8. The Changes

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"Have you ever heard about F4 Medicare?"

"No Anirudh... But why are you asking about that?"

"Aary... Not only Agasthya but I also got some messages... And it all contained the logo of F4 Medicare..."

Anirudh paused. But Aaryan couldn't understand anything.

"What is it all about Ani? Just tell me everything..."

"Can you remember this?"

Aaryan scratched his head. He wasn't familiar with that.

"No idea... Do you know what it means..."

Anirudh sighed. His brother didn't remember anything, that gave him relief. "I don't know more details but it is related to Mr. Rajeev Thakur. "

Aaryan glared at the logo. His heart beat increased.

"Why can't we escape from his title Ani?"

Anirudh smiled. "It is almost impossible... Now I can digest that fact..."

"How could you say that... It is better to end my life, than being potrayed as the son of that cheater..."

Anirudh ruffled his brother's long silky hair.

Of course he knew more about that logo but he decided to keep quiet. He never wished to involve his brother in that nasty game...


2 weeks later...

After that scary incident nothing happened unusual in the life of the three brothers.

Aaryan who was guilty for his mistake took a decision to care Agasthya until he overcomes the shock. Even though he didn't feel any brotherly emotions for Agasthya,he slowly started to enjoy their presence together...

On the other hand Agasthya was being more and more introvert... He didn't wish to be with Aaryan initially but his fear made him surrender.

But with in few days he started to believe his elder brother... Aaryan was honest. That was enough for Agasthya...

But he hated Anirudh. He tried his best to avoid his presence near him.

Anirudh sensed it. But he remained silent!

It was a usual Tuesday morning. Anirudh was not in the house. He went for his office and Aaryan was in his lab.

Agasthya was aimlessly roaming in the garden. After that attack he was afraid to stay in his room so Aaryan helped him to set a room on the downstairs near his room.

Agasthya was really bored and he had no phone with him... His brother didn't have the mercy to give him another one instead of which he threw away.

"Aaaaaahhh..." He heard a sudden scream.

Agasthya ran towards the laboratory to find Aaryan standing there vigorously shaking his hands.

"What happened?"

Agasthya tried to hold his hands while Aaryan yelled 'no.'

Agasthya felt a bit hurt because the same thing happened once in his life. It remained him about their first conversation. That time too Aaryan didn't allow Agasthya to touch him.

Aaryan washed his hands twice and stood in front Agasthya but the latter didn't notice.

An small smile lightened up Aaryan's face.

"Hey daydreamer..." Said Aaryan patting on Agasthya's shoulder.

"I am not a daydreamer..." Agasthya said. A pout was visible on his face.

"Really! I can see it..."

Agasthya immediately changed the topic.

"What happened? Why did you scream?"

"Oh... I will tell you but before that I am warnings you, don't touch anything in my lab, never without gloves.And don't touch my hands before I wash them.It may be harmful... And the same happened to me."

"Does it hurt...still?"

"A little... But it is ok... This is not the first time..."

Agasthya gave him a sharp look while Aaryan raised his eyebrows.

"Then why are you repeating the same mistake!"

"I love this mistake..." Aaryan winked his eyes.

Agasthya couldn't help but laugh. He never saw Aaryan's naughty and playful side before.

Aaryan sighed in relief watching Agasthya's laugh. He succeeded in recovering the boy from that gloomy mood. It helped him to reduce his guilt.

"Agasthya... Can we talk..."

Agasthya glared him. He couldn't believe what he heard.

Aaryan moved to the hall and sat on a chair. Agasthya followed him silently.

Aaryan took a deep breath. He didn't know how to start. He never expected that he will try to speak with his stepbrother brother ever... But he was a kindhearted man and a little soft in his deep mind and that made him consider Agasthya's feelings too.

"Agasthya... I don't know I am going to hurt you or not... But I think it is better to share with you that I can't accept you as a brother..."

Agasthya nodded his head and smiled.

"I know... I know that you can't accept me..."

"Why?" Asked Aaryan.

"He cleared that at the very first day..."

Aaryan sighed. That 'he' was undoubtedly Anirudh.

"Well... But I think we can be friends..."
Said Aaryan but he wasn't sure about Agasthya's reaction.

Agasthya gulped. "Are you teasing me?"

Aaryan shook his head in disbelief. "I am requesting you that you can be my friend. What is the matter of teasing in it?"

Agasthya grinned nervously.

"I never really had friends before..."

"What do you mean... " said Aaryan suppressing his laugh. "Don't tell me that you didn't go to school..."

"I didn't. I didn't go to school. Papa arranged personal tuition for me so that I studied all from the home. Private education system is not rare in London. You have to clear a board exam after that. That is enough..."

"Oh... I didn't know that..." Said Aaryan.
He felt pity for Agasthya.

Agasthya again changed the topic. Nither he wished to share his painful memoires with Aaryan nor to lie.

"Will you take me outside? I am really bored... It is hard to spend entire day in side the house..."

"Let me speak with Ani... He will accompany you..."

"I don't want to go with him..." Whispered Agasthya.

Aaryan read his mind. His anger for Anirudh was understandable.
Aaryan also believed that Anirudh was wrong in that case.

"Ok... I will come with you...Not today but tomorrow..."

Agasthya almost jumped in excitement.

"Then promise me... Promise me..." Exclaimed Agasthya and extended his small finger to cross with that of Aaryan's.

"If we do this then we can't break the promise... Papa told me that..."

Aaryan promised Agasthya in the same way. There were tears in his eyes. His mother also told the same to him. They used to do this in his childhood. She was his best friend, his best teacher... He was completely his mother's kid... Even Anirudh wasn't that much close to their mother. Actually after her death this was the first time Aaryan thinking about her with out crying in pain...

Aaryan smiled at Agasthya... Agasthya's innocence touched his heart. It was like walking back into his own teen ages... That wasn't much colourful but was surely better than his present...

So Aaryan decided to enjoy his new friendship...


"No..." Said Anirudh. He didn't even rise his eyes from the laptop.

"Ani... Please...Don't be this much workaholic..." Pleaded Aaryan while Agasthya sighed standing behind the door.

"Aary... I can't allow this. And Agasthya, no need of hiding I already noticed you..."

Agasthya came out head bowed.

"Why are you being this much stubborn Ani... Why don't you give this little freedom to me? I know your job and career are more important for you than me. That is why you are still locked in your laptop not looking at me." Aaryan was planning for an emotional blackmail.

"I never forced you for anything in life, did I? So please... I told you I will take you both out in Sundays.But I can't allow you people to go alone"

"Agasthya doesn't like to come with you" Murmured Aaryan.

Anirudh slowly tapped on the table with his fingers to mask his emotions.

After few moments of silence Anirudh agreed with them.

"Ok... You can go. But remember you have to come back before 6 PM."

"Thank you..." Aaryan hugged Anirudh and walked out of the room followed by a chirpy Agasthya.

Like Aaryan everyone believed that Anirudh was a 'workaholic'.

It was almost true... His dedication and passion made him one of the most famous civil engineers in delhi and his job gave him both emotional and financial support to face the world with a new energy....

Anirudh sighed. He was happy to see Aaryan being ready to spend his time with Agasthya... It will help both of them to over come the obstacles which may arrive soon...

Anirudh again went through the e-mail which he was typing.

He clicked send. His fingers never shivered.

"Now I am free for the battle..." Said Anirudh in his mind.

It was his resignation letter!

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