Chapter - 13

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Mihir's POV

And she didn't leave the job. And that coffee..

That was also made by her. I know the taste very well.

I've been drinking that coffee since last two months and even if I don't want to say, it's the best coffee!

Even Starbucks or CCD don't serve such a coffee!

So when Scarlett came with the coffee and I took a sip, I knew it's made by her.

And I knew she wouldn't have had her breakfast.

Wait, How did you know?

Just some instincts!

And that's why I had to do all that drama. Because if I would've said her to have a brunch, she won't have done it.

And why you wanted her to have a brunch?

Because I don't want her to again faint!

I mean in my office!

Reaching office, I came to my cabin and attended a video con.

In evening, Mr. Tripathi came with a file.

"Sir, The Switzerland hotel report. Everything is inside it. I've collected the reports from architecture department, engineering and construction departmemt, managing department, culinary department and finance department. It's all in here" He told and I nodded

"Let's get started then Mr. Tripathi. I want heads of managing department & your department from here. And yes keep one employee of these departments too. Those who've been part of this project. We'll be leaving for Switzerland tomorrow" I commanded

"Okay sir. Am, sir can I ask something" Mr. Tripathi spoke and I nodded

"I would like Ms. Mittal to assist us in this. She has amazing brains. I mean, the way she's handling the reports and projects in these two months, they're outstanding. " He said

Yes she's!

I.. I mean she's handling the reports and projects very nicely!

"Okay Mr. Tripathi but then an intern will be coming from architecture department too. I don't want other employees to think us biased. If we're giving chance to one intern then chance to others too " I told and he nodded.

"Copied sir. I'll infrom them." He said and took leave.

After he went away, I looked at my phone.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

She's going to kill me!

I hurriedly dialed mom and I know I'm going to get scolded.

"Where are you Mihir" Mom scolded as soon as she picked up.

"Sorry mom. Phone was silent. What happened " I asked

"What happened? Really Mihir! Your sister's in laws are here. The date of their marriage has to be decided" She whisper yelled

"Shit sorry. I forgot. I'm on my way. " I told standing up

"And listen" She spoke

"Yes mom" I said while going out of the cabin

"Bring Isha too okay. " She told

"Umm, okay" I replied snd hanged up.

Now, how to make her come with me!

And secondly, she'll not even come with me!

I dialled her number and in three rings she picked up.

"Yes sir? " She spoke

"Mom has called. Am, she wants us home" I told

"Us? " She asked confused

"Vivian's parents are there." I said

"Oh my God. How did I forgot. Shit! I'm going. I.. I mean sir...can I please please go early today. I'll compensate for it by overwor... " She was saying when I spoke.

"Stop speaking Isha. And just listen" I commanded and when she didn't speak I spoke again.

"I'm waiting in the parking. We've the same destination" I said

"Am, I would come from cab sir. Thank you" She replied

"God Isha. Not right now. In five minutes." I stated and cut the call.

She's just so stubborn sometimes!

"Clear the schedule for today Scarlett . And for next some days too. " I told and went towards lift directly going to the private parking area.

I drove the car towards parking when I saw Isha.

"Inside" I told and she looked around.

"I'll.. Go by myself Mr. Malhotra" She sighed

"Isha. I really don't have time for arguing with you. Mom has said to bring you with me that's the reason I'm asking you. So can we just cut the crap" I told irritated and she huffed opening the door and sat beside.

For the whole way she didn't speak anything and just kept looking outside.

She's such a kid!

We reached mansion and without waiting for me, she stepped out and went inside.

She rang the bell and a home staff opened the door.

"Anna aunty" Isha screamed and ran hugging her.

She's so damn irritatingly loud!

"Ishu" Anna aunt smiled hugging her back tightly.

"I missed you so much" She whispered

"And you didn't miss me? " Aayush uncle asked and she looked at him hugging him too.

"Oh how can I forget you uncle. By the way, where are my chocolates" She asked and uncle laughed

"Like mother, like daughter" He said and pointed the paper bag on the couch.

"They're mine" Her eyes twinkled

"Of course. How would've I entered Mumbai without your chocolates" Uncle smirked and she chuckled.

"Mihir. What are you doing at door. Come inside" Dad said and I realised that I was still at the door.

Stop being an idiot!

I went their and greeted them while they greeted me back.

I've met Vivian's parents before too. Once when they came Mumbai and once when I went to Jaipur two years back.

They're jolly people.

"So, where's preist? " I asked

"He's on his way. We were discussing the Christian wedding of Vivaan & Mihira." Mom said excited and I nodded.

"Ah! The preist is here." Dad announced and everyone greeted him.

I looked at Isha who was busy Unwrapping the chocolates and eating them.

Kid! Totally a kid!

"There's just one date near by. After it you've to wait for eleven months " The preist told after checking.

"What? " Dad asked

"One is after a month. On 3rd December. And another is of November next year" The preist told

"I think the first one is good. Next year will be too late" Dad said

"Yeah of course" Mihira spoke and we all looked at her while she looked here and there.

"Damn eager to get married to my brother huh" Isha teased and ever one laughed while she blushed.

"Mihira, Vivaan you say which one." I asked

"Whatever Mihira says" He replied

"Aweee. Look at my son. All drowned in the ocean of love " Anna aunt teased and everyone chuckled.

"December 3rd" Vivaan said and Mihira nodded.

"December 3rd it is then" Aayush uncle said and Isha whistled.

She knows how to whistle!

Everyone congratulated each other feeding sweets.

"Aayush uncle, then Christian wedding in morning 3rd and then in night, the Hindu wedding" Isha asked

"Yes. I think that'll be right. What do you say Abeer" He asked

"Perfect for us" Dad replied

"It's shopping time then" Mihira grinned and everyone chuckled.

After dinner, Anna aunt and Aayush uncle took leave.

Isha was going to leave with Vivaan.

"Amm, mom, dad. I'll be back in few days" I said as we sat in living room.

"What. Where are you going" Mihira asked

"Mihira, it's really important. But I promise just a week. " I told and she sighed

"That's not fair bhai(brother) " She whined

It's very few times you hear my darling sister calling me bhai!

I'm one minute older then her!

"Just a week. After that, whatever you say" I said and she sighed nodding.

"Just come soon. Till then I'll do my shopping with Ishu" She told and I looked at Isha who was about to smile.

"No you can't" I said and everyone looked at me shocked.

"What" Mom asked

"Actually, Mr. Tripathi has suggested her name from the employees to join us in Switzerland." I informed and her smile was overtaken by a frown.

"No ways Mihir." Mihira said

"Mihira. Work calls. And moreover,its just a week time " It was dad who spoke this time and I thanked him.

"Fine. But if it's even a one day more na, I'll kill you both" She warned and Isha passed her a smile.

How is everyone so close to her in so less time!

"Isha, a minute with you regarding work" I said and she stood up.

"Sure sir. " She mumbled and I walked towards study and she followed me but looking here and there.

When I abruptly stopped at the door of study, her face hit my back.

"Ouch" She muttered

"Careful" I said and she huffed

I opened the door and we moved inside.

"Isha, you're doing amazing work in finance department. And I want you to study in detail the finance of this project. Not today, but tomorrow. Till we reach there. Will it be done? " I asked

"Sure Mr. Malhotra ." She replied

"Stop calling me that at my home Isha. It looks as if  I'm of seventy" I snapped

"You're my boss. Everyone in office calls you this." She replied

"Every employee doesn't come to my home" I reasoned and she looked at me.

" Amm, I'll..when's the flight" She asked changing the topic.

"Tomorrow 9 am. Be ready. I'll pick you up" I told

"No sir thankyou but I'll directly reach airport" She said

Even if I say her to come she'll deny being stubborn as always.

"Okay. Don't be late" I stated and she nodded.

After she went away, I too went down stairs and after some discussions, I did a little work and then slept.

Waking up to the alarm, I got ready in my formal shirt and trousers and taking all the important files and my macbook, I went downstairs.

"Morning mom" I wished

"Morning Mihir. Come have breakfast" Mom said

"Mom. Why do you do this when ever I've a flight. " I asked as I saw her coming with a casserole from kitchen.

"I love to do this" She said and I sighed smiling and took that casserole from her and kept it on dining table.

"You didn't have to make breakfast specially for me this early." I told

"As I said, I love this. And now sush and eat" She said and filled my plate with Quesedilla.

"You're doing breakfast with me" I told and she chuckled nodding.

"So, everything prepared" Mom asked as we were doing breakfast.

"Yes.  Presentation with the collabarating company is done. The team is going with us. So the work will be seen from every notch. This is going to be one of the finest hotel of Switzerland Mom" I told showing her the presentation and she smiled while checking the slides.

She even told me some of ideas to add in it and whenever this happens, I always think...

Why did she retire!

She's damn amazing in business!

"Thankyou mom. You're genius" I told and she chuckled as we completed our breakfast.

"Abeer is surely going to complain me that how did I have breakfast without him" mom said and I smirked

"Just surprise him with a date then" I winked and as always she blushed yet chuckled.

"And when you'll go on a date." she asked

"Argh. Not again mom" I said

"What! Mihir, people of your age date at least one girl. And look at you. Mihira is your twin and she's getting married" Mom whined

"Mom. I need someone like my dad's wife. He found an amazing woman. So when I'll get someone like her, I'll think" I told and she raised her brow.

"You could've said it without hiding behind the bush. I wish you find someone like your father's wife" She smirked and I chuckled standing up and kissed her cheek.

"Bye." I said

"Happy journey and all the best" She wished and I smiled touching her feet.

"Ahh. Making me feel old" She said and I sighed hugging her.

"Airport Charlie" I commanded and he nodded.

Reaching the private terminal, I went inside and saw everyone present there.

"Let's go" I said looking at everyone when my eyes went to Isha.

She was wearing this blue jumpsuit and she looked... Cute!

Okay shut up Mihir!

I was about to move when I heard someone.

"Ishaani, you left your phone in my car" That intern Aayan said and she looked at him.

"Oh, thankyou so much Aayan. " She thanked him while I looked at them.

That boy smiled more then needed and I clenched my fist.

I too said that I'll pick her up, but she denied me!

She could've just said that she already had plans to come with this man.

"If you both are done chit chatting, move inside. We're not free" I scolded and Aayan looked at me and nodded while Isha looked at me frowning.

After everyone settled inside, the jet took off.

"You all can carry on with anything. We'll be reaching in ten hours" Mr. Tripathi told everyone.

I went towards the couch and took out my Mac book working on it when I heard some giggle.

I turned back & found Isha laughing on something shown by that Aayan.

What's so funny!

"You're amazing Aayan" She said and he smiled at her comment looking at her face.

"Mr. Mehra , a work for you here" I said looking into my Mac book.

In some seconds he came and I assigned him some work while he nodded and was again going back when I stopped him.

"You can sit here and work. " I said

"No sir thankyou. I'll ma.. " He was saying before which I spoke.

"Sit here and work " I commanded and he nodded.

I stood up and went towards his seat to see Isha looking at me and then looked back at her book.

Novel person!

Not bad!

I too didn't speak a word and opened my Mac book replying some mails.

It was after some twenty minutes that I felt a weight on my left shoulder.

I turned to find Isha sleeping soundly resting her head on my shoulder.

Her face was looking serene and calm.

Calmess just like the river at night!

Suddnely her hand wrapped around my stomach and I looked at her.

She was in sleep, but I was...looking at her without blinking even once.

I touched my heart and I was able to listen the beats clearly.

What's happening to me?

Why this closeness is affecting me?

This has not happened's different yet it doesn't feel different!

It's foreign... Yet not foreign !

Arghh! What's happening to meeee!

Hello peeps! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter?

Well well.. The first business trip to gather?

And... Is someone already jealous?

Another thing... There's a wedding soon😍😍😍

But before that, the Switzerland Trip!

And you all know what my trip means
*wink wink*

Get ready for a very quick tour of Switzerland now😂😂❤

Let's see what happens!

Next update soon! 😍

Till Then....

Big hugs ❤

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