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Now that ATHC is coming to an end (5 or 6 chapters left) would you all like to have a new book from this author?

Something that has been on my mind for a long time, and I finally decided to pen it down.

It is different from And then he came but I hope that you would like it. I hope you would show the same support for my new work too.

The series contains 3 books and it's the story of the Kashyap brothers.

Book 1: Hoax (Ongoing)

Book 2: Heir (to be published)

Book 3: Heist & Hellfire

If you are excited to meet Dhruv, Vidyuth and Prithvi please check my new story in my profile. The prologue and character sketch are updated. Vote and comment with your opinions, please... I need it to know if it's worth continuing or not.

Follow me for more updates and trailers.

And about the next update on Athc, I am working on it. Will be able to publish within 3 or 4 days.

With love,

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