46. Good And Evil

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Aaryan glared at the gigantic building in front of him with expanded eyes. From its outdated design and recent maintenance works, it was clear that the people who live there were neither has been there for a long time nor are planning to be. It screamed prison, not home. The cold high walls and the dense forest around them hid their existence from the outer world.

Anirudh was pacing toward the building, making no sound. It felt very hard for Aaryan to keep up with his brother's speed while moving like a breeze but Anirudh didn't wait. Aaryan didn't want him to wait.

They were already late. Every second matters now.

Aaryan was about to enter but Anirudh turned back and hugged him tightly. Aaryan was shocked by the sudden action and before he could respond Anirudh broke the hug.

"Aary... Listen to me," said Anirudh, his emerald eyes beaming in determination.
"Before we enter that door I want you to promise me two things. Firstly, in any situation, you should obey me without questions or arguments. Secondly, whatever happens, Agasthya and yourself should be your prime priorities."

Aaryan was about to rise his voice but Anirudh silenced him.

"I said no questions. Please..."

Aaryan bowed his head. Why would Anirudh always have to put him in such a difficult situation?

Anirudh sighed.

"I am not going to die okay... None of us are... But I want you to be strong. We have no idea about Agasthya's well-being so I want you to be the strongest version of yourself tonight. Things that are waiting for us might break our hearts but we need to hold it together right?"

Aaryan nodded. He knew that Agasthya would be in pain but he couldn't imagine how much.

'Please be alive August...' Aaryan prayed silently.

"I love you Aary... I am so proud of you and our August. We are going to fight this together..."

Aaryan replied to Anirudh's words with a small nod and an almost inaudible 'Love you too.'

Anirudh held Aaryan's hand and walked in. They walked past the main hall and were about to enter the corridor but some footsteps caught their attention.

"Move an inch, you are dead meat..."
Said Anirudh as he walked towards the girl, his pistol aimed at her head.

Diya froze at the spot.

Anirudh guessed who she was. And if he is correct then that girl is the best way to make Varun surrender in front of him. There is no way Anirudh would miss that chance.

"Where did your bastard brother-in-law keep my brother?" Roared Anirudh. "Lead the way."

Diya tried to reply but no sound left her throat. With a nervous nod, she pointed out the direction but Anirudh signaled her to walk first. That's the moment when Diya realized his plan. He was going to use her as some trading object that would help him to get back his Agasthya. And the rest was predictable. Varun wouldn't risk her life at any cost so he would surrender.

"Scream," ordered Anirudh.


"Let Varun know that you are going to die... Let him know I am here."

Tears rolled down Diya's cheeks as she obeyed Anirudh. Her loud cry echoed in the walls.

Aaryan felt he was running out of breath. That was a little girl. It doesn't seem right. Her big doe eyes were filled with worry and it would haunt him forever.

But still, he chooses to be silent. 'No questions.' Anirudh's voice repeated in his head.

Seconds later Varun appeared in front of him. With one look at his anxious face, Anirudh understood that this is his chance to strike.

"Leave her alone..." Varun hissed. He couldn't believe it. Agasthya's brothers found him! That's almost impossible.

Anirudh laughed, letting Varun know that he isn't the only maniac in there.
"Taste of your own medicine, isn't it?"

Varun's bloodshot eyes fumed in rage and if looks could kill Anirudh would be dead right now.

"What do you want me to do?"

Anirudh smirked. "Toss your gun away and obey me like a dog."

Without any lag, Varun threw away his revolver. Anirudh's eye signaled Aaryan to pick it up. Aaryan examined it. Top cost model,  piece of art. One shot from it, survival is impossible.

Diya's vision was blurred with tears but her heart ached for Varun. He stood there defeated and ready to die all because of her. Maybe she chose the wrong side. If Anirudh could do this to her, who is as much innocent as Agasthya is, then what differentiates him from Varun? How could he be the hero?

Even though Varun was devoid of any weapons he was still scary as hell. He was taller than both Anirudh and Aaryan, well-built, and war trained. A professional shooter with genes that scream brutality.

His only weak point was his little sister-in-law and when it comes to wicked games, nowadays Anirudh never misses his target.

"Aaryan... Go and find Agasthya... As soon as you found him, get out of here. Don't wait for me."

Aaryan shook his head in distress. He cursed the moment he pledged to listen to Anirudh without any queries.

Varun growled when Aaryan walked past him. He lost control of the beast inside and almost grabbed Aaryan's neck in an attempt to twist it but Aaryan escaped just in time.

A loud gasp broke out from Diya and that caught both Aaryan's and Varun's attention.

"No..." they both cried out.

Varun collapsed on the floor. His teary eyes stared at the blood drops that oozed out from the tip of the dagger. 
"Don't hurt her... Please..."

Anirudh kept the dagger close to Diya's throat unbothered about whatever Varun was blabbering. He looked at his brother who was staring at him like that was their first meet or something.

"Go and find August..." he commanded again.

Aaryan's nails were digging into his palm from holding on for too long but again he decided to do what he was asked to.


Aaryan cursed under his breath.



Aaryan cried out. That place was larger than it seemed and it gets darker as he moves inside. He was searching for his brother and seconds felt like eternity.
Agasthya was so close and he felt it.

He pushed open the last door and the smell of fresh blood filled his nose. Aaryan's heart dropped.

He found his brother. After ten days of separation, he finally found Agasthya.


Aaryan embraced the unconscious boy hoping it would wake him up.

"August... Baby, it's me... Your Aary bhaiya..."
He murmured as he ran his fingers through Agasthya's sticky hair.

Agasthya's body was covered with so many fresh and old wounds that it almost felt unfamiliar to Aaryan. The once beautiful eyes were half closed with deep dark circles around them. That chubby cheeks Aaryan used to adore lost the last trace of baby fat from it. They were still wet from hot tears. Bootprints were clear on his stomach and his arm was swollen indicating one or two broken bones.

It was all okay... It was all curable. But why isn't he opening his eyes?

"Agasthya... Please open your eyes... Look at your brother... I beg you..."

Panic was evident in Aaryan's voice. Agasthya has to wake up.

Aaryan felt his hands getting wet. He found it red and sticky.

Blood. On his hands, on his clothes. All over him. Agasthya's blood.

Aaryan shook his brother but still no response. He picked up Agasthya in bridal style and the boy was weighing just half of his previous weight.

Aaryan ran out without wasting a second. He never stopped calling out Agasthya's name.

"August..." he slightly bounced him in his hands.

Agasthya's neck tilted back as if it has no strength. Like it was a dead body.

Aaryan found his whole world getting dim. Grey skies forever.

"Please don't do this to me..."


Where do you draw the line between Good and Evil?

Which is great? Sacrificing the world so that the one person you love would live or lose the loved one for the good of the majority?

Diya would have answered it earlier but not anymore.

She glanced at Varun. He was laying on the floor, unconscious.

He took the syringe that Anirudh threw at him and injected himself with it without a second thought. It can be anything init. Paralysing poison, toxin, or life-taking venom but he didn't care. He obeyed his enemy so that she could live. She wasn't even his blood sister.

"Are you okay?" Anirudh asked Diya as he carefully cleaned the blood from her neck.

His own blood. Not her's.

Anirudh tricked Varun. He pushed his own fingers against the sharp knife as he kept it near Diya's throat and both Varun and Aaryan watched it from the front and mistook the blood as Diya's.

Did you all think that Anirudh actually cut her throat?

He can be a monster but not to a 19-year-old girl.

"I am so sorry for putting you through all of this..." said Anirudh lowering his head in shame. "I didn't have many choices... I know that was scary but I did try my best to not hurt you physically..."

"Forgive me if it is possible..." he said stepping away.

Diya couldn't find words to speak. Yes, he scared her. But there was no harm. Not even a scratch on her neck while Anirudh's hand was still bleeding as if it was a red river.

Anirudh exhaled. He knew he was cruel for traumatizing a teenager like this. He felt like an utter failure.

Diya slowly walked towards Varun. Is he breathing? Is his heart still beating? Or is he gone?

That thought hit her like thunder. Diya cried loudly and heavily. She wished she could turn back the time but she can't.

Anirudh ran to her before she hit the ground and held her hand.

"It's okay... It's okay..."

Diya glared at the man who was trying to console her.

"Your jiju is not dead... Trust me..."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes," said Anirudh. "I won't kill him. He had reasons..."

Diya couldn't control her tears.

Anirudh wished to wipe those tears away but he doesn't know if he was allowed to.

"It's just an anesthesia dose. He would be alright. I don't know if I could win him in hand-to-hand combat and save Agasthya. I don't know if it's right to kill him after knowing all the versions of his story. Everything is way too messed up. And this is the only solution I could find."

Anirudh's voice cracked.
"Please keep Varun away from Agasthya... Please let us live... I know I am stealing something from him but it is the most precious thing for me..."

Diya doesn't understand.

"Diya... You are the only one in this whole world who can stop Varun. I know I won this time but the results can reverse if there is a second chance. You are the only light in his life. You are the only good thing that ever happened in his life and the only person who ever treated him right..."

Diya saw Anirudh's eyes getting wet and now she found out the man that Agasthya talked about.

Thinking about Agasthya, she smiled in pain. His faith came true. His brothers came to rescue him. She was happy for him.

If she agreed to Anirudh that means neither she nor Varun would ever meet Agasthya again. Deep down in her heart, she knew that was the right thing to do.

Agasthya and Diya weren't meant to meet but she was glad that they did. Now that everything is over he should go back to where he belongs. He should go back to his brothers.

"My brother-in-law would never trouble you again," Diya said. She was confident. Varun was ready to die for her. Now she believes in the power of love. He might not be a good person but he is a great brother. "Thank you for sparing his life."

Diya tore a piece from the tip of her dress and tied Anirudh's cut. He was too stunned to speak. She smiled at him.

"You are a good person. And you are a great brother. Agasthya is lucky to have you... Goodbye..."


Tears made their way through Anirudh's face as he walked away. He knew Aaryan left early with Agasthya and he hoped everything would be alright.

But his mind was restless. He knew the war wasn't over.

He didn't tell anybody but he did hear a gunshot as he entered the building. And there was a bullet missing from Varun's gun.

Varun is a sharpshooter. He never misses his aim.

And the only thing Anirudh could do now is to pray. To pray that the one bullet wasn't sharp enough to pierce his heart forever...


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It's not easy for me to write a 2k word count update part by part each week and edit it. I am tired from my university works. But it is way too easier for you to comment on something or Anything for me... I am not counting update soon comments right now. I am thankful that you are excited about my story but if it does make you thrilled then there must be a reason right?
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Target: 100+ votes
80+ comments.(update soon ones are not considered.)

Thank you.

-Your slightly demotivated writer Vai.

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