choked as his blurred vision met Varun's empty ones.

"Look at me while you feel the end. I want to see the light oozing out of your eyes." Said Varun as he removed Agasthya's hair revealing his forehead, using a gun.

Agasthya shivered at the touch of the metal. He realised what Varun was planning to do but it isn't the time yet, is it? He had ten days. His brothers were supposed to come and rescue him.

Varun exhaled. "Agasthya, I gave them the time I promised... Nobody came..."

Those words echoed in Agasthya's consciousness. 'Nobody came...' No police, No God, No Superman...

Not even his brothers.

"Agasthya... I told you from the start... This is how the world works. Your brothers might be hurting but they weren't trying enough."

"No..." he protested.

"Then where are they? Why didn't they come? Anirudh knows that I wasn't joking when I told him you will be alive for only ten days... What is stopping them?"

No reply.

"I gave them more than enough time Agasthya... They chose not to save you. So technically it's not me but they are the reason for your death."

Agasthya covered both his ears.

"You overestimated your worth boy... You were never their family..." said Varun.

"Remember your first day here?" he asked pulling Agasthya's hands out and shaking him so that the latter has no choice but to listen.
"How confident you were about your brothers but now see... I tried to keep your hopes down but you are an idiot... See where that brought you! Dying in your enemy's hands with broken trust. Pathetic."

"If you are going to kill me then let me die with my faith in my brotherhood..."

"Louder..." smirked Varun. This is all that he ever wanted. The boy finally cracked down. The way he always dreamt of.

Agasthya hit his head on the wall hoping that the pain would help him get rid of the voices inside his head. He was afraid to die. But dying knowing that all his life has been a lie, dying knowing that he is no one's priority... That terrifies him more.

In his heart, he knew both Anirudh and Aaryan cared for him. He deserves it or not, they gave him the love of a lifetime. But Agasthya's brain was growling like an animal and all it has to feel is betrayal, hatred and agony.

So he repeated, louder as Varun said.

"If you are going to kill me then let me die with my faith..."

"Plead..." said Varun. "Get on your knees and plead for your death..."

Agasthya's gaze narrowed. Bile raised in his sore throat. Stare fixed at Varun's bloodshot eyes his hands searched in the dark. For something... For anything...

All his life, Agasthya has been nothing but kind. He put everyone above him and kept his soul stainless. Always held on to the broken pieces of his heart, living in the hope that the pain will get better. And this is how the universe rewards him. To beg Varun for his death.
Agasthya is not doing that. He knows he can't reverse the result but he is not surrendering without giving a fight.

Varun moved close.
"You have no other choice... Let me finish it fast and smooth..."

Rage and terror fired up Agasghya's veins. The battle is not fair to him but still, he has to fight... He is his own.

Agasthya's hands finally got what they were searching for.  A dirty ceramic plate that Varun used to serve him. He slammed it against the floor, hoping for a sharp edge that would be enough to cut open Varun's throat into two.

The attack happened in a fraction of a second and it shocked Varun. Agasthya wasn't a professional while Varun has been combat trained so he was able to save himself from a fatal wound but that sharp end pierced his shirt leaving a long slit in his chest. Varun stared at the boy with half amusement and half enmity.

Agasthya stood there like a statue. His hands were bleeding but he felt no pain. Tightening his grip on his weapon he waited for Varun's encounter.

Agasthya didn't feel himself anymore. His body, his breath, his sanity... Everything was so strange and reckless. He was raised and cherished by a nobleman. But deep down Agasthya always knew that he was nothing like his father Rajeev. He hated that feeling. He loathed being any different from his papa.

They called him a fighter, a survivor... But all he could feel was a destroyer.

A beast... Unworthy, pathetic, tragic...

While Agasthya was fighting with the turmoil of his consciousness Varun took the opportunity and punched him hard in the stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. Agasthya collapsed on the floor his bloodied fingers clenching his stomach. But still, he held that piece of plate higher in between himself and Varun.

"You got some pretty moves and you are faster for someone at your age..." said Varun clapping his hands slightly.
"But that's not enough to save your life..."

Hot tears mixed with warm blood made their way through Agasthay's face when Varun stepped on his arm. He could hear his bones cracking.

Agasthya screamed his lungs out. With a wild strength, he never knew he had, Agasthya kicked on Varun's lower jaw making him step back.

"Well... That hurts..." said Varun, the mocking tone that was present in his voice earlier is long gone now.

He picked up the revolver and aimed at Agasthya while the boy chuckled lightly.

"Why are you laughing?"

Agasthya shook his head spitting the blood out of his mouth. He gave up. Varun finally won.

"Does it mean that much to you? To watch me die? Is that why you are recording it? To watch again and again?"

"Oh... That camcorder is not for me. It's for your brothers... They should watch your death, again and again, not me..."

Agasthya cursed every moment of his life whenever he felt sympathy towards Varun and his family.

"You are doing this all for your dead family but do you think they would be happy? Do you think your mother would be pleased to call a psychopath her son?"

"No, she wouldn't. But she is dead anyway so all I have to think about is how I feel. My dad must be proud of me though..."

"You have the blood of a demon then. I am glad that I was born as a child of my papa, not someone like your dad. I hope your family would rot in hell..."

Agasthya himself couldn't believe what he was blabbering. His mind was half dead and fully wrecked and he was spitting poison. But who cares? He would be long gone in a few minutes and he doesn't have to force himself to love him anymore. Agasthya would never love himself anymore... He wouldn't trust anyone anymore... He is done.

Varun glared at the boy. He did hit the nerve. The urge to kill Agasthya is stronger than ever.

But the more he looked at Agasthya the more he felt familiar. It was like looking at his own reflection, 18 years ago. Tortured, lost and damaged. Forced to grow up in a moment. Left alone with nothing but self hate.

He broke the boy too much. Varun walked through hell so did Agasthya. He made another Varun. The redemption didn't feel good as he expected.

"You will regret this..." said Agasthya trying to keep his eyes open. His head was spinning and there were dots in his vision.

"Death would be better... Believe me... Now that you became me, you wouldn't want to live a life that I have been through..."

"I... I don't... know... that..." Agasthya whispered his eyes shutting down. All he could see, hear and taste was death.
"But... I know that ... You... you will... regret... regret this... regret me... and everything..."

Varun sighed pulling the trigger.

"I know..."



Anirudh kept the dagger close to her neck.

Aaryan couldn't see the difference anymore.

Not an easy chapter to read ... I know... Neither was pleasing to write :(

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