Chapter- 12

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Isha's POV

I was at the dining table with everyone but my thoughts were occupied!

Should I leave the job?

I know I'm hurt but is my decision right?

"Isha. Where are you lost" Vivaan bhai asked

"Nowhere. Just thinking that where to take Anna aunty for shopping" I smirked and he sighed

"God. You women & shopping" He muttered and we all chuckled.

I sighed and looked at the time.

It was 11 already!

He said that he'll be waiting till 12 pm to sign.

God, why am I so confused ! I wasn't this confused till yesterday.

Correction baby!

Till he came to you!

"Isha. What happened. Why aren't you eating" Vivaan bhai asked

"Am. Nothing bhai. I'm just not much hungry. Aunty, uncle, I'll take your leave. Bye " I said standing up and hurriedly moved towards door.

I hailed a cab hurriedly and dialed mom.

"I was just going to call you. Good morning baby" Mom said and I smiled

"Morning mumma. How are you & dad " I asked

"Just like we were last night. How are you? How's office going on" She inquired


Am I doing it right!

"Isha. What happened? " She asked

"Amm.. What do you do mom, when you're confused between two options" I asked

"I go with the option that my heart says" She replied

"And what if heart is also in dilemma" I asked again and she chuckled.

"Heart always knows one answer Ishu. It's our brain which manipulates us and confuse us. So when confused, just close your eyes and listen to what heart wants to say." She told and I closed my eyes.

"Heart says to stay and mind says to leave. Heart doesn't want to give up but mind says that it's enough. Heart... Wants to be on this way which is going. But wants to take a U turn and never look back at this way" I sighed opening my eyes.

"And you somewhere know right, that to which you want to listen" Mom asked and I took a deep breath.

"I want to know if I listen to heart, will I be hurt? " I questioned

"Ishu, listening to heart brings hurt sometimes. But you'll never in reality regret listening to that heart of yours. And trust me, sometimes listening to your heart brings smiles, rather then hurt" She told

"And before you ask something else tell me what has happened? Has someone said you something" She asked

"I was going to give my resignation letter Mumma. I was going to give up. I was going to listen to my brain which was saying to leave it all, but I'll go with my heart which says to stay. Which says to prove my own self that I'm Isha, before being daughter of Kabeer Mittal & Baani Bajaj. I'll listen to my heart...which says me to go with the flow" I whispered

"That's like my champion. Isha, I won't ask the reason of your resignation but I'll just say one thing. Heart, never lies" Mom said and I smiled

"I'm going to stop my boss from signing the letter. I am damn late" I screamed over the phone

"And I'm going to warn your boss that if one more time he gives you a reason to get hurt, I'll not spare him" She said and I looked at the phone shocked.

"Aa.. It.. It's nothing like that" I told

"I'm your mom Isha. So now listen one more thing. If he's guilty for what he did, you're not going to make him feel more guilty about it. Okay" She said and I huffed

"I'm not that bad. Still mom, Mr. Malhotra have been worst boss. I mean more bad then dad for sure" I told and then we both laughed.

"Don't say a word about it to dad. He'll surely sue him. I mean he can even kill him. And I want to handle my matters by myself" I said and she hummed.

"If any trouble just a call away. Okay. " She assured and I smiled.

"No trouble now mumma. Thank you. I love you and bye" I said all in one go and she chuckled.

"Bye" She replied and cut the call.

She's the world's best mother!

I reached pent house and I remembered that with cab it'll be impossible to reach in half an hour hence I called Trevor.

Trevor the Savior!

"I want you here in ten minutes anyhow Trevor." I stated

"Right away madam" He told and I cut the call while I hurriedly took a bath and got ready in my formal Shirt and trousers and again running towards lift, I went towards Trevor with car.

"Trevor, office. Fast" I commanded and he nodded.

I looked at the time at it was 11:30 already!

Damn office is 30 minutes from penthouse.

"Trevor in 30 minutes anyhow. I don't know how you'll manage. But any how " I told and he nodded speeding up.

All the time I was just looking at the time in my watch.

It was 11:59 when I reached office.

"You are a savior " I said to him and Hurriedly ran towards the main gate.

Punching the id card, I ran inside and everyone looked at me shocked.

"Hey hey Ishaani. Why are you running" Ayaan asked

"Sorry. A bit late. Will see you afterwards" I told and ran towards the lift looking at my watch.

12:04 pm.

Don't sign. Don't sign please!

I reached Mr. Malhotra's floor and Mrs. Wood looked at me shocked.

"You here. Ishaani, you resigned right" She asked shocked

"Not yet" I said and ran towards his cabin and without knocking, I opened the door.

"I'm sorry sir I'm late" I spoke and then looked at him.

The letter was in front of him and he was just going to sign it.

He looked at me shocked for some seconds and then got up from his chair.

"Isha" He mumbled

"Ms. Mittal, sir" I reminded him which he for sure ignored.

Why is he looking at me with those shiny eyes!

"You.. Are here. It means you're not resigning" He asked

"I'm an intern sir. And I know pros and cons of leaving a job in between. It won't affect my upcoming business for sure. But it'll affect, my certificates, my degree and most importantly my inner self" I told and he looked at me and then I saw something which is very rarely seen on his face.

A smile!

Mr. Malhotra smiles only when he's with his family. Other then that, I've never seen him smiling.

It's the first time I'm seeing him like this!

He didn't speak anythimg, just looked at the letter on table and taking it in his hands, he tore it and threw it in dustbin.

"You, need not to work as my PA, I'll assign one. Go to your cabin, and Mr. Tripathi will brief you on your work for today. " He said in his professional tone but... It was soft unlike always which was like an order.

"Sure sir. " I replied and turned to go when I felt a hand on my hand.

I turned to look at him and then looked at my hand when he removed his hand from my wrist.

"Had your breakfast? " He asked and I looked at him surprised.

Is he the same boss?

"You need not to worry about an employee sir." I told and he looked at me for a second and then nodded.

"You can leave" He replied

Was I again rude?

Yes you were!


I didn't say anything and quietly left the office.

Going out I looked at Mrs. Wood who was already looking at me.

"You aren't going right Ishaani" She asked and I smiled

"Not this early" I winked and she chuckled

"Thank God. You know when Mr. Malhotra came and told me to find a new PA and then told me that you're resigning , his face told that he was so sad. " She told

You gotta be kidding me!

"Well, you've to find a new PA for him because I've surely resigned from that post" I said

"God. It'll take atleast two days" She told

If she wouldn't have been pregnant I would've told her to work. But I can't.

"I'll compensate for two days. But do it fast" I told and she grinned

"Thank you" She replied and I chuckled and was going when I remembered something.

Hence I went towards the coffee machine and made a coffee coming back to Mrs. Wood

"Give it to the boss's boss and please don't tell him that I've made it. Okay" I told and she raised her brow

"Please" I requested and she chuckled nodding.

After this I went towards my cabin and Mr. Tripathi told me about the work.

It was of a hotel construction in St. Mortiz, Switzerland.

Not bad Mr. Malhotra!

I was just going to work when Sarah came to me.

"You've forgotten me" Sarah said

"It's not like that. Work pressure was double" I told

"Okay but if you miss the lunch today with us, I'm not going to talk to you" She warned and I chuckled

"Noted madam. " I told and she smiled but her smile turned into a shocked face when she looked at my side.

"What happ... "I was saying while turning but my mouth too shut up.

" Sir? " I asked standing up.

"G.. Good mo.. Morning sir" Sarah stammered and I looked at her.

Why is she stammering!

"It's after noon Ms. Singh" Mr. Malhotra corrected and she mumbled a sorry.

"Is.. Ms. Mittal, There's a meeting regarding yesterday's report that you've submitted. And I haven't studied it fully, so I'll be needing your help." He told

"I'll be leaving" Sarah whispered in my ear and I nodded while she went away.

"Sure sir" I replied

"This way" He said and I nodded taking up my laptop and bag.

Coming out of the office, his driver drove to one of his hotels and I was going towards conference room when Mr. Malhotra stopped me.

"Ms. Mittal, there's still fifteen minutes for clients to reach here. Till then I'll be having a brunch as I skipped my breakfast in the morning" He told and I looked at him


So you could've come fifteen minutes late too!

"Yes I could've but my office, my rules" He said and I looked at him confused

"You spoke, your thoughts again" He said with a smirk and I looked down embarrassed.

Why it happens in front of him only!

"Sure sir" I muttered

"Why don't you join me for brunch " He asked all of a sudden

"No sir. Carry on" I replied when he looked at me.

"Have breakfast Isha." He again said

"I'm not hungry sir" I said and at the same time my stomach growled

Screw you stomach!

He looked at me and smirked.

Damn! This is so embarrassing!

"I won't ask twice. So just come" He ordered and I huffed.

It's okay Isha. You know you're hungry.

And Moreover, the clients are to come after fifteen minutes!

I quietly followed him and sat on the couch.

"Good afternoon Sir. You here? " The manager asked quiet shocked

"Why? That's my hotel right then can't I come" He asked glaring him.

He could've replied in a normal tone too

But no! Whom are we talking about!

"I.. Didn't mean that sir. I'm sorry" The manager replied

"What you'll have Ish.. Ishaani " He said and I looked at him.

"Anything will be fine." I mumbled looking into the laptop .

"Salad tacos and Americano" He ordered

Is that what someone eats for brunch!

And who eats salad tacos! Eww!

"Anything Indian would work for me. Dosa " I told manager and he nodded.

The breakfast came and we did our breakfast quietly but I knew someone was looking at me from time to time.

What is wrong with him!

"Mr. Malhotra. It's been half an hour, the clients haven't come yet" I asked

"Aa.. Yeah. Let me just call and ask" He said

He went away and came back after some minutes.

"Those idiots clients. They're stuck in traffic. They could've just made a call" He muttered and I raised my brow.

"And you're not angry on them? " I asked

"Of.. Of course I'm angry. I'm going to sue them" He told and I really wanted to laugh.

The Mihir Malhotra is stammering!

"Let's go back. We've wasted our time" He said

At least you ate something! You skipped your breakfast!

And why are you caring so much!

I.. No what. I'm just saying!

Yeah yeah sure!

I nodded and started walking when he stopped me and came in front of me.

"Thank you for the coffee in morning Isha." He whispered in my ear and looked at me while I was looking at him shocked!

Before I could say anything in my defence..

He was in the car!

What the hell !

Hello peeps! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter?

Ah, Baani giving us reasons for loving her more...

But... Mihir giving us reasons to start loving him more... Isn't it 😍🙈

And damn!

Isn't he behaving really gentle🤭

Is this the start of a sweet friendship?

Or atleast till a "I know this face" relation! 😊

What do you think?

Do vote, like, share and reviews are always welcomed 😍

Next update soon!

Till then....

Big hugs❤

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